the Corporation.For this trading account(“Account”)theundersigned agrees to jointly a nd severally guaranteepersonally the immediate, full a nd complete performance of any a nd all of the duties a nd obligations of thisAccount a nd the payment of any a nd all damages, costs a nd expenses, which may become recoverable byGME from the Corporation.This guarantee shall remain in full force a nd effect until the termination of this client services agreement,provided that the undersigned shall not be released from their obligations so long as the Account a nd anyobligations the Account has with GME lasts.personal Guarantee AcknowledgmentThis guarantee shall inure to the benefit of GME, its succeors a nd aigns, a nd shall be binding on theundersigned a nd their heirs.This aigns:as Guarantor, Individually Date Signature____________________ _______________ ____________________as Guarantor, Individually Date Signature____________________ ________________ _____________________as Guarantor, Individually Date Signature____________________ ________________ _____________________
父母担保函样本Letter of Supporting **/**/**** (年月日)To: FRENCH EmbayDear Sir or Madam,We are the applicant ********'s parents and guarantors for his study in F......
certification ms.han mengjing is employee of our unit.she has worked in our unit since 1984.her salary is about 5000/m.because of holiday, we agree that she wi......
CERTIFICATION Ms.Han Mengjing is Employee of our unit.She has worked in our unit since 1984.Her salary is about 5000/M.Because of holiday, we agree that She wil......
个人担保书————————公司:乙方(债权人):住所:邮政编码:法定代表人/ 主要负责人:电话:传真::根据 (债务方:―――――――)的申请,贵司同意向——————公司提供货款信用额度 (......