
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文



Three Lanes and Seven Alleys, as one of ten most famous historical culture streets, is a famous sightseeing in Fuzhou.It still remains a lot of lanes, which are built in the tang and song dynasties.Three Lanes and Seven Alleys is a place propitious for giving birth to great men,where many famous politician, strategist, writers and poets came from.It is also the largest and most complete historic street in China which was located in the urban center.But three alleys and seven lanes need 120yuan’s tickets, for many people, it is a little expensive.接下来是福州西湖。西湖至今已有1700百多年的历史了,是福州保留最为完整的一座古典园林。名列全国36个西湖前茅,被陈为“福建园林明珠”,如果赶上西湖花展,所到之处都会花枝锦簇,为美丽的福州西湖添了不少新景。西湖景色幽美,气氛和谐。很多人在这里唱歌、跳舞、或静坐,每一个来西湖的人都可以让心好好的放松一下,这实在是好。

Next is the West Lake.The West Lake Is the most complete claical garden remained in Fuzhou, which has a history of 1700 years.And it is called “the jewel of Fuzhou’s garden”.The west lake was very beautiful, and the atmosphere there is very harmonious.There are many people singing, dancing, and sitting quietly in the west lake everyday.Everyone who comes to the west lake can get a good relaxation.That’s pretty good.福州国家森林公园拥有2500多种国内外珍贵树种,观赏竹140多种,被誉为福州之肺,森林浴场,天然氧吧,其坐落城北,三面环山,一面临水,免费开放,是一个闲暇时游玩的好地方,在那里,你能划船,逗鸟,观赏等等。更好的是,你也能在那里烧烤。这是一个可以吃的好,玩的好的好地方。

Fuzhou national forest park, which has more than 2500 kinds of precious trees and 140 kinds of ornamental bamboos, is called the lung of Fuzhou.It is located in the north of the city, and is ringed on three sides by mountains.It Is a good place to visit in your spare time.When you are there, you can go boating, enjoy the sight of trees and birds, and so on.What’s more, you can also barbecue there.It is really a good place where you can eat well and play well.What’s more, it is free.鼓山是福州的一座很出名的山,不需要门票,总所周知,爬山有助于身体健康,如果在福州,那么爬鼓山当然是首选,鼓山风景优美,空气清新,能爬石梯直通山顶广场。如果嫌累的话,可以坐索道。

Drum mountain is a famous mountain in Fuzhou, which don’t need ticket.As we know ,mountain climbing contributes to good health.If you are in Fuzhou, then climb drum mountain, of course, is the best choice.The scenery there is very beautiful, and the air there is very fresh.Through the ladder, you can walk to the mountaintop square directly.If you feel too tired to walk, then you can go up the mountain through ropeway as well.


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