
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文


(1)把握大局 :grasp the overall situation(2)摆谱儿 :put on airs;keep up appearances(3)白手起家: start from scratch(4)拜年:pay New Year call(5)班门弄斧:teach one's grandma to suck eggs(5)保质期:guarantee period(6)报销 :apply for reimbursement(7)爆冷门:produce an unexpected answer(8)曝光:make public(9)奔小康:strive for a relatively comfortable life(10)闭门羹:given cold-shoulder(11)比上不足,比下有余:fall short of the best,but be better than the best(12)逼上梁山:be driven to drastic alternatives(13)变相涨价:disguised inflation(14)边远贫困地区:outlying poverty-stricken areas(15)边缘知识人:Marginal intellectuals(16)表面文章:Lip service;surface formality(17)博导:Ph.D supervisor(18)补发拖欠的养脑筋:Clear up pension payments in arrears(19)不眠之夜:white night(20)菜鸟:green hand(21)产品科技含量 technoligical element of a product(22)长江三角洲:Yangtze River delta(23)长江中下游:the middle and lower reaches of Changjiang River(24)超前消费:pre-mature consumption(25)城镇居民最低生活保障:a minimum standard of living for residents(26)城镇职工医疗保险制度:the system of medical insurance for urban workers(27)重复建设:buiding redundant project;duplication of similar projects(28)充值卡:rechargeable card(29)春运:paenger transport around the Chinese lunar new year(30)打破僵局:break the deadlock/stalemate(31)电脑盲:computer illiterate(32)点球:penalty kick(33)电视会议:video conference(34)电视直销:TV home shopping(35)定向培训:training for specific posts(36)动感电影:multidimensional movie(37)豆腐渣工程:jerry-built projects(38)对...毫无顾忌:make no bones about(39)夺冠:take the crown(40)政治多元化:political pluralism(41)服务行业:catering industry(42)复合型人才:inter-disciplinary talent(43)岗位培训:on-the-job training(44)高等教育自学考试:self-study higher education examination(45)高新技术产业开发区:high and new technological industrial development zone(46)各大菜系:major styles of cooking(47)各行各业:every walk of life(48)功夫不负有心人:Everything comes to him who waits(49)各尽其能:let each person do his best(50)公益活动:public welfare activities(51)工薪阶层:state employee;salaried person(52)过犹不及:going too far ia as bad as not going far enough(53)函授大学:correspondence university(54)好莱坞大片:Hollywood blockbuster(55)核心竞争力:core competitivene(56)虎父无犬子:A wise goose never lays a tame leg(57)基本国情:fundamental realities of the country(58)激烈竞争:cut-throat competition(59)极限运动:maximal exercise/X-games(60)集中精力把经济建设搞上去:go all out for economic development(61)加班:work extra shifts(62)嘉宾:distinguished/honored guest(63)加快市场步伐:quicken the pace of marketization(64)假冒伪劣产品:counterfeit and shoddy products(65)减负:alleviate burdens on sb(66)江南水乡:the south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River(67)教书育人:impart knowledge and educate people(68)脚踏实地:be down-to-earth(69)解除劳动关系:sever labor relations(70)扩大内需:expand domestic demand(71)拉拉队:cheering squad(72)论文答辩:(thesis)oral defence(73)马到成功:achieve immediate victory(74)三维电影/动画片:three-dimensional movie/animation

(75)森林覆盖率:forest coverage(76)社会保险机构:social security institutions(77)社会热点问题:hot spots of society(78)社会治安情况:law-and-order situation(79)申办城市:the bidding cities(80):身体素质:physical constitution(81)生计问题:bread-and-butter iue(82)生意兴隆 :busine flourishes(82)市场疲软:sluggish market(83)市政工程:municipal works/engineering(84)事业单位:public institution(85)试用期:probationary period(86)首创精神:pioneering spirit(87)手机充值:cellular phone replenishing(88)台湾同胞:Taiwan compatriots(89)脱贫致富:cast off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity(90)西部大开发:Development of the West Regions(91)新秀:up-and-coming star(92)学生处:students' affairs division(93)舆论导向:direction of public opinion(94)招生就业指导办公事:enrolment and

vocation guidance office(95)支柱产业:pillar conerstone industry(96)中专生:secondary specialized or technical school student(97)专题报道:special coverage(98)《阿Q正传》:The True Story of Ah Q(99)《春秋》:Spring and Autumn Annals(100)知识产权:intellectual property rights 匆忙地做某事 do something in a rush 商务礼节:busine etiquette 面部表情facial expreion 你与客户、同事或卖主的初次接触对你的业务成功而言是至关重要的。Your initial contact with a client,colleague or vendor is critical to your succe in busine.在长期看来你的第一步就会走的扎实,会带你走向良好的人际关系。You will have a solid start for long-term and profitable relationships.(profitable有益的,盈利的)肢体语言 body language被困在盆栽后面无法起身be trapped behind a potted plant and can’t stand up(potted plant盆栽)看着其他地方或眼光乱飘,那么人家会决定你在等某个更有趣、更重要的人出现If you are staring off somewhere else or glancing around the room,you give the appearance of looking for someone more interesting or important to come along.(come along 出现)坚定有力地握手offer a firm handshake伸手extend your hand抵抗住冲动 resist the urge to do先伸出手的一方往往被视为自信而且自在The person who puts a hand first comes acro as confident and at ease.直观地、直觉地intuitively 顺畅而专业地做自我介绍make introductions smoothly and profeionally 地位较低的人lower ranking pelple亲密共处close proximity拖净洒出来的水wipe up the spills 每个人共同承担着公司顺畅运营的职责Everyone shares the responsibility for making the company run smoothly.回应接受能力不强unresponsive and unreceptive增加工作满意度boost job satisfiction重要线索valuable cues 咬指甲 bite your nails 在你将咖啡壶里的咖啡倒空时,花一分钟时间再煮一壶,这样下一个人就能喝了。After you’ve drained the coffee pot into your cup, take a minute to make another pot for the next person.(drain排干、倒干)昨夜剩下的食物 leftover food 别这么做 Forget about it.将复印机参数重新设定回正常值 reset the copy machine to normal copying.(reset重置)在你剩下的东西发霉之前,扔掉它们。Before your leftovers sprout green fuzz,to them.这些东西会塞满公用的冰箱 that jam up the communal refrigerator(communal 公用的)为自己设立时间表,每天花几个时间段阅读、回复电子邮件。Set up a schedule to read and respond to your e-mail several times each day.(Set up a schedule)由于非语言交流是在无意识的层面上学习和采用的because nonverbal communication is learned and practiced on an unconscious level(nonverbal communication 非语言交流)你应该清楚地了解哪些行为让人很难接近你。(hinder 阻碍;vital 必不可少的,极其重要的)it is vital to understand some of the non-receptive behaviors that hinder your approachability.避免以下六种交流障碍 aviod the following six barriers to communication(barrier 障碍)将陌生人变成有价值的联系人transtform strangers into valuable connections(transtform„into)别人会认为你很焦虑 you will be perceived as anxious 你的目光向上your eyes are focused up 沉浸于沉思中be engroed in deep thought 思维闭塞close minded会评判别人的judgmental 耸肩 close your shoulders听耳机 listen to headphones知道最新的新闻 catch up the news 惟一一个阻挡了你将他人转化为互相有用的联系人的人,就是你自己。The only thing that stands in your way of transforming people into mutually valuable connections is you.具有感染性的微笑contagious smile 把自己与互动隔绝shield yourself from interaction其他人会很乐意接近你的others will be happy to step onto your front porch 推销单sales pitch一份手写感谢信是最好的方法 A handwritten thank you note is the best route to take.你永远不知道以后你会在何时何处需要他们 You never know what you may need from them down the road.(down the road在将来,今后)完成你的目标 accomplish your goal 有时候,短期的损失能带来长期的收获Sometimes a short term lo can equal a long term gain.粗体笔 A bold pen 特别亮丽的颜色 distinct bright colors 赘述 become hung up on length有破损的衣服frayed clothing 相关建

议attire recommendations 合成材料synthetic material在我们工作的环境中,衣服应该平正无皱。In our work environment ,clothing should be preed and never wrinkled.有品位的领带 tasteful ties 有节制with restraint工作中有几天是便服日,通常是周五。Certain days can be declared dre down days,generally Fridays.(dre down days便服日)没有后续行动does not include any followup没有任何一种着装能涵盖所有的可能性,因此,员工们必须在某种程度上做出自己的判断。No dre code can cover all contigencies so employees must exert a certain amount of judgement in their choice of clothing to wear to work.在此期间in the mean time双方both parties专业形象是值得提倡的,浓妆艳抹是不专业的体现。A profeional appearance is encouraged and exceive makeup is unprofeional.我深深坚信 I believe profoundly that如果着装依旧不符合要求,那么公司将会采取进一步的规范行动。Progreive disciplinary action will be applied if dre code violations continue.一段关系必须经过培养 A relationship must be nurtured.理所当然地 understandably.它会随着时间的推移而增长It grows over time.一个现实的希望a realistic aspiration在有效的关系中,每一方都开诚布公的表达他们的立场和感受。In effective relationships,parties openly expre their position and feelings.如果我决定了,我与某人的关系很重要,那么我会投入时间和精力,以了解那个人的需求并处理过程中出现的任何障碍。If I decide my relationship with someone is important,then I will invest time and energy to understand that person’s needs and to deal with anything that gets in the way.在非正式场合 in informal settings 无用的futile即使我尝试后失败了,我也知道我已经尽了全力,这会让我心里宽慰些。Even if I try and fail, I will know that I gave it my best shot and gain comfort from that.提及对自己重要的事项 raising iues that are important to them借以whereby建立一个人们能够表达感受的文化develop a culture whereby people can expre their feelings.建立亲密感build closene大家都是那样的All are like that.让我们依次研究一下这些阻碍吧Let’s take a look at each of these in turn.鼓励人们互相联系的公司文化会促使人们做出一种充满激情的、共同达成美好目标的互相承诺。Organizational cultures that encourage people to connect can generate a paionate commitment to achieve wonderful things together.不管不顾地将任务达成drive through the task regardle在形成有效关系时,有很多困难和阻碍,如,曾经有过互不信任或刻板印象,关系不好而责怪对方,专注于任务本身而忽略了对方的感受和需求,还有双方目标、角色和期待不清晰等。A number of things can get in the way of forming an effective relationship , including: a history of mistrust or stersotyping, blaming the other party for a difficult relationship,focusing on the task and excluding the feelings and needs of others, and unclear objectives, roles and expectations of each other.这会导致关系的破裂 This causes distruction in relationships.疏远自己的客户alienate your customers误解无法避免,关系也会因此恶化 misunderstandings are inevitable and the relationship will suffer他将信息反馈给对方He then feeds back to this person.接着双方角色对调Then the roles are reversed.得出解决方案arrive at a solution一张纸a sheet of paper 开个全体会议meet together in a plenary seion 研究数据examine the data解决共有的问题tackle common problems啦啦队the cheerleader知己the confidante密友the sidekick守护神the guardian ['gɑrdɪən] angel圣人the sage全力支持某人root for sb.甚至在我们偶尔摸索前进的时候even in the rare moments when we fumble忠诚的loyal镜子反射出你的成就和错过的机遇,并以一种基于事实的方式呈现出来。The mirror reflects back your accomplishments and mied opportunities in a fair evidence-based way.对你持有中性态度Be neutral about you 在最平凡的日子里in the most mundane day 在附近埋伏着lurk nearby当有人紧随其后时,你会跑得更快You run faster when there’s someone right on your heals.低估underrate深刻的见解insightful ideas他们不会为各种各样的压力而分心They don’t get distracted by miscellaneous [,mɪsɪ'lenjəs] preures or iues.提出方法和建议propose

solutions and suggestions讨论后续行动或接下来的步骤discu follow-up or next steps这儿有一些基本步骤,帮你解决与上司直接的棘手问题。Here are some basic steps to help you addre a touchy iue with your bo.彻底地回顾一遍review it thoroughly他需要点时间看看财务记录之后才能答应你的要求He needs time to review the financial records in advance of committing to your request.新主管a new supervisor现在你的努力会为长期的有利工作关系打下基础Your efforts now will lay the groundwork for a productive working relationship over the long haul.对你一整天的情况都紧密监控keep close tabs on you throughout the workday职业背景vocational background一家大型投资银行a major investment bank 衣橱wardrobe表现主动性demonstrate initiative拿一摞文件,在别人要求你阅读它们之前把它们读完taking a stack of files and going through them before you are asked它值得再三提起it bears repeating 它使我明白了许多道理It has made me realize lots of common sense.言而由衷,说话算话。Say what you mean and mean what you say.没有什么比真心交流更有效了There’s no substitute for authentic communication.降低自己给别人提意见的欲望,提高寻求他人意见的欲望Be le inclined to give advice and more inclined to seek it.克制冲动,不要对他人及其动机草率地下结论。查查源头、获得事实,再作出决定Resist the urge to jump to conclusions about people and their motives.Go to the source,get the facts,and then decide.认清总让你抓狂的人的最大优点,下次你俩互动时,将这个有点牢记在脑中Identify the biggest redeeming quality of that person who’s always driving you crazy.Keep it in mind the next time the two of you interact.(redeeming补偿的,弥补的)当与同事打招呼时,跳过愚蠢的“你好么?”问一个能够显示出你真的对他感兴趣的问题When greeting a colleague,skip the mindle“How are you ?”Ask a question that shows the genuine interest.不用自己的方式向别人道谢。真诚的感谢是很有力的武器——它集反馈、认可和尊重于一体。Go out of your way to say thank you.Sincere appreciation is powerful stuff——it’s feedback, recognition,and respect all wrapped in one.(all wrapped in one集„„于一体)如果你表达感激过晚,那就要补偿这一延误。与每个你还未感谢的人联系,让他们知道你多么感谢他们的帮助。.If you’re overdue in showing gratitude,make up for lost time.Contact everyone who’s owed thanks from you, and let them know how much you appreciate their help.将功劳和奉承献给每一个有所贡献的人。如果你认为某一个可喜的成就完全出自你手,那就再想想吧.When credit and compliments come your way ,spread them around to all who helped.And if you’re solely responsible for that honored achievement,think again.只有当你确实做得到的时候再做出承诺。如果你没有做到,就要向他人解释为什么Promise only what you can deliver,If what you deliver falls short,explain why.当事情出现问题的时候,忍住不要责怪他人。失败来自体系,所以纠正体系,不要纠正别人。When things go wrong.Resist the urge to aign blame.It’s the system that really fails,so fix the system,not the people.扩大你的社交圈。如果你总是和同一批人吃午饭,那你应该邀请新的人加入。Widen your social circle.If you always go to lunch with the same group,invite someone new.无缘无故也要送礼。如果你和热爱自然的人一起工作,那就送些植物或花卉。如果团队常年喜爱甜食,那就弄些甜食来,并随时补足。Give a gift for no reason.If you work with nature lovers,order some plants or flowers.If the group has a chronic sweet tooth,get some sweet dishes and keep them full.当你听到一个谣言时,要左耳进右耳出When a rumor reaches your ear,let it go out the other.适时地将每天的单调任务放到一边,和同事闲聊一会。如果这个同事很少与你交谈,那就更好了。Step down from the treadmill of daily task and have an inefficient chat with a colleague.If it’s someone you rarely engage in conversation,all the better.对他人的兴趣表示你的兴趣。你可能对帕特的集邮兴趣并不那么感冒,不过如果你问起的话,帕特总是会兴高采烈的。.Show interest in someone else’s interests.You may not be dying to hear about Pat’s paion for stamp collecting,but Pat will be

thrilled you asked.当你选择了一个立场,并在稍后发现自己站错了边,那么就诚实地说出来。When you take a stand and later realize it’s the wrong stand,be honest enough to say so.在权衡选择和作出决定的时候,让更多的人参与进来。你周围有让人难以置信的绝妙想法,所以干嘛不好好利用呢?Involve more people in weighing options and making decisions.There‘s incredible brainpower all around you,so why not put it to work?如果你想要给步行几步即可走到他面前的同事发邮件,别这么做。起身、走过去,跟他们直说你要说的。If you tend to send e-mails to colleagues who are an easy walk away.Give the computer a rest.Get up,walk over, and talk to them.试着一整天都不要对人做出评价。祝你好运,这可不是容易事儿。Try going a whole day without making judgment about people.Good luck——it’s tough!不要等着别人对你友善。甘地明白这一点:我们必须成为我们想要在世界上看到的变化。Don’t wait for kindne to come your way.Gandi had it right:we must be the change we wish to see in the world.写邮件compose a email一旦你想到了这封电子邮件的读者,你传达信息的语调和内容就会起相应的变化。Once you have your reader in mind, youe meage’s tone and contest follows suit.主题栏永远要与你的主题相关Always align your subject line to your subject.有负面后果have negtive consequences将你的要求隐藏在邮件的中间段落当中bury your request in the middle of the paragraphs强调信息highlight information草稿箱draft folder简短而到位short and sharp正式的晚宴上,对话不应该冒犯到周围的人 Conversation at a formal dinner should nor be offensive to those around you.如果你觉得你说的有些过头了If you sense that you’ve croed the line in dinner topics.(cro the line做的太过分了,过格了)用牙签剔牙pick up your teeth with a toothpick 如果接电话的人不知道打电话的人是谁,那么立刻告知打电话的目的和打电话的人的相关信息就很重要了If the caller is not known to the receiver it is important that the purpose of the call and the caller’s credentials are established immediately.在电话交谈中,详细说明你致电的原因Particularize your intension behind the call.详细叙述信息并详细说明打电话的目的Expand upon information and specify the purpose of the call在打电话的时候,你要时刻牢记秘密事件的隐私性和安全性Privacy and security around furtive iues must always be borne in mind on the phone.如果电话交谈中敏感话题必须出现,商务礼节要求你向接电话的人确定这么做是否合时。If it is imperative that sensitive discuions take place over the phone,busine etiquette requires that you confirm with the receiver whether this is appropriate.轻率的行为或决定rash actions or decisions 简体中文字simplified Chinese characters 金色是一种会带来幸运的颜色Gold is an auspicious color头衔title 表现良好礼节demonstrate good etiquette几个重要例子a few key examples对„„也适用be applicable to 佛经故事Buddhist Parables过去有一个人,头上没有毛发 Once,there was a man who was bothered by total baldne.夏天苦于暴晒之热 In summer, the heat scorched his head.(scorch v.炙烤)他昼夜不得安宁 He had no peace day or night.所以这个秃子便来到医师的住所,对医师说:“大师,替我治好这个病吧。”So the bald man called on him at his residence and implored him,“Master ,please cure my illne.”(implore v.恳求,请求;implore sb to do sth.)他非常愚昧无知His foolishne knew no bounds 看到一个极美的三层楼的楼房,高大富丽、宽敞明亮 see a magnificent three-storeyed building which was tall ,spacious and bright.(magnificent极美的.多形容建筑 spacious 宽敞的)唤来木匠 call in a carpenter 于是他要求给他建一座类似的房子 whereupon he ordered a similar house be built for him.(whereupon conj.于是,在此以后)木匠开始测量地基,垒砖造楼The carpenter started to clear the ground and piled up mud bricks.无法自制unable to restrain himself 看守keep an eye on 戴一条条纹领带wear a striped tie由于灯光的照射天空是棕黑色的 The sky is dark brown because of all the city lights that shine up into the sky.旗子在旗杆上,旗杆使旗子直插云霄,所以旗杆风可以使旗子迎风招展The flag is

on a pole.The pole puts the flag high into the air,so the wind can make it flap.旗杆是竖直的,旗子是水平的。The pole is vertical and the flag is horizontal.它有13条条纹是因为13个殖民地打败了英国It has 13 stripes because 13 colonies defeated the British.除了几朵云彩,天空晴朗The weather in this picture is clear except for a few clouds.驴子拉着一个无盖的运货车This wagon is being pulled by a mule.他麻袋里的货物像是食物His cargo looks like food in sacks.这些食物将被带到集市上去卖These sacks of foods will be moved to the market where they will be sold.货物对运货车来说太重了The cargo is very heavy for the wagon.轮胎似乎没有气了The tires also look like they have low air preure.电线杆an electrical pole砖墙(砖壁)brick wall 夸大其词,效果甚微overpromising,under-delivering格子裙a plaid skirt


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