Jack: Good morning!Tom!How are you? Tom: Fine, thank you!Ugh!This air smells polluted.Jack: Yes, I have the same feeling too.I think it is because of the factory nearby.It is polluting the surrounding air.Tom: Nowadays, more and more people are developing in this world and starting to overuse the land and minerals of Earth.Jack: Yes, and because of this, the climate and temperature is also changing, causing Global Warning.Tom: I believe that we all have a responsibility to take care of our environment.Jack: But how? Tom: Three things: Reduce, reuse, and recycle.Jack: Can you explain more thoroughly? Tom: Well, for example, to reduce the amount of paper used everyday.Jack:...and how would you do that? Tom: Write and print on both sides, don't write or print un-needed scripts.Jack: So that it would be to reuse paper and other stuff? Tom: Yes, many things can be reused over and over again, like a cardboard box can be reused and continually putting in much different stuff.Jack: Yes, I am listening.Tom: And finally, recycle.Recycle is somehow similar to reuse, because they both had to do with using materials over and over again, the only difference is that you send recyclable materials to the recycling center so it can be remade into new materials.Did you know that your newspaper that you read everyday is made from recycled paper? Jack: Cool!工作
A: how is everything going B? B: I'm trying to find a job, but not found after a month A: Don’t be upset B, I have been looking for a job since three month ago, and now stilling working on it B: Hmm, it seems kind of difficult for us graduates without working experience to find a job A: YEAH, many companies don't like spending time developing green hands.B: I don't think it is the only reason, you see, there are so many college graduates from all the provinces every year, the competition is really fierce A:There are for sure job offers ,but many of us don't want to do the jobs with low salary but heavy work.B: you got reason, I have expreed to the HR(human resource)of many companies that I don't care too much about salary and work load, I don't understand why i failed in the interview A: My opinion is that maybe, you’ve been too nervous and not confident enough during the interview.Or maybe we have to improve our profeional skill B: Certainly, a man versatile is generally appreciated 成功
A: I’m a reporter from XX Daily, as you know, the job market is getting tougher and tougher now, but you have got a good position in Microsoft China when facing a lost of competitors with several years working experience.How do you think an interview’s importance?
B: Sure.As a well-known fact, the “job for life” is gone-the world is changing so fast, which results in the job market getting increasingly competitive.Most people will need to change jobs at least every few years or so.So you can't get hired without shining at the interview.And as well, your earnings will be dictated by how well you perform!
A: But in fact, how to do well in an interview seems a quite difficult thing for a lot fresh graduates.Then what’s your open sesame(诀窍)for your own succe?
B: Well, doing well in an interview can be easy if you understand how to prepare and know what to expect!It's crucial to prepare properly for a job before the interview.A: That’s true.Precautions avert perils.Could you please explain it in detail?
B: Yeah, of course.First of all, you should feel supremely confident in all situations!As you know, there’s no recruiter would like to hire a person without confidence when facing problems.Second, you should prepare for answering frequently-asked questions.The last but it’s no le important, you’d have to train yourself what to say to the tricky questions.A: Right, I can’t agree with you more.But you know, a lot of job-seeker who can’t make it finally even they think they’ve performed well in an interview, do you think what the root cause is?
B: Interview succe does not just about know the questions.It's also about what is behind the question.For example, what do you think they are getting at when they say: “Tell me about a typical week?” Are they just interested in what you do, or is there something else behind the question? Surely they want to know something about you characters.You should convince them that you’re a responsible person instead of your carelene.A: Terrific, that’s exactly true.Thank you very much for your kindne to share your valuable experience in job-seeking.But for the sake of our interview time, I’d have to give it to and end now.After all, I suppose all the readers will appreciate for your help.Wish you a brilliant future in Microsoft!
B: I’m very glad to do that and you’re welcome.After all, thank you for your best wishes.
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