
2020-02-29 其他范文 下载本文


Part 1.天龙八部简洁版


There is a growing recognition that environmental protection plays an extremely important role in our life.人们越来越认识到,环境保护在我们的生活中起着极其重要的作用。


As the post-90’s generation, we should lay great emphasis on maintaining good health.作为90后的一代,我们应该高度重视保持健康.3.议论类经典句

Opinions vary greatly when it comes to whether one should work for a state-owned company or a joint venture.当一个人是为国有公司工作还是为合资企业工作时,意见有很大的不同。


It goes without saying that economic growth exerts a profound influence on our environment.不用说,经济增长对我们的环境产生了深远的影响。


The past several years have witneed a sharp increase in the number of students who would like to go abroad for further study.过去几年来,想出国深造的学生人数急剧增加。


Virtual Reality, which allows us to communicate more effectively, has captured a great deal of public attention.虚拟现实使我们能够更有效地进行交流,引起了公众的广泛关注。


Recently, parents in mounting numbers tend to pay much attention to children’s education, which has aroused much interest in the society.近年来,越来越多的父母开始关注儿童教育,这引起了社会的广泛关注。


With the popularity of the Internet, online courses have gradually emerged into our vision and become increasingly popular among college students.随着互联网的普及,网络课程逐渐出现在我们的视野中,并越来越受到大学生的欢迎。

Part 2.天龙八部详细版





_______ plays an extremely important role.____ is of utmost importance.Nothing is more important than _______.替换词:


注意:indispensable 不可替代,本身就代表了非常重要,所以千万不要写extremely indispensable.变通:

我们也可以换成其他意思,比如 it is of great neceity to do sth.表示做...非常必要 比如play a role/part也可以表示扮演着重要的角色。


There is little doubt that … It cannot be denied that … It is beyond doubts that … It is generally accepted that …

There is a growing recognition that … It has been widely noted that … It goes without saying that …



It is generally accepted that nothing can play a more indispensable role than reading claic books.(2)从网络中获取信息很重要,但是阅读传统书籍也很必要。

It is very important to acquire useful information online, but it is still of great neceity to read traditional books.(3)众所周知,大学在人的培养中扮演者基础的作用,并为高等教育提供了平台。

It has been widely noted that university plays a fundamental role in one’s cultivation and provides a platform for higher education.(4)机器人可以展示出人工智能,慢慢进入到我们的视野,并扮演着越来越重要的角色。Robots, which are capable of exhibiting artificial intelligence, have emerged into our vision, and tend to play an increasingly important role in our life.(5)创新对于一个国家发展经济至关重要。如果中国想要在世界舞台扮演其地位,那么我们必须提倡独创性,激发创造力,鼓励创新。

It goes without saying that innovation plays a key role in developing national economy.If our country would like to play its role in the world arena, we should promote originality, inspire creativity and encourage innovation.(6)相互尊重在人际交往中非常重要。

Nothing is more important than mutual respect in personal interaction.2.重视类经典句

用法: 重视...句型:

pay attention to …

attach importance to … lay emphasis/stre on …



We should pay special attention to education.(2)我们应该重视好习惯的培养。

We should attach great importance to developing good habits.(3)我们应该重视环境保护。

One should lay great emphasis on environmental protection.(4)中国正在面临严重的环境问题。作为一个大学生,我们应该重视保护我们的地球。Currently, China is facing a serious environmental iue.As university students, we should attach importance to protecting our planet.(5)作文一个90后,我们应该重视保持健康。

As the post-90’s generation, we should pay special attention to maintaining good health.衍生:

套句1:...capture/draw one's attention 一次性塑料袋的使用引起了大量公众关注。

The use of disposable plastic bags has captured/drawn a great deal of public attention.套句2:much attention has been paid to...大家都很关注如何有效地进行信息处理。

Much attention has been paid to how to proce information effectively.大家越来越关注创新精神,其在发展国家经济中扮演着一个关键角色。

Much attention has been paid to the spirit of innovation, which tends to play a key role in boosting our national economy.3.议论类经典句




there is much controversy over _______.______ has caused quite a stir among the general public.opinions vary when it comes to _______.As regards _________, there is a heated discuion among the general public.综合版:


There is much controversy over whether we should control our desire for materialism.(2)关于我们是否该控制物质的欲望,在公众中引发了很多争议。

The iue of whether we should control our desire for materialism has caused quite a stir among the general public.(3)当谈及到我们是否该控制物质的欲望,大家观点不一。

Opinions vary when it comes to whether we should control our desire for materialism.(4)对于学习有没有捷径这个问题,同学们各执一词。

There is much controversy over whether there is a shortcut to learning.As regards whether there is a shortcut to learning, there is a heated discuion among college students.Opinions vary when it comes to whether there is a shortcut to learning.4.结果类经典句




______ exert a positive /negative /great /major /profound impact /influence on ______


(1)网络对于我们的日常生活产生了巨大的影响,这是不争的事实。It cannot be denied that the Internet exerts a huge impact on our daily life.(2)环境污染对我们的健康产生了消极的影响。

It has been widely noted that environmental pollution can exert a negative influence on our health.(3)我选择为国企工作,因为家庭的教育对我产生了很大的影响。

I prefer to work for a state-owned busine because family education has exerted a profound impact on my career choice.(4)不可否认,经济增长对于环境产生了巨大的影响。

It cannot be denied that economic growth exerts a major impact on our environment.(5)我选择学习计算机,因为计算机能给我的职业生涯带来积极的影响。

I choose to study computer because this major has exerted a positive impact on my career path.5.见证类经典句




Time/place witneed ________ Time/place witneed a sharp increase/rise in the number of _____ who/which ______.替换词:

exponential 表示上升的程度,可以替换成 dramatic / sharp / considerable / striking




The past several years have witneed an exponential increase in the number of parents who wish to send their kids to art claes.(2)过去几年里,出国读书的学生越来越多。

The past several years have witneed a sharp increase in the number of students who would like to go abroad for further study.(3)过去几年见证了中国经济的腾飞/过去几年见证了欧洲经济的衰退。The past few years have witneed a burgeoning economy in China.During the past several years, China has witneed a rapid economic development.China has witneed a rapid economic development in recent years.Europe witneed great economic receion in recent years.(4)近几年来,中国见证了信息的爆炸。

China has witneed the great information explosion during the past several years.(5)近年来在学生中出现了忽视中文的现象。

The past several years have witneed a thought-provoking phenomenon that we students pay very little attention to the study of Chinese.6.使动类经典句


enable/allow/render sb.to do ___ offer sb.sth./ offer sth.to sb.provide sb.with sth./ provide sth.to sb.bring sb.sth.综合版:


The pursuit of materialism enables/allows one to abandon his hope, give up his dream and indulge himself in the pleasure of the material world.(2)网络能让我们更有效的沟通。

The Internet allows us to communicate more effectively.(3)虚心使人进步(骄傲使人落后)。

Modesty enables one to go forward.(Conceit makes one lag behind.)


Resisting temptation allows one to develop good habits.(5)物质世界能给我们提供快乐的幻觉,而精神世界能给我们提供生活真正的乐趣。

Material world could offer us the illusion of happine, while spiritual world could provide us with real pleasure for life.(6)阅读能给我们提供知识。

Reading can provide us with sufficient knowledge.(7)因特网能给我们带来很多便利。

The Internet can bring us much convenience.7.引出类经典句




… has arisen as one of …

… has aroused public interest/concern … has emerged into one’s vision.综合版:


Children’s education has recently arisen as one of the eential topics in the society.(2)环境保护问题已经成为了对于政客和科学家同等关键的议题。

The environmental protection has become one of the key iues for politicians and scientists alike.(3)进入到...的视野里


The iue of environmental problem has emerged into our vision in recent years.(4)信息真伪近来成为了一个重要的问题。

The credibility of information has recently arisen as one of the heated topics, as can be found in the columns of many city newspapers.提示:此句配合第二步衍生句,可以作为引出主题的句子。


用法: 越来越…


More and more people …

An increasing/ A growing number of people … People in mounting numbers …

注意:in mounting numbers里numbers有s!而a growing number of里number没s!



People in mounting numbers are paying much attention to how to proce information effectively.(2)随着网络的普及,网络课程越来越受大学生的欢迎。

With the popularity of internet, online courses have gradually emerged into our vision and become increasingly popular among college students.衍生: 套句1:… tend to …/… be likely to …/… be inclined to … 倾向于...(1)冬天容易着凉。

In winter, one tends to catch cold.(2)如今大学毕业生更想找一份好工作。

Nowadays, college undergraduates tend to seek a decent job.(3)过去人们认为经济发展必定会导致环境污染。

In the past, people were likely to believe that rapid economic development will inevitably lead to environmental pollution.(4)我更倾向于喜欢前者/后者

I am inclined to be in favor of the former/the latter.(5)笑容能规避冲突,消除分歧,缩短人和人之间的距离。

A sweet smile tends to avoid the conflict, iron out the discrimination and shorten the distance between people.套句2:… be bound to … 一定,势必 竞争的社会势必会导致找工作的压力

A competitive society is bound to make finding a job much difficult.总结:天龙八部就是句型仿写,学有余力的同学可以继续积累,以下举几例。

(1)owe/attribute A to B 将A归因B Many people owe their succe not to formal schooling but to self-education.很多人并不将他们的成功归结于正式教育。

(2)dedicate/devote oneself to 致力于…

I think it is very noble for him to dedicate himself to public service.我觉得他将自己投身于公共服务这件事非常地高尚。

(3)stem/result from … 源于…

The preure of finding a job among college students stems largely from the population explosion.大学生寻找工作的压力很大程度上来源于人口膨胀。(4)lead to/result in/give rise to 导致…

Technological advances can lead to more efficient uses of natural resources and sustain economic growth.科技的发展可以使我们更有效率地使用自然资源以及维持经济增长。

(5)in terms of … 在某一方面…

Tourism is becoming a global industry, an industry which ranks second to none in terms of size and global influence.旅游业已经成为一个世界产业,一个就规模和全球影响而言都独一无二的产业。

Part 3.天龙八部应用版

1.Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to major in science or humanities at college, write an eay to state your opinion.You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.(2017年6月六级)

参考思路:天龙八部2+3 参考开头:

It goes without saying that higher education has captured a great deal of attention from the general public.Opinions vary greatly when it comes to whether one should choose science or humanities at college.If I were you, I would like to take science as my major.2.For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay on innovation.Your eay should include the importance of innovation and measures to be taken to encourage innovation.You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.(2016年12月六级)

参考思路:天龙八部1+5+4 参考开头:

It goes without saying that innovation plays a key role in developing national economy.The past several years have witneed a sharp increase in the number of scientists who are making new breakthroughs in their fields.This will definitely exert a huge impact on our society.3.For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay on the use of robots.Try to imagine what will happen when more and more robots take the place of human beings in industry as well as people's daily lives.(2016年6月六级)

参考思路:天龙八部6+7+8+3 参考开头:

The development of technology has brought us unprecedented transformation, which is inevitable and undeniable.Robots, which are capable of exhibiting artificial intelligence, have emerged into our vision, and tend to play an increasingly important role in our life.Consequently, there is much controversy over what will happen if robots replace human beings in the future.4.For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an eay commenting on the saying “Seek to understand others, and you will be understood.” You can cite examples to illustrate your views.You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.(2017年12月六级)

参考思路:引言类框架+天龙八部1 参考开头:

As an ancient proverb goes, “seek to understand other, and you will be understood.” Simple as the saying is, it obviously emphasizes the importance of mutual understanding.To my knowledge, understanding each other plays a key role in our daily communication.5.For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an eay based on the picture below.You should start your eay with a brief description of the picture and then discu whether there is a shortcut to learning.You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.(2014年12月六级)

参考思路:描图类框架+天龙八部8 参考开头:

Ironically, the cartoon displays a very special scene: a young student is asking for a book named “How to Do Well in School without Studying”, and the lady at the front desk advised him to find it in the fiction section.Simple as it is, what the picture conveys to us is thought-provoking: students tend to seek a short path nowadays, but there is no shortcut to learning.目录:



Part 1.万能背景简洁版(10句)适用:四级同学以及准备比较晚的六级同学(我已经尽力了)。

1.With the reform and opening-up in recent decades in China, people’s living standard has been significantly improved.随着中国的改革开放,人民的生活质量被显著提高。

2.With a sharp increase in population, people’s work and life are increasingly streful.随着人口增多,人们的工作和生活越来越有压力。

3.As the job market is getting gloomy and competition is becoming fierce, it is increasingly difficult for college undergraduates to find a decent job.随着劳动力市场变得低迷,竞争日趋激烈,对于大学生来说找到一份好工作越来越困难。

4.The Internet has penetrated every aspect of daily life, greatly affecting our ways of communication.因特网渗透到我们日常生活的方方面面,很大程度影响了我们交流的方式。

5.Higher education plays a key role in aiding students’ growth and development.高等教育在帮助学生成长和发展中扮演着关键角色。

6.With the rapid development of the economy and society, public morality has declined to an extent.随着经济和社会的发展,公共道德已经衰落到一定的程度。

7.Schools nowadays tend to pay special attention to the students’ academic scores rather than their morality.如今,学校更重视学习成绩,而非学生的道德。

8.It is well-known that we exist in a dynamic world with various difficulties.We can do nothing but face them.众所周知,我们住在一个动态的世界里,面临很多困难。我们只能面对他们。

9.The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them.So having right values in life is very important for us, especially youngsters.生命的价值并非在于天的长度,而是在于我们怎么利用他。因此具有正确的价值观非常重要,尤其是年轻人。

10.Travelling can enlarge our experiences, relax our mind and widen our circle of friends.旅游能增加我们的经历,放松我们的心情,以及拓展我们的朋友圈。

Part 2.万能背景替换版(11句)



1.The Chinese economy experienced astonishing growth in the last few decades.(替换万能背景3)


2.Owing to the steady and rapid economic development of our country, people’s living standard is simultaneously improving at a fast rate.(替换万能背景1)



3.With Chinese universities keeping expanding their scale of students’ enrollment, college students find it more and more difficult to find a job upon graduation.(替换万能背景7)随着中国大学不断扩大招生规模,大学生在毕业之际觉得找一份工作越来越难。

4.Students of modern society are presented with a much more complicated and intricate world which is featured with high frequency of human interaction.(新)


5.In modern society where competition is intense, young people are under enormous strain from their work and family.(替换万能背景6)



6.Modern technology considerably alters the way people communicate with each other.(替换万能背景13)


7.It is fair to aert that it is science and technology that should be given most of the credit in fabricating our modern life.(替换万能背景14)


8.The late 90s had seen the birth and boom of the Internet, which was starting to convince people of its advantage in speeding up communication.(替换万能背景12)



9.Education can cultivate and elevate people’s mind, empowering us with confidence, courage and other virtues.(替换万能背景17)


10.Most students usually concentrate merely on their school performance but neglect the other important aspects in life.(替换万能背景19)



11.Everybody embraces his or her own ambition, and most of us are willing to strive towards its realization.(替换万能背景25)


Part 3.万能背景完整版(25句)



1.The reform and opening-up policy in China has led to rapid economic growth, which has given rise to a higher standard of living.中国的改革开放政策导致了快速的经济发展,从而促进了更高的生活质量。

2.In recent years, China is marked by rapid economic growth and continuous technological innovation.近年来,中国以快速的经济增长和持续的技术革新为特征。

3.The past several years have witneed a burgeoning economy in China.近几年来,中国经济生机勃勃。


4.The period of the 1970s is characterized by the baby boom in China.With an exponential increase in population, people’s work and life are increasingly streful.20世纪70年代这段时期,中国出现了婴儿潮,人口越来越多,导致人们的工作和生活越来越有压力。

5.China has a vast population and its substantial growth rate.However, fast increasing population has potentially negative results, such as intense competition.中国拥有庞大的人口和其显著的增长率。然而,快速增长的人口有潜在问题,比如激烈的竞争。


6.With the quickening pace of urban life and ever-increasing preure, people in growing numbers are suffering from either the physical or mental problems.随着不断加快的都市节奏以及日益增长的压力,越来越多的人正遭受到身体或心理的问题。

7.However, as the job market is getting gloomy and competition is becoming fierce, it is increasingly difficult for college undergraduates to find a decent job.然而,随着劳动力市场变得低迷,竞争日趋激烈,对于大学生来说找到一份好工作越来越困难。

8.An overemphasis on early succe, mounting peer preure and confusion over changing social values may also climb onto youngsters’ already overburdened shoulders.过于强调早期的成功、越来越多的同龄人压力、以及对于变化的社会价值的困惑也爬上了年轻人已经过度负担的肩膀上。

9.There is an increasing upward mobility of the younger generation and dramatic changes in traditional concepts.现在,年轻一代有不断攀升的动力,社会传统观念正在发生变化。

10.Internet celebrity has become one of the most important representatives of popular culture in China.网络名人(网红)已经成为了中国流行文化的重要代表之一。


11.Invented le than a hundred years ago, computers are now used everywhere.计算机的发明还不到一百年,现在已经到处使用。

12.Time and again, science and technology has created wonders and even miracles, thus fortifying our belief in it.科技屡屡创造奇观,甚至奇迹,因此坚定了我们对于其信仰。

13.The Internet has penetrated every aspect of daily life, greatly affecting our ways of communication.因特网渗透到我们日常生活的方方面面,很大程度影响了我们交流的方式。

14.Technological innovation really brings us much convenience, exerting a huge impact on our traditional cultures.技术革新给我们带来了很多便利,同时也对于传统文化产生了巨大的影响。

15.The popularity of computers and Internet acce has laid a solid foundation for the development of e-commerce.电脑和网络的流行对于电子商务的发展打下了坚实的基础。

16.China has gradually gained a cutting edge in the global arena, since our country has so far invested a huge amount of money in improving our technology.中国逐渐在全球舞台上获得了尖端优势,因为我们国家至今已经在提高我们的技术上投入了大量的钱。


17.Education is indeed a worthwhile investment.Higher education plays a key role in aiding students’ growth and development.They can get the opportunity to increase their knowledge and learn to be independent.教育实际是一笔值得的投资。高等教育在帮助学生成长和发展中扮演着关键角色。他们可以有机会增加自己的学识并学会独立。18.With the rapid development of the economy and society, public morality has declined to an extent.More and more people are becoming indifferent or scared to help people in trouble.This phenomenon can be attributed to the inappropriate role models and the lack of well-defined norms of behaviors.随着经济和社会的发展,公共道德已经衰落到一定的程度。越来越多的人对于帮助陷入困难的人变得冷漠和害怕。这个现象可以归因于不合适的模范和缺乏优良的行为准则。

19.Schools nowadays tend to pay special attention to the students’ academic scores rather than their morality.如今,学校更重视学习成绩,而非学生的道德。

20.Reading is of utmost importance for one’s life.Reading can increase our contentment when we are cheerful and happy, and can leen our pain when we are sad and lonely.Reading can also help people relax and unwind.All of us can savor a wide range of experiences through reading.All in all, reading increases our knowledge and skills, broadens our horizon and widens our circle of friends.阅读在我们生活中扮演着至关重要的角色。阅读可以在我们高兴快乐时增加我们的满足感,也可以在我们难过孤独时减少我们的痛苦。阅读也可以帮助人们放松心情。我们可以通过阅读品尝广泛的经历。总而言之,阅读增加了我们的知识和技术,扩展了我们的视野,扩大了我们的交际圈。


21.We are suffering greatly from the environmental destruction.Environmental protection is caring about ourselves and ensuring environmental sustainability for future generation.我们正在遭受到巨大的环境破坏。环境保护是关怀我们自己,并且为我们的后代确保环境的可持续性发展。


22.There exist some misunderstandings and generation gaps between parents and their children.However, everyone has the duty to take care of their parents, especially when they are old and sick.Also, an increasing aging population will have enormous consequences for any society.在父母和子女中存在着一些误解和代沟。然后每个人都有责任去照顾自己的父母,尤其当他们年老多病。而且,越来越多的老龄化人口对于任何社会都具有巨大的影响。


23.It is well-known that we exist in a dynamic world with various difficulties.We can do nothing but face them.Attitude is the key point to take the first step.众所周知,我们住在一个动态的世界里,面临很多困难。我们只能面对他们。态度是迈出第一步的关键。

24.Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it.The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them.So having right values in life is very important for us, especially youngsters.生命之百分之十在于你如何塑造它,百分之九十在于你如何对待它。生命的价值并非在于天的长度,而是在于我们怎么利用他。因此具有正确的价值观非常重要,尤其是年轻人。

25.Happine does not lie in the mere poeion of money;it lies in the joy of achievements.幸福并非仅仅在于拥有金钱,它也在于获得成就的喜悦。

Part 1 开头模板 Part 2 中间框架 Part 3 无敌结尾

Part 1 开头模板


①The picture displays a very special scene: ______.②Simple as it is, what the picture conveys to us is thought-provoking: _______.第①句可以替换成:

1.As is humorously/vividly/clearly/subtly depicted/described/portrayed/illustrated in the picture/drawing/cartoon, ______________.(句子)2.From the picture, a seemingly superficial phenomenon is presented:____________.(句子)3.This picture captures a critical moment that ___________.(句子).4.The drawing presents us with a thought-provoking scene: ____________.(句子)5.In the picture we could see clearly that ______________________.(句子)6.As we can see from the picture, ________.(句子)7.As the picture given depicts, ________.(句子)注:表示图片的说法卡通 cartoon;素描sketch;照片photo;图片 picture;手绘drawing。


1.What the picture is trying to present is that _____(句).2.The picture intends to inform us that ______(句).3.What does the cartoonist want to tell us? Actually, this drawing shows us a social phenomenon that______________(句子).4.The artist of the cartoon apparently intends to draw our attention to ________(主题单词).5.In effect, this cartoon is a miniature of a prevalent phenomenon._____(句).6.Conspicuously, this cartoon symbolically characterizes a status quo._____(句).7.Simple as it is, what the picture conveys to us is thought-provoking._____(句).举例:

Ironically, the cartoon displays a very special scene: a young student is asking for a book named “How to Do Well in School Without Studying”, and the lady at the front desk advises him to find it in the fiction section.Simple as it is, what the picture conveys to us is thought-provoking: there is no shortcut to learning.★学霸版(给大家看看模板的变通)College education has recently arisen as one of the eential iues, as is vividly described in the cartoon.A young student is asking for a book named “How to Do Well in School Without Studying”, and the lady at the front desk advises him to find it in the fiction section.Obviously, the artist of the cartoon intends to draw our attention to a simple truth that there is no shortcut to learning.2.引言

①It is often said that: _________(重述名言).②Simple as the remark may sound, it intends to tell us that ________(解释含义).第① 句“重述引言”可以替换成:(1)Just as the saying goes, ______.(2)It is often said that _______.(3)An ancient philosopher once stated that _____.第②句“解释含义”可以替换成:(1)The saying tells us ________.(2)The saying indicates that _______.(3)The saying obviously emphasizes /highlights _____.举例(大家注意例子的变化):

The famous scientist Albert Einstein once stated that “I have no special talents.I am only paionately curious.” Simple as the remark may sound, it intends to tell us that being curious contributes greatly to our growth and eventually leads to our succe.Part 2 中间框架


There are mainly two factors contributing to this social phenomenon / my preference/ the correctne of this principle.To begin with, _______.Moreover, ________.总起句替换:

(1)The reasons for this social phenomenon are as follows.(2)Two fundamental factors/reasons could account for this social phenomenon.(3)Personally, among all the factors that account for this trend, the following are worth mentioning.(4)Identifying the reasons for the phenomenon is far from an easy task.(5)Several reasons can be cited to account for this phenomenon.举例1:

There are mainly two factors contributing to the correctne of this principle.To begin with, curiosity can be seen as the key to succe.Only when one is curious about something will he dedicate himself to it.Take Thomas Edison for example, it was his curiosity that made him invent so many things for the future generations.Furthermore, curiosity provides us with the motivation to go forward and inspires us to learn new knowledge.As Apple Company founder Steve Jobs once said, “stay hungry, stay foolish.”


There are mainly two factors contributing to this social phenomenon.To begin with, higher education plays a key role in aiding students’ growth and development.However, schools nowadays tend to pay special attention to the students’ academic scores rather than their spirit and morality.Furthermore, young people are under considerable preure for a living because the competition is increasingly fierce.Consequently, majority of the students are always dreaming for a short path.2.正反观点型

There is much controversy over _______(议题).Some people argue that _______.Neverthele, other people adopt a completely different view.They believe that ______.总起句替换:

(1)________ has given rise to a heated discuion.(2)_______has caused quite a stir among the general public.(3)As regards ______, there has been a heated discuion among the general public in our society.(4)Opinions vary when it comes to _________.举例:

There is much controversy over whether technology plays an indispensable role in school.Some argue that advanced technology has brought much convenience to students, while enriching the teaching methods in cla.However, others adopt a completely different view.They believe technology can be used as an auxiliary tool for interactive teaching and learning, but one can never rely too much on it.3.问题解决型

To ______, in my mind, it calls for the efforts from all sides.From my perspective, ______.In the meantime, _____.总起句替换:

1.To ______, in my mind, there are at least two approaches.2.Urgent measures are needed to ________.3.The following ways can be adopted to ________.To后面填上动词+名词组合推动/抑制社会现象:advocate/curb the social phenomenon 解决问题:addre the iue

The following ways, from my perspective, can be adopted to addre the problem.From my perspective, if the department of education can shoulder the responsibility and make relevant measures, the schools will pay more attention to teaching basic knowledge in the future.In the meantime, only by hard work can we form the bedrock of good performance in school.注:写东西还是要有和题目关联的实质性内容,纯粹用模板显得有些空洞,认真研究例子!


When considering the significance/importance/neceity of this situation, I feel responsible for discuing it further.On the one hand, ______.On the other, _____.附录:替换词

1.“两点”怎么表述? Firstly, …

Secondly, …

To begin with, …

Furthermore, … On the one hand, …

On the other, … In the first place, … Besides, … 2.“顺接”和“转接”怎么表述 顺接:

as a result / as a consequence / consequently / therefore 转接

however / neverthele / nonethele 3.“总结”怎么表述

in conclusion, to sum up, as has been noted above, given the factors I have just outlined 4.“个人观点”怎么表述 from my perspective as far as I am concerned To my knowledge From my level of understanding

Part 3 无敌结尾




Taking into account all the above factors, I personally maintain that _______(总结).Immediate ways for solving the problems/advocating the phenomenon remain elusive.However, public recognition of the neceity will represent the first step in finding effective measures.好现象:advocating the phenomenon 坏现象:solving the problems


To sum up, ________(总结).The time is right for us to take full advantage of ample existing opportunities.We should do our utmost to advocate/curb this social phenomenon.Only in this way can our society become a better place for us to live in.好现象:advocating the phenomenon 坏现象:solving the problems


Given the factors I have just outlined, _____(总结).The fundamental way in which the government addrees the problem/advocate this phenomenon is to raise the public awarene.The ma media should also join in the efforts in educating the citizens.Only through concerted steps can our society have more peace and harmony.好现象:advocate this phenomenon/spirit 坏现象:addre the problem


To sum up, _________.Given the escalating costs of advocating the phenomenon/addreing the problem, we should be careful about the potential value of various avenues concerned.Since we have a common interest in seeing this endeavor succeed, my intuition is that our own participation would overcome whatever obstacles that might stand in the way of succe.好现象:advocating the phenomenon/spirit 坏现象:addreing the problem


To sum up, _______.For the most part, we should embrace, apply, or synthesize what came before to solve the problem/advocate the phenomenon.With respect to the timele iue mentioned above, I agree that knowledge and experience help us to understand that it is not more complex today than before.好现象:advocate the phenomenon/spirit 坏现象:solve the problem


To sum up, ______.With few exceptions, I strongly agree that we should strive to look at the iue through skeptical eyes.There are no panaceas or prescriptions for solving the problem/advocating the phenomenon – only alternate ways of coping with it.I would be hard-preed to imagine a worthier end.好现象:advocating the phenomenon 坏现象:solving the problem


Based on my personal experience, I can safely draw a conclusion that ______ is a double-edged sword.Whether it is a boon or a bane will be discued for a number of years to come.However, one should make sensible use of technology, being a master rather than a slave of it.模套8(折中类):

To sum up, _________.In face of this phenomenon, we should be prudent.Given the levels of intelligence and discretion imbued in people, I am sure that most of them will be able to sidestep the potential drawbacks, while taking advantage of all its merits.模套9(折中类):

To sum up, _______ is just like a double-edged sword.We might bear in mind that it can exert both positive and negative influences on our society.However, we can avoid those undesirable effects, when making full use of it.模套10(折中类):

In the final analysis, ______ would amount to a double-edged sword.While it would serve as an important catalyst to inspire us to great achievements, at the same time it could impede our progre in action.The optimal approach, in my view, is a balanced one which takes advantage of its benefits, while avoiding potential drawbacks.


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