
2020-02-29 其他范文 下载本文


General all-steel punching die’s punching accuracy

Accuracy of panel punching part is display the pre accuracy of the die exactly.But the accuracy of any punching parts’ linear dimension and positional accuracy almost depend on the blanking and blanking accuracy,.So that the compound mould of compound punching’s accuracy, is typicalne and representation in the majority.Analyse of the die’s accuracy

For the analyse of pracyicable inaccuracy during production of dies to inactivation, we could get the tendency when it is augmentation in most time.From this we could analyse the elements.When the new punch dies pt into production to the first cutter grinding, the inaccuracy produced called initial error;if the die grinding more than twenty times, until it’s discard, the inaccuracy called conventional error;and before the dies discard, the largest error of the last batch permit, called limiting error.at job site, the evidence to confirm life of sharpening is the higher of the blanking, punched hole or punched parts.Because all finished parts had been blanked ,so it is especially for the compound dies.Therefore, the analyse of burr and measurement is especially important when do them as enterprise standardization or checked with >.The initial error usually is the minimal through the whole life of die.Its magnitude depend on the accuracy of manufacture, quality, measure of the punching part, thickne of panel, magnitude of gap and degree of homogeneity.The accuracy of manufacture depend on the manufacture proce.For the 1 mm thicked compound punching part made in medium steel, the experimental result and productive practice all prove that the burr of dies which produced by spark cutting are higher 25%~~30% than produced by grinder ,NC or CNC.The reason is that not only the latter have more exact machining accuracy but also the value of roughne Ra is le one order than the formmer, it can be reached 0.025μm.Therefore, the die’s initial blanked accuracy depends on the accuracy of manufacture, quality and so on.The normal error of the punch die is the practicable error when the fist cutter grinding and the last cutter grinding before the die produce the last qualified product.As the increase of cutter grinding, caused the measure the nature wear of the dies are gradual increasing, the error of punching part increase also, so the parts are blew proof.And the die will be unused.The hole on the part and inner because the measure of wear will be small and small gradually, and its outside form will be lager in the same reason.Therefore, the hole and inner form in the part will be made mould according to one-way positive deviation or nearly equal to the limit max measure.In like manner, the punching part’s appearance will be made mould according to one-way negative deviation or nearly equal to limit mini measure.For this will be broaden the normal error, and the cutter grinding times will be increased, the life will be long.The limit error in punching parts are the max dimension error which practicable allowed in the parts with limit error.This kind of parts usually are the last qualified products before the die discard.For the all claes of dies, if we analyse the fluctuate, tendency of increase and decrease and law which appeared in the die’s whole life, we will find that the master of the error are changele;the error that because the abrade of the cutter and impreion will be as the cutter grinding times increased at the same time.And that will cause the error oversize gradually;and also have another part error are unconventional , unforeseen.Therefore, every die’ s error are composed of fixed error, system error, accident error and so on.1.fixed error

At the whole proce when the New punching die between just input production to discard, the changele master error that in qualified part are called fixed error.It’s magnitude is the deviation when the die production qualified products before the first cutter grinding.Also is the initial error, but the die have initial punching accuracy at this time.Because of the abrade of parts, the die after grinding will be change the dimension error.And the increment of deviation will oversize as the times of cutter grinding.So the punching accuracy after cutter grinding also called “grinding accuracy” and lower tan initial accuracy.The fixed error depend on the elements factor as followed :(1)the material , sorts, structure,(form)dimension, and thick of panel

the magnitude of punching gap and degree of homogeneity are have a important effect for the dimension accuracy.Different punching proce, material, thick of panel, have completely different gap and punching accuracy.A gear H62 which made in yellow bra with the same mode number m=0.34, 2mm thick and had a center hole, when the gap get C=0.5%t(single edge), and punched with compound punching die, and the dimension accuracy reached IT7, the part have a flat surface ,the verticality of tangent plane reached 89.5°, its roughne Ra magnitude are 12.5μm, height of burr are 0.10mm;and the punching part are punched with progreive die, the gap C=7%t(single edge), initial accuracy are IT11, and have an more rough surface, even can see the gap with eyes.In the usual situation, flushes a material and its thickne t is theselection punching gap main basis.Once the designation gap haddetermined flushes the plane size the fixed error main body;Flushesthe structure rigidity and the three-dimensional shape affects ithape position precision.(2)punching craft and molder structure type

Uses the different ramming craft, flushes a precision and the fixederror difference is really big.Except that the above piece gearexample showed, the eence flushes the craft and ordinary punching flushes a precision and the fixed error differs outside a magnitude,even if in ordinary punching center, uses the different gap punching, thefixed error difference very is also big.For example material thickt=1.5mm H62 bra punching, selects C 4mm flushes, the size precision can lower some.Different die’s structure type, because is suitable the rammingmaterial to be thick and the manufacture precision difference, causesto flush a fixed error to have leaves.Compound die center, multi-locations continuous type compound die because flushes continuously toduplicate the localization to add on the pattern making error to bebigger, therefore it flushes a fixed error compound punching die to wantcompared to the single location Big 1 ~ 2 levels

(3)the craft of punching die’s manufacture

the main work of punching die namely are raised, the concave moldproceing procedure, to operates on the specification not to behigh, can time form a more complex cavity.But its proceing surfaceapproximately is thick > 0.03 ~ 0.05mm is the high temperatureablation remaining furcated austenite organization, degree ofhardne may reach as high as HRC67 ~ 70, has the micro crack, easilywhen punching appears broke the cutter or flaking.The Italian CorradaCorporation''s related memoir called “the line cut the proceing contruction to have the disadvantageous influence to the superficialgold, in fact already changed the gold contruction.We must use theJin''gang stone powder to grind or the numerical control continual pathcoordinates rub truncate(cut to line)to make the precision work ”.In recent years country and so on Switzerland and Japan, has conductedthe thorough research to the electrical finishing equipment and abigger improvement, makes function complete high accuracy NC and theCNC line cutter, the proceing precision may reach ±0.005 ~ 0.001mm,even is smaller.The proceing surface roughne Ra value can achieve0.4 mu m.According to the recent years to the domestic 12 productionlines cutter factory investigation and study, the domesticallyproduced line cutter proceing precision different factory differentmodel line cutter might reach ±0.008 ~ ±0.005mm, generally all in±0.01mm or bigger somewhat, was individual also can achieve±0.005mm, the proceing surface roughne Ra value was bigger than1.6μm.However, the electrical finishing ablation metal surface thus the change and the damage machined surface mental structure character can not change, only if with rubs truncates or other ways removes this harmful level.Therefore, merely uses electricity machining, including the spark cutting and the electricity perforation, achieves with difficulty punching, especially high accuracy, high life punching die to size precision and work components surface roughne Ra value request.With precisely rubs truncates the law manufacture punching die, specially makes the high accuracy, the high life punching die, such as: Thin material small gap compound punching die, multi-locations continuous type compound die and so on, has the size precision high, the work component smachined surface roughne Ra value is small, the mold life higher characteristic.Its proceing craft at present changed the electrical fire by the past ordinary engine bed rough machining spark cutting or the electricity puncher rough machining, finally precisely rubs truncates, also from takes shape rubs, optics curve rubs, the manual grid reference rubs gradually filters the continual path grid reference to rub and NC and the CNC continual path grid reference rubs, Proceing coarsene may reach ±0.001 ~ 0.0005mm, the proceing surface roughne Ra value may reach 0.1 ~ 0.025 mu m.Therefore, with this craft manufacture the die , regardle of the size precision, the work components surface roughne, all can satisfy die, each kind of compound request, the die is especially higher than the electrical finishing craft manufacture scale.(4)gap size and degree of homogeneity

the flange and other sheet forming sgene rally all must first punching(fall material)the plate to launch the semi finished materials, after also has the forming to fall the material, the incision obtains the single end product to flush.Therefore punching the work, including is commonly used punching hole, the margin, cut side and so on, regarding each kind of sheet preing partall is neceary.Therefore punching the gap to flushes a out form in chprecision to have the decisive influence.punching the gap small and is even, may cause punching the size gain high accuracy.Regarding drawability, is curving and so on mould, the gap greatly will decide increases flushes the oral area size error and the snapping back.The gapnon-uniformity can cause to flush a burr enlarges and incurs cutting edge the non-uniform attrition.(5)ramming equipment elastic deformation In the ramming proce After the punch pre load bearing can have the certain elastic deformation.Although this kind of distortion quantity according to flushes the preure the size to change also to have the obvious directivity, but on the preing part, mainly is to has the volume ramming archery target stamping, emboes, the equalization, the preure is raised, the wave, flushes crowds, the shape, the flange, hits flatly, thinly changes draw ability and so on the craft work punching forming flushes, has the significant influence to its ramming aspect size precision











(2)冲压工艺及冲模结构类型 采用不同的冲压工艺,冲件的精度及固定误差相差甚大。除上述片齿轮实例说明,精冲工艺与普通冲裁的冲件精度与固定误差相差一个数量级之外,即便在普通冲裁中,采用不同间隙冲裁,固定误差相差也很大。例如料厚t=1.5mm的H62黄铜冲裁件,选用C≤40%t单边Ⅰ类小间隙冲裁比选用C≤8%t(单边)Ⅲ类大间隙冲裁,冲件固定误差将加大40%~60%,精度至少降一级。此外,采有无搭边排样,冲件的误差要远大于有搭边排样冲件。无搭边排样冲件。无搭边排样冲件的精度低于IT12级,而多数有搭边排样的冲件精度在IT11~IT9级之间,料厚t>4mm的冲件,尺寸精度会更低一些。不同冲模结构类型,由于适用冲压料厚及制造精度的差异,导致冲件的固定误差有别。复合模中,多工位连续式复合模由于冲件连续重复定位加上制模误差较大,故其冲件的固定误差比单工位复合冲裁模要





拉深、弯曲、翻边及其他板料成形件一般都要先冲裁(落料)出平板展开毛坯,也有成形后落料、切开得到单个成品冲件。故冲裁作业,包括常用的冲孔、切口、切边等,对于每种板料冲压件都是必要的。所以冲裁间隙对冲件的外廓尺寸精度有决定性的影响。冲裁间隙小而均匀,可使冲裁尺寸获取更高精度。对于拉深、弯曲等成形模,间隙大定将增大冲件口部尺寸误差及回弹。间隙不均匀会使冲件毛刺加大并招致刃口的不均匀磨损。(5)冲压设备的弹性变形 在冲压过程中,冲床承载后会产生一定的弹性变形。虽然这种变形量依冲压力的大小变化且具有明显的方向性,但就冲压件,主要是对具有体积冲压性质的压印、压花、校平、压凸、起波、冲挤、镦形、翻边、镦粗、打扁、变薄拉深等工艺作业冲制成形的冲件,对其冲压方面的尺寸精度有重大影响。


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