
2020-02-29 其他范文 下载本文



Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this year’s college English evening.After over one month’s preperarion, selection and rehearsals, here we are, ready to present a vigorous and wonderful show.下面请允许我介绍今晚的出席嘉宾

First please allow me the honor to introduce our special guests today.学院郭冬梅书记、组织部陈芷部长、团委严杰书记、学工处陆洋处长、基础部封立群主任、基础部黄明锋书记

最后但同样重要,感谢所有同学的支持 Last but not least, thank all the students for your support.1.人人都想做到最完美的自己,但有时追求完美也会让人蒙蔽双眼,相信大家都非常期待今晚的节目,下面有情康复2班同学带来的第一个节目,话剧白雪公主。

We all want the best of ourselves, but sometimes the pursuit for perfection may make people blinded.All of you must expect the programs tonight.Now, let’s welcome the first fairy tale “ Snow White” from 康复2 班。

2.中国有一句俗语叫距离产生美, 请听诗朗诵“世界上最遥远的距离”

As a chinese saying “ distance makes the heart grow fonder”, please enjoy the following poem “ the firthest distance in the world”.3.感谢三位的深情演绎。莎士比亚是世界上最有影响力的剧作家和诗人。下面请将欣赏他非常出名的戏剧“罗密欧与朱丽叶”,来自护理7班。

Thanks their wonderful acting.Shakespeare is the world’s most influential playwright and poet.Today we are going to enjoy his famous play “ Romeo and Juliet”, let’s welcome 护理7班。

4.感谢同学们的创意改编,下面有请两位美女和她们的歌“a litter love”.Thanks their special change.Now lets welcome two lovely girls and they’re going to bring us a lovely song : A litter love.5.如果你蛀过牙,你一定知道那有多疼。接下来,大家会学到三种不同的拔牙方式,大家看看它们是否有效。

If you ever had a bad tooth you must know how hurt it is.Today we will learn three different ways of how to pull out a tooth..Let’s see if they’ll work.6.真是精彩的表演, 大家现在都学会这三种拔牙方式了吧, 接下来让我们转到餐厅,看两位客人在疯狂的餐厅会遭遇什么?

Thanks.Thanks for the previous performance.So now, you may learnt these three ways of pulling out tooth.Next, we are moving to the restaurant.There have two guests, see, what they are going to meet in the “Crazy Restaurant”.抽奖:今天我们设置了一些小的抽奖环节,我们请。。老师上台帮我们抽出幸运的观众。。

7.大家连续欣赏完两个短剧了, 我想是时候换个节目种类了.让我们有情下一位美女和她带来的歌 “Rolling in the deep”.Enjoyed two short plays.Do you think it's time for a change? Now, let's welcome a beautiful girl and her song “Rolling in the Deep”.8.太好听了,音乐真是万能的语言。世界上最重要的纸莫过于钞票,下面这位出场的国王肯定有很多钱,但他为什么还向仆人大喊着要重要的纸?最后他得到这最重要的纸了吗?让我们一起期待下面这个节目,来自护理10班 “最重要的纸”。

It sounds so nice.Music is a universal language.The most important paper in the world must be money.But as a king he has lots of money.Why does he shout to his servant for his important paper? Does he finally get his important paper? Let’s look forward to the next play “the most important paper” from 护理10班。

9.有一句大家耳熟能详的谚语“患难见真情”。所有人都需要朋友,请欣赏诗朗诵 “永远的朋友”。

As a chinese saying “A friend in need is a friend indeed”.Everyone needs friends.please appreciate following poem “ A Forever Friend.10.三月不减肥,四月徒伤悲。在这四月里,我们又遇到了两个为了身材而苦恼的Susan and Cathy.有请

If you don’t lose weight in March, you may feel sad in April.See, there are two girls worried about their shape of body, let’s welcome “Susan and Cathy”.11.大家知道甄嬛传吗?下面来自护理8班的英文短剧《甄嬛传》会是什么样的另类情节呢?请欣赏

You know the Legend of Zhen Huan? What is the special fairy play going on? Let'’s welcome 护理8班.12.很棒的演技,对不对? 相信大家现在都感到舒适和放松。下面一个互动节目是来自疯狂英语奇才营的绕口令,提到绕口令,大家最熟悉的莫过于“吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮”。Excellent acting, right ? now that everybody must feel comfortable and relaxed.Next interactive program from Crazy English Camp will giving some tongue twisters.When mentioned tongue twisters, the most familiar one should be “Eat the grape and don’t spit grape skins”.有人想尝试一下吗?大家需要做的就是看大屏幕,展示你的英语口语速度。参与者会有礼品赠送哦。

Anyone like to have a try? what you need is just look at the big screen, show your oral english speed.The gift will be given to the good performer.13.西游记是自中国明代起,四大名著小说之一。在我看来,唐僧和他的三个徒弟的故事不仅教会了我们要勇敢自信,最重要的是让我意识到同伴和团队的重要性。下面请欣赏由英语俱乐部带来的《三打白骨精》。Journey to the west is a historic Chinese novel that is considered one of the four claics from the Ming Dynasty。For me, Tang and his three disciples stories taught us not just to be brave and confident, but friends and teamwork is important to us.Let’s welcome the last fairy play from English Club.14.青春是整个人生旅站中最奇妙的一站,是最灿烂的一站。青春孕育着无穷无尽的能量去挖掘,去释放,每一个生命都是最美丽的。下面请欣赏朗诵《the youth》

Youth is the most marvelous station and the brightest station in our life.Youth breeds the inexhaustible energy to us, excavates, releases.Each life all is beautiful.Now, please enjoy the following poem “ the youth”.15.快乐的时光总是匆匆易逝,我们的晚会即将接近尾声,然而美好的记忆却能够历久弥新,永不退色。祝愿大家都有个愉快的夜晚。最后,让我们以一首来自护理4班的“you are not alone”结束美好的一天。

Happy time gose by a flash!Our party is coming to the end, but beautiful memories will last forever.Hope you enjoyed your time here.Finally, let’s end this wonderful day by giving the song “you are not alone” from 护理4班。


青春风采主持词男:尊敬的各位领导、老师,亲爱的同学们,大家合:晚上好!男:我是主持人李亚林女:我是李易学,欢迎大家如约来到第四届“青春风采大赛”现场 男:我们的“青春风采大赛”举......


领袖风采串词: 40 领袖受惩罚时,开始教训领袖(斗牛士)作为领导,你就应该承担应有的责任,不辜负队员对你的信任,否则为什么要当领导,既然有这个权利,就有这个责任,只有做一个言行一致的......

风采大赛 主持串词

主持稿a:尊敬的各位老师, b:亲爱的各位同学 ab:大家晚上好!a:团团相扣,齐心构造来自我们集体的坚强支撑。 b:部部精心,用心打造属于我们支部的独特魅力。 a:你有你年轻的姿态,我有我......


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