
2020-02-28 庆典致辞 下载本文


Chairman’s Statement

The year 2010 marked the wrap-up of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development.In the face of severe challenges at home and abroad rendered by the global financial crisis, the China Banking Regulatory Commiion(CBRC)took swift and resolute actions to safeguard the banking sector in China.Specifically, we endeavored to defend the bottom lines of risk-focused supervisory requirements, explore various approaches to continuously build up supervisory capacity, and forge ahead the reform on different fronts to boost the inherent dynamism of banking industry.These endeavors helped to sustain the relatively fast and healthy development of banking system, which in turn contributed to the overall economic development and social harmony in China.In 2010, we attached greater importance to guiding the banking sector in implementing the macroeconomic adjustment policies with a view to enabling sound and sustainable economic and financial development.Accordingly, we instructed banking institutions to improve their responsivene to macroeconomic adjustment and industrial restructuring, and effectively curb the impulse of reckle busine and scale expansion.We also continued to stre on appropriate allocation of credit supply, calling on banks to refrain from lending to high-polluting, energy-intensive sectors and sectors with redundant capacity while extending the needed financial support to rural development, qualified small enterprises, and those sectors and regions promoted by national development strategies.Consequently, new loans iued in 2010 totaled RMB7.95 trillion, representing a relatively stable pace of credit supply.Specifically, the goal was achieved of ensuring the growth rate and scale of agricultural and small enterprises loans no lower than the average rate and scale of all loans newly disbursed.On the whole, the banking sector has provided effective financial support to aid various social undertakings such as disaster relief, post-disaster reconstruction, the construction of affordable and low-rent public housing, renovation of shanty towns, the production, proceing andtransportation of farm produces, etc.Banking reform was further advanced and intensified in 2010 with a highlight to enhance banks’ core competence.In addition to strengthening external supervision and market discipline, the CBRC strived to build up the interna dynamism of banking industry by continuously pushing banks to improve corporate governance, internal controls and risk management.Moreover the CBRC continued its efforts to boost appropriat busine cooperation between local and foreign banks aiming for win-win benefits, provideguidance for the Chinese banks to prudently deploy their overseas development strategies and for foreign banks to explore appropriate development strategies in China.In 2010, the Chinese banking sector was in a better shape than any time in history in terms of the overall risklevel and risk resilience.84 Chinese banks were listed among the Banker's world top 1000 banks, with four ranking among the top ten by market capitalization.Substantial progre was also achieved in 2010 in improving the approach of addreing systemic risks.Macro prudential supervision was practiced in a flexible manner to target the potential risks facing the banking sector as a whole.For instance, to mitigate the risks aociated with banks’ lending to local government funding platforms(LGFP), the CBRC required banks to review and examine each and every loan to the LGFP, appropriately adjusting the loan categorization and resorting to remedial measures as neceary;to addre the risks aociated with real estate loans, banks were required to adopt differentiated credit policies for residential mortgages, while taking preemptive measures to mitigate their exposures to high-risk property developers.In addition, the CBRC continued to remain tough in combating banking crimes and frauds, and to

addre the “shadow banking” behaviors exposed in the busine cooperation between commercial banks and trust companies.As credit risk has been and continues to be a major risk facing the Chinese banking sector, the CBRC made unswerving efforts to promote the implementation of the “Three Rules and One Guidelines”, the promulgation of which signified the fundamental transformation of loan disbursement and management practices in China.As of end-2010, loans extended in accordance with the new rules accounted for more than 50 percent of the total loans newly disbursed, while banks’ provisioning coverage ratio reached 218%.In 2010, we placed a stronger emphasis on addreing the iue of “how to regulate”, an iue underscored amidst current tide of international regulatory reform.On the front of legal framework building, we continued the practice of reviewing the existing rules and regulations every two years to make neceary amendments and formulate new rules to accommodate latest developments.As a result, a set of new rules and guidelines were iued in 2010 with respect to the performance evaluation of bank directors, banks’ compensation practices, consolidated supervision and management, country risk management, external auditing, etc..On the front of supervisory capacity building, we continued to enrich our supervisory “toolkit”, upgrade the supervisory information system, conduct systematic review and improvement of our routine supervisory practices of licensing, off-site surveillance and on-site examination.We also made effective use of our extended examination power as warranted to promptly resolve the supervisoryconcerns.At present, a new prudential supervisory framework has largely taken shape, featuring the combination of both macro and micro prudential supervision and giving due considerations to both internationally prevailing practices and China’s realities.In addition, we also formulated medium-to-long term strategies for further improving the supervisory effectivene, together with clear and cut roadmaps for the concurrent implementation of Basel II and Basel III in China.Externally, the CBRC has actively engaged in the international policy dialogues regarding the financial regulatory reforms and new standard-setting.The CBRC was also an active participant in conducting the Financial Sector Aement Program(FSAP)in China and the aement of compliance with the Basel Core Principles for Efective Banking Supervision.Moreover, the CBRC succefully hosted supervisory colleges for two of China’s largest commercial banks, where home and host country supervisors effectively shared supervisory information and perspectives.Furthermore, the CBRC has signed Memorandum of Understandings(MOUs)or other forms of agreements on bilateral banking supervision with its supervisory counterparts in 42 countries, thereby actively engaging in cro-border supervisory cooperation and information exchange.Since the inception of the CBRC, particularly during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period, China’s banking sector succefully withstood various complicated and daunting challenges, and survived the recent global financial crisis largely safe and sound.Though our achievement is remarkable, the experiences we have gained during the proce are even more valuable.The first is to stay committed to and constantly update the philosophy of prudential supervision.Immediately after its establishment, the CBRC set out the supervisory philosophy of “conducting consolidated and risk-based supervision, focusing on risk management and internal controls, and enhancing transparency”.With such philosophy in mind, the CBRC has developed a roadmap for on-going supervision, i.e.“accurate loan claification, sufficient lo provisioning, appropriate write-offs, acceptable profitability and adequate capital”.For the supervision of financial innovation activities, the CBRC specifically set forth supervisory philosophy of “risks controllable,costs accountable and information fully disclosed”.The second is to strike a proper balance between development and risk control.In addition to spurring sound economic development, banking institutions are required to escalate their own development while holding on firmly to risk controls, hence achieving a quality development and real competence.The third is to keep on upgrading supervisory tools and approaches.By drawing upon the best practices of international banking supervision, the CBRC has been constantly upgrading its supervisory toolkit which comprises a set of basic and effective supervisory tools, while exploring various new methods and approaches to enhance the supervisory effectivene.The fourth is to encourage a pragmatic and proactive attitude in conducting supervision.Supervisory resources have been allocated in proportion to the significance and urgency of supervisory concerns.Rules and regulations are drafted, aeed and amended in time.Major problems and difficulties are confronted in a courageous and serious manner, and post aement is conducted on each of the important institutional arrangements and major supervisory actions, all of which aiming at a robust banking sector.Currently, substantial progre has been made in international financial regulatory reform.New supervisory standards and requirements have been agreed upon regarding capital adequacy, counter-cyclical arrangements, resolution of “too-big-to-fail”, etc.That said, certain deeply-rooted factors that have contributed to the latest global financial crisis remain unresolved and may even trigger subsequent crises.These include, among others, the lack of unified legal framework for the mitigation of cro-border risk contagion and for the resolution of cro-border bank failure, uncertainty in the proce of accounting standards convergence, new and arising problems brought by the new supervisory rules, continued expansion of the shadow banking sector, and the short-sighted profit-seeking zest innate to financial institutions.Looking internally, Chinese banking sector is ridden with its own problems such as irrational growth model, weakne in comprehensive risk management, homogeneity of development strategies among banks, just to name a few.As the supervisor, we therefore must remain vigilant in guiding the banking institutions through profound market adjustments and building up both their financial and risk management strength.2011 ushers in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development.In this new era, the CBRC will continue to stoke the momentum of past reforms and development by building upon the tested traditions and good practices.We will brave difficulties head-on to accelerate the strategic transformation of the banking sector so as to contribute to the broader undertakings of building a prosperous and harmonious China.




1.Please describe yourself and how will you be fit for the new position?2.what do you know about CRBC?why do you want to be a banking regulator?3.Tell me the hard......





银监会英语致辞 简介

银监会2009年年报刘主席致辞Chairman’s Statement主席致辞2009 was the most difficult year for China since the new century, with economic development being serious......

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