
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文



Looking for the Blush of History—Insights from Dance Opera “Lotus” 文/梁戈逻

Script: Liang Geluo 图/柯洲

Figure: Ke Zhou

公元2 0 1 4年,秋,我独自一人行走在通往莫高窟的戈壁上,此时,一台名为《莲花》的舞剧,正在北京保利剧院上演。这是否是个美丽的巧合,我不得而知;这是否是在用不同的方式向经典致敬,我不得而知。

In the autumn of 2014, I was walking alone in the Gobi Desert leading to Mogao Caves when the dance opera named Lotus was on in Poly Theatre in Beijing.I don’t know if it is a beautiful coincidence.And I don’t know whether it can be rated as paying respects to the claic in different ways, either.我一向是武断的,在艺术作品的赏鉴上,正如,那千百年来在这片戈壁上寻找、描绘的人们一样,我们固执地相信着那些我们所相信的东西。大漠孤烟,长河日落,莫高窟的天际线上开始出现了一抹嫣然的绯红,我向她而去,他们,也向她而去,我们翩翩起舞,我们,以美的名义,殊途同归。

I am always arbitrary in appreciation of art works.Just like people who are searching for and depicting their dream in the Gobi Desert for thousands of years, we are stubborn to believe in what we believe.With the lonely smoke in desert and the sinking sun over the endle river, a beautiful blush begins to appear on the skyline of Mogao Caves.I am heading towards her and they are also heading towards her.We are dancing lightly and we are reaching the same goal by different means in the name of beauty.舞剧《莲花》,简单来说就是讲述了一个敦煌的工匠雕塑一尊“菩萨”的故事。其中的种种我就不用笨拙的语言来一一赘述了,语言在肢体的面前,往往变得哑口无言,就好像日常生活在面对舞台幻境的目瞪口呆是一样的。我想说的是,我从舞剧《莲花》中看到的一些有意思的现象,或者能够成为作品之外的价值吧。In brief, the drama opera, Lotus, relates a story, in which a sculptor of Dunhuang carved a “Bodhisattva”.I will not describe the concrete plots in detail with my clumsy language, for facing body motions, language will always be reduced to silence, just as daily life will be stunned while facing the fantastic scenes on the stage.What I want to say is that I see some interesting phenomena in the dance opera, Lotus.Maybe it can be the value beyond the work.首先,要说的是,这朵《莲花》很时尚。赵小刚和张云峰领衔的闲舞人工作室,做了一个《肥唐瘦宋》系列演出,第一季叫《肥唐瘦宋》,第二季就是《莲花》。这两个作品都展现出了惊人的美和时尚感。美,大家可能会有所共鸣,那么什么是时尚呢?百科全书和坊间有众多的说法,我的认识是:“时尚必须具备以下三个标准,是一种独立的思考,是一种足够的自信,是一种能够被大众所羡慕和追捧的。” 这样说起来,绝大部分中国舞台上的作品,是极其不“时尚”的,甚至就没有人想过舞蹈应该时尚,总是跟在其他艺术门类后面亦步亦趋的舞蹈,就像是个跌跌撞撞拼尽全力才勉强及格的差生一样,永远没有哪怕是想一下,她自己成为这个时代的潮流。这是当前中国舞蹈界的悲哀,当然,这也是未来后起者的巨大空间。《莲花》是有独立思考的,《莲花》是足够自信的,《莲花》是被大众所艳羡的,所以,《莲花》是时尚的。而这一切的基础构威,正是——美。中国大众并不是没有审美能力,而是这种能力长期被诸如垃圾电视或二人转类型的市井文化长期蒙蔽,但当真正面对古典的精致的美的时候,那种一脉相承的文化认同,那种潜伏在内心深处的审美冲动,还是能够相互共鸣的。

First, I must say the lotus is fashionable.Leisurely Dancer Studio headed by Zhao Xiaogang and Zhao Yunfeng initiated a series of performances, named by Plump Tang and Slender Song.The first season is called Plump Tang and Slender Song and the second one called Lotus.Both of the two works present surprising beauty and sense of fashion.About beauty, maybe all of us can generate resonance.Then, what about fashion? There are various opinions about it in encyclopedia and among the common people.In my opinion, “Fashion must be poeed with the following three standards: a kind of independent thinking;a kind of adequate self-confidence;something that can be admired and pursued popularly”.Considering the above mentioned, most works on Chinese stage are not fashionable at all.There are even no people thinking of the poibility that dance should be fashionable.Always following other arts at every step, dance is just like a poor student, who is staggering along her way and exerting all her efforts to manage to pa a test.She has even never thought of the chance that she could be the trend of the era.It is a great pity for the modern Chinese dance.Of course, it also leaves giant space for the future succeors.Lotus is poeed with independent thought and adequate self-confidence, which is admired by the maes.Therefore, Lotus is fashionable.It is beauty that constitutes the basis of all of the mentioned.It is not to say that Chinese people have no aesthetic abilities but the ability has been deceived by the street culture, like trash TV programs and the song-and-dance duet, for a long time.However, when confronting the claical and delicate beauty actually, the maes can still generate the resonance due to the cultural identification traced to the same origin and the aesthetic impulse hiding in the inner heart.其次,《莲花》之美,在于内心的宁静和细节的到位。内心的宁静是因为在一定程度上创作者达到了“无欲则刚”,无欲则美。舞剧《莲花》完全由个人投资的,不是为了参加比赛的创作,不是为了迎合讨好的命题作文,所以也不必和一窍不通的投资方讨价还价,不必和不懂装懂的官员对牛弹琴,这一切使得创作回归了创作本身,这一切让创作变得美好、纯粹。就好像雨后池塘中的野荷,开得随性,开得自由,开得云淡风轻。《莲花》所展示出来的这种创作心态,我认为是非常难能可贵的,当然,这个状态的达成是要有物质的基础的,要有实力积淀的。更难得的是,当有了这些之后,你还有一颗能够忘记得失的心。

Secondly, the beauty of Lotus lies in tranquility of inner heart and appropriate details.Tranquility of the inner heart is due to the creators achieve the state of being austere without selfish desires or being beautiful without selfish desires.The dance opera, Lotus is completely invested personally, which is not a creation for competition or an eay with given topic only for ingratiation.Therefore, there is no need to bargain with the investor who is utterly ignorant of dance.Nor they need to waste good acts on the officials who pretend to understand dance.All of these make creation return to creation, which make creation more beautiful and pure.The drama opera is just like a wild lotus in the pond after rain, which blooms in a leisurely and free style, without any restriction.Such a creative psychology displayed in Lotus is commendable in my opinion.Of course it requires material bases and strength accumulation to achieve the state.What is more precious is that you still have a heart being able to forget gains and loes with the conditions mentioned above.




舞天阁舞蹈工作室首届“个性你我·舞魅人生”舞展策划书一、活动主题Dance of days Pavilion dance studio dance showDance of life二、活动背景以丰富大学生课余文化,加深......







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