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《边城》(Remote City)中的端午节庆文化与湘西旅游

The culture of Dragon Boat Festival and Xiangxi Tourism

Reflected in Remote City


Abstract: Remote City is one of the representative works of Shen Congwen.The describe of Dragon Boat Festival in his noval is an important part of making that beautiful and sorrowful love story.The culture and customs of dragon boat festival peculiar to Xiangxi shares the same characteristic with that of in Remote City, but it has its own specialties in reality.The development of Xiangxi tourism has widely benefited from the reputation Remote City, which brought big succe to the industry of cultural programmes.And the most important project that we are facing is to do a better combination of festival culture and Xiangxi Tourism.关键词:边城


节庆文化 湘西旅游

Key words: Remote City, the Dragon Boat Festival, culture, Xiangxi Tourism 沈从文是中国现代文学史上著名的乡土作家,出生于湘西小城凤凰城,湘西是一个多民族杂居、神秘而质朴、有着独特的风俗习惯的边陲小镇。《边城》是沈从文创作的作品中影响力非常深远的一部小说,描写了在湘西边境上的小城茶峒发生的凄美浪漫的爱情故事。船总顺顺的两个儿子天宝和傩送爱上了拉渡船老头的外孙女翠翠,爱情没有开花结果,等来的却是天宝的意外死亡,傩送的远出不归,暴雨里拉渡船老头的死去,最后只留下孤苦伶仃的翠翠。《边城》中充满了色彩浓厚的民俗意蕴,如端午节、划龙船、对歌、老船夫的丧葬等。其中对端午节的描写则成了故事开展、人物心理变化的重要因素。《边城》从问世至今已有80多年的历史,端午节庆文化也随着《边城》的影响力成为湘西具有特色的民俗文化,由此带动了湘西特别是凤凰县的旅游,成了湘西旅游的一张名片。而由此打造的以《边城》故事情节编排的大型舞台剧“烟雨凤凰”和张家界魅力湘西大剧院打造的开场节目《边城》,则更好地演绎了《边城》的美,把文化传播与 旅游紧密结合在一起,促进了文化旅游业的发展。

Shen Congwen, a famous provincial writer in the modern literature history of China, was born in Fenghuang town of Xiangxi, a little border town with multi-nationality, mysterious cultures and special customs.Remote city, a very far-reaching novel in his works, described a very beautiful and sorrowful love story happened in Chadong, a little town in the border of Xiangxi.The captain Shunshun’s two sons, Tianbao and nuosong, both fell in love with Cuicui, the granddaughter of a ferryman.There was no any results about her love, but facing with Tianbao’s accidental deaths, Nuosong’s going far away with no coming back, and the deaths in storm of her grandfather, and finally leaving Cuicui alone.Remote city filled with strong folk color, such as Dragon Boat Festival, rowing dragon boat, doing antiphonal singing, and the funeral of old ferryman.And the most important factor of promoting the plot and changing the inner thinking of characters is the description of Dragon Boat Festival.From its first publishing to now, Remote City, bearing more than 80-year history, has prompted the Dragon Boat Festival to be a very special cultural activity with its influence, which has driven the development of Xiangxi’s tourism, especially that of Fenghuang, thus becoming a busine card of Xiangxi’s tourism.The large scale stage play ―Mysterious Fenghuang‖ and the opening program performed in Zhangjiajie charming Xiangxi Grand Theater were forged by getting the inspiration from the story plot of Remote City.They both gave a better demonstration of the beauty existed in Remote City, thus combining the culture spreading and tourism, also impulsing the development of tourism.1.《边城》中的端午文化抒写

1.The Culture of Dragon Boat Festival expreed in Remote City 节日民俗是一种典型的综合性的民俗现象,是认知、把握民俗文化的窗口。就端午节而言,作为湘西各民族的重大节日,在湘西这块古老而偏僻的厚土上,端午节具有独特的表现形式和浓重的宗教内涵,凸显出鲜明而重要的民俗意义。沈从文在小说《边城》中共详略地描写了四次端午节的场景。端午节成了建构那个凄美的爱情故事的重要因子。端午节是我国民间夏季最重要的传统节日,特别是在南方地区的边城茶峒。端午节是构建小说《边城》的重要原因。

Festival and folk-custom are kinds of typical comprehensive folkloric phenomena and the window to recognize and grasp the local culture.As for the Dragon Boat Festival, the very important festival for various nationalities living in Xiangxi, it has particular presentation and deepening religious meaning in this ancient and remote land, showing obvious folk significance.The scene of Dragon Boat Festival appeared four times in Remote city, which was an important factor of making that beautiful and sorrowful love story.Dragon Boat Festival is the most important summer festival in folk areas, especially in Chadong, the southern border place.Therefore, it’s the vital factor to build the novel, Remote City.首先,小说中的端午节民俗有利于彰显边城中的朴素民风。营造唯美的氛围。端午节是边城茶峒一年中最热闹的日子“端午日,当地妇女小孩子,莫不穿了新衣,额角上用雄黄蘸酒画了个王字“任何人家到了这天必吃鱼吃肉”大约上午十一点左右,全茶峒人就皆吃了午饭,把饭吃过后,在城里住家的,莫不倒锁了门,全家出城到河边看划船“。[1]这一天,除了龙舟竞渡这个传统的节目外,还有茶峒专属的“捉鸭子”活动,那是城中的戍军长官为了与民同乐,增加节日气氛而别出心裁的一项活动”把三十只绿头长颈大雄鸭放入河中,只要是善水的军民,均可下水追赶鸭子,谁捉到,谁就是鸭子的主人“ First, the folk custom of Dragon Boat Festival helps to reveal the simple mores in that border town and create a beautiful atmosphere.And the festival is also the busiest day in the whole year at that place.All the local women and children would wear new cloths, and they will draw a ―王‖ on the corner of their forehead on that day.They must eat fish and meat to celebrate the festival, and they would finish their lunch at 11:00am, and then they would lock the door outside(usually they lock the door inside, because women would stay at home.At the festival day, the whole family members would go out to play, so they lock the door outside)to watch the rowing boat race out of the town.At that day, except for the boat race, there is still another activity, peculiar to Chadong, called ― catching the duck‖, which was created by the local officer of army , in order to increase the atmosphere of the festival and enjoy the festival together with its people.They put 30 ducks in the river to catch, and whether you are ordinary people or soldiers, you could catch the duck in the river.You would be the owner of duck if you catch it.其次,小说中的端午节给我们勾勒了一个清晰的时间线索,促成了小说故事的形成与完结。翠翠与傩送的初识在一个端午节的黄昏,这个短暂的相识使少女翠翠情窦初开,傩送也暗暗地喜欢上了翠翠。次年的端午节里翠翠与傩送的兄长天保相识。天保请人向老船公求亲。在第三年的端午节之后,天保、傩送两兄弟相互摊牌都得知对方爱上了翠翠。小说情节随着逐年的端午节走向高潮,兄弟相约通过赛歌来决定自己的婚姻大事。当天保得知翠翠爱的是傩送时,小说情节急转之下,天保意外的死去,傩送的误解远离,老船夫的逝去,最终构成了小说的凄凉结尾——翠翠孤独等待傩送归来。在小说《边城》中,端午节显然不是简单的民俗现象,已构成清晰的时间线索,通过数次端午节的描写,作家成功地建构了一个凄美的爱情故事。小说中故事的主要情节都发生在端午节,而端午节这个承载了中国人许多美好理想和愿望的节日就像舞台上的一张大幕一样,将人物的情感思绪、悲欢离合都粘合在一起,成为故事发生的重要背景。沈从文说过:“为纪念屈原的五月端阳,包粽子,悬蒲艾,戴石榴花,虽然已成为全国习惯,但南方的龙舟竞渡,给青年、妇女及小孩子带来的兴奋和快乐,就决不是生长在北方平原的人所能想象的!”[2] 不错,端午节是翠翠和傩送相识相爱的民俗时空背景,正是借助于湘西颇为隆重的这个节日文化,沈从文给我们讲述了一个凄美的爱情故事”,小说中故事的主要情节都发生在端午节,而端午节这个承载了中国人许多美好理想和愿望的节日就像舞台上的一张大幕一样,将人物的情感思绪、悲欢离合都粘合在一起,成为故事发生的重要背景。沈从文说过:“为纪念屈原的五月端阳,包粽子,悬蒲艾,戴石榴花,虽然已成为全国习惯,但南方的龙舟竞渡,给青年、妇女及小孩子带来的兴奋和快乐,就决不是生长在北方平原的人所能想象的!”[2] 不错,端午节是翠翠和傩送相识相爱的民俗时空背景,正是借助于湘西颇为隆重的这个节日文化,沈从文给我们讲述了一个凄美的爱情故事“

Then, the Dragon Boat Festival gives us a clear time clue, linking the plot and ending of story.The first meet of Cuicui and Nuosong was at a dusk of Dragon Boat Festival.Such short meet made Cuicui firstly awake about love, and the same as Nuosong.Then, Cuicui also met the elder brother called Tianbao of Nuosong in the next Dragon Boat Festival.Tianbao had someone ask the old ferryman to marry her to him.At the third Dragon Boat Festival, Nuosong and Tianbao showdowned to each other, knowing that they both had fallen in love with Cuicui.As going with the fourth Dragon Boat Festival, the plot of the story was pushed to the summit.Two brothers agreed with each other to decide their marriage by singing race.When Tianbao learned that Cuicui’s heart was on the side of Nuosong, the sharp turning of the plot, he died accidentally, which resulted in Nuosong gonging away because of misunderstanding, and finally together with the death of the old ferryman, making a sorrowful ending of the story, namely, Cuicui had been waiting for Nuosong’s coming alone.From all these plot, Dragon Boat Festival is not simply described as a folk phenomena, but as a clear time clue to help writer succefully build a beautiful and sorrowful love story.Most plot of story mainly happened in Dragon Boat Festival, which carried much beautiful and nice wishes of Chinese people, liking a large curtain of the stage to bond people’s emotion, happine, and sadne together, becoming the important background of the story.Sheng Congwen once said,“In order to memory Quyuan in this May festival, we wrap up zongzi, hang mugwort and calamus, and wear pomegranate flowers.Although these are available to all the people of the whole nation, the boat racing of southern areas brings women and children much excites and joyfulne, which is unimaginable for people from northern areas”.Indeed, Dragon Boat Festival, as the folk space background, witneed the love between Cuicui and Nuosong.Shen Congwen just use such grand and ceremonious festival atmosphere to reflect such beautiful and sorrowful love story.2湘西特色“边城”端午旅游文化

2, Tourism Culture of “Border Town” Dragon Boat Festival with Xiangxi Features 端午节是中国的传统节日,每年端午节前后全国各地会举行形式各样的民俗活动,如吃粽子、挂艾草与赛龙舟等。而湖南湘西除了这些庆祝活动,还有在汉族的端午节中没有的捕捉鸭子。《边城》中除了浪漫凄美的爱情故事让人感动之外,湘西特有的民俗活动特别是端午节庆文化也让很多人向往,基于此每年湘西特别是凤凰都会举行丰富多彩的端午节庆祝活动,再加上从2008年开始中国增加了端午节假,吸引海内外游客前去参观、游览。

Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional one in China.People of the whole nation would hold various custom activities during this festival every year, such as eating Zongzi, hanging mugwort and calamus, and rowing boat.But the activity of catching ducks, peculiar to Xiangxi, would not hold in those of Han people.Therefore, the culture of festival, especially the custom activities, in Xiangxi is very attractive to many people except that touching love story described in Remote City.On this basis, Xiangxi, especially in Fenghuang, would hold colorful and various activities to celebrate the festival.And Chinese government provided three holidays from 2008, which has drawn tourists of home and abroad to visit and travel.湘西的很多地方端午节都会有赛龙舟这一大型活动,凤凰由于沈从文的作品知名度更高,所以端午节期间去凤凰旅游的游客更多。每年的端午节凤凰古城都会举行龙舟竞渡,一般前后3天,是一年凤凰人最隆重和最热闹的事情,比赛场地在凤凰古城沱江回龙阁繁华地段,现场观众在十万人次以上,参赛队伍有数十支,且年年在增加。比赛当天每个苗家寨子都会派出最精壮的汉子参加竞渡,河里游弋着几条龙舟,称之为红龙、黄龙、白龙和乌龙。端午赛龙舟最有意思的要数抢鸭子了,比赛结束时,主办方会从虹桥、吊脚楼、船上扔出很多鸭子,凤凰的传统是抢到的鸭子归自己,晚上的美味鸭子大餐就有了。一时人声鼎沸,参赛者从各处将船划到跟前,跳下水抢鸭子,两岸的不少游客也纷纷和衣跳入河中,各显本领捞鸭。

Rowing boat race would appear in many places of Xiangxi, and Fenghuang’s popularity has been increasing owing to the works of Shen Congwen.As a result, tourists would be more to Fenghuang during Dragon Boat Festival.Fenghuang’s government would organize to hold the race of rowing dragon boat lasting three days, which is the busiest thing for Fenghuang people.The place of this activity located in the Huilongge busy street of Fenghuang Tuojiang, a big river.Live audience reached to ten thousand times, and teams in the contest had tens of boats.Audience and teams have been increased year by year.On the day of contest, every Miao village would recommend a strong man to participate the race of rowing boat.The boats on the river are distinguished by color of red, yellow, white, and brown, and called red dragon, yellow dragon, white dragon, and brown dragon respectively.The most popular activity is catching ducks.The sponsor would throw out some ducks from Hongqiao(birdge), Diaojiaolou(suspension building),and boat at the end of the rowing race.The tradition of Fenghuang is that youcan own the your caught ducks, then you can make a feast by cooking that ducks.Team members and tourists all can catch ducks to show their ability, which makes the atmosphere very high at that moment.“边城”的端午节游客多、庆祝活动精彩、鸭子宴等美食独具一格,形成了独特的节日民俗旅游品牌,促进了湘西旅游业的发展。

The coming tourists, wonderful festival celebrating, and eating ducks feast, etc, have formed special festival-custom tourism brand, driving the development of Xiangxi’s tourism.3.基于《边城》的湘西旅游文化项目开发

3, Cultural Project Development of Xiangxi Tourism Culture based on Remote City

沈从文的小说《边城》问世及声名远播使藏在深闺中的湘西逐渐拨开了神秘的面纱,吊脚楼、沱江泛舟、端午赛龙舟及捉鸭子、对山歌等吸引无数游客慕名而来。《边城》中所勾画出的湘西形象成为世人对凤凰古城以及湘西的本底印象,也是许多游客前来凤凰古城、湘西旅游的最深层次的原因。[3] The mysterious of Xiangxi was increasingly unfolded by the creating and far-reaching reputation of Shen Congwen’s novel Remote City.Thousands of tourists are attracted to travel there to see Diaojiaolou(suspension building), to enjoy the rowing boats, to catch ducks, and to sing folk songs.The description of Xiangxi and Fenghuang in Remote City gives a deep impreion to the people from home and abroad, and that is the best reason for people to travel at Fenghuang and Xiangxi.当文学作为旅游发展的背景时,文学作品也经历了从个人到公共再到个人的转换过程。赫尔伯特(Herbert)认为无论文学旅游地如何被定义,都将与文学家和文学作品紧密相连,作为一种遗产景观吸引旅游者[4]。因此,如何为旅游者提供美的视觉大餐、文化盛宴是景区的管理部门和旅游产业的经营者的任务

When literature as the background of the development of tourism, it also experienced the transition proce from individual to public and from public to individual again.Herbert said no matter what we define literature tourism place, it will tightly connect with writer and works, and be a heritage site to attract tourists.Therefore, it is a big challenge for scenic area management and tourism operators about how and what to do to provide a feast of beautiful sightseeing and cultural journey.(一)根据《边城》已开发的湘西旅游文化项目 在景区管理部门的管理和监督下,旅游产业经营者通过文学作品的再加工,创造出新的文本。经营者的身体展演分为两种形式:有组织和排练的文艺演出;针对旅游者进行的日常生活展演。表演或展演都能够传达一定的地方身份。已经开发的有代表性的演出节目有如下几个(Ⅰ)according to the existing culture project of Xiangxi tourism based on Remote City Under the management and supervision of the local scenic area department, tourism operators do some polishing work on the original one to create a new text.There two kinds of forms for operators to organize activities: to rehearse the art show;to conduct the daily-life show aimed to tourists.Every kind of showing or performance can expre some local identification.Several representative performances are as follows:


《烟雨凤凰》是根据沈从文的名作《边城》打造的一台大型的歌舞情景剧,融合了湘西独特的民族文化,借助现代先进的技术将绵延的远山、清澈的沱江和烟雨雾霭中的凤凰古城展现在观众的面前。利用声、光、水、电灯舞台效果和落成的森林剧场还原了苗家生活的场景,给观众如临其境、惟妙惟肖的纯美感受。演出分为对歌、追爱、离别、思念、涅槃和祈福6个篇章,全长65分钟。全剧包含舞蹈、对歌、杂技、特技等形式,展现了湘西的民族风土人情、浪漫的爱情故事。1, Myterious Fenghunag Myterious Fenghunag is a kind of large scale song and dance drama forged on the basis of Remote City.It fused the special national culture of Xiangxi together and presented the stretches of mountains, clear Tuojiang(a river), and the beautiful ancient Fenghuang city in front of the audience by modern advanced technology.It gives audience immersive and comfortable feelings when watching the reflected Miao people’s daily life by using the stage effect of voice, light, water, and light device.There are six scenes lasting 65 minutes, namely, singing in antiphonal, seeking love, leaving, miing, being nirvana, and bleing, including the forms of dancing, singing, acrobatics, and stunt performance etc, which gives a very comprehensive explanation about nation local customs of Xiangxi and romantic love story.2、魅力湘西剧院的节目《边城》


2, the program of Remote City in charming Xiangxi Theater Zhnagjiajie Charming Xiangxi, the international culture square, is a very famous acting stage for cultural tourism.According to the busy and slack season of traveling, there is once or twice showing.Remote city, being one of the showing, adapted from the work of Shen Congwen, lasting 5 minutes, described the love story of Cuicui , Tianbao, and Nuosong.The scene is very beautiful, presenting the feelings of Xiangxi’s sons and daughters.The background music is Shui Yun Yao, written and composed by Wang Yuanping, the famous musician and the director of Zhangjiajie·Charming Xiangxi’s art and music, and sung by Wang Danping.This song conveyed the grand Xiangxi’s romantic feelings of its creator and performer, and presented the misty-rain-liking love story of Cuicui and Nuosong in Remote City, which gives people very wonderful, unforgettable, and haunting feelings.(二)基于《边城》的湘西旅游文化项目开发的建议


(Ⅱ)suggestions on the culture project of Xiangxi tourism based on Remote City eco-cultural tourism industry is powerful catalyst for the economic development of Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture.The most important opportunity is to properly exploit tourism culture of this border town.For the first thing is the supervision, management, and planning of government sector.The government should do some proper planning on the basis of existing project, rectify the project of inefficacy, redundant construction, and damaging environment, and make plans, conduct supervision, and manage.Next step, operators should be creative to construct special cultural tourism and build ancient town with unique features.Because for most ancient towns, they are similar in appearance and quality, and mostly are commercialized.So creativene is very important.For example, the final part of the Remote City can be restored to give an experiencing traveling for visitors.《边城》走向世界让更多的人知道了湘西,促进了湘西旅游的增长点。特别是特色的民俗活动吸引更多人的眼球,湘西端午文化的独特性和良好的宣传手段能够更好地促进湘西旅游的快速发展。

Remote City’s exposure to the world helps more and more people know Xiangxi and promote its tourism.Especially, the special customs activities attract many people’s eyes , thus becoming the main methods to improve the tourism of Xiangxi.[1] Shen Congwen.Remote City[A].Shen Congwen claic selected works[C].Beijing:The Contemporary World Pre,2007.[2]Shen Congwen.Celebrating and Watching Lights[A].Shen Congwen Eays[C].Beijing:people's Literature Publishing House,2007.[3](Shen Congwen.Remote City——Attached by Some Famous Proses, like Xiaoxiao et al.[M].Beijing: Beijing Yanshan Pre.2006.5;75-86.)

[4]Herbert D.Literary places, tourism and the heritage experiences[J].Annals of Tourism Research, 2001, 28(2): 312–333.]


节庆文化与基层文化发布时间:2011-10-26信息来源:《舟山文化》 作者:王国频节庆文化以其风格各异的特色活动和特色项目点缀着文化的宏阔背景,成为城市文化不可缺少的重要组成部......








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