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——在2010年上海世博会高峰论坛上的讲话 中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝 2010年10月31日 Expo Spirit Forever Addre by H.E.Wen Jiabao Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China At the Expo 2010 Shanghai China Summit Forum Shanghai, Oct.31, 2010 尊敬的各位来宾,女士们、先生们: Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, 举世瞩目的上海世博会即将落下帷幕。本届世博会以“城市,让生活更美好”为主题,充分展示了丰富多彩的当代文明成就,汇集了人类探索城市发展的共同智慧,创造了多项世博会的新纪录,谱写了世界博览史的辉煌篇章。

The Expo 2010 Shanghai China is coming to close.This is an Expo that has attracted worldwide attention.Under the theme of “Better City, Better Life”, the Expo has put on display the splendid achievements of contemporary civilizations, pooled human wisdom in exploring the path of urban development, set many Expo-related records, and added a glorious chapter to the Expo history.上海世博会是一次成功的盛会,世博会云集了包括190个国家、56个国际组织在内的246个官方参展者,超出以往历届世博会。从5月1日到今天,世博会参观者达到7000多万人次,创下参观人数的新纪录。人们从世界各地来到美丽的黄浦江畔,走进世博园,顶着烈日,冒着风雨排着长队耐心等候,只为一睹世博会的风采。本届世博会还第一次开辟了网上世博,为世界各地更多的民众参与世博会开启了一扇新的大门。上海世博会以最广泛的参与度,真正实现了世界人民的大团结。

Expo 2010 Shanghai has been a succeful event.A total of 246 official participants, including 190 countries and 56 international organizations, have taken part in this Expo, more than in any previous Expo.Since 1 May, there have been more than 70 million visits to the Expo, another record number in the Expo history.People form around the world streamed to the Expo Site situated along the beautiful Huangpu River.Undeterred by the searing heat or soaking rain, they waited patiently in long lines to witne this much anticipated event.For the first time, an Online Expo was launched, opening a new window for more people to be part of the Expo.Through such extensive participation, Expo 2010 Shanghai has truly brought together people around the globe.上海世博会是一次精彩的盛会,近6平方公里的世博园仿佛是一个地球村,一座座风格迥异、造型别致的建筑物毗邻而居,随风舞动的英国馆、枫叶造型的加拿大馆,形容“ 丝路宝船” 的沙特馆等各具特色。尽情挥洒着人类智慧的奇思妙想。世界各国的文化瑰宝纷纷闪亮登场,中国的战国铜车马,沙拉的雅典纳神像,法国印象派大师的传世之座,丹麦的小美人鱼、塞舌尔的亚达伯拉象等世界奇世文化珍品,让人目不暇接、美不胜收。平均每天100多场,总计2万多场次的文化演艺活动,荟萃了绚丽多姿的各国文化的精髓,给人心旷神怡的精神享受。全球许多政治家、企业家、政府官员和专家学者莅临中国,在上海世博会系列论坛上发表真知灼见,探索未来世界,碰撞出无数睿智的思想火花,给人以无限的遐想和启迪。上海世博会犹如一部写在大地上的百科全书,构成了一幅多元文化和谐共荣的美好画卷。

Expo 2010 Shanghai has been a splendid event.The Expo Site, which covers about six square kilometers, is like a global village.Here, you can find a rich variety of structures, each with its distinct and exquisite style, the British Pavilion resembling a huge dandelion dancing in the breeze, the Canadian Pavilion in the shape of a maple leaf, and the Saudi Pavilion which looks like a sailing treasure boat.And they all speak to the best of human ingenuity.Here, you can see on display rare cultural treasures of the world: the bronze chariot and horse sculpture from China’s Warring States period, the statue of Athena from Greece, the masterpieces of French impreionist painters, the Litter Mermaid from Denmark and the Aldabra giant tortoises from the Seychelles.They are truly a feast to the eyes.Here, over 100 cultural performances were staged every day.Through a total of more than 20,000 cultural events, visitors got a taste of the quinteence of the world’s diverse cultures and found it a rewarding cultural experience.Here political leaders, busine people, government officials, experts and scholars gathered together at the series of Expo Forums to share insightful vies an discu the future of the world, firing people with imagination and inspiration.All this has made Expo 2010 Shanghai an encyclopedia lying open on the land and a magnificent painting showcasing the integration and harmony of diverse cultures.上海世博会是一次难忘的盛会,世博会让渴望了解世界的中国人民, 和渴望了解中国的各国朋友走在一起,相互间结下了深厚的友谊。世博会开幕式上,来自青海玉树灾区的两位藏族儿童和不同国家、不同肤色的孩子们牵手相拥,表现出人类在苦难面前同舟共济的兄弟的情谊。一位叫山田外美代的日本老人,人称“世博奶奶”。4年前就来到中国,为参观世博会探路,几年中往返中国18次,世博会开幕以后,她购买了183张门票,每天都出现在世博园。另一位来自中国浙江省年过七旬的农村老人,在上海租了一间小房子,为国内外参观者免费提供住宿,自己甘愿睡在小沙发上,感动了无数的人。最为引人注目的是8万多名身穿青色白裤的园区志愿者,人们亲切地称之为“小白菜”。还有近200万名城市志愿者活跃在街头巷尾。他们的灿烂笑容和热情服务,成为解读中国的真正名牌。

Expo 2010 Shanghai has been an unforgettable event.The Expo has brought together the Chinese people who wish to learn more about the world and foreign friends who wish to know more about China.Thanks to the Expo, they have forged a strong bond of friendship.At the opening ceremony of the Expo, two Tibetan kids from the earthquake-affected Y ushu county of Qinghai Province joined kids of different countries and different colors.They embraced each other and held hands together.That scene is a vivid example of human solidarity and fraternity in the face of adversity.Y amada Tomiyo from Japan, known as “Expo Granny ,” began her 18 trips to China four years ago in anticipation of the event.When the Expo opened, she bought 183 tickets and came to visit the site every day.There is an old lady in her seventies from the countryside of Zhejiang Province.She rented a small apartment in Shanghai to provide free accommodation to Chinese and foreign visitors while she herself would sleep on a small couch.Her story has touched all of us.I would like to mention in particular the more than 80,000 volunteers at the Expo site, whose green tops and white pants earned them the lovely nickname of “Little Cabbages,” and the nearly tow million volunteers working acro the city.Their bright smiles and hospitable services are the best name card for a real China.上海世博会是在国际金融危机的背景下首次来到发展中国家,首次在一个特大城市的中心城区举办,这对中国是严峻的考验。八年来,我们举全国之力,集世界智慧,有条不紊地做好各项筹办工作,特别是上海人民,做出了无私的奉献。同时,国际展览局和往届世博会举办国也给予了宝贵的指导。世博会的成功举办凝结着无数人们的辛勤劳动,正是广大世博会的组织者、建设者、工作者、参观者、志愿者的真诚、智慧和汗水,共同铸就了世博会的辉煌。在这里,我谨代表中国政府,向一切参与世博、支持世博和为世博做出贡献的同志们和朋友们,表示衷心感谢和崇高敬意。

Expo 2010 Shanghai is the first Expo held by a developing country , the first held in the downtown area of a mega-city, and it was held under the shadow of the international

financial crisis.This is a severe test to China and Shanghai.Over the past eight years, we mobilized resources throughout the Country and pooled the wisdom of the world in the preparation for the Expo.The people of Shanghai, in particular, made selfle contributions and the International Exhibitions Bureau and hot countries of past Expos provided valuable guidance.The succe of the Expo could not have been poible without the tirele efforts of many people, including the organizers, construction workers, staff members, visitors and volunteers.It is their sincerity, wisdom and hard work that have rendered splendor to the Expo.On behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to expre heartfelt gratitude and pay high tribute to all the comrades and friends who have participated in, supported and contributed to the Shanghai Expo.女士们、先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen, 上海世博会不仅荟萃了人类创造的物质文明,开阔了人们的眼界,而且为人类留下丰富的精神遗产,启迪了人们的心智,这是世博会的灵魂之所在。人类创造的一切文明成果,只有上升到精神和理性的高度时,才能成为人类的共同财富,并永久传承。今天,我们一起回顾这次盛会及其给我们留下的经验和启示,是很有意义的。

Expo 2010 Shanghai is an eye-opening event, showcasing the best material achievements of human civilizations.It will also leave behind a rich spiritual legacy and a constant source of inspiration.This is the soul of the Expo.Only when the fruits of human civilization are elevated onto the spiritual and philosophical level will they become the common aets of the entire humanity and be paed down from generation to generation.It is therefore highly relevant that we review this Expo and see what experience and inspiration we can draw from it.世博会鲜明弘扬了绿色、环保、低碳等发展的新理念。上海世博园本身就是一个低碳的典范,园内太阳能发电系统总装机容量高达4.6亿兆瓦,各类新能源汽车的运用超过千辆,象征工业文明的165米高的大烟囱被改装为气象信号塔。用最新低碳材料和节能技术建造的各国展馆比比皆是,馆内陈列的最新低碳技术和产品不计其数。首次设立的城市最佳实践区用一个个生动的案例、逼真的模型展示了世界各国在城市建设和管理方面的智慧,描述了未来城市生活的新


The World Expo has promoted a new approach to development, i.e., green environment-friendly and low-carbon development.The Expo Site itself is a model of low-carbon development, where the solar power generation system has a total installed capacity of 4.6 megawatts, more than 1,000 cars are powered by new energy sources, and the 165-meter-high chimney symbolic of industrial civilization has been turned into a meteorological signal tower.Many pavilions are built with the latest low-carbon materials and energy-saving technologies, and numerous cutting-edge low-carbon technologies and products are on display.The Urban Best Practice Area, the first of its kind in the Expo history , illustrates the succe stories of various countries in urban development and management and depicts a new way of future urban life with interesting cases and vivid models.These innovative ideas show that mankind has acquired a more scientific understanding of what development means and become more rational and mature in the pursuit of development.They will exert a far-reaching impact on the economic growth pattern, industrial structure and consumption model.世博会有力地证明了科技革命是推动社会进步的强大动力。科技进步是社会发展的重要标尺。1851年,英国举办第一届世博会,就是因为它是世界上最先开展工业革命的国家,并产生了很多科技产品。工业革命后带来的生产力发展令人震撼,在不到100年的时间中,人类社会所创造的生产力比过去一切时代创造的全部生产力还要多、还要大。如果和工业革命后的那一百年相比,人类在最近一百年创造的生产力不知又要大多少倍。上海世博会展示了人类最新科技成就,如新一代移


The World Expo is convincing proof that scientific and technological revolution is a strong driving force behind social progre.Science and technology advances are an important hallmark of social progre.The United Kingdom hosted the first World Expo in 1851, because it was the first country to launch the Industrial Revolution and manufactured a large number of technological products.The industrial revolution spurred an incredible growth in productivity.The productivity generated in the le than 100 years after the Industrial Revolution exceeded the sum total of productivity of all previous times.And the last 100 years have seen even greater increases of productivity than the 100 years following the Industrial Revolution.Expo 2010 Shanghai has shown mankind’s latest achievements in science and technology, such as the new generation of mobile communications, artificial intelligence, new materials and eco-friendly construction, and they speak volumes about the immense human wisdom and creativity.The development, application and diemination of these news technologies, new energy sources and new materials will not only have a major impact on the way we work and live, but also lead the course of industrial development in the future.They will also provide strong support for our efforts to overcome the underlying impact of the international financial crisis and promote sustained recovery of the world economy.世博会生动展现了人类文明的多样性。上海世博会为不同文化相互交流和融合提供了广阔的舞台,充分展示了世界的丰富多彩。这里不仅有欧美发达国家的高科技产品,而且有非洲独特的民族服饰和黑木雕,还有精美绝伦的加勒比海国家和太平洋岛国的手工制品。这些产品都是人们在长期劳动时间中智慧的结晶,蕴含着一个民族的价值观和理念,是一个民族凝固的文化。除了丰富的展品之外,世博园内每天都上演来自世界各地的精彩文艺节目,原汁原味的非洲土


The World Expo is a vivid demonstration of the diversity of human civilizations.The Shanghai Expo has offered a broad stage for inter-cultural exchanges and integration, reminding us that we live in a divers and colorful world.Here, one can see not only the high-tech products from the developed world such as the Unites States and Europe, but also national costumes and ebony sculptures unique to Africa and ingenious handicrafts from the Caribbean and Pacific island countries.These products epitomize the human wisdom gained over the long course of productive activities, and embody the values and ideals of a nation.They are the material form of a nation’s culture.In addition to the rich exhibits, there were dazzling art performances from acro the world in the Expo Site every day, including the indigenous African dances, the elegant French court dance, the paionate Argentine tango the refined Japanese Noh theatre, the lively English folk music and the exquisite Peking opera.The artistic qualities of various cultures have added to the life and appeal of the Expo.The World Expo tells us that every country and every nation has a traditional culture to be proud of and that each fine culture is a fruit of human civilization and deserves our respect and care.One flower does not make a beautiful garden.世博会充分表明了追求平等、和谐是人类的共同愿望,世博会是世界人民的共同节日。参加世博会的每个人都是平等的,都是其中的一份子,如果没有相互理解和信任,没有对和平的热爱和对和谐的向往,就不可能有这么多国家和民族的人们欢聚在一起。首次集体亮相世博会的14个太平洋岛国和13个加勒比海岛国,有的是第一次参加世博会,有的还没有与中国建立外交关系,但是都兴高采烈地加入世博会的行列,这充分说明世博会是超越国家、民族、宗教界限的。上海世博会把服


The Expo has fully demonstrated that equality and harmony is the common aspiration of mankind.The Expo is a festive event for all people in the world, and everyone involved in the Expo is an equal member of the big Expo family.Without mutual understanding and trust, and without the live for peace and harmony, it would not have been poible for people form so many different countries and nations to come to this joyous gathering.Among the 14 Pacific island countries and 13 Caribbean countries that made their first collective presence ant the Expo, some are new to the World Expo and some do not yet have diplomatic relations with China.Yet they all participated with great interest and enthusiasm.This is a good example which shows that the World Expo is above national, ethnic and religious boundaries.Providing quality service to the visitors and participants is a top priority of Expo 2010 Shanghai.Many facilities for the convenience of visitors are installed in the expo Site.After careful selection, we invited nine Muslim restaurants to the Site to offer Muslim food.The commitment of taking good care of the visitors is shown in very detailed way.For the first time, a pavilion for disabled persons is established in the Expo Site.There is a variety of special services such as acceible sears for all activities, wheelchair rental and acceible depositories.Each individual is fully respected here.The Expo tells us that progre of a society is not just about the number of skyscrapers, but also meeting the practical and cultural needs of each individual and warming people’s hearts with the sunshine of social care.弘扬世博理念,就是要倡导人类携手应对各种挑战、共同促进人类和平与发展。It has been 159 years since the first World Expo was held.The past one and a half

centuries saw two world wars and three important scientific and technological revolutions.Out world has undergone a sea change and achieved unprecedented advancement in science and technology and productivity.The Shanghai Expo has showcased the progre of human society, and also reflected the challenges, concerns and confusions that mankind faces, The Expo spirit means that we must all work together to meet challenges and pursue peace and development.——我们要共同推进城市和谐发展。今天,全球一半以上的人口居住在城市,城市化一方 面让人们享受了现代文明的成果,另一方面也伴随着人口膨胀、交通拥挤、贫困化、文化 的冲突、金融危机等前所未有的挑战。上海世博会首次以城市为主题,对解决人类共同面 对的难题进行开创性的探索,我们要认真总结上海世博会关于城市发展的宝贵思想成果,创新城市发展模式,建设经济集约高效、社会公平和睦、文化多元包容、生态环境良好的 和谐城市,努力创造更加美好的城市生活。--We should jointly promote harmonious urban development.More that half of the world population now live in cities.Urbanization has on the one hand enabled people to enjoy the achievements of modern civilization and on the other presented such unprecedented challenges as swelling population, traffic congestion, poverty, cultural clashes and financial crises.The Expo 2010 Shanghai is the first Expo that features city as its theme and seeks to make pioneering exploration on tackling the common problems facing mankind.We need to review the valuable ideas on urban development generated at the Expo, innovate urban development models, build harmonious cities of high economic efficiency, social justice and amity, cultural diversity and inclusivene and sound eco-environment, and strive for an even better urban life.——我们要推动广大农村地区的现代化。本届世博会描绘了未来城市美好生活的远景,但 我们不能忘记世界上大部分地区,特别是发展中国家的农村还比较落后,全球主要贫困人 口还生活在农村。没有农村的现代化就不可能有整个社会的现代化。我们应大力促进城乡 协调发展,努力消除城乡差距,促进公共服务均等化,使广大农村成为生产发展、生活富 裕、生态良好的美丽家园。--We should advance modernization in the rural areas.The Shanghai Expo outlines a vision for a better urban life in the future.Yet we must not forget that a large

part of the world, particularly the rural areas in developing countries, is still lagging behind and the majority of the poor population live in rural areas, Without the modernization of those areas, modernization of the whole society would not be poible.We should vigorously promote coordinated urban and rural development, work to eliminate the gap between urban and rural areas, promote equal acce to public services, and build the vast rural areas into a beautiful homeland enjoying greater productivity and prosperity and a better environment.——我们要帮助欠发达地区共同发展,我们从世博会主题论坛演讲者的焦虑神色中看到了 世界发展的不平衡,感到了贫富差距扩大的缩影,人类同是地球大家庭的兄弟姐妹,应该 秉承携手前进、共同发展的理念,竭尽所能帮助欠发达国家发展经济和改善民生,使世界 各国人民共享人类文明的成果。--We should help the le developed regions to achieve common development.We see from the eyes of speaker sat the Expo Theme Forums their concerns about uneven development and widening wealth gap in the world.All human beings are brothers and sisters of the big family of the Earth.We should work hand in hand for common development, and do our best to help the underdeveloped countries in developing the economy and improving people’s lives so that people of all countries can share the fruits of human civilization.——我们要共同珍惜和爱护地球家园。从世博会的展览、展示中可以看出,工业化、城市 化、全球化在给人类带来无尽财富的同时也付出了资源枯竭、环境污染、生态破坏的巨大 代价。地球不仅是我们从父辈那里继承来的,更是从我们的后代那里借来的。我们必须尊 重自然、注重节约能源资源和保护生态环境,加快转变发展方式和调整经济结构,实现可 持续发展,为子孙后代留下一个赖以生存和发展的地球家园。--We should cherish and take good care of mother Earth.We can see from the Expo exhibits that, while generation enormous wealth, industrialization, urbanization and globalization have also cost us dearly in terms of resource depletion, environmental pollution and ecological degradation.We should not only see the Earth as something that we have inherited from our forebears, but also, and more importantly, as something that we have borrowed from our children and grandchildren.We must respect

nature, place importance on resource conservation and environmental protection, and accelerate the transformation of the development model and economic restructuring in order to achieve sustainable development and leave to the future generation a planet where they can survive and thrive.——我们要共同维护世界和平与稳定。从世界各国积极参与世博会的热情中,我们深深感 受到,追求和平进步、实现和谐共处、创造美好生活,是人类的共同愿望。世界各国应该 理智处理民族矛盾、文化摩擦和地区冲突等热点问题,以和平的方式协商解决国际国内纷 争,消除种族隔阂和冲突,共同建立持久、和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。--We should jointly uphold world peace and stability.We have felt keenly from the enthusiasm of all countries to participate in the Expo that peace progre, harmony and a better life are the common desire of people all over the world.It is important that countries handle ethnic tensions, cultural frictions and regional conflicts and other hotspot iues in a sensible way, seek peaceful solutions to international and domestic disputes through consultations, remover ethnic estrangement and strife, and work together to build a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity.上海世博会对于中国人民来说,是一次向世界学习的良好机会。“一日观世博,胜读十年 书。” 走进世博的场馆,不仅饱览了各国的美丽景观和奇珍异宝,也领略了各国的灿烂文 化和风土人情,这种身临其境的现场感受和震撼是电视和书本都无法比拟的。世博会也是 各国综合国力的展示,在这里,既看到了别人的长处,又发现了自己的差距。只有海纳百 川、博采众长,才能跻身于世界先进之林;只有站在巨人的肩上,才能看得更远。世博会 的成功举办,更加坚定了中国推进改革开放的信心和决心,中国将坚定不移地走和平发展 和开放兼容的道路,学习和借鉴世界各国的优秀文明成果,深化同各国的互利合作,为人 类文明进步事业作出更大贡献。The Shanghai Expo has offered the Chinese people a good opportunity to learn form the world.One day in Expo is more rewarding that ten years’ reading.The Expo pavilions enabled people to witne the beautiful scenery, precious treasures, splendid cultures and folk customs of various countries.No TV program and book can give us such first-hand experience.The Expo has also shown the comprehensive national strength of each country.From the exhibits,one can see not only the strengths of others bit also the gaps one has to bridge.Only an open and inclusive country can become an advanced one and only by standing on the shoulders giants can one look farther.The succe of the Expo has strengthened China’s confidence and resolve to pursue reform and opening-up.China will unswervingly follow the path of peaceful developments of all civilizations, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries and make greater contribution to the progre of human civilization.上海世博会就要闭幕了,大家将要离开上海,回到各自的国家。你们带来的是一个国家的 自豪,而带回去的却是整个世界的精彩。世博会孕育的文化精神将是不朽的,世博会的故 事会经久流传。我衷心祝愿上海世博会给大家留下美好的回忆,祝愿世博精神在世界各地 发扬光大,祝愿世界的明天更加美好。The Shanghai Expo is coming to a close, and you will leave Shanghai and return to your home countries.You came with the pride of your individual countries, and you will leave with the splendor of the whole world.The cultural spirit of the World Expo will live on and its stories will be told for years to come.I sincerely hope that the Expo 2010 Shanghai China has been a memorable experience for you all.May the Expo spirit thrive acro the world, and may our world be an even better place.谢谢大家!Thank you.


让世博精神发扬光大——在2010年上海世博会高峰论坛上的讲话中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝 (2010年10月31日)尊敬的各位来宾, 女士们,先生们:举世瞩目的上海世博会即将落下帷幕。本届世博......


温家宝总理在上海世博会高峰论坛上的讲话(全文)2010/10/31 2010年10月31日,国务院总理温家宝在上海世博会高峰论坛上发表讲话。讲话全文如下:让世博精神发扬光大——在2010年上......


温家宝在上海世博会高峰论坛上作主旨演讲(全文)(2010-10-31) 早报导读[中国早点] 世界上只有一个……[台海局势] 司徒文:两岸持续交往是和平保证 [中日关系] 温家宝与菅直人......


温家宝:上海世博会是成功、精彩、难忘的盛会(全文) 2010年10月31日09:42 来源:中国新闻网10月31日,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝在中国2010年上海世博会高峰论坛上作......



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