Touchy Topics 敏感话题
In North America when people meet each other for the first time, they talk about things like family, work, school or sports.They ask questions like “Do you have any brothers or sisters?”, “Where do you work?”, “What school do you go to?”,and “Do you like sports?” They also ask questions like “Where do you come from?” and “Where do you live?” These are polite questions.They are not personal private.But some things are personal or private, and questions about them are not polite.People don’t ask questions about a person’s salary.They don’t ask how much someone paid for something.It is also not polite to ask older people their age.It’s also not polite to ask people questions about politics or religion unle you know them very well.People don’t ask unmarried people “Why are you single?”, and they don’t ask a married couple with no children “Why don’t you have any children?”
在北美,当人们第一次彼此见面时,他们常常但论家庭,工作,学校或运动。他们 常问一些像“你有兄弟姐妹吗?”,“你在哪儿上学?”或“你喜欢运动吗?”等一类的 问题。他们也会问“您从哪儿来?”和“你住在哪儿?”这样的问题。这些问题都是礼
但是有些事是私人的,问这些方面的问题是不礼貌的。人们不问关于收入的一些问 题。他们不问别人买某个东西要花多少钱。问老人的年龄是不礼貌的。另外,问一些关 于政治和宗教的问题也是不礼貌的,除非你和对方很熟。人不会问未婚的人“你为什么
New Year’s Speech新年致辞
Ladies and Gentlemen,The New Year is around the corner, I would like to extend my New Year’s greetings to all my guests and wish everyone good health and happine.The New Year is a time of new beginnings and new hopes for the future.I hope that every one of you find yourself more prosperous and more content with each paing day this year.I know that this night will be fantastic celebration of the good friendship and good spirits that can last not only a year, but a lifetime.Have a wonderful evening everybody, thank you.【参考译文】
Wedding Congratulations 新婚快乐
John and Mary, You have my warmest congratulations on this wonderful day.I am really very happy for you two.I have known John for about five years, and I have always been envious of his talent and abilities in many respects.He is not merely a competent profeional in international trade;he is exceptional in doing almost anything.Today, I have become even more envious of John, because he just got married to one of the most beautiful brides in the world.But don't let our envy bother you, John, because we want you to become the happiest couple in the world, and keep us envious of you two forever!Congratulations, and be happy!We all wish you the very best!【参考译文】
Gratefulne 感激
In our hectic, fast-paced lives, it’s easy to forget about the many things for which we have to be grateful.We tend to be goal-seeking, achievement-oriented people.And there’s nothing wrong with that.However, it’s vitally important that we not lose sight of the things that are near and dear, things we all too easily take for granted.What we focus on expands.If we focus on the problems in our lives, they tend to increase.If we focus on the good things we already have, they too, have a tendency to grow.Focusing on what we have and what we want “appreciates” these things---they grow.If you learn to appreciate more of what you already have, you’ll find yourself having more to appreciate.【参考译文】
我们关注的东西会不断扩展。如果我们只关注生活中的问题,问题将越来越多。如 果我们把注意力集中在我们已经拥有的美好事物上,它们自然也会越来越多。关注我们拥有的和希翼的东西,这会使它们“增值”,它们会蓬勃发展。如果你学会了常常感激你所拥有的,你会发现自己要感激的事情越来越多。
First of all, I'd like to say thank you.Thank you for not only accepting me as your Patron but thank you also for inviting me here today.You have all made me feel so welcome and I feel hugely honored to be hereto see this wonderful centre
I am only sorry that William can't be here today;he would love it here.A view of hisis that through teamwork, so much can be achieved.What you have all achieved here is extraordinary.…
So thank you again for inviting me here today.I feel enormously proud to be part of East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices and to see the wonderful life-changing work that you do.Thank you.【参考译文】
首先,我想先说声“谢谢”。谢谢大家不仅接受我作为大家的客人,而且今天还邀请 我到这儿来。大家已经让我感觉特别热情,我感觉特别荣幸能来到这里看到这个美好的(关怀)中心。
我为威廉姆没有能到来表示歉意,他一定会爱上这里。他的一个观点,当然我也同 意,就是通过团队协作,能得到很多。大家在这里完成的是如此的特别。„„
今天再次大家邀请我到这里。能作为英格兰东部的这个儿童收容所的一部分和对于 看到大家做的在改变生命的工作,我感到非常地荣幸。
Learning to Speak English is Physical Work
Since English is not your native tongue, it’s difficult to pronounce certain sounds.That’s why you must develop the muscles of your speech organs to produce unfamiliar sounds.So when you read, it’s important to read as loudly as poible, as learning any foreign language.Remember, you learn to swim by swimming.You learn to dance by dancing.You learn to drive by driving.You learn to play the piano by playing.So you can only learn to speak English by speaking.【参考译文】
因为英语不是你的母语,所以有些音比较难发。因此你必须强化你发音器官的肌肉,以便发出陌生的声音。当你读的时候,要尽量做到最大声、最清晰、最快速。口腔肌肉 训练在学习任何语言时都是非常重要的。
记住:游泳是游出来的,跳舞是跳出来的,汽车是开出来的,钢琴是弹出来的。所 以,只有通过说,你才能学会说英语。
Try More Than Once 不止一次地尝试
Take a look at an apple tree.There might be five hundred apples on the tree,but each apple has just ten seeds.That’s a lot of seeds!
We might ask, “Why would you need so many seeds just to grow a few more apple trees?”
Nature has something to teach us here.It’s telling us:“Not all seeds grow.In life, most seeds never grow.So if you really want to make something happen, you had better try more than once.”
This might mean:
You’ll attend twenty interviews to get one job.You’ll interview forty people to find one good employee.You’ll talk to fifty people to sell one house, one car, one vacuum cleaner, one insurance policy, or a busine idea.And you might meet a hundred acquaintances just to find one special friend.When we understand the “Law of the Seed”, we don’t get so disappointed.We stop feeling like victims.We learn how to deal with things that happen to us.【参考译文】
看一看苹果树。树上可能有500 个苹果,但每个苹果就有10 粒种子。那可真是有很多种子!
自然界教会我们一个道理:并不是所有的种子都能生长。事实上,大部分种子都不 会生长。所以,如果你真的想做出点什么,你最好多试几次。
你将参加20 次面试才能得到一份工作。你将面试40 个人才能找到一个好的雇员。你将跟50 个人谈话才能卖掉一座房子、一辆汽车、一台真空吸尘器、一份保单或者一个 商业创意。你可能会相识100 个熟人后才找到一个知心朋友。
当我们懂得“种子法则”后,就不会感到失望,也不会觉得自己是受害者,我们学 会了如何处理发生在我们身上的事情。
Survival Game in the Wild 物竟天择现代篇
Given the slightest chance, life can bounce back.Nature has amazing powers of renewal which emerge from the very proce of evolution.Today’s fabulous diversity is the result of a four-billion-year war for survival.Life’s greatest triumphs may be yet to come.【参考译文】
只要有一线机会,生命就会恢复生机。自然界的再生能力让人难以置信,而这正是 源自自然界自身的演变进化过程。今天自然界惊人的多样性正是四十亿年来生存之战的 结果。而生命最盛大的凯旋终将到来。
Conceion Speech: I Endorse Obama(节选)
--Hillary Clinton
I want to start today by saying how grateful I am to all of you, to everyone who poured your hearts and your hopes into this campaign, who drove for miles and lined the streets waving homemade signs, who scrimped and saved to raise money, who knocked on doors and made calls, who talked, sometimes argued with your friends and neighbors who e-mailed and contributed online, who invested so much in our common enterprise, to the moms and dads who came to our events, who lifted their little girls and little boys on their shoulders and whispered in their ears, “See, you can be anything you want to be.”
To the young people like 13-year-old Anne Riddell from Mayfield, Ohio, who had been saving for two years to go to Disney World and decided to use her savings instead to travel to Pennsylvania with her mom and volunteer there, as well.To the veterans, to the childhood friends, to New Yorkers and Arkansans who traveled acro the country, telling anyone who would listen why you supported me.【参考译文】
首先我想告诉大家,我由衷地感谢你们每一个人:感谢你们不顾辛劳驱车数英里,站在街道两旁挥舞着自制的标语,感谢你们省吃俭用踊跃筹款,感谢登门拜访的、打电 话来的,感谢(为支持我)和朋友邻居发生争执的,感谢你们在网上通过发电子邮件或 是其他方式支持我,感谢你们在我们共同的事业中倾注这么多心血。特别要感谢那些来 参加我们活动的父母,你们把孩子们放在肩膀上,告诉他们,“看,有梦想就能实现”。
我也应该感谢像安妮·瑞黛尔这样的年轻人,她今年刚13 岁,来自俄亥俄州的梅菲 尔得市,她把过去两年中为迪士尼之旅攒下的钱用来和妈妈一起去宾夕法尼亚当志愿者。还要感谢所有的退伍军人,所有我儿时的朋友,所有的纽约州人和阿肯色州人。你们的 足迹遍布整个美国,告诉每个愿意聆听的人为什么你们支持我。
Love in life
Life is a gift we’re given each and every day.Dream about tomorrow, but live for today.To live a little, you’ve got to love a whole lot.Love turns the ordinary into the extraordinary.【参考译文】
Conceion Speech: I Endorse Obama
—Hillary Clinton
So I want to say to my supporters: When you hear people saying or think to yourself, “If only” or “What if ”, I say, please, don’t go there.Every moment wasted looking back keeps us from moving forward.Life is too short;time is too precious, and the stakes are too high to dwell on what might have been.We have to work together for what still can be.And that is why I will work my heart out to make sure that Senator Obama is our next President.And I hope and pray that all of you will join me in that effort.【参考译文】
Good morning, everybody.My name is David Wang.There are three people in my family, including my father, mother and myself.I was brought up to always try my best, so I put my heart into everything I do.I am something of a perfectionist.Whatever I do, I want to do it just right.I have many interests, but English is what I like most.Although my English isn’t perfect, I want to keep on learning from my mistakes.I’m taking a Brian English course.It is giving me the confidence to practice my English in public, and it really broadens my horizons.【参考译文】
我爱好很多,但我最喜欢的是英语。虽然我的英语并不怎么好,我仍想继续从错误 中学习。我正在上一个布莱恩英语的课程。它给了我自信,让我能在公开场合练习,而且,它真的拓宽了我的视野。
Oprah Winfrey Harvard Commencement Speech 奥普拉·温弗瑞哈佛大学毕业典礼演讲
I know that...I know that you all might have a little anxiety now and hesitation about leaving the comfort of college and putting those Harvard credentials to the test.But no matter what challenges or setbacks or disappointments you may encounter along the way, you will find true succe and happine if you have only one goal, there really is only one, and that is this: to fulfill the highest most truthful expreion of yourself as a human being.You wanna max out your humanity by using your energy to lift yourself up, your family and the people around you.Theologian Howard Thurman said it best.He said, “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs.Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
From time to time you may stumble, fall, you will for sure count on this, no doubt you will have questions and you will have doubts about your path, but I know this, if you’re willing to listen to be guided by that still small voice that is the G.P.S.within yourself, to find out what makes you come alive, you will be more than okay.You will be happy, you will be succeful, and you will make a difference in the world.Congratulations, Cla of 2013, congratulations to your family and friends, good luck, and thank you for listening.Was that okay? 【参考译文】
问自己世界需要什么,问问是什么让你充满活力地活着,然后就去做这个,因为世界所 需要的就是一个个朝气蓬勃的人。”
你可能时不时的失足跌倒,你相信这个一定会发生,你无疑会质疑你所走的路,但我知道,如果你有意愿倾听,并且被微弱的声音——你体内内置的GPS 引导,你将会找到是什么使你充满朝气,将让你更好。你会开心,获得成功,并且你将在世上有一番作为。
恭喜2013 届的毕业生们,恭喜你的家人和朋友,祝福你们。感谢你们的聆听。(这样的演讲)还可以吗?
—— 展示中国精神
In October 2003, the first Chinese citizen saw his homeland from outer space, and the mythology and dreams of thousands of years, became a reality.Our songs of how the earth is our garden and our pride in surviving our long history suddenly became more vivid and clear.2003 年10 月,中国人第一次从外太空亲眼看到了自己的国家,那数千年的神话和畅想,变成了事实。那些关于地球是个家园的歌颂,关于自己在漫长历史里生存下来的骄傲,这时候比任何时候更加清晰而具体。
Who are the Chinese? What makes us who we are? But even before this momentous chapter in our history, Chinese people have always regarded themselves from multi-facets angles.Is tradition a burden, or kind of driving force for development? Do we take our culture heritage too seriously, or not seriously enough? Do you see conflict or fusion, nostalgia or visions of the future? 我们是谁?是什么造就了我们?早在创造中国历史的这一刻之前,中国人从未中断过从其他的角度来认识自己。传统是一种负担,还是一种推动发展的力?文化的传承是过于保守,还是过于开放?你看到的是冲突还是融合,是回忆还是未来? „„
In my mind, China is a very inclusive country„„
She is a country with rich culture„„
She has a long and eventful history that is new each day.具有历史的沧桑感,但又在日新月异的变化着……
But after 30 years, the world has seen how much China’s profound history and culture eence has given, lead us the flexibility and unity when facing fast transformation.但接下来30 年间发生的事情,却让全世界都看到,一个有着悠久历史和文底蕴的国家,在面临全新变革之时,能够展现出怎样的包容性和应变能力。......Chinese people future happine must be built on the foundation of the past.Chinese people have never cherished their cultural heritage more than today, nor felt more its lingering charm which is why after so many generations, we are still here.中国人懂得明天的幸福来源于今天的积淀,中国人从来没有比现在更珍视己的文化传承,也没有比现在更深刻的体验到,自己文化里那种永恒而特别的韵味,是无论任何时代都永远不变的立身之本。
From tradition to revelation, inspired by the future, Chinese people are creating an even newer way of thinking: building this generation’s new common spirit.从传统得到启示,从未来得到激励,是中国人不断更新自己观念,建立当代神的共同途径。
China on the way…
Abundance is a Life Style 富足是一种生活方式
Abundance is a life style, a way of living your life.Abundance is a philosophy,it appears in your physiology, your value system, and carries its own set of beliefs.You walk with it, sleep with it, bath with it, feel with it, and need to maintain and take care of it as well.Abundance is seeing people for their gifts and not what they lack or could be.Seeing all things for their gifts and not what they lack.Be in a state of abundance of what you already have.I guarantee they are there;it always is buried but there.Breathe them in as if they are the air you breathe because they are yours.Let go of anything that isn’t abundant for the time being.Name the shoe boxes in your closet with your gifts of abundance, pull from them every morning if needed.Know they are there.Learning to trust in your own abundance is required.When you begin to be within your own space of abundance, whatever you need will appear whenever you need it.That’s just the way the higher powers set this universe up to work.Trust the universal energy.The knowing of it all will humble you to its power yet let the brightne of you shine everywhere it needs to.Just by being from a state of abundance, it is being you.【参考译文】
Michael Jackson 在1993 格莱美获奖感言
I love you too...However, today, when I create my music, I feel like an instrument of nature, I wonder what delight nature must feel when we open our hearts and expre our God-given talents, the sound of approval rolls acro the universe and the whole world abounds in magic, wonder fills our heart, for we have glimpsed, for an instant the playfulne of life.And that’s why I love children and learn so much from being around them.I realize that many of our world’s problems today, from the inner-city crime to the large-scale war and terrorism and our overcrowded prisons are a result of the fact that children have had their childhood stolen from them.The magic, the wonder the mystery and the innocence of a child’s heart...are the seeds of creativity that will heal the world.I really believe that.What we need to learn from children isn’t childish.Being with them connects us to the deeper wisdom of life which is ever-present and only asks to be lived.They know the way to solutions that lie waiting to be recognized within our own hearts.Today I would like to thank all the children of the world including, including the sick and deprived, I’m so sensitive to your pain, I also, I also want to thank all those who has helped me, to channel my talent here on Earth, from the beginning, my parents, all my brothers and sisters, especially Janet.【参考译文】
我们要从孩子身上学东西其实并不幼稚。孩子能够帮我们与更深刻的从未显现过的 智慧相连,只要相信,这智慧就会在你眼前。他们知道,我们心中潜藏的等待认同的解 答。今天,我要感谢全世界的孩子,无论你们贫穷,饥饿„„我非常了解你们的痛苦。
我同样要感谢所有帮助我发觉我才华的人们。从一开始,我的父母,兄弟姐妹们,尤 其是珍妮。
The Torch has been paed to a New Generation of America 将火炬传递给下一代 By John Kennedy And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world,ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you.With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His bleing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God’s work must truly be our own.【参考译文】
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