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Secretary General’s Meage on World Environment Day


New York, 5 June 2012

2012年6月5日 纽约

As the world gears up for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development(Rio+20), World Environment Day is an opportunity to highlight the need for a paradigm shift towards a more sustainable world.This year’s theme, “Green Economy: Does it include you?” underscores the need for everyone to play their part in keeping humankind’s ecological footprint within planetary boundaries.值此国际社会准备迎来联合国可持续发展会议(里约+20)之际,世界环境日是一次突显必须为实现一个更可持续的世界而进行模式改变的机会。今年的主题是“绿色经济:你参与了吗?”,强调人人需要为在地球上保持人类应有的生境足迹而发挥作用。

The world’s population stands at 7 billion and may rise to more than 9 billion by 2050.This means greater preure on already crowded cities – where more than half of all people now live – and on natural resources, as demand for food, water and energy rises.It also means more people in search of decent jobs.Globally, 1.3 billion people are currently unemployed or under-employed.An estimated half billion more will join the job market over the next decade.世界人口已达到70亿,到2050年可能会超过90亿。这意味着给全世界一半以上人现在居住的已经拥挤的城市带来更大的压力;给自然资源带来更大的压力,因为对食物、水和能源的需求正在增长。它还意味着更多的人正在寻找体面的工作。全球目前有13亿人失业或就业不足。估计今后十年中将会有另外5亿人进入就业市场。

Sustainability entails providing opportunity for all by balancing the social, economic and environmental dimensions of development.We have to rebut the myth that there is conflict between economic and environmental health.With smart policies and the right investments, countries can protect their environment, grow their economies, generate decent jobs and accelerate social progre.可持续性意味着需要通过取得发展的社会、经济和环境方面之间的平衡而为所有人提供机会。我们必须反驳那种认为经济健康和环境健康之间水火不容的错误见解。各国通过明智的政策和正确的投资,可以保护其环境、促进其经济增长、创造体面的就业并加速社会进步。

Rio+20 is our opportunity to deepen global commitment to sustainable development.In Rio, we should agree that measuring growth and wealth by Gro Domestic Product alone is inadequate.We should agree that the world needs a set of sustainable development goals that will build on the Millennium Development Goals.And we should make progre on some of the building blocks of sustainability – energy, water, food, cities, oceans, jobs and the empowerment of women.里约+20是我们深化对可持续发展的全球承诺的一次机会。我们应当在里约热内卢取得一项一致看法,即仅以国内生产总值衡量增长和财富是不够的。我们应当一致认为,世界需要一套可持续的发展目标,其基础将是千年发展目标。我们还应当在可持续性的以下基础之上取得进展:能源、水、食物、城市、海洋、就业和妇女赋权。

Sustainability is gaining prominence on the public policy agenda in both developed and developing nations.The UN itself is working towards climate neutrality and sustainable management of our offices and activities.In Rio, we must mobilize the partnerships we need to shift the world onto a more sustainable trajectory of growth and development.On this World Environment Day, in advance of this historic conference, I urge governments, businees and all members of society to make the holistic choices that will ensure a sustainable future – the future we want.可持续性正在发达国家和发展中国家的公共政策议程上日益占据显著地位。联合国本身正朝着不影响气候和可持续地管理我们的办公室和活动的目标努力。我们必须在里约热内卢调动我们为使世界转入更可持续的增长和发展轨道而必备的伙伴关系。值此世界环境日,在这一历史性会议召开之前,我敦促各国政府、企业和社会各成员做出全盘选择,以确保实现我们所向往的可持续的未来。






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