
2020-02-29 其他范文 下载本文


-三个臭皮匠,开始干活喽我知道为什么大家叫他“小丑”听说他喜欢化妆?没听见啊,举起手!I said, hands up!趴下!给我趴下!有问题吗?你们这帮人死定了您打算什么时候开始呢?不,老兄,今晚不行What are you, superstitious? 你中头彩的机会都比碰到他的机会大(指蝙蝠侠)

You got more chance of winning the Powerball than running into him.并非如此,重案组的人 已经查出眉目了

That's not true.Our men in the Major Crimes Unit are close to an arrest.嘿,乌尔茨 市长说你就快抓到蝙蝠侠了

Hey, Wuertz, mayor says you're closing in on the Batman.调查已经上了轨道 The investigation is ongoing.除暴安良并非是一朝一夕的事

The proce of cleaning up the streets is a long one.我在竞选的时候 曾经承诺过„

I pledged in my campaign, uh, to have...队长,没想过再去看看老婆?

Ever intending to see your wife again, lieutenant? 我以为你回家照顾你母亲去了,探长

I thought you had to go look after your mother, detective.我把她送回医院了

Checked her back into the hospital.对不起

I'm sorry.他经常这样

-So he hasn't shown up?我的小王子什么„?我们只是想帮你我们已经查出赃款所在了Time to move in.必须同时围剿所有银行 动用特种部队,后备增援

We'd have to hit all banks simultaneously.SWAT teams, backup.小丑怎么办?

What about this Joker guy? 你是要一棵树,还是一片森林? 让他再多活两天 One man or the entire Mob? He can wait.新上任的检察官听说之后 也想插手这事

When the new DA hears about this, he'll want in.想不让他插手很难

-Do you trust him?你是不是让老虎咬了?It was a dog.好大一条狗

-Huh?可是你有,少爷Well, can't afford to know them.万一有一天你知道了 那怎么办?

And what's gonna happen on the day that you find out? 我知道你会说“我早告诉过你”

We all know how much you like to say “I told you so.” 要是真有那么一天,韦恩少爷

On that day, Master Wayne, even I won't want to.可能我也会说不出口的 Probably.不好意思,我迟到了 Sorry I'm late, folks.担心要自己挑大梁?

-Where were you?哈维,这些卷宗我都倒背如流了Well, then...68 大家讲公平

...fair's fair.人头,我主辩 字,你来

Heads, I'll take it.Tails, he's all yours.你想通过抛个硬币来决定?

Yeah? You wanna flip a coin to see who leads? 这是我爸爸的幸运币 是它保成了咱们的第一次约会

My father's lucky coin.As I recall, it got me my first date with you.我不想拿这种事碰运气

I wouldn't leave something like that up to chance.我不是碰,而是创造运气

I don't.I make my own luck.全体起立 有请弗利尔法官主持开庭

All rise.The Honorable Judge Freel presiding.我以为检察官大人 就喜欢跟市长打高尔夫呢

I thought the DA just played golf with the mayor.一点半才开球 不愁没时间送你进大牢,沙利

Teeoff's 1:30.More than enough time to put you away for life, Sally.既然卡迈尔·法尔肯进了精神病院„ With Carmine Falcone in Arkham...那就得有个人站出来 为所谓的“家族”主持大局

...someone must have stepped up to run the so-called family.那个人今天在庭内吗?

Is that man in this courtroom today?你赢了,大律师

-Could you identify him for us, please?肃静Permiion to treat...同意

...the witne as hostile?把他拖出去But, Your Honor, I'm not done.枪肯定查不到马洛尼头上 所以咱们告不了他

We'll never be able to link the gun to Maroni, so we can't charge him.不过他们试图杀你 说明碰到了他们的痛处 But they're trying to kill you, means we're getting to them.看你这么欣慰我也高兴,瑞秋 不过你不必安慰我I'm glad you're so pleased, Rachel.I'm fine, by the way.别这样,哈维 你可是高谭市的检察官 Come on, Harvey.You're Gotham's DA.如果没人想杀你 说明你工作没做好

You're not getting shot at, you're not doing your job right.不过„

But, you know...如果你说自己有些“受惊过度” 我们今天可以休个假

...if you said you were rattled, we could take the rest of the day off.不行,我把重案组的队长拉来了

Can't.I dragged the head of the Major Crimes Unit down here.噢,吉姆·戈登? 他站在咱们这边,对他客气点

Oh, Jim Gordon? He's a friend, actually.Try to be nice.听说你在庭上被翻供了

I hear you got a hell of a right cro.没想到沙利就那么逍遥法外了

It's a shame Sal's going to walk.好在狗改不了吃屎 他们肯定还会给我机会的Yeah, well, good thing about the Mob is they keep giving you second chances.微光辐射钞票

Lightly irradiated bills.警察也有这玩意? 有人帮忙吗?

Fancy stuff for a city cop.Have help? 我们找过很多部门„

We liaise with various agencies...省省吧,戈登,我想见他

Save it, Gordon.I wanna meet him.官方的政策可是要逮捕蝙蝠侠

Official policy is to arrest the vigilante known as Batman on sight.那重案组楼顶的照明灯算怎么回事?

Mm-hm.What about that floodlight on the top of MCU? 如果你觉得设备有问题的话„

If you got problems with malfunctioning equipment...我建议你直接送去维修站,大律师

...I suggest you take them up with Maintenance, counselor.高谭市所有负责洗钱的人 都被我关进了大牢

I've put every money launderer in Gotham behind bars...可是黑帮照样能拿到钱

...but the Mob is still getting its money out.我知道你和你的人 准备为最后一战收网了

I think you and your friend have found the last game in town.而且正中他们的要害 他们腰包里的钱

You're trying to hit them where it hurts, their wallets.很了不起 It's bold.不想算我一个?

You gonna count me in? 在咱们城里,知道的人越少 行动越安全

In this town, the fewer people know something, the safer the operation.戈登,我不是很喜欢 你那个特别行动组„

I don't like that you got your own special unit...尤其是其中大部份都是 我在内务部调查的对象

...and it's full of cops I investigated at Internal Affairs.如果我不跟这些人共事„

If I didn't work with cops you'd investigated while at IA...那我岂不成了孤家寡人?...I'd be working alone.我可没什么“理想主义政治观”

I don't get political points for being an idealist.手头有多少东西,就使多大能耐

I do the best I can with what I have.你要我签发五家银行的搜查证„

You want me to back warrants for search and seizure on five banks...你连要干什么都不告诉我...without telling me what we're after.我可以告诉你银行的名字

I can give you the names of the banks.还好,总算起个头儿 Well, that's a start.我可以给你搜查证 但我需要你的信任

I'll get you your warrants, but I want your trust.噢,你用不着费这口舌,登特

Oh, you don't have to sell me, Dent.谁都知道你是高谭市的光明骑士

We all know you're Gotham's white knight.是吗,我可听说在重案组 他们给我起了外号

Yeah, well, I heard they have a different name for me down at MCU.那我就不知道了

I wouldn't know about that.在中国,刘氏证券投资 是新生力量的代表

In China, Lau Security Investments stands for dynamic new growth.同中资企业合作 韦恩商业必会名扬四海

A joint Chinese venture with Wayne Enterprises will be a powerhouse.刘先生

Well, Mr.Lau...我谨代表董事会„

...I speak for the rest of the board...以及韦恩先生 表示诚挚谢意

...and Mr.Wayne, in expreing our own excitement.先生,我知道韦恩先生对信托基金 的托管要求很严„

Sir, I know Mr.Wayne is curious about how his trust fund gets replenished...可是说实话 刚才的一幕实在有失体统

...but, frankly, this is embarraing.你做好你的数据评估就行了,里斯先生

You worry about the diligence, Mr.Reese.布鲁斯·韦恩的事用不着你操心 I'll worry about Bruce Wayne.评估过了 It's done.数据都没问题

The numbers are solid.那就再做一遍 Do them again.不能让我们的资金打水漂,是吧?

Wouldn't want the trust fund to run out, now, would we? 又熬夜了?

Another long night? 搞合资是你的主意 而且投资顾问都很看好

This joint venture was your idea, and the consultants love it.不过我觉得不妥

But I'm not convinced.刘的公司收入非常稳定 每年都能净增八个百分点

Lau's company has grown by 8 percent annually like clockwork.这里面肯定有猫腻„

His revenue stream must be off the books...很可能有违法行为

...maybe even illegal.那好,取消合资计划 Okay.Cancel the deal.你早知道了?

You already knew.只不过想找借口查查他们的帐

Just needed a closer look at their books.你给我找的麻烦还没完吧?

Anything else you can trouble me for? 我需要一套新行头 I need a new suit.也是,三个扣的有点过时了,韦恩先生 Yeah.Three buttons is a little '90s, Mr.Wayne.我不是说时尚,福克斯先生 我是说功能

I'm not talking fashion, Mr.Fox, so much as function.想让战袍方便转头?

You wanna be able to turn your head.至少倒车时容易多了

Sure make backing out of the driveway easier.我帮你看看

I'll see what I can do.我花了三周才订到位子

Took three weeks to get a reservation here.还得告诉他们我在政府工作

I had to tell them I work for the government.卫生督察„

-Really?娜塔莎„你是那位„Natascha.Are you the prima...?哈维准备下周带我去看呢Really? So you're into ballet? 布鲁斯,这位是哈维·登特 Bruce.This is Harvey Dent.大名鼎鼎的布鲁斯·韦恩 瑞秋把你的事都告诉我了

The famous Bruce Wayne.Rachel's told me everything about you.我倒希望她没有

I certainly hope not.他们不会同意吧

-Let's put a couple tables together.结果他变成了独裁家Okay, fine.要么舍生取义„

You either die a hero...要么坐视不管 苟活到与恶人为伍

...or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.不管蝙蝠侠是谁 他不可能一辈子都干这个

Whoever the Batman is, he doesn't wanna do this for the rest of his life.蝙蝠侠一直在等人 从他手中接过接力棒

How could he? Batman is looking for someone to take up his mantle.比如你,登特先生? Someone like you, Mr.Dent? 也许吧,如果我真想的话 Maybe.If I'm up to it.如果哈维·登特正是 这位蒙面飞侠呢?

What if Harvey Dent is the Caped Crusader? Hm? 如果每晚我都溜出去 早就有人知道了

If I were sneaking out every night, someone would've noticed by now.我被说动了,登特 我要为你办个募捐

Well, I'm sold, Dent, and I'm gonna throw you a fundraiser.那太好了,只是未来三年 我都不打算参选了

That's nice, but I'm not up for reelection for three years.不,你不明白

No, you don't understand.我这一次募捐„

One fundraiser with my pals...别说三年,三辈子你都用不完

...you'll never need another cent.这他妈什么东西?

What the hell is this? 大家都知道 我们有间银行被抢了

As you're all aware, one of our deposits was stolen.相对来说是个小数目,6800万

A relatively small amount, 68 million.谁这么蠢,敢偷我们的钱?

Who's stupid enough to steal from us? 一个怪胎,一身廉价紫衣服,化着妆

Two-bit wackjob, wears a cheap purple suit and makeup.主要问题不在他 他是个无名小卒

He's not the problem.He's a nobody.问题是我们的钱 被条子盯上了

The problem is our money being tracked by the cops.多亏马洛尼先生 有可靠的内幕消息„

Thanks to Mr.Maroni's well-placed sources...警察已经用可追踪钞票 查出了我们的银行

...we know that police have indeed identified our banks using marked bills...而且计划今天 查封你们所有的资金

...and are planning to seize your funds today.既然这位热心肠的新任检察官 把我的同行都给扫清了„

And since the enthusiastic new D A has put all my competitors out of busine...那你的建议是?

...I'm your only option.MARONl: So, what are you proposing? 把所有的钱转移到安全的地方 但不是银行 Moving all deposits to one secure location, not a bank.除了我没人知道

-Where, then?你们知道,你们付的钱嘛说得对

-A freak.Damn right.像我这样的人„ 大伙儿听着

A guy like me...Look, listen.我知道你们为什么在白天„

I know why you choose to have your little, ahem...聚在一起做互助心理治疗

...group-therapy seions in broad daylight.我知道你们为什么 晚上不敢出门

I know why you're afraid to go out at night.因为蝙蝠侠 The Batman.真不幸,蝙蝠侠让高谭市 发现你们是胆小鬼

See, Batman has shown Gotham your true colors, unfortunately.登特,他只是个开始

Dent, he's just the beginning.至于电视里那个所谓的“计划”„

And as for the television's so-called plan...别忘了蝙蝠侠是从不讲法的...Batman has no jurisdiction.他会找到那小子,逼他全吐出来

He'll find him and make him squeal.叛徒什么样我一眼就能看出来„

I know the squealers when I see them...而他„...and...那你的意思是?

What do you propose? 很简单,杀了蝙蝠侠

It's simple.We, uh, kill the Batman.如果真那么简单 你怎么还没杀了他?

If it's so simple, why haven't you done it already? 如果你有过人的本事 绝不能免费展示 If you're good at something, never do it for free.你想要多少?

How much you want? 呃,一半吧 Uh, half.不,我没疯

You're crazy.妈的!对呀我可以推荐一个上等旅行代理Without it landing.这回有点像你了,韦恩先生

Now, that's more like it, Mr.Wayne.中情局在60年代有个项目„

The CIA had a program back in the '60s...专门救援处在危区的人 叫做“天勾计划”

...for getting their people out of hot spots called Sky Hook.很好

-We could look into that.说得对Now, there is a tradeoff.轻护甲会降低你对刀和枪的防御力

Separation of the plates makes you more vulnerable to knives and gunfire.事情很难两全其美,不是吗?

We wouldn't wanna make things too easy, now, would we? 那它的防狗功能怎么样?

How will it hold up against dogs? 你是问德国猎犬,还是吉娃娃狗?

We talking rottweilers or Chihuahuas? 不过防猫肯定没问题

Should do fine against cats.我在亚利桑纳州找到一位 I found one in Arizona.一个不错的卖家 说是一星期就能备好货„

A very nice man said he could have it up and running in a week...而且他愿意收现金

...and he takes cash.一些南韩的走私犯South Korean smugglers.经常避着雷达飞平壤

They run flights into Pyongyang, below radar.当然了

-Did you think of an alibi?不想因此威胁到我的公司Of course.以您的身份和地位 应该能够理解

A busineman of your stature will understand and...既然您来了香港 咱们就继续谈吧

...with you here now, we can continue.刘先生,我确实很感谢您的 高规格接待,不过我„

Well, I do appreciate you bringing me out here in such style, Mr.Lau, but I re...这儿不准带电话进来

We do not allow cell phones in here.不好意思,忘了我带了这台 I'm sorry.Forgot I had it.我此行的目的是想告诉你 我们的合作得先缓一缓

No, I really came to tell you that our busine deal has to be put on hold.我们不能冒这个险 跟一个被警方盯上的公司„

You see, we can't afford to be seen to do busine with...有生意上的往来

...whatever it is you're accused of being.我相信以您的身份和地位 应该能够理解

I'm sure a busineman of your stature will understand.依我看,福克斯先生 这种事打个电话足矣了

I think, Mr.Fox, a simple phone call might have sufficed.韦恩先生不想让你觉得 他在存心浪费您的时间

Mr.Wayne didn't want you to think he was deliberately wasting your time.只是碰巧浪费一下

Just accidentally wasting it.说得好,刘先生 “碰巧”,非常好

That's very good, Mr.Lau.“Accidentally.” Very good.嗨,先生 Hey, sir.山顶上的缆车视野不错

There's a better view from the peak tram.刘氏公司的内部情况是?

How's the view from LSI Holdings? 戒备森严 Restricted.刘在那里可谓高枕无忧

Lau is holed up in there good and tight.我让研发部门设计的-What's this?另一台呢?It's in place.479 00:32:32,52--> 00:32:33,52 韦恩先生? Mr.Wayne? 480 00:32:34,68--> 00:32:35,92 祝你好运 Good luck.481 00:36:16,48--> 00:36:19,52 听着,把钱交出来 咱们可以做个交易

Look, give us the money and we'll talk about making a deal.482 00:36:19,68--> 00:36:22,84 正因为这些钱,我才能活命

The money is the only reason I'm still alive.483 00:36:23,00--> 00:36:26,96 你是说,他们发现你帮了我们 就会想办法杀掉你?

Oh, you mean, when they find out that you've helped us, they're gonna kill you? 484 00:36:27,12--> 00:36:28,76没有

-Are you threatening my client?帐本?票据„?Ledgers...?以及特许飞回香港After you testify in open court.507 00:37:32,60--> 00:37:34,84 我好奇的是 如果你的客户都入了狱„

I'm just curious.With all your clients locked up...508 00:37:35,16--> 00:37:37,28 那些钱怎么办?

...what's gonna happen with all that money? 509 00:37:37,44--> 00:37:40,44 我说了,我精于计算

Like I said, I'm good with calculation.510 00:37:40,60--> 00:37:45,08 不能送他去重犯监狱 还是把他关在这儿安全

He can't go to County.I'll keep him here in the holding cells.511 00:37:45,24--> 00:37:47,68 你当这是哪,戈登? 你的城堡啊?

What is this, Gordon, your fortre? 512 00:37:47,96--> 00:37:50,52 重犯监狱的人你信得过吗?

Well, you trust them over at County? 513 00:37:50,68--> 00:37:52,44 我更信不过这里的人

I don't trust them here.514 00:37:54,12--> 00:37:55,56 刘必须留下 Lau stays.515 00:37:56,00--> 00:37:58,48 刘的具体行程我不太了解„

Well, I don't know about Mr.Lau's travel arrangements...516 00:37:58,64--> 00:38:00,36 但最重要的是,他又回来了

...but I'm sure glad he's back.517 00:38:00,52--> 00:38:02,88 我已放出了话,雇那个小丑

Put word out.We hire the clown.518 00:38:05,56--> 00:38:09,24 他说得对,得解决些实际问题

He was right.We have to fix real problem.519 00:38:09,72--> 00:38:10,80 蝙蝠侠 Batman.520 00:38:15,16--> 00:38:18,92他挺上镜的嘛

-I'm not aware of any participation...市长先生,能不能„No, get out.Both of you.542 00:39:33,04--> 00:39:34,52 坐吧

Sit down.543 00:39:39,28--> 00:39:42,16 民众欣赏你 所以才有今天这个局面

The public likes you.That's the only reason that this might fly.544 00:39:42,32--> 00:39:43,60 但你也上了风口浪尖

But that means it's on you.545 00:39:43,76--> 00:39:46,68 不光是黑社会 所有人都会把帐算在你头上

They're all gonna come after you now, and not just the Mob.546 00:39:46,84--> 00:39:50,52 政客,记者,警察

Politicians, journalists, cops.547 00:39:50,68--> 00:39:53,08 所有因为此事钱包瘪了的人

Anyone whose wallet's about to get lighter.548 00:39:53,24--> 00:39:55,80 你真想好了?最好别回头

Are you up to it? You'd better be.549 00:39:55,96--> 00:39:58,00 一旦他们抓到你的把柄„

Because they get anything on you...550 00:39:58,16--> 00:40:02,76 那些人前脚出了大牢的门 后脚就会来问候你和我...and those criminals are back on the streets, followed swiftly by you and me.551 00:40:02,92--> 00:40:04,16 我的天!Jesus!552 00:40:24,44--> 00:40:26,80 我看你的募捐一定会 空前成功的,先生

I think your fundraiser will be a great succe, sir.553 00:40:26,96--> 00:40:29,52 你怎么就知道我想 给哈维·登特办个晚宴?

And why do you think I wanna hold a party for Harvey Dent? 554 00:40:29,68--> 00:40:32,64 个中缘由就和你不用我 而是亲自进行社交活动„

I aumed it was your usual reason for socializing beyond myself...555 00:40:32,80--> 00:40:34,76 以及在高谭市街头打击犯罪一样„...and the scum of Gotham's underbelly: 556 00:40:34,92--> 00:40:36,64 都是为了打动道威斯小姐

To try to impre Mi Dawes.557 00:40:36,80--> 00:40:40,72 说得好听,可惜错了 事实上,是为了登特

Very droll, but very wrong.Actually, it's Dent.558 00:40:40,88--> 00:40:43,64 “警方公布了一段 随尸体附带的录像”

Police released video footage found concealed on the body.559 00:40:43,80--> 00:40:46,32 “画面敏感,不适者勿看”

Sensitive viewers, be aware.The image is disturbing.560 00:40:46,48--> 00:40:48,60 告诉他们你叫什么?

Tell them your name.561 00:40:48,76--> 00:40:50,36 布赖恩·道格拉斯

Brian Douglas.562 00:40:51,88--> 00:40:54,12 你真的是蝙蝠侠吗?

And are you the real Batman? 563 00:40:54,28--> 00:40:55,28不是? No.No? 564 00:40:55,44--> 00:40:57,32不是?-No.我很快回来Rachel.582 00:42:07,64--> 00:42:10,36 来杯酒壮壮胆,登特先生?

A little liquid courage, Mr.Dent? 583 00:42:10,52--> 00:42:12,84没错,先生

-Thank you.Alfred, right?但是我知道No, I meant every word.611 00:43:53,24--> 00:43:56,04 还记得你说的话吗? 你我之间„

You know that day that you once told me about...612 00:43:56,20--> 00:43:58,20 „只有当高谭市不再 需要蝙蝠侠时才有机会?...when Gotham would no longer need Batman? 613 00:43:58,36--> 00:44:00,20布鲁斯Bruce.614 00:44:01,00--> 00:44:06,36机会已经上路了,哈维就是那位英雄

-You can't ask me to wait for that.对上号没?Any matches?市政厅Seal the building.628 00:44:43,00--> 00:44:44,92明白

-No one in or out till I get there.好一番长篇大论Not if the Mob has their way.647 00:45:55,68--> 00:45:58,28 你得跟我妻子说个清楚„

You get to explain to my wife...648 00:45:59,16--> 00:46:00,68 为什么我没回去吃晚饭

...why I'm late for dinner.649 00:46:00,84--> 00:46:03,88 长官,小丑的名片上有你的DNA Sir, the joker card had traces of your DNA on it.650 00:46:05,40--> 00:46:07,92那好

-Don't do that.那我们认真点Okay.652 00:46:11,56--> 00:46:12,56 你的回复是?

What's your answer? 653 00:46:18,48--> 00:46:19,92 我不做任何回复

I don't have an answer.654 00:46:22,00--> 00:46:23,00 他们怎么会有我的DNA? How'd they get my DNA? 655 00:46:23,16--> 00:46:25,24 一定是有人进了 你的办公室或住宅„

Somebody with acce to your office or house...656 00:46:25,40--> 00:46:27,92 偷了你用的纸巾或杯子„ 等等!等等!

...must have lifted a tiue or a gla...Wait!Wait!657 00:46:28,08--> 00:46:30,88哈维

-Well, I gue no answer is a no.心里有别人吧,是不是?Harvey.659 00:46:33,24--> 00:46:36,28 别告诉我是韦恩 这家伙就是一个花花„

Just tell me it's not Wayne.The guy's a complete f...660 00:46:36,76--> 00:46:38,16 你干什么啊? What are you doing? 661 00:46:48,88--> 00:46:49,88 噢,见鬼!Oh, shit.662 00:46:55,80--> 00:46:57,48 快叫医生!Get a medic!663 00:47:00,76--> 00:47:01,84 他们是冲他来的They've come for him.664 00:47:03,28--> 00:47:04,40 我们来啦 We made it.665 00:47:06,88--> 00:47:07,88 藏在这儿 Stay hidden.666 00:47:10,04--> 00:47:13,24 晚上好啊,女士们先生们

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.667 00:47:16,04--> 00:47:19,80 今晚,我们是特意来助兴的We are tonight's entertainment.668 00:47:20,60--> 00:47:22,84 我只有一个小问题

I only have one question: 669 00:47:23,04--> 00:47:26,44 哈维·登特在哪?

Where is Harvey Dent? 670 00:47:35,52--> 00:47:37,52 知道哈维在哪吗? 知道他是谁吗?

You know where Harvey is? You know who he is? 671 00:47:37,68--> 00:47:38,92 举起手来,大帅哥

Hands up, pretty boy.672 00:47:45,76--> 00:47:48,44 在哪能找到哈维? 我有话跟他说

Do you know where I can find Harvey? I need to talk to him.673 00:47:48,60--> 00:47:51,32 就那么几句,没人知道?

Just something little, huh? No.674 00:47:53,52--> 00:47:56,16 外面怎么了?韦恩!

What's going on out there? Wayne!675 00:47:57,56--> 00:47:58,88 谢天谢地,原来你有个应急室

Oh, thank God, you've got a panic room.676 00:47:59,04--> 00:48:00,16 嘿,等等我„ Hey, wait...677 00:48:00,72--> 00:48:02,44 噢,开什么玩笑啊

Oh, you gotta be kidding me.678 00:48:02,72--> 00:48:04,64 如果是他的挚爱,我也可以凑合You know, I'll settle for his loved ones.679 00:48:04,80--> 00:48:08,16 我们不吃坏人这一套

We're not intimidated by thugs.680 00:48:09,08--> 00:48:10,72 知道吗„ You know...681 00:48:12,28--> 00:48:15,16 你让我想起了我老爸

...you remind me of my father.682 00:48:15,60--> 00:48:17,36 我可不喜欢他老人家 I hated my father.683 00:48:17,52--> 00:48:19,48 好了,够了 Okay, stop.684 00:48:23,16--> 00:48:25,88 噢,久违了,小美人

Well, hello, beautiful.685 00:48:27,96--> 00:48:31,64 这位肯定就是哈维的姘头了,嗯? You must be Harvey's squeeze.Hm? 686 00:48:32,00--> 00:48:34,40 你果然是个美人

And you are beautiful.687 00:48:41,04--> 00:48:44,76 你好像很紧张,难道因为这些疤? You look nervous.Is it the scars? 688 00:48:45,64--> 00:48:47,76 想不想知道这疤怎么来的?

You wanna know how I got them? 689 00:48:48,92--> 00:48:51,36 靠近点儿,嘿 Come here.Hey.690 00:48:51,72--> 00:48:53,36 看着我Look at me.691 00:48:53,80--> 00:48:58,36 本来我有个老婆 很漂亮,像你一样„

So I had a wife.She was beautiful, like you...692 00:48:58,60--> 00:49:02,64 她总说我太多愁善感„

...who tells me I worry too much...693 00:49:02,80--> 00:49:05,60 说我应该多笑一笑„

...who tells me I ought to smile more...694 00:49:05,76--> 00:49:11,04 可她赌博欠了一屁股债

...who gambles and gets in deep with the sharks.Hey.695 00:49:11,44--> 00:49:13,76 终于有一天 他们弄花了她的脸 One day they carve her face.696 00:49:14,24--> 00:49:18,32 可我们没钱做手术 她痛苦得无法自拔

And we have no money for surgeries.She can't take it.697 00:49:18,68--> 00:49:22,04 我只想再看看她的笑脸

I just wanna see her smile again.Hm? 698 00:49:22,36--> 00:49:25,16 我只想让她知道 我不在乎什么刀疤

I just want her to know that I don't care about the scars.699 00:49:25,68--> 00:49:27,16 所以„ So...700 00:49:27,72--> 00:49:31,24 我把刀塞进嘴里,轻轻一划„

...I stick a razor in my mouth and do this...701 00:49:31,68--> 00:49:33,00 成了这样

...to myself.702 00:49:33,28--> 00:49:38,16 可你知道吗? 她却受不了我这份尊容

And you know what? She can't stand the sight of me.703 00:49:38,32--> 00:49:39,80 弃我而去 She leaves.704 00:49:40,48--> 00:49:42,80 现在我想明白了 Now I see the funny side.705 00:49:43,64--> 00:49:45,16 现在我天天都在笑

Now I'm always smiling.706 00:49:48,44--> 00:49:51,64 性子挺烈的嘛,我喜欢

You got a little fight in you.I like that.707 00:49:51,80--> 00:49:53,08 那你肯定也喜欢我Then you're gonna love me.708 00:50:20,08--> 00:50:21,24 放下枪

Drop the gun.709 00:50:21,40--> 00:50:23,92 可以,只要你轻轻的 摘下那张小面具„

Oh, sure.You just take off your little mask...710 00:50:24,08--> 00:50:26,20 秀一秀您的庐山真面目,嗯?

...and show us all who you really are.Hm? 711 00:50:31,60--> 00:50:32,76 放开她

Let her go.712 00:50:33,52--> 00:50:34,88 拜托 对白有点深度...Very poor choice of words.713 00:50:56,76--> 00:50:58,56 你没事吧?

Are you all right? 714 00:51:00,72--> 00:51:03,00 千万别有下一次了

Let's not do that again.715 00:51:03,28--> 00:51:05,68他很安全

-Is Harvey okay?-He's safe.716 00:51:07,16--> 00:51:08,44 谢谢

Thank you.717 00:51:08,76--> 00:51:09,76 吉姆,一切都完了 Jim, it's over.718 00:51:09,92--> 00:51:12,40 只要刘还在我们手上 他们就拿不到钱

As long as they don't get to Lau, we've cut off their funds.719 00:51:12,56--> 00:51:14,00 诉讼完了

The prosecution's over.720 00:51:14,16--> 00:51:15,76 没人敢上庭了,谁都知道„

Nobody's standing up in front of a judge...721 00:51:15,92--> 00:51:18,80 连法官大人跟警察局长 都难逃一死

...while judges and police commiioners are getting blown away.722


黑暗骑士观后感看完长达150分钟的《Dark Knight》,感觉就像是乘坐着一个跌宕起伏的过山车终于到了终点一般,一身臭汗。整部电影,起鸡皮疙瘩无数次,惊叹10次以上,大叫5次,被吓到1次......








The dark knightThere are so many films that have deeply moved me since I was a little child, and without question The Dark Knight is the most brilliant. In the......

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