introduce my hometown jinci_myhometown介绍

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introduce my hometown jinci由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“myhometown介绍”。

Jinci is a famous old garden of China.It lies in the southwest of Taiyuan.It stands on a hill and faces to the east.It is also an interest place of Shanxi.There are three most famous views in Jinci.They are “the Nanlao Spirng”-there is clean and sweet spring in it forever;“the Cyprees of Zhou”-it has a history of about three thousand years;“the statues to Fair Maiden”-they have all kinds of different expreions.The hall of Shengmu is also very famous.It is said that there is an interesting story about it.Don't you think Jinci is worth visiting? It attracts many of visitors to come here every year.【参考译文】



难道你不认为晋祠值得一看吗?它每年都能吸引大量的游客来这里观光。人说山西好风光,这次呱呱就带大家去那里一个历史非常非常悠久的地方看看。It has a history of more than three thousand years!它就是千百年来盛名不衰的晋祠。

Jinci was built during the Western Zhou dynasty.It was built to commemorate(纪念)the first king of the Jin kingdom.晋国是西周时候的一个诸侯国。它的第一任国王是周成王的弟弟。The first king was a very good king.Under his rule, the people all lived good lives.After the king died, his people built this temple to pay their respects to him and honor his achievements.Many emperors and peoples of different dynasties built new buildings around the original temple.直到现在形成了我们今天看到的晋祠。晋祠有三个最有名的景致,就是圣母殿的宋塑侍女、老枝纵横的周柏和长流不息的难老泉。它们被称为晋祠三绝。


Saint Mother Hall was built during the Song Dynasty.In this hall there are 43 statues of maidservants.They were made from clay and painted with different colors.这些侍女有的捧着食物,有的捧着文印,还有的在唱歌跳舞。All of them have different expreions(表情).They all look like real people.周柏

There are many ancient trees in the temple.最有名的是一株柏树。It stands on the left of the Saint Mother Hall.It is said that the tree was planted during the Western Zhou dynasty.算一算,它的年龄比我们要大好多倍呢!除了这颗周柏,还有三颗分别栽种于汉朝、隋朝和唐朝的槐树,也非常有名。难老泉

难老泉又叫“天下第一泉”。李白的诗句“晋祠流水如碧玉”、“百尺清潭写翠娥”说的就是难老泉。可见在唐代,这泉水就很有名了。You may wonder why the spring was called “Forever Young”.原来,这泉水无论春夏秋冬,雨多雨少,总是畅流不断。所以人们就取了《诗经》中的一句诗“永锡难老”来给它命名了。

除了这三绝,晋祠还有很多美丽的景致。像“鱼沼飞梁”啦,“不系舟”啦,一时难以说完。If you get the chance to visit it, remember to share what you think with us!If you get photos, please email them to us and let more people enjoy the beautiful Jinci Temple.

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introduce my hometown jinci
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