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联合国秘书长2010年世界疟疾日致辞时间:2010-04-27 22:46来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:915次

Secretary-General's meage on World Malaria Day New York, 25 April 2010

联合国秘书长潘基文2010年世界疟疾日致辞 2010年4月25日 纽约联合国总部

Two years ago, I called for malaria prevention and treatment programmes to be made universally available to at-risk populations by the end of 2010.This World Malaria Day brings much cause for satisfaction.In a very short time, the world has gone from simply trying to hold malaria at bay to the realistic goal of delivering effective and affordable care to all who need it.Furthermore, the scientific community has set a research agenda for developing the tools and strategies that will eventually eradicate malaria for good.两年前我曾发出呼吁,要求到2010年向危险人群全面提供疟疾防治方案。值此世界疟疾日,我们对取得的成就甚感欣慰。在较短的时间里,全世界走过了从防治疟疾到全面提供有效、可负担药物和治疗的路程。科学界也已拟订议程,将为最终消除疟疾制订战略战术。

Since 2003, international commitments for malaria control have increased more than five-fold to $1.7 billion in 2009.Though still far short of what is required, these funds have supported a dramatic expansion of malaria control interventions.Those countries that have been able to provide bed nets and treatment to significant proportions of their populations have seen malaria cases and deaths fall by as much as 50 per cent.Overall child mortality rates have declined too.从2003年起,国际社会开始为疟疾防治提供资金,到2009年资金增幅超过了五倍,达到17亿美元。现有资金虽然还远远不够,但已在大力扩展疟疾防治计划方面一显身手。一些国家为本国大批民众提供蚊帐和治疗,使疟疾发病和死亡率骤降了50%。儿童死亡率也出现总体下降。

But our optimism must also be leavened with caution.Malaria is a tenacious foe.To sustain current gains we must be vigilant.Parasite resistance to antimalarial medicines is a considerable threat, and the use of artemisinin-based monotherapies is the principal force behind its spread.I therefore urge the global community to act swiftly on the 2007 World Health Aembly resolution to remove all oral artemisinin-based monotherapies from the supply chain.但是,我们在乐观的同时应该保持清醒,我们要认识到疟疾是一种顽固的疾病。为了保持已经取得的成果,我们绝不能放松警惕。寄生生物的抗药性是一个重大威胁,而采用青蒿素单一疗法则是疟疾扩散的主要动因。因此,我敦促国际社会迅速执行年世界卫生大会2007年通过的决议,把口服青蒿素单疗药品撤出供应链。

The global campaign against malaria has shown what is poible when the international community joins forces on multiple fronts to tackle a disease that takes its heaviest toll on poor and underprivileged populations.Strong commitment has sparked innovation: creative initiatives have facilitated the delivery of maive numbers of mosquito nets;ground-breaking partnerships are developing new malaria medicines and making existing medicines more acceible and affordable.The challenge now is to ensure that all who are exposed to malaria can receive quality-aured diagnosis and treatment.全球性的疟疾防治运动表明,国际社会在各个方面通力合作,就能够战胜这一给贫困弱势群体造成最大危害的疾病。强大的承诺激发人们进行创新:由于采取创新措施,生产供应了大批蚊帐;新型伙伴关系的建立不仅使新的药品问世,还降低了现有药品的价格,扩大了供应范围。我们目前面临的挑战是,确保疟疾病患得到优质的诊断和治疗。

The advances of recent years show that the battle against malaria can be won.Interventions have made a difference.Development aid for health has been shown to work.This also gives us great cause for optimism for reducing child mortality and improving maternal health.In September, I will convene a summit to review progre towards the Millennium Development Goals and formulate an agenda for action for the time that remains until the agreed deadline of 2015.On this World Malaria Day, let us take inspiration from our succees.They tell us that, with commitment and resources, we can eradicate malaria and achieve all our global development objectives.近年的进步表明,人类能够打赢疟疾防治的战争。干预措施取得了成效,卫生发展援助发挥了作用,这也使我们对降低儿童死亡率、改善母亲健康的前景感到乐观。今年9月,我将主持召开高峰会议,审查千年发展目标进展,并制订2015年商定期限前数年的行动议程。在今天的世界疟疾日,让我们从成就中获得启迪。成就告诉我们,只要有了承诺和资源,我们就能够消除疟疾,实现我们的全球发展目标。



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