国旗下讲话《孝敬父母 学会感恩》_学会感恩国旗下讲话稿

2020-02-27 发言稿 下载本文

国旗下讲话《孝敬父母 学会感恩》由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“学会感恩国旗下讲话稿”。

国旗下讲话稿:《孝敬父母 学会感恩》

尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家早上好!

Dear teaches and clamates: Good morning, everyone!

我是 班的,我是 班的,我们今天我演讲的题目是《孝敬父母 学会感恩》。

I am.I am and from cla grade.Today the topic is to learn to respect the parents and to be grateful.有这样一个真实的故事:作文课上,老师教完了应用文写作后,当堂给同学们布置了一个题目:假设自己的妈妈丢了,请每个人写一则寻人启事。但是由于同学们从来没有关注过母亲,所以连年龄、体貌特征都记不清,作文课彻底失败。

Here is a true story: in the writing cla, the teacher asked the students to write some information about their mothers.Because the students never pay attention to their mothers, so they don’t know their mothers’ age or appearance.穿着干净漂亮衣服的同学们,关注自己喜欢的影视明星,关注衣服的样式,关注鞋子的品牌……可是,唯独忽略了自己的母亲,穿着什么颜色的衣服?头发什么样式?孩子们真的没有留意,从来也没有留意过。

The students who are wearing beautiful clothes always pay lots of attention to their favourite stars, their own dreing style and their shoes brands… But they ignore their mothers that what color their mothers’ dre are and what their mothers hair style are.The children really never pay attention to it.作文课彻底失败了,一则简单的寻人启事,竟然没有一个同学能写完整、写准确。最后,老师面色凝重地对大家说,不是寻人启事难写,而是大家对自己的母亲,根本就不关注、不了解啊!

Why the easy description of their mother can’t be finished by the students? The only answer is that the students never pay attention to their mothers.每个人的成长都不是一件理所当然的事情,可是,我们偏偏对精心呵护我们的父母视而不见:只看见了可口的饭菜,却不见在厨房忙碌的背影;只欣喜于获得的优异成绩,却忘记了深夜伴读的黑眼圈;只盼望着自己的成长,却忽略了因操劳而弯曲的后背……天底下的父母,是那么用心地去观察自己的孩子,所以,每一个细小动作,都逃不过父母的眼睛。记住父母其实一点也不难,只要用心,就足够了。要到何时,我们才能有一颗心,用它看清父母的面容,记住父母的深情?让我们学会关爱他人,先从关爱自己的父母开始。

The growing up proce is not easy and nobody can take it for granted.But we always pay no attention to our beloved parents: we only see the delicious food but ignore the busy figure in the kitchen.We are happy to get the excellent score but ignore that it’s our parents’accompany that make us get the excellent score.We are looking forward to their growing up but ignore their parents’blend back because of hard working.Our parents love and observe us so much but what did we do? How to care others? We should care others from caring our parents.首先要感谢父母给予了我们生命,让我们来到了这个绚丽多彩的世界,让我们体会到了人世间的真情与友爱。当我们第一次睁开眼凝望这个世界,看到的是母亲含笑的双眸;当我们咿呀学语,能喊出的第一个字眼,是爸妈;从蹒跚学步到独立行走的背后是父母多少次担惊受怕?从握笔写字到学识渊博是父母多少个日夜陪伴的结果?遇到困难时,永远站在身旁、倾其所有来帮助我们的人是父母;受到委屈时,倾听安慰我们的人是父母;犯下错误时,毫不计较、包容我们的人是父母;取得成功时,衷心祝福、分享喜悦的人是父母;远在异地他乡时,思恋、牵挂我们的人还是父母。

Firstly, we should be grateful to our parents , because it’s them that bring us to the colorful world and make us feel the true feeling.When we firstly open our eyes to graze the world and see our mothers’smiling eyes;The first words we spoke are mother and father… The growing up proce is full of our parents’ caring.其次,我们要孝敬父母。试问我们当中有多少人记得父母的生日?有多少人在父母出门时担心过,问候过?又有多少人知道父母的喜好?有爱就要说出口,孝敬更要用实际行动来表达。情绪低落时,聆听父母的劝告;与父母发生分歧时,不赌气,多沟通;远离父母时,知道每天打一个平安电话;珍惜父母的劳动成果,不攀比,不在本该奋斗的年龄选择安逸……最后,我想向全体同学倡议,周末回家不忘翰林八个一,流自己的汗,吃自己的饭,自己的事情自己干!

Next, we should be filial to our parents.How many students know their parents’birthday?How many students care, worry about their parents and greet to them when their parents are out?…please, be filial and respect our parents by practical action: listen to the parents’advice when we feel down and communicate with them… 最后,我想向全体同学倡议,周末回家不忘翰林八个一,流自己的汗,吃自己的饭,自己的事情自己干!

At last, I want to advocate to all students, don’t forget Hanlin’s Eight Ones, sweat your own sweat, eat your own food, and do everything by yourself!谢谢大家!Thank you everyone!






孝敬父母 学会感恩咸阳市原县池阳小学 王秋娟老师、同学们:大家早上好!今天我国旗下讲话的题目是:孝敬父母,学会感恩。 中国有句古话“百善孝为先”。意思是说,孝敬父母是每个人......





《国旗下讲话《孝敬父母 学会感恩》.docx》
国旗下讲话《孝敬父母 学会感恩》
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