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Modeling, Simulation, and Reduction of Conducted Electromagnetic Interference Due to a PWM Buck Type Switching Power Supply


Abstract: Undesired generation of radiated or conducted energy in electrical systems is called Electromagnetic Interference(EMI).High speed switching frequency in power electronics converters especially in switching power supplies improves efficiency but leads to EMI.Different kind of conducted interference, EMI regulations and conducted EMI measurement are introduced in this paper.Compliancy with national or international regulation is called Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC).Power electronic systems producers must regard EMC.Modeling and simulation is the first step of EMC evaluation.EMI simulation results due to a PWM Buck type switching power supply are presented in this paper.To improve EMC, some techniques are introduced and their effectivene proved by simulation.Index Terms: Conducted, EMC, EMI, LISN, Switching Supply I.INTRODUCTION

FAST semiconductors make it poible to have high speed and high frequency switching in power electronics 1.High speed switching causes weight and volume reduction of equipment,2but some unwanted effects such as radio frequency interference appeared.Compliance with electromagnetic compatibility(EMC)regulations is neceary for producers to present their products to the markets.It is important to take EMC aspects already in design phase

3.Modeling and simulation is the most effective tool to analyze EMC consideration before developing the products.A lot of the previous studies concerned the low frequency analysis of power electronics components

45.Different types of power electronics converters are capable to be considered as source of EMI.They could propagate the EMI in both radiated and conducted forms.Line Impedance Stabilization Network(LISN)is required for measurement and calculation of conducted interference level the EMC evaluation criterion

6.Interference spectrum at the output of LISN is introduced as.National or international regulations are the references for

7878the evaluation of equipment in point of view of EMC II.SOURCE, PATH AND VICTIM OF EMI

.Undesired voltage or current is called interference and their cause is called interference source.In this paper a high-speed switching power supply is the source of interference.Interference propagated by radiation in area around of an interference source or by conduction through common cabling or wiring connections.In this study conducted emiion is considered only.Equipment such as computers, receivers, amplifiers, industrial controllers, etc that are exposed to interference corruption are called victims.The common connections of elements, source lines and cabling provide paths for conducted noise or interference.Electromagnetic conducted interference has two components as differential mode and common mode 9.A.Differential mode conducted interference

This mode is related to the noise that is imposed between different lines of a test circuit by a noise source.Related current path is shown in Fig.1

9.The interference source, path impedances, differential mode current and load impedance are also shown in Fig.1.B.Common mode conducted interference

Common mode noise or interference could appear and impose between the lines, cables or connections and common ground.Any leakage current between load and common ground could be modeled by interference voltage source.Fig.2 demonstrates the common mode interference source, common mode currents IIand the related current paths


and cm2

.The power electronics converters perform as noise source between lines of the supply network.In this study differential mode of conducted interference is particularly important and discuion will be continued considering this mode only.III.ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY REGULATIONS

Application of electrical equipment especially static power electronic converters in different equipment is increasing more and more.As mentioned before, power electronics converters are considered as an important source of electromagnetic interference and have corrupting effects on the electric networks 2.High level of pollution resulting from various disturbances reduces the quality of power in electric networks.On the other side some residential, commercial and especially medical consumers are so sensitive to power system disturbances including voltage and frequency variations.The best solution to reduce corruption and improve power quality is complying national or international EMC regulations.CISPR, IEC, FCC and VDE are among the most famous organizations from Europe, USA and Germany who are responsible for determining and publishing the most important EMC regulations.IEC and VDE requirement and limitations on conducted emiion are shown in Fig.3 and Fig.4

79.For different groups of consumers different claes of regulations could be complied.Cla A for common consumers and cla B with more hard limitations for special consumers are separated in Fig.3 and Fig.4.Frequency range of limitation is different for IEC and VDE that are 150 kHz up to 30 MHz and 10 kHz up to 30 MHz respectively.Compliance of regulations is evaluated by comparison of measured or calculated conducted interference level in the mentioned frequency range with the stated requirements in regulations.In united European community compliance of regulation is mandatory and products must have certified label to show covering of requirements 8.IV.ELECTROMAGNETIC CONDUCTED INTERFERENCE MEASUREMENT A.Line Impedance Stabilization Network(LISN)

1-Providing a low impedance path to transfer power from source to power electronics converter and load.2-Providing a low impedance path from interference source, here power electronics converter, to measurement port.Variation of LISN impedance versus frequency with the mentioned topology is presented in Fig.7.LISN has stabilized impedance in the range of conducted EMI measurement

7.Variation of level of signal at the output of LISN versus frequency is the spectrum of interference.The electromagnetic compatibility of a system can be evaluated by comparison of its interference spectrum with the standard limitations.The level of signal at the output of LISN in frequency range 10 kHz up to 30 MHz or 150 kHz up to 30 MHz is criterion of compatibility and should be under the standard limitations.In practical situations, the LISN output is connected to a spectrum analyzer and interference measurement is carried out.But for modeling and simulation purposes, the LISN output spectrum is calculated using appropriate software.V.SIMULATION OF EMI DUE TO A PWM BUCK TYPE SWITCHINGPOWER SUPPLY

For a simple fixed frequency PWM controller that is applied to a Buck DC/DC converter, it is poible to aume the error voltage(v)changes slow with respect to the switching frequency,ethe pulse width and hence the duty cycle can be approximated by(1).Vp is the saw tooth waveform amplitude.A.PWM waveform spectral analysis

The normalized pulse train m(t)of Fig.8 represents PWM switch current waveform.The nth pulse of PWM waveform consists of a fixed component D/fs , in which D is the steady state duty cycle, and a variable component dn/f sthat represents the variation of duty cycle due to variation of source, reference and load.As the PWM switch current waveform contains information concerning EMI due to power supply, it is required to do the spectrum analysis of this waveform in the frequency range of EMI studies.It is aumed that error voltage varies around Vwith amplitude of Vas is shown in(2).e


fm represents the frequency of error voltage variation due to the variations of source, reference and load.The interception of the error voltage variation curve and the saw tooth waveform with switching frequency, leads to(3)for the computation of duty cycle coefficients10.Maximum variation of pulse width around its steady state value of D is limited to D1.In each period of Tm=1/fm , there will be r=fs/fm pulses with duty cycles of dn.Equation(4)presents the Fourier series coefficients Cn of the PWM waveform m(t).Which have the frequency spectrum of Fig.9.B-Equivalent noise circuit and EMI spectral analysis

To attain the equivalent circuit of Fig.6 the voltage source Vs is replaced by short circuit and converter is replaced by PWM waveform switch current(I)as it has shown in Fig.10.ex

The transfer function is defined as the ratio of the LISN output voltage to the EMI current source as in(5).The coefficients di, ni(i = 1, 2, … , 4)correspond to the parameters of the equivalent circuit.Rc and Lc are respectively the effective series resistance(ESR)and inductance(ESL)of the filter capacitor Cf that model the non-ideality of this element.The LISN and filter parameters are as follows: CN = 100 nF, r = 5 Ω, l = 50 uH, RN =50 Ω, LN=250 uH, Lf = 0, Cf =0, Rc= 0, Lc= 0, fs =25 kHz

The EMI spectrum is derived by multiplication of the transfer function and the source noise spectrum.Simulation results are shown in Fig.11.VI.PARAMETERS AFFECTION ON EMI A.Duty Cycle

The pulse width in PWM waveform varies around a steady state D=0.5.The output noise spectrum was simulated with values of D=0.25 and 0.75 that are shown in Fig.12 and Fig.13.Even harmonics are increased and odd ones are decreased that is desired in point of view of EMC.On the other hand the noise energy is distributed over a wider range of frequency and the level of EMI decreased 11.B.Amplitude of duty cycle variation

The maximum pulse width variation is determined by D.The EMI spectrum was simulated

1with D=0.05.Simulations are repeated with D=0.01 and 0.25 and the results are shown in Fig.14 1

1and Fig.15.Increasing of D1 leads to frequency modulation of the EMI signal and reduction in level of conducted EMI.Zooming of Fig.15 around 7component of switching frequency in Fig.16 shows the frequency modulation clearly.th

C.Error voltage frequency

The main factor in the variation of duty cycle is the variation of source voltage.The fm=100 Hz ripple in source voltage is the inevitable consequence of the usage of rectifiers.The simulation is repeated in the frequency of fm=5000 Hz.It is shown in Fig.17 that at a higher frequency for fm the noise spectrum expands in frequency domain and causes smaller level of conducted EMI.On the other hand it is desired to inject a high frequency signal to the reference voltage intentionally.D.Simultaneous effect of parameters

Simulation results of simultaneous application of D=0.75, D=0.25 and f=5000 Hz that lead

mto expansion of EMI spectrum over a wider frequencies and considerable reduction in EMI level is shown in Fig.18.VII.CONCLUSION

Appearance of Electromagnetic Interference due to the fast switching semiconductor devices performance in power electronics converters is introduced in this paper.Radiated and conducted interference are two types of Electromagnetic Interference where conducted type is studied in this paper.Compatibility regulations and conducted interference measurement were explained.LISN as an important part of measuring proce besides its topology, parameters and impedance were described.EMI spectrum due to a PWM Buck type DC/DC converter was considered and simulated.It is neceary to present mechanisms to reduce the level of Electromagnetic interference.It shown that EMI due to a PWM Buck type switching power supply could be reduced by controlling parameters such as duty cycle, duty cycle variation and reference voltage frequency.VIII.REFRENCES

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