
2020-02-29 其他范文 下载本文


Book Report Of David.Copperfield

This term I have read a book named David.Copperfoeld.This book is a

representative work by critical writer Dickens in 19th century.In this novel with a strong autobiographical color,Dickens used “Little David's own history and

experience” to review and summarize his own life, which reflected his philosophy life and morality.Through the hero's viciitudes life ,“David.Copperfield” revealed the reality of the community at that time.It prominently displayed money's corrosion to marriage, family and the society.It's the money that led to a series of tragedies in the

novel.Murdstone cheated David's mother for her property.Emily's elopement was due to the temptation of money.In addition money has caused Weikefeier' s suffering and Hai Mu's desperation.At last Heap ended up with a shameful ending to life

imprisonment.From a humanitarian point of view, Dickens exposed the evil of money to reveal the beautiful curtain of “ Victoria Golden Age” and the truth behind the society.In shaping the character the author devoted all the efforts on

David.Copperfield.No matter his various hardships and bitterne in the orphans or indomitable fighting adult they all have shown a little man's painful proce of finding a way in capitalist society.After experiencing a big bitter disaster David.Copperfield tested happine and warmth because of his sincere forthright character and active spirit.There was a woman named Anice who the author beautified strongly in the book.She had both perfect outside and kindhearted inner world.In the novel this woman kept on preventing Heap from bullying the olds and supported the David in struggling.Her combination with David made a happine atmosphere at the end of the story.Dickens always thought that the ordinary people oppreed have better morality than these rulers and oppreors.All the main characters 'ends in this novel were designed by this strong comparison.For instance Heap who stood for evil and Sitifuzi got punishment at last and good people all paid off finally.Dickens hoped that this morality can change the society and eliminate the human evil.“daivd.Copperfield” is quite a good book.It showed the breath of real life and lyrical narrative style.What this book really attracts others is its vivid

characters ,various ways of communication and different personalities.Dickens is also a humorist.We can enjoy his funny languages and exaggerated structures by reading between the lines.英语(国际贸易)2班










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