2010年1月16日 日本东京
Towards Greater Cooperation and Common Development Between East Asia
and Latin America —Remarks at the Fourth Foreign Ministers' Meeting of the Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation by H.E.Yang Jiechi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s
Republic of China Tokyo, 16 January 2010 尊敬的主席先生,各位同事:
Mr.Chair, Dear Colleagues,很高兴来到东京出席东亚-拉美合作论坛第四届外长会。东道国日本为会议作了周到安排,我对此表示感谢。中方热烈欢迎蒙古加入亚拉论坛。
It is a real pleasure to be here in Tokyo for the Fourth Foreign Ministers’ Meeting of the Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation(FEALAC).Let me first thank our host Japan for the thoughtful arrangements.China warmly welcomes Mongolia to FEALAC.近日,海地发生强烈地震,造成重大人员伤亡和财产损失。借此机会,我谨代表中方再次向海地人民表示哀悼和慰问。中国政府已决定向海地提供价值3000万元人民币的人道主义紧急物资援助,中国红十字会总会决定向海地提供100万美元的国际人道主义紧急援款,中国国际救援队,其中包括医疗人员已抵达海地展开营救工作。中方愿与国际社会一道为海地克服暂时困难,早日重建家园提供力所能及的帮助。
A maive earthquake hit Haiti a few days ago and has inflicted heavy casualties and property loes.I wish to take this opportunity to once again expre, on behalf of China, condolences and sympathies to the people of Haiti.The Chinese government has decided to provide Haiti with 30 million RMB yuan of humanitarian emergency supplies, and the Red Cro Society of China has decided to provide one million US dollars in humanitarian emergency aistance to Haiti.China’s international rescue team, including medical workers, has arrived in Haiti and started rescue work on the ground.China is ready to work with the international community and do what it can to help Haiti overcome the immediate difficulties and rebuild its homeland at an early date.当前,国际形势正在继续发生复杂深刻变化,世界多极化和经济全球化深入发展,国际格局正在经历大变革、大调整。饱受国际金融危机冲击的世界经济形势初有好转,但基础仍不牢固,深层次问题依然存在。气候变化、粮食安全、公共卫生安全、重大自然灾害等全球性问题日益突出。面对严峻挑战,世界各国相互依存进一步加深,维护和平,促进发展的愿望更加强烈。加强协商、凝聚共识、深化合作、共克挑战是当前世界各国的共同心声。The world is undergoing profound and complex changes.The proce towards a multi-polar world and economic globalization is gathering momentum, and major transformation and adjustments are taking place in the international landscape.The world economy, seriously battered by the financial crisis, has started to turn for the better, but the recovery is yet to be put on a solid footing and the deep-seated problems remain unsolved.Climate change, food security, public health security, natural disasters and other global iues are becoming increasingly acute.In the face of these grave challenges, countries have become all the more interdependent and made an even stronger appeal for peace and development.It is our shared hope to increase consultation, build consensus, deepen cooperation and tackle challenges together.在东亚-拉美合作论坛成立10周年之际,来自论坛34个成员国的外长或代表齐聚一堂,就亚拉国家共同关心的国际金融危机、环境和可持续发展、社会发展等问题深入探讨,共商合作发展之计,具有重要而深远的意义。为此,中方提出以下主张:
It is against such a backdrop that we, foreign ministers and representatives from the 34 FEALAC members, are gathered here today for an in-depth exchange of views on iues of common interest, including the international financial crisis, the environment, sustainable development and social progre.We will jointly explore ways for stronger cooperation and development.Our meeting, which coincides with FEALAC’s 10th anniversary, will be of far-reaching significance.China wishes to take this opportunity to propose the following:
First, step up cooperation to achieve a full global economic recovery.The worst part of the financial crisis is behind us.The world economy is stabilizing and picking up, and global economic outlook this year is likely to be better than that of last year.However, we are still under the impact of the financial crisis.This is a moment of truth.We must maintain the consistency and stability of our macroeconomic policies and take further forceful measures to boost our economic growth, consumption and demand.We must pre ahead with the reform of the international financial system, improve the global economic governance regime, firmly oppose and reject all forms of protectionism, and work for a full economic rebound worldwide.The international community should pay real attention to the enormous difficulties and crises facing developing countries, the least developed countries in particular, take quick steps to fulfill the commitments on development aid, trade finance and conceional loans, and help developing countries bring stability to their financial markets, raise the level of economic growth and attain the UN Millennium Development Goals at an early date.中国作为发展中大国,一直以积极、负责的态度参与应对金融危机的国际合作。中方愿意同国际社会一道,为世界经济彻底走出危机继续作出积极努力和贡献。
As a big developing country, China has played an active and responsible part in the international effort to confront the financial crisis.We will continue to work vigorously with the rest of the international community to steer the world economy out of the crisis.第二,加强协调,共同促进环境和可持续发展。环境与可持续发展问题攸关世界各国长远利益,各国均需要努力形成资源节约、环境友好的生产方式、生活方式和消费模式,实现经济增长、社会发展、环境保护相协调。在推动经济恢复增长的同时,我们应优化能源结构,推进产业升级,大力发展绿色经济。我们应加强国际新兴产业合作,积极培育世界经济新的增长点。中国将促进环境和可持续发展作为重要战略任务,确立了以人为本、全面协调可持续的发展战略。中方愿与各方一道,加强合作,分享经验,共同促进全球和地区可持续发展。
Second, step up coordination to promote environmental protection and sustainable development.Environmental protection and sustainable development are vital to the long-term interests of all countries.We should all cultivate a resource-efficient and environment-friendly model of production, way of life and pattern of consumption and achieve a balance among economic growth, social development and environmental protection.While restoring growth, we should optimize energy mix, upgrade industries and develop a green economy.We should reinforce international cooperation on new industries and nurture new growth areas in the world economy.China has identified environmental protection and sustainable development as a strategic priority and adopted a development strategy that puts people’s interests first and emphasizes comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development.China will work closely with all other parties to share experiences and promote sustainable development regionally and globally.去年12月举行的哥本哈根气候变化会议取得了积极成果。中方主张以《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《京都议定书》为基本框架,坚持“共同但有区别的责任”原则,按照“巴厘路线图”双轨谈判机制,积极推动下一阶段磋商,继续推进国际合作应对气候变化进程。中国支持《哥本哈根协议》体现的共识,将认真落实自身承诺,并将继续坚定支持公约谈判进程,支持联合国发挥主导作用。我们愿与各方共同努力,为应对气候变化作出不懈努力和积极贡献。
The Copenhagen conference last December produced positive outcomes.China maintains that it is imperative to uphold the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol as the basic framework, follow the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities”, stick to the dual-track negotiation mechanism under the Bali Roadmap, and actively push forward the ensuing consultations and the proce of international cooperation.China subscribes to the consensus shown in the Copenhagen Accord.We will honor our commitment and continue to firmly support the negotiation proce under the Convention and the leading role of the United Nations.We are ready to join all other parties in an unremitting effort and make positive contribution to the fight against climate change.第三,加强统筹,努力推进社会领域合作。让经济全球化和经济发展成果惠及所有国家和地区、惠及所有人群,既是经济社会发展的目的,也是文明进步的标志。为此,我们应结合应对国际金融危机,优化产业结构和经济发展质量,提高全社会就业水平,增强抵御危机和风险的能力。应加强社会保障网络建设,着力解决教育、医疗、养老、住房等民生问题,实现发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享。中国高度重视民生,努力推动社会发展,促进社会和谐,愿与世界各国相互借鉴,深化合作,努力建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。
Third, step up overall planning to bolster cooperation in social fields.People of all countries and regions should share the benefits of economic globalization and development.This is the objective of economic and social progre and a hallmark of advances in civilization.As part of a broader response to the financial crisis, we should upgrade the industrial structure, raise the quality of economic growth, increase overall employment, and enhance the capacity to weather crises and risks.We need to strengthen the social safety net and focus on iues that concern people’s well-being such as education, health care, old-age support and housing.This is the way to ensure that our development is for the people and by the people and its benefits are shared among the people.With people’s well-being high on its agenda, China has been working hard to promote social progre and harmony.It is our sincere desire to exchange experiences and deepen cooperation with other countries so that together, we will build a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity.各位同事,Dear Colleagues,国际形势的新变化和亚拉合作的新发展对论坛建设提出了新要求。亚拉论坛也应该顺应形势,与时俱进。论坛合作应以增进了解为基石,加强亚拉各国间全方位交流,不断丰富和分享各自发展的成功经验,进一步夯实亚拉友好合作的基础,提升亚拉大家庭意识。论坛合作应以务实合作为抓手,通过加强两地区在经贸、文化、科技等领域的优势互补,实现互利共赢,共同发展。论坛合作应以应对全球性挑战为共同目标,加强沟通和协调,凝聚共识,不断扩大利益融合,表达共同立场,为全球合作做出更大贡献。论坛合作应以加强论坛机制为保障,坚持协商一致,整合资源,提高效率,稳步落实有关改革措施,打造更加高效务实的交流合作平台。
Recent developments in the international environment and progre in East Asia-Latin America cooperation have presented new tasks for FEALAC.The forum should follow the trend and advance with the changing times.We should enhance mutual understanding — the cornerstone of our cooperation.We should increase the all-dimensional exchanges among East Asian and Latin American countries, enrich and share the succe stories in our development, solidify the foundation of our friendship and cooperation, and reinforce the awarene of an East Asia-Latin America family.We should focus on practical cooperation.We should bring into full play the complementarities between the two regions in economy, trade, culture, science, technology and other sectors to achieve mutual benefit and common progre.We should make countering global challenges our shared objective.We should, through intensified communication and coordination, broaden consensus and converging interests, make our common stand heard and play a bigger part in global cooperation.We should strengthen the forum’s institution building.We should adhere to the principle of consensus, integrate our resources, and steadily implement the reform measures to make our forum a more efficient and pragmatic platform for exchanges and cooperation.中国作为亚拉大家庭的一员,一贯重视并积极参与亚拉论坛各领域交流与合作。10年来在多个领域举办了不同形式的合作项目,增进了相互了解,推动了务实合作。中方愿与论坛成员一道,为促进东亚、拉美两大区域的合作和论坛发展作出新的贡献。在此,我愿向各位宣布,中方将在论坛框架下举办“生物质能源论坛”、“东亚-拉美中小企业合作论坛”、“东亚-拉美区域金融体系比较研讨会”、“农业技术培训班”和“东方文化研究计划”等一批新项目,并将继续承办“拉美高级外交官访华团”、“拉美和加勒比青年外交官讲习班”两个传统项目,欢迎论坛各成员积极派员赴华参与上述项目。As a member of the East Asia-Latin America family, China values and has actively participated in FEALAC exchanges and cooperation in various fields.Over the past decade, China has hosted diverse forms of cooperation projects in many areas, which have contributed to mutual understanding and practical cooperation.China is ready to work with other members and make new contribution to the cooperation between the two regions and the development of FEALAC.I would like to announce here that China will, under the framework of the forum, undertake a number of new programs, including a bioma energy forum, a forum on East Asia-Latin America SMEs cooperation, a symposium on comparative studies on regional financial systems in East Asia and Latin America, an agro-technology training course and an Oriental cultural research program.Meanwhile, we will continue to host the China Tour for Senior Diplomats from Latin America and Caribbean Countries and the Workshop for Young Diplomats from Latin America and Caribbean Countries.We look forward to welcoming participants from your countries to these programs.各位同事,Dear Colleagues,我们已经拥有10年的合作经验,更加强烈的合作愿望,不断完善的合作机制,亚拉论坛合作正处于新的历史起点上。让我们携起手来,进一步加强交流与合作,努力推动论坛发展进程,共同谱写亚拉合作新篇章!
Ten years of experience, a stronger desire for cooperation and better developed mechanisms have put FEALAC at a new historical starting point.Let us join hands to intensify exchanges and cooperation, advance the development of the forum and write a new chapter in East Asia-Latin America cooperation.
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