
2020-02-29 其他范文 下载本文









(1)Data flow into the machine is called input.数据流入机器称为输入。

(2)Temperature affects matter in many ways.温度影响物质的许多方面。

(3)Computers can work through a series of problems and make thousands of 1ogical decisions without becoming tired.计算机能解决很多问题,做出成千上万个符合逻辑的决定,而不感到疲倦。(4)Scientists have developed a second generation of the blood substitute that solves the problem of blood storage.科学家们已经研制出第二代血液代用品,从而解决了血液的储存问题。(5)When fuels burn,chemical energy changes into light and heat energy.

(6)Computer adaptive testing uses computer technology to tailor exams to a person’s ability.计算机自适应测试采用计算机技术使考试适合每个人的能力。

(7)The newly-developed technique has been applied to the production.

(8)From a long-term perspective,Internet shopping is but a low-level aspect of the Net,and it is not likely to become the most important trend.从长远来看,网上购物仅仅是低层次的网络化,未必会成为最主要的趋向。

(9)Since the oldest forms of life were all sea life,many scientists believe life began in the sea.由于最古老的生命形式是海洋生物,因此许多科学家认为生命起源于海洋。(10)Some desert animals can survive the very strong summer heat and dryne because they have very unusual characters.某些沙漠中的动物之所以能够生存在夏季高温、干燥的环境中,是因为它们都有不同寻常的特点。

(11)Eggs and meat contain large amounts of protein and variable quantities of fat.蛋类和肉类含有大量的蛋白质和不定数量的脂肪。

(12)Properly speaking,not all substances exist in all three states.

(13)Insomnia has greatly told on his health.失眠已大大地影响了他的健康。

(14)We are taking steps to prevent stream and air pollution.(15)In building a bridge,metals have taken the place of wood and stone.在建造桥梁中,金属已取代了木头和石头



(1)Earthquakes seem le easy to be controlled by man than weather.人类要控制地震似乎比控制天气更难。

(2)Electrical engineering has been developed greatly in le than a century.

(3)Every living thing has what scientists call a biological clock that controls behavior.每一种生物都有控制自己行为的时钟,科学家们称之为生物钟。

(4)The moon is completely empty of water because the force of gravity on the moon is much le than on the earth.(5)The virtual reality technology is hindered right now by the fact that today’s computers are simply not fast enough.目前,计算机运行速度缓慢制约着虚拟现实技术的发展。

(6)Scientists do not know how much and what kinds of noises are harmful to ocean animals.对于危害海洋动物健康的噪声,其强度和种类,科学家了解甚少。

(7)Some scientists say that animals in the ocean are increasingly threatened by noise pollution caused by human beings.

(8)Living things are very sensitive to comparatively small temperature changes.

(9)That laser is a new light source known to us.(10)To explain the law of relativity is difficult for most people.

(13)That energy and ma are equal and interchangeable is known to every student of science.理科学生人人都懂得能量和质量是相等而且是可以互相转换的。

(14)Many organisms can be found in the cold polar regions.在寒冷的南北极地区有许许多多生物。

(15)Now in some factories,raw materials are proceed by means of computers.




翻译时,有时为了明确原文的含义,需要通过增译“们”、“一些”、“许多”等词语把英语中表示名词复数的概念译出。(1)Carbon combines with oxygen to form carbon oxides.碳同氧化合形成多种氧化碳。

(2)Of visible lights,red light has the longest and violet the shortest wavelength.

(3)When the plants died and decayed,they formed layers of organic materials.植物腐烂后,形成了一层层有机物。(4)In the 1980s,departments bought their own minicomputers and managers bought their PCs.20世纪80年代,许多部门都购买了自己的微机,经理们也购买个人电脑。

(5)There is enough coal to meet the world’s needs for centuries to come.有足够的煤来满足全世界未来几个世纪的各种需要。(6)Amphibians and birds do differ significantly.两栖类和鸟类之间有显著的差别。

(7)Things in the universe are changing all the time.(8)The substances get into the soil,into plants and into human bodies.这些物质进入土壤、植物和人体。(9)Air is a mixture of gases.



(1)Contemporary natural sciences are now working for new important breakthroughs.当代自然科学正在酝酿着新的重大突破。

(2)Humans have been dreaming of copies of themselves for thousands of years.千百年来,人类一直梦想制造出自己的复制品。

(3)This natural approach to remediating hazardous wastes in the soil,water,and air is capturing the attention of government regulators, industries,landowners and researchers.这种清除土壤、水以及空气中有害废品的自然方法正日益受到各政府首脑、企业、土地所有者、研究人员们的关注。(4)The high-altitude plane was and still is a remarkable bird.(5)By the turn of the 19th century geologists had found that rock layers occurred in a definite order.到19世纪初,地质学家已发现岩层有一定的次序。

(6)Some day man will be able to utilize the solar energy.(7)It’s time to ring farewell to the century of physics and ring in the century of biotechnology.现在是告别物理学世纪、迎接生物技术世纪的时候了。

(8)This company has been manufacturing computers for five years.这家公司五年来一直在生产计算机。

(9)The earth’s population is doubling,the environment is being damaged.地球的人口正在加倍增长,环境也在不断受到破坏。



(1)Weak magnetic fields are known to come from the human body.我们知道,人体能产生微弱的磁场。

(2)It is estimated that the new synergy between computers and Net technology will have significant influence on the industry of the future.有人预测,新的电脑和网络技术的结合将会对未来工业产生巨大的影响。

(3)It’s believed that we shall make full use of the sun’s energy some day.

(4)With the development of modern electrical engineering,power can be transmitted to wherever it is needed.(5)It is said that numerical control is the operation of machine tools by numbers.人们说,数控就是机床用数字加以操纵。

(6)It’s pointed out that societies have long operated under the aumption that the oceans and rivers would wash away pollution,the winds would cleanse the air,and the soil could bury the rest.有人指出,我们的社会长期以来在处理垃圾时都认为海洋和河流会把污染冲走,风会把空气吹净,而土壤则会把其他污染埋藏。

(7)Potaium and sodium are seldom met in their natural state.(8)The design is considered practical.大家认为这一设计切实可行。

(9)A few years ago it was thought unusual that programs could ever be called up by viewers to be displayed on their TV screens at home.几 年前人们还认为观众在家里打电话收看电视节目是件稀罕事。

(10)It may be supposed that originally the earth’s land surface was composed of rock only.我们可以设想地球陆地表面原先完全是由岩石构成的。



(1)You have seen how water expands when it is heated and contracts when it is cooled.你已经看到水受热时怎样膨胀,冷却时又怎样收缩。

(2)The changes in matter around us are of two types,physical and chemical.

(3)High voltage is neceary for long transmiion line while low voltage for safe use.远距离输电需要高压,安全用电需要低压。

(4)The sun is regarded as the chief source of heat and light.(5)High temperatures and preures changed the organic materials into coal, petroleum and natural gas.高温和高压把这些有机物变成了煤、石油和天然气。

(6)Plastic bowls marked microwavable are probably safer than those that aren’t.使用贴有“可用于微波炉烹调”标志的塑料碗也许比使用没有贴这种标志的塑料碗更安全。

(7)Under no circumstances can more work be got out of a machine than is put into it.机器输出功决不能大于输入功。(8)Matter can be changed into energy and energy into matter.(9)This experimental result is in inverse ratio to that.(10)Carbon steels are claified as low,medium,and high carbon steels.碳钢可分为低碳钢、中碳钢和高碳钢。



(1)The statistics brought out a gender division between hard and soft science:girls tending toward biology,boys tending toward maths and physics. 统计表明,从事硬科学和软科学研究的科学家在性别上存在着差别:女性倾向于生物学的研究,而男性则倾向于数学和物理学的研究。

(2)Were there no electric preure in a conductor,the electron flow would not take place in it.导体内如果没有电压,便不会产生电子流动现象。

(3)These apes are confined to fast-vanishing tropical rain forest or woodland habitats.这些类人猿的生活局限于正在迅速消失的热带雨林或森林栖息地中。

(4)In the US,there is evidence that schoolchildren with acce to the Internet are starting to watch le TV and spend more time surfing the Net.在美国,有证据表明接触因特网的在校学生看电视看得少了,在网上冲浪的时间增加了。(5)Net is best suited for small and medium enterprises to band together and break the monopolies of the“giants”.网络是中小型企业共同合作打破“霸主”垄断的最好工具。(6)During an El Nino the preures over Australia, Indonesia and the Philippines are higher than normal,which results in dry conditions or even droughts.当出现“厄尔尼诺”现象时,澳大利亚、印度尼西亚和菲律宾上空的大气压会比平常高,会出现干旱,甚至还会发生旱灾。

(7)At the moment,developed areas in Europe, the United States and Asia have already started studying the poibility of an electronic currency.目前,欧洲、美国以及亚洲一些发达地区已经开始研究推行电子货币的可能性。

(8)This is the first step toward the solution of air pollution

(9)Floppy disks have always been cheap to make and relatively easy to copy.






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