
2020-02-28 庆典致辞 下载本文



Thank you.Good morning.It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic Economic Dialogue between the United States and China.This is an eential step in advancing a positive, constructive, and comprehensive relationship between our countries.I'm pleased that President Hu shares my commitment to a sustained dialogue to enhance our shared interests.谢谢各位。早上好。能够在此欢迎你们前来参加美中战略与经济对话首次会议,我深感荣幸。这是推动两国积极、建设性、全面关系的极其重要的步骤。胡锦涛主席同我一样致力于为增进两国的共同利益而开展持续对话,我对此感到高兴 President Hu and I both felt that it was important to get our relationship off to a good start.Of course, as a new President and also as a basketball fan, I have learned from the words of Yao Ming, who said, “No matter whether you are new or an old team member, you need time to adjust to one another.” Well, through the constructive meetings that we've already had, and through this dialogue, I'm confident that we will meet Yao's standard.胡主席和我都认为两国关系有一个良好的开端很重要。当然,作为一位新任总统和篮球迷,我从姚明说过的话中受到启示,他说:“无论你是新队员还是老队员,你都需要时间相互适应。”通过我们已经举行的建设性会晤和这项对话,我深信我们能够达到姚明提出的标准。

I want to acknowledge the remarkable American and Chinese leaders who will co-chair this effort.Hillary Clinton and Tim Geithner are two of my closest advisors, and they have both obtained extraordinary experience working with China.And I know that they will have extremely capable and committed Chinese counterparts in State Councilor Dai and Vice Premier Wang.Thank you very much for being here.我来介绍一下将共同主持这一对话的美中两国卓越的领导人。希拉里克林顿(Hillary Clinton)和蒂姆盖特纳(Tim Geithner)是与我接触最密切的顾问中的两位,他们在与中国合作方面都有非凡的经验。我知道他们的对话伙伴王岐山副总理和戴秉国国务委员也是能力超凡并坚定地致力于对话。

I'm also looking forward to the confirmation of an outstanding U.S.Ambaador to China, Governor Jon Huntsman, who is here today.Jon has deep experience living and working in Asia, and--unlike me--he speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese.He also happens to be a Republican who co-chaired Senator McCain's campaign.And I think that demonstrates Jon's commitment to serving his country, and the broad, bipartisan support for positive and productive relations between the United States and China.So thank you, Jon, for your willingne to serve.我还期待乔恩亨茨曼(Jon Huntsman,中文名洪博培)州长通过确认,成为一位出色的美国驻华大使。他今天也在座。乔恩在亚洲有丰富的生活和工作经历,并且,同我不一样的是,他能说一口流利的中国普通话。他还是一位共和党人,曾任麦凯恩(McCain)参议员总统竞选团队的共同主席。我认为,这反映了乔恩为国效劳的坚定承诺以及两党对发展积极和富有成果的美中关系的广泛、一致的支持。谢谢您,乔恩,谢谢您同意担任这项职务。

Today, we meet in a building that speaks to the history of the last century.It houses a national memorial to President Woodrow Wilson, a man who held office when the 20th century was still young, and America's leadership in the world was emerging.It is named for Ronald Reagan, a man who came of age during two World Wars, and whose presidency helped usher in a new era of history.And it holds a piece of the Berlin Wall, a decades-long symbol of division that was finally torn down, unleashing a rising tide of globalization that continues to shape our world.今天,我们在一个见证了上个世纪历史的大楼里开会。这里有伍德罗威尔逊(Woodrow Wilson)总统的国家纪念馆。他任职于20世纪初期,当时,美国在世界上刚刚崭露头角。这座大楼以罗纳德里根(Ronald Reagan)的名字命名。里根在两次世界大战期间成年,在他担任总统时期,美国政府帮助迎来了一个新的历史时代。这座大楼里还陈列着象征几十年对立的柏林墙(Berlin Wall)的一块砖石,这堵墙的最终拆除引发了全球化的潮流,这一潮流至今仍在继续塑造我们的世界。

One hundred years ago--in the early days of the 20th century--it was clear that there were momentous choices to be made--choices about the borders of nations and the rights of human beings.But in Woodrow Wilson's day, no one could have foreseen the arc of history that led to a wall coming down in Berlin, nor could they have imagined the conflict and upheaval that characterized the years in between.For people everywhere--from Boston to Beijing--the 20th century was a time of great progre, but that progre also came with a great price.100年前,在20世纪初期,显然有两种极其重要的选择等待人们去作出——关于国界和人权的选择。但是,在伍德罗?威尔逊时代,谁也无法预见导致柏林那堵墙倒塌的历史进程,也无法想象这段历史所特有的冲突与动荡。对从波士顿到北京的世界各地的人们来说,20世纪是取得巨大进步的时代,但为了取得这些进步,也付出了巨大的代价。

Today, we look out on the horizon of a new century.And as we launch this dialogue, it's important for us to reflect upon the questions that will shape the 21st century.Will growth be stalled by events like our current financial crisis, or will we cooperate to create balanced and sustainable growth, lifting more people out of poverty and creating a broader prosperity around the world? Will the need for energy breed competition and climate change, or will we build partnerships to produce clean power and to protect our planet? Will nuclear weapons spread unchecked, or will we forge a new consensus to use this power for only peaceful purposes? Will extremists be able to stir conflict and division, or will we unite on behalf of our shared security? Will nations and peoples define themselves solely by their differences, or can we find common ground neceary to meet our common challenges, and to respect the dignity of every human being? 今天,我们眺望新世纪的地平线。在我们启动这项对话的时候,我们有必要思索将影响21世纪的那些问题。是让当前的金融危机及其他事件导致经济增长停步,还是我们通过合作创造平衡而可持续的增长,帮助更多人摆脱贫困,为世界带来更大范围的繁荣?是让对能源的需求导致竞争和气候变化,还是我们通过建立伙伴关系生产清洁能源和保护我们的地球?是让核武器无止境扩散,还是我们达成新的共识,把核能仅仅用于和平目的?是让恐怖分子煽动冲突和分裂的图谋得逞,还是我们团结一致共保安全?国家和民族是拘泥于差异思维,还是我们能够找到应对共同挑战所必需的共同点,并给予每一个人应有的尊严?

We can't predict with certainty what the future will bring, but we can be certain about the iues that will define our times.And we also know this: The relationship between the United States and China will shape the 21st century, which makes it as important as any bilateral relationship in the world.That really must underpin our partnership.That is the responsibility that together we bear.我们无法确定无疑地预期未来,但我们确知将会影响我们时代的问题。我们还知道:美中关系将影响二十一世纪,因此,其重要性不亚于世界上任何一种双边关系。我们的伙伴关系必须基于这一现实。这是我们共同承担的责任。

As we look to the future, we can learn from our past--for history shows us that both our nations benefit from engagement that is grounded in mutual interest and mutual respect.During my time in office, we will mark the 40th anniversary of President Nixon's trip to China.At that time, the world was much different than it is today.America had fought three wars in East Asia in just 30 years, and the Cold War was in a stalemate.China's economy was cut off from the world, and a huge percentage of the Chinese people lived in extreme poverty.在我们展望未来之时,我们可以借鉴过去——因为历史向我们表明,我们两国都受益于建立在共同利益和相互尊重基础之上的接触。在我任职期间,我们将迎来尼克松总统访问中国四十周年纪念日。当时,我们所处的是一个与现在大不相同的世界。在短短30年里,美国在东亚就打了三场战争,而冷战则陷于僵局。中国经济与世隔绝,中国人口的很大一部分生活在赤贫之中。

Back then, our dialogue was guided by a narrow focus on our shared rivalry with the Soviet Union.Today, we have a comprehensive relationship that reflects the deepening ties among our people.Our countries have now shared relations for longer than we were estranged.Our people interact in so many ways.And I believe that we are poised to make steady progre on some of the most important iues of our times.当时我们的对话建立在一个狭隘的基础上,即我们各自与苏联展开的竞争。今天,我们享有反映两国人民之间日益深化的纽带的全面关系。迄今为止,我们两国的交往时间已经超过相互隔绝的时间。两国人民的交往领域不可胜数。我认为,我们已经具备条件,将在这个时代所面临的一些最重要的议题上取得稳步进展。My confidence is rooted in the fact that the United States and China share mutual interests.If we advance those interests through cooperation, our people will benefit and the world will be better off--because our ability to partner with each other is a prerequisite for progre on many of the most preing global challenges.我的信心基于一个事实:即美国和中国有着共同利益。如果我们通过合作来推进这些利益,我们的人民将受益,世界也会受益──因为我们相互合作的能力是在许多最紧迫的全球问题上取得进展的先决条件之一。

Let me name some of those challenges.First, we can cooperate to advance our mutual interests in a lasting economic recovery.The current crisis has made it clear that the choices made within our borders reverberate acro the global economy--and this is true not just in New York and Seattle, but in Shanghai and Shenzhen, as well.That is why we must remain committed to strong bilateral and multilateral coordination.And that is the example we have set by acting aggreively to restore growth, to prevent a deeper receion and to save jobs for our people.让我来列举出其中的一些挑战。第一,我们能够为在持久的经济复苏中增进共同利益展开合作。目前的危机表明,我们在各自国内所作的选择会引发全球经济的连锁反应──在纽约和西雅图如此,在上海和深圳也是如此。因此,我们必须继续致力于强有力的双边和多边协调。我们通过果断行动恢复增长,防止进一步衰退,保障人民的工作机会,发挥了典范作用。

Going forward, we can deepen this cooperation.We can promote financial stability through greater transparency and regulatory reform.We can pursue trade that is free and fair, and seek to conclude an ambitious and balanced Doha Round agreement.We can update international institutions so that growing economies like China play a greater role that matches their greater responsibility.And as Americans save more and Chinese are able to spend more, we can put growth on a more sustainable foundation--because just as China has benefited from substantial investment and profitable exports, China can also be an enormous market for American goods.未来,我们可以深化这一合作。我们可以通过增进透明度和改革监管体制来促进金融稳定。我们可以开展自由和公平的贸易,寻求达成宏大而平衡的多哈回合协议。我们可以改进国际机制,使中国等发展中经济体发挥更大的作用和承担更大的责任。当美国人增加储蓄而中国人增加消费时,我们的增长便有了更加可持续的基础──因为正如中国得益于巨大投资和赢利性出口一样,它也能够成为美国商品的巨大市场。

Second, we can cooperate to advance our mutual interest in a clean, secure, and prosperous energy future.The United States and China are the two largest consumers of energy in the world.We are also the two largest emitters of greenhouse gases in the world.Let's be frank: Neither of us profits from a growing dependence on foreign oil, nor can we spare our people from the ravages of climate change unle we cooperate.Common sense calls upon us to act in concert.其次,我们能够为在清洁、安全和繁荣的能源未来中增进共同利益展开合作。美国和中国是世界上两个最大的能源消费国。我们也是世界上两个排放温室气体最多的国家。坦率地说,我们必须展开合作,否则我们两国将受制于对外国石油的更大依赖,我们的人民将饱受气候变化之苦。这是基本常识,它要求我们共同采取行动。

Both of our countries are taking steps to transform our energy economies.Together we can chart a low carbon recovery;we can expand joint efforts at research and dev


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