Statement by Fu Ziying, Vice Minister of Commerce of China, at the General Debate of the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries
Your Excellency President Gül of the Republic of Turkey, Your Excellency UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon,Your Excellency UN Under-Secretary-General Cheick Sidi Diarra, Mr.Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,我非常高兴来到美丽的伊斯坦布尔,出席在这里召开的第四届联合国最不发达国家大会。首先,我谨代表中国政府对居尔总统和土耳其政府为会议所作的大量筹备工作和周到安排表示衷心感谢。
It gives me much pleasure to attend the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries(LDCs)in the beautiful city of Istanbul.Let me begin by expreing sincere thanks on behalf of the Chinese government to President Gül and the Turkish government for your tremendous efforts in organizing and carefully arranging this conference.十年前,各国首脑齐聚布鲁塞尔,通过了《布鲁塞尔行动纲领》,对最不发达国家未来十年的发展做出了庄严的政治承诺,为国际社会帮助最不发达国家摆脱贫困、实现发展制定了时间表和路线图。十年来,最不发达国家为此进行了不懈努力,使经济建设和社会发展不断改善。然而,由于最不发达国家长期以来基础差,能力弱,其内在的脆弱性没有得到根本改变,特别是全球金融危机后,他们面临的挑战有增无减,全面实现《布鲁塞尔行动纲领》目标的前景不容乐观。因此,最不发达国家需要做出新的努力,国际社会需要给予更大的支持。
A decade ago, leaders around the world gathered in Bruels and adopted the Bruels Program of Action(BPoA).It is a solemn political commitment to the development of LDCs for the following decade, as well as a timetable and roadmap for international community to help LDCs reduce poverty and achieve development.To this end, LDCs have been making unremitting efforts in the past ten years and scored much improvement in economic and social development.However, as protracted iues such as weak basis, limited capacity and internal vulnerabilities remain fundamentally unchanged and, in particular, the international financial crisis brought growing challenges in LDCs.LDCs should make further efforts and the international community should give more support.作为国际社会大家庭的重要成员,最不发达国家的发展关系到世界的和平与稳定,帮助最不发达国家摆脱贫困,实现全面发展,是实现世界持久繁荣的必要保障,也是国际社会义不容辞的责任和义务。国际社会应更加理解他们的实际困难,充分尊重他们的自主选择,认真倾听他们的合理诉求,用实际行动满足他们的迫切愿望。为此,国际社会、特别是发达国家,应继续加大对最不发达国家的资金和技术支持,进一步开放市场,减免债务,切实兑现其已做出的官方发展援助承诺;国际金融机构和多边发展机构应把资金优先用于帮助最不发达国家。
LDCs are important members of the international community, and their development is vital to world peace and stability.It is eential to help them eliminate poverty and achieve all-round development if we are to achieve enduring prosperity in the world.Moreover, it is the unshirkable responsibility and obligation of the international community.The international community should better appreciate the practical difficulties of LDCs, fully respect their independent choices, listen attentively to their reasonable aspirations, and meet their urgent wishes with concrete actions.To this end, the international community, particularly developed countries, should step up financial and technological support to LDCs, further open their markets, reduce and exempt debts, and take concrete steps to meet their committed targets for official development aistance.International financial institutions and multilateral development agencies should give priority to financing projects in LDCs.两周前,中国政府发布了《中国的对外援助》白皮书,全面阐述了中国对外援助的政策主张。在过去的60年中,特别是近10年以来,中国政府在力所能及的范围内,本着平等互利、共同发展的原则,通过援建项目、提供物资、技术合作、人力资源开发等多种形式对最不发达国家进行援助。中国政府在中非合作论坛、千年发展目标高级别会议等场合,重申了支持其他发展中国家,特别是最不发达国家实现自主发展的坚定立场,宣布了多项旨在帮助最不发达国家发展的援助举措。中国用自己的实际行动承担了相应的国际义务,推动了《布鲁塞尔行动纲领》的实施。
Two weeks ago, the Chinese government iued a white paper entitled China’s Foreign Aid, giving a comprehensive picture of China’s policies and positions on this iue.In the past 60 years, particularly the past decade, China has followed the principle of equality, mutual benefit and common development and done as much as it could in providing aid to LDCs through project aistance, provision of materials, technological cooperation and human resources development, etc.The Chinese government reiterated its firm position and announced a host of measures to help other developing countries, particularly LDCs, achieve independent development on such occasions as the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation and the High-level Plenary Meeting of UN Millennium Development Goals.China has taken concrete steps to fulfill its international obligations, and contribute to the implementation of BPoA.充分尊重最不发达的国情和发展愿望,向他们提供不附带任何政治条件的援助。长期以来,中国一直将最不发达国家作为援助重点。2009年,中国对最不发达国家的援助占当年对外援助总额的40%,2010年更是超过50%。60年来,中国政府在力所能及的范围内,从最不发达国家的实际需要出发,在双方充分协商的基础上,先后向46个最不发达国家提供了经济和技术援助,援建了近1000个各类项目,涉及工业、农业、文教、卫生、通讯、电力、能源、交通以及社会公共设施等各个领域。
We fully respect LDC’s national conditions and aspiration for development, and provide them with aistance without political strings attached.LDCs have become China’s priority in providing foreign aid over the years.The share of China’s aid to LDCs in its total foreign aid stood at 40% in 2009 and exceeded 50% in 2010.Over the past 60 years, in accordance with the actual needs of LDCs and based on in-depth consultations, the Chinese government has, within its capacity, provided economic and technical aistance to 46 LDCs, covering nearly 1,000 various projects in sectors like industry, agriculture, culture and education, public health, communications, electricity, energy, transportation and public utilities.中国还向国际货币基金组织增资500亿美元,明确要求将资金优先用于最不发达国家。此外,中国自1963年派出首支医疗队以来,从未间断向非洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲等地区派出医疗队,累计派出2.1万人次,诊治患者约2.6亿人次。
China also contributed an additional USD 50 billion to the IMF, with an explicit request that the fund should be used, first and foremost, to help LDCs.Moreover, China has consistently sent medical teams to Africa, Asia and Latin America since it dispatched the first medical team in 1963.By now it has sent 21,000 person times and treated about 260 million person times of patients.目前,有60支援外医疗队在57个国家工作,共有约1324名医疗队员,其中三分之二的援外医疗队驻在国是最不发达国家。随着医疗队的派出,中国每年还向受援国赠送部分药品和医疗器械,为提高当地医疗卫生水平、保障受援国人民健康发挥了重要作用。这些援助,受到了受援国老百姓的欢迎和认同,促进了当地的经济和社会的发展。
Currently 60 Chinese medical teams consisting of 1,300 people are working in 57 countries, two thirds of which are LDCs.China also donates medicine and medical equipment to recipient countries every year, which is very important for improving medical level and guaranteeing the health of the people in recipient countries.The aistance efforts have been well received and recognized by local communities, and have promoted their economic and social development.减免债务,减轻负担,促进受援国的可持续发展。自2000年以来,中国政府先后6次宣布减免所有与中国有外交关系的最不发达国家和重债贫穷国对华到期无息贷款债务。截止2010年底,中方已与非洲、亚洲、拉美地区和太平洋等地区的50个国家签署了免债议定书,3 免除到期债务423笔,其中免除44个最不发达国家共计238亿元人民币的债务。上述举措缓解了他们的财政压力,加速了他们减贫的进程。
We have reduced and canceled debts to lighten the burden of recipient countries and promote their sustainable development.Since 2000, the Chinese government has announced six debt reductions or exemptions for matured interest-free loans owed by LDCs and heavily indebted poor countries(HIPCs)that have diplomatic relations with China.By the end of 2010, China had signed debt relief protocols with 50 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Pacific region, according to which 423 matured debts were canceled, including RMB 23.8 billion of debts owed by 44 LDCs.Those measures have mitigated the financial preure and accelerated the poverty alleviation proce of related countries.第三,开放市场,扩大进口,提高最不发达国家的贸易能力。2005年9月,胡锦涛主席在联合国成立60周年峰会上宣布将给予所有同中国建交的最不发达国家部分商品零关税待遇,优惠范围将包括这些国家的多数对华出口商品。2008年9月,温家宝总理在联合国千年发展目标高级别会议上宣布将给予有关最不发达国家95%的产品零关税待遇。2010年又再次重申将继续落实这一承诺。目前,中国已对有关最不发达国家的多数对华出口商品实施了零关税。这些措施实实在在地帮助了受援国产品对中国的出口,带动了当地的产业发展。
Third, we have opened up market, increased imports and helped enhance LDCs’ trade capacity.In September 2005, President Hu Jintao announced at the UN 60th Anniversary Summit that China would offer zero-tariff treatment to certain exports from LDCs having diplomatic ties with China.Most of exports from those countries to China are covered by this program.In September 2008, Premier Wen Jiabao announced at the UN High-Level Plenary Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals that China will apply zero tariffs on 95% of exports from LDCs.This commitment was reaffirmed in 2010.Now, China has provided zero-tariff treatment to most imported goods from relevant LDCs.These measures have substantially helped recipient countries expand export to China and develop local industries.第四,增加投资,推动就业,促进最不发达国家经济内生增长。中国政府积极支持中国企业按照平等、互惠、共赢的原则开展多种形式的对外经贸合作。目前,中国已在埃塞俄比亚、赞比亚和柬埔寨等国与当地政府合作建设境外经贸合作区,对促进当地投资、增加税收和解决就业产生显著的效果。
Istanbul, Turkey, 12 May 2011
Fourth, we have expanded investment to create more jobs and promote the endogenous growth in the LDCs.The Chinese government has been supporting Chinese companies to carry out international trade and economic cooperation in diversified forms based on the principle of equality, mutual benefit and win-win.At present, China has worked with the governments in countries like Ethiopia, Zambia and Cambodia in constructing overseas trade and economic zones, which have effectively promoted investment, increased tax revenue and created job there.Fifth, we have helped to train local talents through capacity building, enabling local experts to better serve local communities in LDCs.Since China launched a large-scale foreign aid training program in 1980s, it has trained over 26,000 officials and technical personnel for LDCs in the fields of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, education, health care, commerce and trade, diplomacy, finance, media, energy, the environmental protection, infrastructure, public administration and other areas.China has also been committed to advancing the people-to-people exchanges and has been steadily increasing the number of government-sponsored scholarship to LDCs.Mr.Chairman,This year marks the beginning of China’s 12th Five-year Plan period.Adhering to the scientific outlook on development, we will stay committed to reform and opening up and keep to the path of peace, development and cooperation.As a developing country, China still faces many difficulties and challenges.However, we will never lose sight of our international responsibilities and obligations.Still le will we overlook the development aspirations of LDCs with which we share similar experiences.In the years to come, the Chinese government will honor its commitments and engage in South-South cooperation in a more substantial way.Through various channels and means, we will provide aistance to the best of our capacity and gradually increase our aid to LDCs: First, we will tilt our foreign aid in favor of LDCs.Second, we will strengthen cooperation in agricultural development and our aistance to LDCs in agriculture and food security.Depending on the needs of LDCs, we will help set up agricultural technical demonstration centers, send agricultural experts and technical personnel and step up agricultural technical personnel training.Third, we will strengthen cooperation with LDCs in projects vital to people’s livelihood such as hospitals, schools, domestic water and clean energy.Fourth, we will boost LDCs’ capacity of independent development by enhancing human resources training.In the coming five years, China will train 80,000 personnel in various fields for other developing countries including LDCs.Fifth, we will expedite implementation of the program to lower tariff rates for LDCs, write off debts of LDCs and lend further support to LDCs’ economic and trade growth.In the WTO Doha Round Negotiation, we support an early harvest on duty-free, quota-free and other iues that LDCs are particularly concerned about.Sixth, we will continue to encourage Chinese companies to set up economic and trade zones in LDCs so as to promote local economic growth for mutual benefit and win-win.Mr.Chairman,The Istanbul conference will produce a new blueprint for the next decade of the LDCs.As the saying goes, many hands make light work.I believe, with the joint efforts of the international community, the LDCs are sure to find their way to wealth, harmony and wellbeing as we build a world of lasting peace and common prosperity.Thank you, Mr.Chairman.谢谢主席先生。
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