《Big Fish》全部台词_bigfish全部台词
《Big Fish》全部台词由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“bigfish全部台词”。
-Edward: There are some fish that cannot be caught.有些鱼人们抓不到,It's not that they're faster or stronger than other fish.不是因为他们壮硕敏捷,They're just touched by something extra.extra: 特别的而是因为他们拥有别的特质。One such fish was The Beast.beast: 野兽
其中有条“大怪鱼”,And by the time I was born he was already a legend.legend: 传说
He'd paed up more $ 100 lures than any fish in Alabama.Lure: 诱饵 pa up: 拒绝;不予理睬
Some said that fish was the ghost of a thief who'd drowned in that river 60 years before...ghost: 鬼;幽灵 thief: 小偷 drown: 淹死
有人说这条鱼是60年前淹死在河中的小偷冤魂化身,Others claimed he was a dinosaur left over from the “Cruaceous” Period.claim: 宣称;断言 dinosaur: 恐龙 Cruaceous: 白垩纪 还有人说他是恐龙时代的活化石。
I didn't put any stock into such speculation or superstition.Speculation: 猜测 superstition: 迷信 我不迷信也不乱猜,All I knew was I'd been trying to catch that fish since I was a boy no bigger than you.我只知道我从你这个岁数开始,就一直想钓到这条鱼 And on the day you were born...就在你出生的那天……
Well, that was the day I finally caught him.我终于钓到他了,Now, I'd tried everything on it: 我在他身上试过各种诱饵:
Worms, lures, peanut butter, peanut butter and cheese.worm: 蠕虫 peanut: 花生 butter: 黄油 cheese: 芝士 虫子、人造饵、花生酱、花生酱加起司,But on that day I had a revelation: revelation: 启示
但那天,我脑中灵光乍现,If that fish was Henry Walls' ghost, then the usual bait wasn't gonna work.bait: 诱饵
那条鱼如果是Henry Walls的冤魂化身,普通鱼饵根本没用。I was gonna have to use something he truly desired.desire: 渴望 我得用他真正想要的东西来钓。-Children: Your finger?
你的手指头吗?-Edward: Gold.金子。
Now, I tied my ring onto the strongest line they made...tie: 绑 line: 线
strong enough to hold up a bridge, they said, if only for a few minutes.hold up: 支撑住
那钓线可以撑住一座桥,如果只撑几分钟的话。And then I cast upriver.cast: 扔;投 upriver: 上游区域 然后我往上游抛杆,The Beast jumped up and grabbed it before it even hit the water.grab: 夺走 hit: 碰撞
大怪鱼跃出水面,在它落水之前就一口吞了它,And just as fast, he snapped clean through that line.snap: 猛咬
一瞬间,他就咬断那条钓线。Well, you can see my predicament.predicament: 窘况,困境 这下我苦恼了,My wedding ring, the symbol of fidelity to my wife...fidelity: 忠诚
我的婚戒,我对妻子忠贞的象征… soon to be mother of my child...而她也即将是孩子的妈了……
-Son: Make him stop.叫他别说了。
was now lost in the gut of an uncatchable fish.gut: [口语]肚子,腹部 那象征被怪鱼吞入腹中。-Woman: What did you do? 你怎么办?
-Edward: I followed that fish upriver and downriver.我沿河来回地追着那条鱼,This fish, The Beast...这条鱼,这条大怪鱼…
The whole time we were calling it a him, when in fact it was a her.我们一直认为他是个“他”,结果他其实是个“她”!It was fat with eggs it was gonna lay any day.lay: 产卵
她当时肚里都是蛋,随时都会生。Now, I was in a situation.我面临了一个难题,I could gut that fish and get my wedding ring back...我可以剖开鱼腹拿回我的婚戒…
but in doing so I'd be killing the smartest catfish in the Ashton River.但这么做,我就杀了Ashton河里最精明的一条鱼。
Did I want to deprive my son the chance to catch a fish like this of his own? deprive: 剥夺
我真的要剥夺我儿子亲手逮到此鱼的机会吗? This ladyfish and I...我跟这条怪鱼…
Well, We had The same destiny.Destiny: 命运
Now, you may well ask...你现在会想问…
-Mother: Oh, darling, darling, it's still your night.儿子,你仍然是今天的主角啊
-Edward: why did it strike so quick on gold when nothing else would attract it? Strike: 吸引 attract: 吸引
That was the leon I learned that day the day my son was born.就在我儿子诞生的那天,我学到了这一课,Sometimes the only way to catch an uncatchable woman is to offer her a wedding ring.uncatchable: 无法抓到
要套住一个无法捉摸的女人,最好的办法就是帮她套上一只婚戒。What, a father's not allowed to talk about his son? 做父亲的不能谈谈他的儿子?
-Son: I'm a footnote in that story, Dad...footnote: 脚注
the context for your great adventure, which never happened, incidentally.context: 上下文;语境 adventure: 冒险 incidentally: 附带说说 你全在讲你的冒险故事,大多都是杜撰的。
You were selling novelty products in Wichita when I was born.Novelty: 新颖
-Edward: Come on, Will.Everyone loves that story!拜托,大家都喜欢那个故事!
-Son: They don't.I don't love that story.Not anymore.Not after a thousand times!才不,我不喜欢那个故事,我听过一千次了!
I know every punch line, Dad.I can tell them as well as you can!punch line: [美国英语](小说、戏剧等中的)警句,妙语
我能倒背如流,说的跟你一样好!For one night, one night in your entire life...你这辈子就这一个晚上…
The universe did not revolve around Edward Bloom.revolve: 旋转
整个世界不是以你Edward Bloom.为中心,How can you not understand that?
-Edward: I'm sorry to embarra you.embarra: 使为难;使难堪 很抱歉让你丢脸了。
-Son: You're embarraing yourself, Dad.You just don't see it.你是丢自己的脸,你只是不知道。
After that night, I didn't speak to my father again for three years.那晚之后,我有3年没跟我父亲说话,William Bloom, United Pre International.If I could just...联合新闻社,William Bloom… We communicated indirectly, I gue.indirect: 间接地
我想我们彼此是间接联系,In her letters and Christmas cards, my mother wrote for both of them.透过母亲写来的信件和卡片
And when I'd call, she'd say Dad was out driving or swimming in the pool.我打电话回家时她会说爸开车出去或在游泳 True to form, we never talked about not talking.True to form: 一如往常
我们照样从不谈不说话的事,The truth is, I didn't see anything of myself in my father.事实是,我看不出我跟父亲有何相似之处,And I don't think he saw anything of himself in me.我也不认为他觉得我跟他相像,We were like strangers who knew each other very well.我们就像两个彼此熟识的陌生人,In telling the story of my father's life...要述说我父亲生平的故事…
...it's impoible to separate fact from fiction, the man from the myth.separate: 区分 fiction: 虚幻
根本无法区别真实与虚幻,神话与现实,The best I can do is to tell it the way he told me.我只能把他讲过的一切照实转述,It doesn't always make sense, and most of it never happened.make sense: 言之有理
内容并非全都合理,大多甚至从未发生过。-Edward: Give me back my ring!把我的戒指还我!Thank you!谢谢!
-Son: But that's what kind of story this is.这故事就是如此特别,His birth would set the pace for his unlikely life.set the pace: 领先 unlikely: 不太可能的 他的出生预告了他奇特的人生,No longer than most men's, but larger.没啥特别,只是比较戏剧化 And as strange as his stories got...他的故事最怪的是…
...the endings were always the most surprising of all.总会有最令人讶异的结果-Wife: Yes.Yes, he's here.有,他在It's your mother.是你妈。
-Son: And what does Dr.Bennett say? Bennett医生怎么说? No, sure, I'll talk to him.好,我跟他谈,Yeah, I'll wait.好,我等。-Wife: It's bad? 很糟吗?
-Son: Yeah, it's more than they thought.They're gonna stop chemo.chemo: 化学疗法;化疗(等于chemotherapy)比他们想的还糟,他们已经停止化疗了。-Wife: You need to go.你得回去一趟。
-Son:-Probably tonight 也许今晚就走。
-Wife: I'm going with you.我跟你一起去。
-Son: No, no, no.You shouldn't.不,你不该去的。
-Wife: I'm going with you.我跟你一起去。
-Edward: Now, which one's it gonna be? 你要听什么?
Monkey in a Barn, or “Dog in the Road”? barn: 谷仓
骗人的猴子还是“挡路的狗”?-Son: The one about the witch.witch: 女巫 那个女巫,The one about the witch.那个女巫。
-Edward: The one about the witch.那个女巫
Your momma says I can't tell you that one anymore.你妈不准我再跟你说那个故事,You get nightmares.nightmare: 噩梦 你会作噩梦。
-Son: But I'm not scared.scared: 害怕的 但我不怕啊!
-Edward: Well, neither was I, at first.一开始…我也不怕
Now, this took place in the swamp outside of Ashton.swamp: 沼泽
这发生在Ashton镇郊外的沼泽里,Children weren't allowed in the swamp on account of the snakes, spiders...snake: 蛇 spider: 蜘蛛
...and quicksand that would swallow you up before you could even scream.quicksand: 流沙 swallow: 吞掉 scream: 喊叫 和转眼之间就会把人吞掉的流沙,There were five of us out there that night: 我们有5个人:
Me, Ruthie, Wilbur Freely...我、Ruthie、Wilbur Freely……
...and the Price Brothers, Don and Zacky.还有Price兄弟,Don和Zacky,And not one of us knew what was in store.我们都不知道会发生什么事
It's common knowledge that most towns of a certain size have a witch...common knowledge: 常识
大家都知道城镇大多都有女巫…...if only to eat misbehaving children...misbehave: 行为不端 她们专吃坏小孩…
...and the occasional puppy who wanders into her yard.occasional: 偶然的 yard: 院子 还有不小心闯进去的小狗,Witches use those bones to cast spells and curses...spell: 咒语 curse: 诅咒 女巫用吃剩的骨头作法、诅咒…...and make the land infertile.infertile: 贫瘠 让土地贫瘠。
-Children A: Is it true she got a gla eye?
-Children B: I heard she got it from gypsies.gypsy:吉普赛人
听说还是吉普赛人给她的,-Children C: What’s a gypsy?
-Children D: Your momma's a gypsy.你妈就是。
-Children C: Your momma's a bitch.你妈是个歹查某。
-Children E: You shouldn't swear.There's ladies present.别乱骂人,这里有女生。-Children C: Shit.狗屎!
-Children D: Damn.去死!
-Children C: Screw.靠!
-Children B:Turn off your flashlights.She'll see you!flashlight: 手电筒
-Edward: Yet of all the witches in Alabama...然而Alabama所有的女巫之中…
...there was one who was said to be the most feared.fear: 害怕;恐惧
有一位是最令人害怕的For she had one gla eye which was said to contain mystical powers.mystical: 神秘的 power: 力量
她有一颗玻璃眼珠,据说有神秘的力量,-Children E:I heard if you look right at it, you'll see how you're gonna die.听说你如果盯着它看,就能看到自己是怎么死的。
-Edward: That's bull-S-H-l-T, that is.She's not even a real witch.这根本是胡…扯,她根本不是真正的女巫。-Children C: If you're so sure, go get that eye.你这么确定,就去拿眼珠过来,I heard she keeps it in a box on her night table.Or are you too scared? 听说它是放在床头柜上,还是你吓到了?-Edward: I'll go in right now and get that eye.我马上去把眼珠拿来。-Children C: Then do it.那就去啊!
-Edward: Fine, I will.好,我会。
-Children C: Fine, you do it.好,去啊。
-Edward: Fine, I'm doing it.好,我要去了
-Children A: Edward, don't!Edward,不要!
-Children E: She'll make soap out of you.That's what she does.soap: 肥皂
她会把你做成肥皂的,她就是会这样,She makes soap out of people.拿人做肥皂。
-Edward: Ma'am, my name is Edward Bloom...女士,我叫Edward Bloom…
...and there's some folks like to see your eye.folk: 家伙
-Children C: You get The Eye?
-Edward: I brought it.我把它带来了。
-Children C: Let's see it.让我们看看。
-Children A: Whoa, help!哇,救命啊!
I saw how I was gonna die.I was old and I fell.我看到我死时的样子我老迈摔跤而死-Children C: I wasn't old at all.我死时并不老。
-Edward: I was thinking about death and all.About seeing how you're gonna die.我本来想着死亡想知道你会怎么死
I mean, on one hand, if dying was all you thought about...从某方面来说,想着死亡…...it could kind of screw you up.这可能会害惨自己
But it could kind of help you, couldn't it? 但也可能会很有用,对吧?
Because, everything else, you'd know you could survive.survive: 存活
因为你知道别的事都害不死你 I gue I'm saying I'd like to know.我想我是说我想知道 That's how I go.原来我是这样死的-Son: Hi, Mom.妈。
Is that Dr.Bennett's car?
-Mother: Yes.He's up with your father now.对,他正在楼上看你爸。-Son: And How is he?
-Mother: Well...No, I got it.不,我来。
He's impoible.He won't eat.Because he doesn't eat, he's weaker.他很难搞,他不肯吃,因为他不吃,就变虚弱,Because he's weak, he doesn't want to eat.因为他虚弱,他更没法吃。
-Son: How much time does he have left?
-Mother: You don't talk about that.别谈这个 Not yet.现在还不要。-Dr.Bennett: Will.Will,-Son: Dr.Bennett.Oh, it's good to see you.Bennett医生,真高兴见到你。My wife, Josephine.我老婆,Josephine-Dr.Bennett: A pleasure.幸会。
You're seven months.7个月了吧
--Josephine: To the day!今天刚满。
-Dr.Bennett: It's a boy.是个男孩。
-Mother: Try to get him to drink one of these.He won't, but go ahead and try.设法让他喝下这个他不会喝,但你试试。-Son: Dad? 爸?
You want some water? 要不要喝点水?
-Edward: You are in for A surprise.你即将会大吃一惊
-Son: Am I? 是吗?
-Edward: Having a kid changes everything.养孩子会改变一切
There's the diapers and the burping and the midnight feeding.diaper: 尿布 burp: 打嗝 feed: 喂奶 尿布、打嗝、半夜喂奶。-Son: did You do any of that? 你帮忙做过这些事?
-Edward: No.没。
But I hear it's terrible.但我听说很恐怖
Then you spend years trying to corrupt and mislead this child...corrupt: 使恶化;使腐烂 mislead: 误导 之后还要花很多年时间宠坏他教坏他…
...fill its head with nonsense, and still it turns out perfectly fine.nonsense: 无价值的东西
在他脑子里装满怪主意,然而这一切还是很美好。-Son: You think I'm up for it?
-Edward: You learned from the best.你跟高手学过了。
-Son: Drink half the can.I'll tell Mom you drank it all.你喝一半,我会跟妈说你全喝了 Everyone wins.大家都快乐。
-Edward: People needn't worry so much.It's not my time yet.大家不用太担心,我的时候还没到 This is not how I go.我不是这么死的。-Son: Really?
-Edward: Truly.I saw It in The Eye.真的,我在玻璃眼里看到过。
-Son: The old lady by The swamp?
-Edward: she was A witch.她是个女巫
-Son: No, she was old and probably senile.senile: 年老糊涂了
-Edward: I saw my death in that eye, and this isn't how it happens.我从那眼珠里看到我的死亡这不是我的死法-Son: So how does it happen? 那是怎么死?
-Edward: Surprise ending.Wouldn't want to ruin it for you.ruin: 毁坏
令人讶异的结局,我可不想毁了你的兴致。Your mother thought we wouldn't talk again.你妈以为我们不会再交谈了,Look at us.We're talking fine.看看我们,我们谈的很愉快,We're storytellers, both of us.我们是说故事的人,我们都是,I speak mine out, you write yours down.Same thing.我把故事说出来你则是写下来,都一样。-Son: Dad...爸…
I hope to talk about some things while I'm here.我希望趁我还在时跟你谈谈
-Edward: You mean while I'm here.你是说趁我还在吧
-Son: I just want to know the true versions of things: version: 版本
我只想知道事情的真实面。Events.Stories.事件、故事… You.还有你。
-Edward: Your mother hasn't been keeping up the pool.你妈没把泳池顾好
If You wanted to, You could fix it.你想的话,可以弄好它。-Son: Yeah, I Will.好,我会。
-Edward: You know where The chemicals are? chemicals: 化学产品 你知道清洁剂放哪?
-Son: I did It when You were gone 知道,你不在家时都是我清的。
-Edward: I was never much for being at home, Will.Too confining.confine: 限制
我一直都不喜欢待家里,太拘束了。And this here, being stuck in bed...stick: 粘住
这样被困在床上… Dying is the worst thing that's ever happened to me.死亡是我遇上最糟糕的事
-Son: I thought you said you weren't dying.你不是说你不会死。
-Edward: I said this isn't how I go.我是说我不是这样死的,The last part is much more unusual.我最后的旅程更特别,Trust me on that.相信我。
-Son: Dr.Bennett said I have to stay at home for a week.Bennett医生说我得整周待在家里。
-Edward: Oh, that's nothing.Once, I had to stay in bed for three years.那没什么,我曾卧床3年。
-Son: did You have The chickenpox? Chickenpox: 水痘 你也得了水痘?
-Edward: I wish.我真希望是
Truth is, no one quite knew what was wrong.没有人清楚这是怎么回事。
Most times a person grows up gradually...gradually: 渐渐地
大部分的人都是逐渐长大的…...while I found myself in a hurry.hurry: 匆忙
My muscles and my bones couldn't keep up with my body's ambition.muscle: 肌肉 ambition: 野心 我的肌肉和骨头跟不上我的野心
So I spent the better part of three years confined to my bed...我花了3年时间待在床上…
...with the encyclopedia being my only means of exploration.encyclopedia: 百科全书 means: 方式 exploration: 探索 只能探索百科全书的浩瀚学海。I had made it all the way to the G's...我读到G开头的部份…
...hoping to find an answer to my “gigantificationism”...gigantificationism: 巨大化 希望能在关于金鱼的文章里…
...when I uncovered an article about the common goldfish.uncovered: 揭露
“Kept in a small bowl, the goldfish will remain small.养在小鱼缸里金鱼就会一直维持他的大小…
It occurred to me then that perhaps the reason for my growth...occur: 发生
...was that I was intended for larger things.intend: 打算
After all, a giant man can't have an ordinary-sized life.giant: 巨大的 ordinary-size: 一般尺寸 巨人无法是过一般生活的As soon as my bones had settled in their adult configuration...adult: 成人 configuration: 形状 一旦我的骨头成长固定后…
...I set upon my plan to make a bigger place for myself in Ashton.我就着手为自己开创更大的空间-cheering squad: Tigers, go!猛虎队,加油!Edward Bloom!Edward Bloom!
-Children: Doggy!My doggy!My doggy's trapped!trap: 使…陷入困境
-Edward: I was the biggest thing Ashton had ever seen.而我成了Ashton镇最大的大人物 Until one day, a stranger arrived.arrive: 到达
-Mayor: Calm down.Calm down, everybody.Calm down.That's enough.冷静,大家冷静,够了。
-Man A: Mr.Mayor, he ate an entire corn field.corn: 玉米
-Girl: he ate my dog.他吃了我的狗。
-Man B: If you ain't gonna stop him, mayor, we will.镇长,你不阻止他,我们自己来。
-Mayor: I won't have mob violence in this town.mob: 聚众生事 violence:暴力事件 我不容许本镇有暴民滋事。
Now, has someone tried talking to him? 有人试过去跟他谈谈吗?
-Man C: You can't reason with him.你没法跟他讲道理的。
-Man D: He's a monster.monster: 怪物 他是个怪物。-Edward: I'll do it.我去谈,I'll talk to him.See if I can get him to go.我去设法叫他离开这里。
-Mayor: That creature could crush you without trying.Creature:生物 crush: 压碎 那个怪物一眨眼就能捏碎你。
-Edward: Oh, trust me, he'll have to try.相信我,没那么容易的。Hello? 你好?
My name is Edward Bloom, and I wanna talk to you!我叫Edward Bloom,我要跟你谈谈-Karl: Go away!走开!
-Edward: Now, I'm not going anywhere until you show yourself!我不走,除非你出来!-Karl: I said, go away!我叫你走开!
Armed with the foreknowledge of my own death...armed with: 以…武装着 foreknowledge: 先知 由于我知道自己的死法…
...I knew the giant couldn't kill me.我知道这巨人根本杀不死我All the same, I preferred to keep my bones unbroken.同样的,我也想毫发无伤-Karl: Why are you here? 你为什么来这里?
-Edward: So you can eat me.好让你吃了我。
The town decided to send a human sacrifice and I volunteered.sacrifice: 牺牲 volunteer: 志愿者 镇上决定用活人献祭,我自愿前来
My arms are a little stringy, but there's some good eating in my legs.stringy: 多筋的我的手臂有点瘦,但我的脚满好吃的,I mean, I'd be tempted to eat them myself.tempt: 使感兴趣 连我自己都会想吃它 So I gue, well...所以我想…
If you'd just get it over with quick, because I'm not much for pain, really.get over: 完成 pain: 疼痛
Oh, come on!I can't go back!I'm a human sacrifice!拜托,我不能回去!我是祭品啊!If I go back, they'll think I'm a coward.coward: 懦夫
我若回去,他们会认为我是懦夫。I'd rather be dinner than a coward.我宁可被吃也不要当懦夫 Here.来吧
You can start with my hand.It'll be an appetizer.appetizer: 开胃菜
-Karl: I don't want to eat you.I don't want to eat anybody.我不想吃你我不想吃任何人
I just get so hungry.I'm just too big.我只是很饿,我太高大了
-Edward: Did you ever think that maybe you're not too big...你有没有想过不是你太高大…
...but maybe this town is just too small? 而是这个镇太小了?
I've heard in real cities there are buildings so tall...我听说真正的城市里有大楼…...you can't even see the tops of them.你连楼顶都看不到-Karl: Really?
-Edward: Oh, I wouldn't lie to you.我不会骗你的And all-you-can-eat buffets.all-you-can-eat: 让你吃到饱 buffet: 自助餐 还有”随你吃到饱“ Now, you can eat a lot, can't you?
-Karl: I can.我可以
-Edward: So why are you wasting your time in a small town? waste: 浪费
You're a big man.You should be in a big city.大人物就该去大城市
-Karl: You're just trying to get me to leave, aren't you? 你只是想要我走,对吧?-Edward: What's your name, giant?
-Karl: Karl.Karl。
-Edward: Well, mine's Edward.And truthfully...我叫Edward,说真的…
Well, I do want you to leave, Karl.But I want to leave with you.我的确想要你离开Karl,但我想跟你一起离开 I mean, you think this town is too small for you? 这里太小容不下你
Well, it's too small for a man of my ambition.这里容不下我的雄心壮志。So, what do you say? Join me? 怎么样?跟我一起走吧?-Karl: Okay.好。
-Edward: Okay.好
Now, first, we gotta get you ready for the city.首先,我们得帮你打理一下
-Mayor: Edward Bloom, first son of Ashton...Edward Bloom,Ashton镇之子…
...it's with a heavy heart that we see you go.你的离去令我们惆怅
But take with you this key to the city...带着这把钥匙上城市里去…
...and know that any time you want to come back...任何时候你若想回来…
...all our doors are open to you.我们的大门都将为你敞开
-Edward: That afternoon as I left Ashton, everyone seemed to have advice.我离开Ashton镇的那天下午每个人都给了我忠告。-Woman: Find yourself a nice girl, now!找个好女孩吧!
-Man: Watch your pride, Edward Bloom!pride: 自尊心
别太骄傲了,Edward Bloom!
-Edward: But there was one person whose counsel I held above all others.counsel: 忠告
She said that the biggest fish in the river...她说河里最大尾的鱼…
...gets that way by never being caught.永远不会被人捉到-Karl: What'd she say?
-Edward: Beats me.beat: [口语]使困惑,难倒我了。
There were two roads out of Ashton: 出Ashton镇有两条路:
A new one which was paved and an older one that wasn't.pave: 铺设
People didn't use the old one anymore...人们不走那条旧路…
...and it had developed a reputation for being haunted.develop: 发展 reputation: 名声 haunt:(鬼魂等)常常出没于 还传说那条旧路闹鬼
Well, since I had no intention of ever returning to Ashton...intention: 意图
...this seemed as good a time as any to find out what lay down that old one.这看来是探究旧路的好时机
-Karl: You know anyone who's taken it?
-Edward: That poet, Norther Winslow, did.诗人Norther Winslow走过。He was going to Paris, France.他那时要去法国,巴黎。
I gue he liked it.No one ever heard from him again.我想他喜欢那里,他流连忘返
I'll tell you what.You go the other way.这样吧,你走另一条路
I'll cut through here, and I'll meet you on the far side.我走这条,我们在另一头会合-Karl: You're just trying to run away, aren't you? 你是想落跑吧?-Edward: Here.拿去
Just to be sure, you can take my pack.为了保险起见,拿着我的包包。Why, you son of a...你这个…
Now, there comes a point when a reasonable man...reasonable: 有理性的 懂道里的人…
...will swallow his pride and admit that he's made a terrible mistake.swallow: 收回
终会有按下自尊坦承他犯下严重错误的时刻。The truth is, I was never a reasonable man.事实是,我一直都不是讲道理的人。
And what I recall of Sunday school was that...我记得主日学都这么讲…
...the more difficult something is, the more rewarding it is in the end.rewarding: 有报酬的事情愈艰难,最后愈能得到丰厚的果实。-Man: Friend!Welcome to you!朋友!欢迎你!What's your name?
-Edward: Edward Bloom.Edward Bloom。
-Man: ”Bloom“ like a flower? 形容花开的Bloom?-Edward: Yes.对。
-Man: Oh, here!Here you are, right here.”Edward Bloom.“ 在这里,” Edward Bloom “ We weren't expecting you yet.我们还没开始等你
-Edward: You were expecting me?
-Man: Not yet.还没
-woman: You must've taken a shortcut.shortcut: 捷径
-Edward: Why, yes, I did.It almost killed me.对,害我差点送命。
-Man: Life will do that to you.And truthfully, the long way is easier.生命就是这样,说真的,走远路比较简单。But it's longer.但那比较长
-Woman: Much longer.长很多。
-Man: And you're here now, and that's what matters.你来了,这比较重要。-Edward: What is this place? 这是哪里?
-Man: The town of Spectre.Best-kept secret in Alabama!Spectre镇,Alabama最神秘的地方!Now, it says here you're from Ashton, right? 这上面说你是从Ashton镇来的Last person we had from Ashton was Norther Winslow.上一个从Ashton镇来的是Norther Winslow。-Edward: The poet? Whatever happened to him? poet: 诗人
-Man: He's still here.Let me buy you a drink.I'll tell you all about it.他还在这里,我请你喝一杯,再慢慢跟你说。Hell, I'll have him tell you!管他的,我让他跟你说!
-Edward: I have to meet somebody, and I'm already running late.我得跟别人会合,我已经迟了。
-Man: Now, son, I already told you.You're early.孩子,我说过,你来早了。
Now, tell me if that isn't the best pie you ever ate.这是你吃过最棒的派吧。-Edward: It truly is.没错。
-Winslow: Well, everything tastes better here.Even the water is sweet.这里一切都比较好吃,连水都是甜的。Never gets too hot, too cold, too humid.humid: 潮湿的这里从不会太热、太冷、太潮湿
At night, the wind goes through the trees where you'd swear...swear: 发誓 go through: 穿过 在晚上,树枝随风摇动的声音…
...there was a whole symphony out there playing just for you.symphony: 交响乐
就像专为你演奏的交响乐-Edward: Hey!Jenny!Jenny!
Come back here!回来!Jenny!Jenny!
Hey, I need those.我需要鞋子的。
-Winslow: there is No softer ground than town.soft: 柔软 ground: 广场 这里的草地柔软宜人。
-Woman: that almost rhymes.rhyme: 韵文
那句话真有诗意。-Man: He's our poet laureate.Come on.laureate: 桂冠诗人
-Edward: I agreed to spend the afternoon, if only to understand...我同意下午留在那里只想弄明白…
...the mystery of how a place could feel so strange and yet so familiar.mystery: 神秘
-Winslow: I've been working on this poem for 12 years.我写这首诗写了12年-Edward: Really? 真的?
-Winslow: There's a lot of expectation.I don't wanna disappoint my fans.disappoint: 使失望
大家对我的期望很高,我不想令支持者失望。-Edward: May I? 我能看吗?
The gra so green 草地碧绿 Skies so blue 天空蔚蓝
Spectre is really great!Spectre真棒!
-Edward: It's only three lines long.这只有三句。
-Winslow: This is why you should never show a work in progre.未完成的作品就是不该让人看-Edward: I got him!我逮到他了!
-Jenny: There's leeches in there.leech: 水蛭 水里有水蛭。
-Edward: did You see that woman?
-Jenny: What did she look like? 她长什么样子?
-Edward: Well, she was...她是…
-Jenny: was she naked? naked: 裸露的 她光着身子吗?
-Edward: Yes, she was.对。
-Jenny: It's not a woman.It's a fish.No one ever catches her.那不是女生,那是条鱼,没人捉到他过。Fish looks different to different people.不同的人会看到不同的景象,My daddy said it looked like the coon dog he had when he was a kid...coon dog: [美国英语]【动物】猎浣熊狗
我爸说他像他小时候养的小狗…...back from the dead.死而复生。
-Edward: Oh, darn.该死!
-Jenny: How old are you? 你几岁啊?
-Edward: Eighteen.18。
-Jenny: I'm 8.That means when I'm 18, you'll be 28.我8岁,我18时,你就28了。
-Jenny: And when I'm 28, you'll only be 38.等我28,你就是38
-Edward: You're pretty good at arithmetic.arithmetic: 算术 你算术很好。
-Jenny: And when I'm 38, you'll be 48.That's not much difference at all.等我38,你就是48,那不算差太多嘛。-Edward: Sure is a lot now, though, huh? 可是现在就差多了
-Winslow: Roses are red, Violets are blue violet: 紫罗兰
玫瑰火红,紫罗兰湛蓝,I love Spectre...我爱Spectre… Excuse me.抱歉。
-Woman: Jenny thinks you're quite a catch.We all do.catch: 值得追求的人(尤指夫或妻),宜于婚配的对象 jenny认为你很棒,我们也有同感-Edward: What? 什么?
-Woman: I said, you're quite a catch.我说,你很棒
-Edward: I have to leave.我得走了 Tonight.就是今晚-Man: Why? 为什么?
-Edward: This town is more than any man could ask for.这个镇是任何人都梦寐以求的And if I were to end up here, I would consider myself lucky.我若落脚于此,定会觉得很幸运。
But the truth is, I'm just not ready to end up anywhere.但事实是我还没准备要落脚在任何地方。-Man: But no one's ever left.但是没人离开过啊
-Jenny: How are you gonna make it without your shoes? 你没鞋要怎么走?
-Edward: Well, I suspect it will hurt.A lot.suspect: 猜想
Now, I'm sorry, but...Well, goodbye.很抱歉,但是…再见了
-Man: You won't find a better place.你找不到更好的地方了。
-Edward: I don't expect to.我想也是。
-Jenny: Promise me you'll come back.答应我你会回来。
-Edward: I promise.Someday.When I'm really supposed to.我答应你,总有一天,我该来时就会来。That night, I reached two conclusions.conclusion: 结论
The first was that a dangerous path is made much worse by darkne.path: 道路
The second was that I was hopelely and irrevocably lost.irrevocably: 不能挽回的 第二,我彻底绝望的迷路了
These woods would become my graveyard.woods: 树林;森林 graveyard: 坟墓 这片树林即将变成我的坟场
As difficult as it was to reach Spectre, I was fated to get there eventually.fate: 注定
After all, no man can avoid reaching the end of his life.avoid: 躲避
毕竟没人能躲避死神的召唤,And then I realized this wasn't the end of my life.接着我想到,这不是我的死期,This isn't how I die.我不是这么死的。-Karl: Friend.朋友,What happened to Your shoes? 你的鞋哪去了?
-Edward: they kind of got ahead of me.它们先我一步到目的地去了
-son: I don't know if you saw it, but Josephine had some photos...不知道你们有没有看过…...in the most recent Newsweek.《新闻周刊》登了Josephine的照片-Mother: Really? That's just wonderful.真的?太棒了
-Josephine: I spent a week in Morocco for the story.It was incredible.incredible: 难以置信的我在Morocco为报导拍照,那里真的很棒。-Mother: Oh.We'll have to pick up a copy.我们该去买一本。
-Edward: I don't know if you're aware of this, Josephine...Josephine,不知道你知不知道…
...but African parrots, in their native Congo, they speak only French.parrot: 鹦鹉 native: 本地的非洲鹦鹉在他们的Congo家乡,只说法文。-Josephine: Really? 真的?
-Edward: You're lucky to get four words out of them in English.能听到他们讲英文算你走运。
But if you were to walk through the jungle...jungle: 丛林
...you'd hear them speaking the most elaborate French.elaborate:精致的你会听见他们讲流利的法文。
Those parrots talk about everything.Politics, movies, fashion。politics: 政治
这些鹦鹉什么都谈,政治、电影、时尚。Everything but religion.religion: 宗教信仰 就是不谈宗教
-Son: Why not religion, Dad? 为什么不谈宗教?-Edward: It's rude to talk about religion.You never know who you're gonna offend.rude: 粗鲁的 offend: 冒犯
谈宗教很没礼貌,你不知道可能会冒犯到谁。-Son: Josephine actually went to the Congo last year.Josephine去年到过Congo-Edward: Oh, so you know.那你知道啰。Hello.你好啊
-Josephine: Hi.How are you feeling? 你感觉如何?
-Edward: Oh, I was dreaming.我刚刚在作梦。
-Josephine: What were you dreaming about? 你梦到什么?
-Edward: Oh, I don't usually remember...我通常不会记得…
...unle they're especially portentous.Do you know what that word means? 除非梦境特别凶你知道那个字的意思吧?
It means when you dream about something that's gonna happen.就是你梦见即将发生的事 Like one night, I had a dream...就像有一天,我梦到…
...where this crow came and said: crow: 乌鸦
有只乌鸦飞来跟我说: Your aunt is gonna die.你阿姨快死了
I was so scared, I woke up my parents...我吓坏了我叫醒我爸妈…
...but they said it was just a dream and to get back to bed.他们说那只是个梦就回去睡了
But the next morning, my Aunt Stacy was dead.但是第二天我Stacy阿姨过世了-Josephine: That's terrible.真可怕。
-Edward: Terrible for her, but think about me, young boy with that kind of power.对她来说很可怕,但是想想我,一个拥有超能力的男孩
Wasn't three weeks later when the crow came back to me in a dream...不到三周之后那乌鸦又出现在我梦里…...and said, ”Your daddy's gonna die.“ 他说:”你爸快死了“ I didn't know what to do.我不知道该怎么办 I finally told my father, but he said: 最后我告诉我爸,他说:
Oh, not to worry.But I could see he was rattled.rattle: 使惊慌
不用担心但我看得出他惊惶失措。The next morning, he wasn't himself.第二天早上,他完全变了个人
Kept looking around, waiting for something to drop on his head.drop: 下降
Because the crow didn't say how it was gonna happen, just those words: 因为那只乌鸦没说他会怎么死只说了那句话: Your daddy's gonna die.你爸快死了。
Well, he left home early and was gone a long time.他早早就出门,出去了很久一段时间
When he finally came back, he looked terrible...等他回来之后,样子狼狈至极…
...like he was waiting for the ax to fall all day.ax: 斧头
好像他整天都在等斧头砍向他 He said to my mother: 他跟我妈说:
I've just had the worst day of my life.”我刚过了这辈子最糟的一天“ You think you've had a bad day? She said.我妈说:”你以为你过的很糟?“ This morning, the milkman dropped dead on the porch.milkman: 卖(或送)牛奶的人 drop dead: 倒毙 porch: 门廊 今天早上,送牛奶的在门口暴毙了。
Because, see, my mother was banging the milkman.bang: [粗俗语](尤指精力旺盛地)和…性交 懂吧,我妈跟送牛奶的有一腿。-Josephine: Can I take your picture?
-Edward: Oh, you don't need a picture.你不需要照片的Just look up the word ”handsome“ in the dictionary.到辞典里查”英俊“这个辞就行了-Josephine: Please? 拜托嘛。
-Edward: All right.好吧。
-Josephine: I have photos of the wedding to show you.我有婚礼的照片要给你看,There is a great one of you and my father.你跟我父亲有张合照很棒
I want to see pictures of your wedding.I've never seen any.我想看你婚礼的照片,我没看过
-Edward: That's because we didn't have a proper wedding.proper: 合乎体统的;体面的 那是因为我没办正式的婚礼。
Your mother-in-law was never supposed to marry me.你婆婆本来不该嫁给我she was engaged to somebody else.engage: 订婚
她本来跟别人已有婚约。-Josephine: I never knew.我从来都不知道。
-Edward: Will never told you? Will没跟你说过? Probably just as well.那样也许比较好
He would have told it wrong, anyway.他的说法可能不好
All the facts, none of the flavor.flavor: 滋味;香料
-Josephine: Oh.So this is a tall tale.tall: 夸大的所以这是个夸张的故事啰!-Edward: Well, it's not a short one.这故事可不短。
I'd just left Spectre and was on my way to discover my destiny.我当时刚离开Spectre镇,正要探索我的命运。Not knowing what that would be exactly...不知前方会有什么,说真的…
...I explored every opportunity that presented itself.opportunity: 机会
-Mr.Calloway: Ladies and gentlemen!各位女士先生!
You may think you've seen the unusual.你也许自以为看过不凡之事
You may think you've seen the bizarre.Bizarre: 稀奇古怪的;奇形怪状的 你也许自以为看过特异之人,But I've traveled to the five corners of the world...corner: 角落
...and let me tell you, I've never seen anything like this!让我告诉你们我从未看过这样的东西 When I met this man...我遇到这个人的时候…
...he was picking oranges in Florida.他正在Florida采收橘子
His fellow workers called him El Penumbra.”The Shadow.“ Penumbra: [天]半影 shadow: 阴影 他的同事称他为半屏山 ”暗影“ Because when you worked beside him...因为当你在他身旁工作时…...he blocked out the daylight!block: 阻塞;阻止; 他会挡住所有的光线!
Not to alarm you, ma'am, but if this man wanted to...alarm: 警告;使惊恐
我不想让你担忧,小姐但如果这个人想的话…...he could crush your head between his toes...toe: 脚趾;足尖
他用两只手指就能捏碎你的头…...like a tiny walnut.But he won't do it.walnut: 胡桃木;胡桃
就像压碎核桃一样但他不会这么做 No.No, ladies and gentlemen...不,各位女士先生…...he will not hurt her...他不会伤害她…
...because he is our own gentle giant.因为他是我们温柔的巨人
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Colous!colous: 巨人
各位女士先生让我为您介绍大巨人 Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls...各位女士先生、大人小孩…...thank y'all for coming.谢谢你们的光临
Drive home safely, everyone.Thank you for coming.大家平安返家,谢谢光临
It was on that night Karl met his destiny.就在Karl遇上他命运女神的那晚,And I met mine, almost.我也遇上了我的,就差一点。They say when you meet the love of your life, time stops.人们说当你遇上你的挚爱时间会暂停 And that's true.那是真的What they don't tell you is that once time starts again...但人们没有告诉你当时间再度恢复转动…...it moves extra fast to catch up.它会无比飞快,让人无法赶上-Mr.Calloway: What's your name? 你叫什么名字?-Karl: It's Karl.Karl
-Mr.Calloway: Karl.Karl Tell me, Karl, have you ever heard the term ”involuntary servitude“? involuntary: 非出自本意的 servitude: 劳役,奴役; 告诉我,你听说过… ”非自愿性奴役“吗?-Karl: No.没
-Mr.Calloway: ”Unconscionable contract“?
unconscionable: 昧着良心的;肆无忌惮的 contract: 合同;合约 ”不公平契约“?-Karl: Nope.没。
-Mr.Calloway: Great.好极了
Here you go.拿去
Here you are.拿去
Mr.Soggybottom, come down this here...soggy: 浸水的;透湿的 bottom: 臀部 Soggybottom先生,靠过来…
...so he can use your back to sign on it.让他靠在你背上签名 Okay.Thank you.Yeah.很好,谢谢 Hey, kid.小子
Your friend just made himself a star.你朋友刚刚成了巨星
-Edward: Oh, that's great.太好了。
-Mr.Calloway: my attorney, Mr.Soggybottom.Attorney: 代理人;律师
-Edward: Good to meet You.幸会
-Mr.Soggybottom: Pleased to meet you.幸会。
-Mr.Calloway: What's the matter? I haven't seen a customer so depreed...customer: 顾客 depre: 使沮丧
怎么了,孩子?自从上次大象坐扁一个农妇后…...since the elephant sat on that farmer's wife.我就没看过有这么消沉的客人 Depreed? 消沉?
See? The big guy likes it.看吧?这个大家伙听的懂
-Edward: I just saw the woman I'm gonna marry.我刚看到我要厮守终身的女人 I know it.But I lost her.我很明白,但我却失去了她-Mr.Calloway: Oh, tough break.tough break: 走霉运;运气不佳的 tough: 艰苦的,困难的 真糟糕,Well, most men have to get married before they lose their wives.多数人都是先结婚才失去老婆的-Edward: I'm gonna spend the rest of my life looking for her.That or die alone.我将以余生找寻她的芳踪或者,孤独的死去-Mr.Calloway: Damn, kid.哇咧,小子,Let me gue.Real pretty? 让我猜猜看是个美女? Reddish-blondish hair? reddish: 微红的 blondish: 稍呈金黄色的 一头微红的金发? Blue dre? 穿蓝色洋装?-Edward: Yeah!对!
-Mr.Calloway: I know her uncle.Friends of the family.我认得她叔叔,家族的朋友
-Edward: Who is she? Where does she live? 她是谁?她住哪里?
-Mr.Calloway: Forget it.Don't waste your time.She's out of your league.league: [口语]与某人同一类型 算了吧,她不是你追得起的-Edward: What? You don't even know me.你根本不认识我
-Mr.Calloway: Sure I do.当然认识。
You were hot shit back in Hickville, but here in the real world, you got squat.hot shit: [美国俚语、粗俗语] 了不起的人 squat: [俚语]什么也没有 你是乡下来的大人物,但在真实世界里,你啥都不是 You don't have a plan or a job.你没计划、没工作,Nothing except the clothes on your back.你除了身上穿的衣服外啥都没有
-Edward: Well, I have a whole backpack full of clothes.我有一整个背包的衣服
Oh, someone stole my backpack.有人偷了我的背包
-Mr.Calloway: You were a big fish in a small pond, but this here is the ocean...pond: 池塘
你原本是小池子里的大鱼但这里是海洋…...and you're drowning.Go back to Puddleville.你会淹死的听我的,回乡下去 You'll be happy there.你会快乐些
-Edward: You say I don't have a plan.I do.你说我没计划,我有
I'll find that girl, marry her, and spend the rest of my life with her.我要找到那个女孩娶她为妻,与她厮守一生。
I don't have a job, but I would have a job if you gave me one.我是没工作,但只要你给我工作就成 And I may not have much...我有的也许不多…
...but I have more determination than any man you're likely to meet.determination: 决心 但我比任何人都有决心
-Mr.Calloway: I'm sorry, kid.I don't do charity.Come on, big boy.charity:慈善
抱歉,小子,这里不是慈善机构走吧,大家伙-Edward: Wait.Look, I'll work night and day for you...等等,我会日夜为你效力…...and you won't have to pay me.你也不需要付我薪水
You just have to tell me who she is.只要告诉我她是谁
-Mr.Calloway: Every month you work for me...你每为我工作一个月…...l'll tell you one thing about her.That's my final offer.我就告诉你一件有关她的事这是我的底线 Let's get started.开始工作吧
-Edward: From that moment on, I did everything Mr.Calloway asked.从那时起我凡事都照Calloway先生的吩咐去做 I'd go three days without stopping to eat.我可以连做三天不吃饭
And four days without sleeping.连做四天不睡觉
What kept me going was the promise of meeting the girl...驱策我的唯一动力就是能见到…...who would be my wife.我要娶的女孩
-Mr.Calloway: Stick together, that's the way it's gonna be.我们要团结,The way It was, And The way It will be.向来如此,以后也一样
-Edward: Mr.Calloway, sir? Calloway先生?
It's been a month today.今天已经满一个月了
-Mr.Calloway: This girl, the love of your life...这个女孩,你的最爱…
...her favorite flowers are daffodils.daffodils: 黄水仙
她最喜欢的花是黄水仙。So get that stuff...去拿那些东西…
-Edward: Daffodils.黄水仙 Daffodils.黄水仙 Daffodils.黄水仙
True to his word...Calloway先生很守信…
...every month Amos would tell me something new...他每个月都会告诉我一些…...about the woman of my dreams.关于我所爱的女人的事
-Mr.Calloway: Enjoy yourselves, enjoy yourselves.要好好享受、好好享受 She's going to college.她要上大学了。
-Edward: College.She's going to college.大学,她要上大学了
-Mr.Calloway: She likes music.她喜欢听音乐
-Edward: Music.She likes music.音乐,她喜欢听音乐
Over the months, I learned a lot about the woman I would marry...过了几个月我知道了许多我最心爱的人的事…...but not her name, and not where to find her.但仍不知她的名字或去何处找她
That time had come.I couldn't wait any longer.时间到了我无法再等待了 Mr.Calloway? Calloway先生?
It's Edward Bloom.I need to talk to you.我是Edward Bloom,我要跟你谈谈 Mr.Calloway? Calloway先生? No.Wait!不!等等!
That night, I discovered that most things you consider evil or wicked...evil: 邪恶的 wicked: 恶劣的;不道德的就在当晚,我发现你觉得最邪恶或最坏的事物…...are simply lonely and lacking in social niceties.lack: 缺乏 social: 社交的 niceties: [常用复数](举止等的)高雅,讲究 其实只是孤独缺乏融洽的个性
-Mr.Calloway: Didn't kill anything, did I? 我没害死什么东西吧?
-Edward: A few rabbits.But I think one of them was already dead.几只兔子我想有一只已经死透了
-Mr.Calloway: That would explain the indigestion.indigestion: 消化不良 难怪我消化不良,Thank you.谢谢你
I was wrong about you, kid.我想我错看你了
You may not have much, but what you got, you got a lot of.你也许没有钱但你所拥有的,却丰富无比 You could get any girl.你可以拥有任何女孩
-Edward: There's only one I want.我想拥有的只有一位-Mr.Calloway: Her name...她的名字是…
...is Sandra Templeton.Sandra Templeton She goes to Auburn.她念Auburn大学
Semester's almost over, so you better hurry.semester: 学期
学期快结束了,你动作得快点-Edward: Thank you.Thank you.谢谢你。
-Mr.Calloway: Good luck, kid!祝你好运,孩子。
-Edward: Thank you, sir!Bye, now.谢谢你,先生!再见了。-Man: Bye, Edward.再见了,Edward。
-Edward: After saying my goodbyes, I hopped three trains...to get to Auburn that afternoon.hop: 单脚跳,跳跃
You don't know me, but my name is Edward Bloom...and I love you.你不认识我,我叫Edward Bloom…而我爱你。
I've spent the last three years working to find out who you are.find out: 查出,查明
I've been shot, stabbed, and trampled a few times.I broke my ribs twice.shot: 射击 stab: 刺穿 trample: 蹂躏,践踏 rib: 肋骨 我曾被枪伤、刺伤、虐待。肋骨还断过两次。
But it's all been worth it to see you here now...and to finally get to talk to you.worth it: 值得
但现在看见你,还能跟你说话…一切都值得了。Because I'm destined to marry you.destine to: 注定要,命中注定 marry: 娶 因为我命中注定要娶你为妻。
I knew it when I saw you at the circus, and I know it now more than ever.circus: 马戏团 more than ever: 尤其,更加
我在马戏团看到你时就知道,而现在我更确定了。-Sandra: I'm sorry.对不起。
-Edward: You don't have to apologize to me.I'm the luckiest person you'll find today.apologize: 道歉
你不必对我道歉。我是今天最幸运的人了。-Sandra: No, I'm sorry I'm engaged to be married.engage: 订婚 不,我订了婚也即将结婚。
But you're wrong.I do know you.At least by reputation.Edward Bloom from Ashton.at least: 至少 reputation: 名声
但你错了,我认识你。至少我听过你的名声。Ashton镇的Edward Bloom。See, I'm actually engaged to a boy from Ashton.Don Price.我的未婚夫出身Ashton镇。Don Price。He was a few years older than you.他比你大几岁。
-Edward: Well...Congratulations.I'm sorry to have bothered you.congratulation: 祝贺 bother: 烦扰 嗯…恭喜你。很抱歉打扰到你。
-Sandra: Stop it!It's not funny.That poor boy.funny: 有趣的 poor boy: 可怜的孩子 别笑了!这不好笑。他好可怜。
-Edward: Fate has a cruel way of circling around on you.fate: 命运 cruel: 残酷的,残忍的 circle around: 环绕四周 命运残酷的折磨着人。
After all this work to leave Ashton...the girl I love was now engaged to one of its biggest jerks.jerk: 傻瓜
There's a time when a man needs to fight...and a time when he needs to accept that his destiny's lost...fight: 奋战,打架 accept: 接受 destiny: 命运
...the ship has sailed, and that only a fool will continue.Truth is, I've always been a fool.sail: 航行 fool: 愚人,傻瓜 continue: 继续 truth: 事实
木已成舟,只有傻子会继续奋战。事实是,我一直都是个傻子 Sandra Templeton, I love you, and I will marry you!Sandra Templeton,我爱你,我也要娶你。
-Profeor: So as you can see, if we apply these rules to our everyday life...so as you can see: 正如你所看到的 apply: 应用 everyday life: 日常生活 正如你所看到的,若将这些定律运用在日常生活上…...supply and demand makes much more sense.supply: 供给 demand: 需求 make sense: 有意义,讲的通,言之有理 供给和需求就更有意义
Take a look at the next graph, and the import of this will be even stronger...graph: 图表 import: 进口
请看下一个图,进口更为强势…-Student: For three hours.Look!持续了三个钟头。你看!-Sandra: Daffodils!黄水仙!
-Edward: They're your favorite flower.favorite: 最喜爱的 这是你最喜欢的花。
-Sandra: How did you get so many? 你从哪找来这么多?
-Edward: I called everywhere in five states.everywhere: 每个地方,到处 state: 州 我打电话找遍附近五个州。
I told them it was the only way to get my wife to marry me.我说只有这样能让我老婆嫁给我。-Sandra: You don't even know me.even: 甚至
-Edward: I have the rest of my life to find out.the rest of: 其余的,余下的 我有一辈子可以认识你。-Don: Sandra!Sandra!
-Sandra: It's Don.Promise you won't hurt him.promise: 许诺 hurt: 使受伤
-Edward: If that's what you want, I swear to it.swear: 发誓
你想如此,我就答应你。-Don: Bloom? Bloom?
-Edward: Don.Don。
-Don: What the hell are you doing? This is my girl.Mine!what the hell: 究竟,到底(表示气恼)你在干嘛?这是我的女人,我的!
-Edward: I wasn't aware that she belonged to anyone.aware: 知道的,意识到的 belong to: 属于 我不知道她属于任何人。
-Don: What's the matter? Are you too scared to fight back? scared: 害怕的 fight back: 反击,抵抗 怎么?你怕到不敢还手了?-Edward: I promised I wouldn't.我答应过不打你的。
-Sandra: Stop it!Don, stop!住手!Don,住手!
-Edward: While I took the beating of a lifetime, Don Price was ultimately defeated.beating: 打 of a lifetime: 终身难遇的 ultimately: 最后,根本上 defeat: 击败,失败 当我被痛扁的时候被彻底击败的其实是唐恩
All the physical activity had worsened a congenital valve defect.physical activity: 身体活动 worsen: 恶化 congenital: 先天的 valve: 阀门 defect:缺陷 这些身体的行动让先天的缺陷更加恶化。Put simply, his heart wasn't strong enough.simply: 简单地
-Sandra: Don!I will never marry you.Don!我决不会嫁给你。
-Don: What? You mean, you love this guy? 什么?你意思说,你爱这家伙?
-Sandra: He's almost a stranger, and I prefer him to you.almost: 几乎,差不多 prefer: 宁愿,更喜欢 他几乎是个陌生人,但我宁愿嫁他。
-Edward: As it turned out, Sandra was able to keep her same date at the chapel.turn out: 结果证明 date: 日期 chapel: 小教堂 结果珊卓赶上预订的婚礼日期。Only the groom had changed.groom: 新郎
-Wife: I thought you said you didn't have a church wedding.你不是说没办过正式的婚礼?
-Edward: We were all set to, but there was a complication.我们本来都准备好了但事情有点复杂
-Wife: Is it the medicine that's making you thirsty? medicine: 药物 thirsty: 口渴的 是不是药物让你口渴?
-Edward: Truth is, I've been thirsty my whole life.Never really known why.whole life: 一生
事实是,我一直都口渴。我一直都不明白原因。There was a time when I was 11...有一次,在我十一岁时…
-Wife: You were talking about your wedding.talk about: 谈论 你在谈你的婚礼。
-Edward: I didn't forget.I was just working on a tangent.work on: 从事于,努力做 tangent: 切线,离题的 我没忘记,我只是改变话题。
You see, most men, they'll tell you a story straight through.straight: 直的大部分的人叙述故事,只会平铺直叙。
It won't be complicated, but it won't be interesting, either.complicated: 复杂的 either: 也(用于否定句)那既不复杂,也不有趣。-Wife: I like your stories.我喜欢你的故事
-Edward: And I like you.我也喜欢你。
Well, when you work for the circus, you don't have a regular addre.work for: 为…工作 regular: 定期的,有规律的 addre: 地址 在马戏团工作,你不会有固定的联络地址。
So after three years, there was a lot of undelivered mail.undelivered: 未送达的 mail: 邮件 三年来,我积了不少未送达邮件。
During the four weeks I was in the hospital...the postmaster finally caught up with me.during: 在…时候,在…期间 postmaster: 邮局局长 catch up with: 赶上【联系上】 在我躺在医院的四周里…邮局终于找到了我。And it seems that while my heart belonged to Sandra...it seems that: 似乎,看起来好像 我的心虽然属于Sandra…
...the rest of my body belonged to the U.S.Government.government: 政府
A hitch in the Army was up to three years at that point...hitch: 钩 at that point: 在那个阶段,在那时 当时役期长达三年…
...and having waited three years just to meet Sandra...要等三年才能再见Sandra......I knew I couldn't survive being away from her that long.survive: 幸存,活下来 away from: 远离,离开 我知道我没办法撑那么久。
So I took every hazardous aignment I could find...with the hope of getting my time down to le than a year.hazardous: 危险的 aignment: 任务 hope: 希望 le than: 少于 为了缩减役期…我愿意接受任何危险任务。-Soldier: Go!Go!上!上!
-Edward: When I was offered a secret miion...to steal the plans for the Wong Kai Tang power plant...offer: 提供 miion: 使命,任务 steal: 窃取 power plant: 电厂 当我受命到中国的王凯潭…偷电厂计划图时…...I jumped at the chance to serve my country.jump at the chance: 抓住机会 serve: 服务 我立刻把握机会报效祖国。-Soldier: Go!Go!上!上!
-Singers: Any of you got needs? 你们有什么欲望吗?
-Singer1: How could you mi your cue? mi: 错过,漏掉 cue: 提示,暗示 你怎么会错过? You make me look like a fool out there alone.out there: 在那里 你让我看来蠢透了。
-Singer2: You weren't alone!我也不喜欢被人笑!
-Singer1: Who the hell are you? 你是谁啊?
-Edward: I'm not going to hurt you.我不会伤害你们。
-Singer1: Damn right you're not.damn: 可恶的,讨厌的 你敢。GUARD!守卫!
-Singer2: Tell your men not to bother us!And close that curtain!curtain: 窗帘
叫你的人别打扰我们!拉上帘子!-Edward: Please, I need your help.帮帮忙吧。
-Singer1: What makes you think we'll help you? 我们为什么要帮你?
-Edward: Over the next hour, I described my love for Sandra K.Templeton...describe: 描述
接下来一个小时,我说明我对Sandra的爱…...and the ordeal that brought me before them.ordeal: 严酷的考验
As it had always been, this love was my salvation.It was destined to be.salvation: 救助,拯救 be destined to: 注定的这坚贞的爱情,一直都能拯救我。命中注定也该如此。We put together an elaborate plan for escape...put together: 集思广益 elaborate: 精心制作的 escape: 逃跑 我们一起拟定了逃亡计划…
...involving a whaling ship to Ruia...involving: 包括 whaling ship: 捕鲸船 whale: 鲸 搭捕鲸船到俄罗斯…
...a barge to Cuba, and a small, dirty canoe to Miami.barge: 驳船 Cuba: 古巴 canoe: 独木舟 Miami: 迈阿密 坐货船到古巴,再划又脏又小的独木舟到迈阿密 We all knew it would be dangerous.我们都知道这可能会很危险。
-Singer1: And what are we supposed to do when we get to America? suppose to: 应该
我们到美国以后能做什么?-Edward: I can get you bookings.I know the biggest man in show busine.book: 登记,预定 show: 演出
我能帮你们安排。我认得演艺界的大哥大。-Singers: Bob Hope?!Bob Hope?!-Edward: Bigger.更厉害的。Ready? 准备好了?
And so the twins and I began our arduous journey...halfway around the world.twins: 双胞胎 arduous: 费力的,险峻的 journey: 旅行 双生女和我开始艰难的旅程…绕行地球大半圈。
Unfortunately, there was no way to send a meage back to America.unfortunately: 不幸地 send a meage: 发信息 很不幸地,我无法写信回美国。
And so it was no surprise that the Army believed I was dead.surprise: 惊奇 believe: 相信
军方也理所当然的认为我阵亡了。-Sandra: No, God!不,天哪!
-Edward: After four months, Sandra had gotten over the worst of the nightmares.get over: 克服,熬过 nightmare: 噩梦 四个月后,Sandra终于不再作恶梦
When the phone rang, she didn't think it was somehow me calling her.ring:(电话)铃响 somehow: 由于某种原因 电话响起,她不再认为是我打的When a car drove past, she didn't get up to check out the window.check out: 查看
-Wife:I talked with your father last night.You never told me how your parents met.talk with: 与…交谈
我昨晚跟你父亲聊过。你没说过你爸妈是怎么认识的。-Son: They met at Auburn.他们在Auburn镇认识的。
-Wife:What about the details? How they fell in love.detail: 细节 fall in love: 坠入爱河 其他细节呢?他们怎么相爱。
The circus.The war.You never told me any of that.马戏团。战争。这些你都没跟我说过。
-Son: That's because most of it never happened.most of: 大多数 happen: 发生 因为那些大多都没发生过。-Wife:But it's romantic.但是那好浪漫。What? 什么?--Son: What, I know better...than to argue romance with a French woman.better than: 好于 argue with: 争论
我知道的是最好别跟…法国女人争论浪漫的事。-Wife:Do you love your father? 你爱你父亲吗?
-Son: Everyone loves my father.He's a very likable guy.likable: 可爱的大家都爱他,他很讨人喜欢。-Wife:Do you love him? 你爱他吗?
-Son: You have to understand.你得要明白
When I was growing up, he was gone more than he was there.grow up: 长大 be gone: 消失,不见 more than: 多余,多出 在我成长时,他常常不在家。
And I started thinking maybe he's got this second life somewhere else.start: 开始 somewhere else: 某个别的地方
Another family, another house.And he leaves us and goes to them.另一个家庭,房子。他离开我们时,就回到那里。
Or, or...Or maybe there is no second family.Maybe he never wanted a family.或者…没有另一个家庭也许他从来就不想要有家庭。
Whatever it is, he likes his second life better and he tells his stories...whatever: 无论什么
不管怎样,他爱另一种生活而他说故事…...because he can't stand this boring place.stand: 忍受 boring: 令人厌烦的,无聊的 因为他无法忍受这无趣的地方。-Wife: But it's not true.那不是事实。
-Son: Well, what's true? He's never told me a single true thing.single: 单一的事实是什么?他没跟我说过一件真实的事
Look, hey...I know why you like him.I know why everyone likes him.听着…我知道你为何喜欢他。大家都喜欢他。But I need you to tell me that I'm not crazy.crazy: 疯的但我要你告诉我,我没疯。
-Wife: Oh, you're not.And I think you should talk to him.你没疯。我想你该跟他谈谈。
-Television: Larry Puckett's Chevrolet lets the customer do the talking.customer: 顾客 do the talking: 讲话,做代言人 赖氏汽车以客为尊。
Larry Puckett's GM-certified vehicles are under factory warranty.certified: 被证明的 vehicle: 车辆,交通工具 warranty: 担保,保证 赖氏汽车品质保证。
And you can save up to 40 percent off the original MSRP.save up: 节省 percent: 百分比 original: 原始的,最初的 MSRP:厂商建议零售价(Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price)价格比市价便宜四成。
-Edward: Did I ever tell you about...? 我有没有说过…?-Son: Yes.说过了。
The maple tree and the Buick? We've heard it.maple tree: 枫树 Buick: 别克(汽车品牌)枫树和别克车的故事,听过了。
-Edward: I know someone who hasn't.The… 我知道有人没听过。那个…
-Wife: Tree fell on the car, spilling the syrup.fall on: 落到 spill: 溢出 syrup: 糖浆,果汁 枫树倒在车上,流出枫糖浆。
Which attracted the flies, which got stuck to it...attract: 吸引 fly: 苍蝇 stick: 黏住 结果吸引了一堆苍蝇,全都黏住了…...and flew off with the whole car.fly off with: 与(某人、某物)一起飞走 结果他们带着整台车飞走了。
-Edward: But the real story is how I got the car.但那辆车的来头可厉害了 You see...你看…
-Son: Dad? 爸?
-Edward: Son.儿子。
-Son: Can we talk? 我们能谈谈吗?
-Mom: I think I'll get started on these dishes.get start on: 开始 dish: 菜肴,餐具 我去洗碗。
-Wife: I'll help you.我帮你。
-Son: You know about icebergs, Dad? iceberg: 冰山
-Edward: Do I? I saw an iceberg once.知道?我就看过一次。
They were hauling it down to Texas for drinking water.haul: 拖,拉 Texas: 德克萨斯州 drinking water: 饮用水 它被拉到德州当饮用水源。
They didn't count on there being an elephant frozen inside.count on: 依靠,指望 frozen: 冻结的 却没想到里面有只大象。The woolly kind.A mammoth.woolly: 羊毛的 mammoth: 长毛象 毛茸茸的那种,长毛象。-Son: Dad!爸!
-Edward: What? 怎么?
-Son: I'm trying to make a metaphor here.metaphor: 比喻
-Edward: Well, you shouldn't have started with a question...那你就不该用问句开头…
...because people want to answer questions.人遇到问题就会回答。
You should've started with, ”The thing about icebergs is...“ should have done: 本应当做某事 你该说:”关于冰山…“-Son: Okay, okay.The thing about icebergs is you only see 10 percent.好吧,好吧。关于冰山,你只看得到10%…
The other 90 percent is below the water where you can't see it.其他90%都隐藏在水下
And that's...what it is with you, Dad.I am only seeing this little bit...that sticks above the water.little bit: 一点点 stick: 树枝
而你…你就是这样。我只看得到…浮出水面的那一小部份。-Edward: Oh, you're only seeing down to my nose? My chin? My...down to: 下至 chin: 下巴 你只看得到我的鼻子、下巴?
-Son: Dad, I have no idea who you are...because you've never told me a single fact.have no idea: 不知道
-Edward: I've told you a thousand facts, Will.That's what I do, I tell stories!我跟你讲过的可多了。我就是这样,我讲故事!-Son: You tell...lies, Dad.You tell amusing lies.tell a lie: 撒谎 amusing: 有趣的,引人发笑的 你讲的…是谎言。有趣的谎言。
Stories are what you tell a 5-year-old at bedtime.bedtime: 就寝时间
They're not elaborate mythologies that you maintain...when your son is 10 and 15 and 20 and 30.mythology: 神话 maintain: 维持,保持
2、30岁了,还继续编造的神话。And I believed you.我相信过你。
I believed your stories so much longer than I should have.我相信你太久了
Then when I realized everything you said was impoible...I felt like a fool to have trusted you.realize: 意识到 impoible: 不可能的当我发现你说的根本是天方夜谭…我觉得只有笨蛋才会相信你。You're like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.Santa Claus: 圣诞老人 Easter Bunny: 复活节兔子 你就像圣诞老人加复活节兔子。Just as charming and just as fake.charming: 迷人的 fake: 虚假的 迷人却虚假。
-Edward: You think I'm fake.你认为我虚假
-Son: Only on the surface, Dad.But it's all I've ever seen.on the surface: 在表面上,外表上 表面上是,而我也只看到表面。
Look.I'm about to have...a kid of my own.听着。我自己的孩子…即将出生。
It would kill me if he went through his whole life...never understanding me.kill me: 杀了我 go through: 经历 他若不了解我…我会很痛苦。-Edward: It would kill you, huh? 你会很痛苦?
What do you want, Will? Who do you want me to be? 你想要怎样?你要我变成什么样的人?-Son: Just yourself.就是你自己。
Good, bad, everything.Just show me who you are for once.show: 显示 for once: 仅此一次
-Edward: I've been nothing but myself since the day I was born.nothing but: 只不过,只有 我从出生起就一直是我自己
And if you can't see that, it's your failing, not mine!failing: 失败,过失
-Mom: Your father decided that he needed to have an office...decide: 决定 office: 办公室 你爸决定他需要一间办公室…
…and, of course, it wouldn't do to have it in the house.当然,你爸根本没法动手
So...You'll know better than me what's important.所以…你比我清楚什么比较重要。-Son: What is it? 那是什么?
-Mom: It was during the war.战时的文件。
Your father went miing.They thought he was dead.go miing: 失踪
你爸失踪,军方以为他阵亡了。-Son: Oh, that really happened? 那是真的?
-Mom: Not everything your father says is a complete fabrication.complete: 完全的 fabrication: 制造,编造 你爸说的不全都是谎言。I think I'll go check on him.check on: 检查
-Wife: I need to lie down for a bit.lie down: 躺下
我要去躺一下。-Son: Okay, go.好,去吧。
-Edward: After the war, the sons of Alabama returned home, looking for work.return home: 归乡,回家 look for work: 找工作 战后,阿拉巴马的年轻人返乡找工作。Each had the advantage over me.have the advantage over: 比…处于有利地位 advantage: 优势 每个人都比我强。
They were alive, while I was officially deceased.alive: 活着的 officially: 官方地,正式地 deceased: 已故的,死亡的 在我被宣告阵亡时,他们都活着。With my prospects few...prospect: 前途
...I took a job as a traveling salesman.It suited me.salesman: 推销员 suit: 适合 我成了推销员,这很适合我。
If there was one thing you can say about Edward Bloom...要说Edward Bloom有啥特质…...it's that I am a social person.social person: 善于交际的人 就是我是个善于交际的人。-Bo: Congratulations.恭喜了。
-Edward: Thank You, sir.谢谢。
I could be gone for weeks at a time.at a time: 每次
But every other Friday, I put all the money I made...into an account set aside for a proper house...account: 账户 set aside for: 留出(时间、金钱等)但每半个月,我就会把我赚的钱…全存入银行…...with a white picket fence.picket fence: 尖桩篱栅 fence: 栅栏 只为买栋有白色离笆的房子。
I'd like a moment of your time to tell you about my new product...the Handi-matic.moment: 瞬间 product: 产品
A few years later, I added other products and other cities...add: 增加
...until my territory stretched from the coast to western Texas.territory: 领域 stretch: 伸展 coast: 海岸 从沿岸拓展业务到德州西部。-Norther: Edward? Edward?
Edward Bloom!Edward Bloom!
It's me, Norther Winslow.是我,Norther Winslow。-Edward: I don't believe it.我真不敢相信。
I was astonished to see the greatest poet of both Ashton and Spectre...all the way out in Texas.astonished: 吃惊的 poet: 诗人
-Norther: I want you to know, when you left Spectre, it opened my eyes.你离开Spectre时,开启了我的视野。
There was a whole life out there that I was not living.我的阅历根本还不够广阔。So I traveled.所以我四处游历
I saw France, Africa, half of South America.我到过法国、非洲、南美
Every day, a new adventure.That's my motto.adventure: 冒险 motto: 座右铭,格言,箴言 我的格言是 ”每天都是全新的冒险"。
-Edward: That's great, Norther.I'm happy for you.太好了,诺德。我为你感到高兴。What are you doing now? 你在这干嘛?
-Norther: I'm robbing this place.rob: 抢劫
All right, everybody down!大家趴下!
Hey!Just slide that over.slide: 滑过来 把枪传过来。
Would you mind grabbing that? mind: 介意 grab: 抓 你能拿吗?-Edward: What? 什么?
-Norther: The gun.枪。
I'm gonna be cleaning out the cash drawers...gonna: going to 将要 clean out: 清空 cash: 现金 drawer: 橱柜,抽屉 我要柜台所有的现金…
...and my aociate here is gonna handle the vault.aociate: 伙伴 handle: 处理 vault: 金库 我的伙伴则要清空金库。
All right, you!You help my friend, okay? 你,你来帮我朋友。Let's go!快点!
-Edward: I'm sorry, ma'am.I am.ma'am:(口语)夫人,女士,小姐 对不起,小姐,真的。
I really just don't want anyone to get hurt.我并不希望有人受伤。-Woman: It's not that.不是这个原因。
It's just...There's no money.只是…这里没钱。
We're completely bankrupt.Don't tell anybody.bankrupt: 破产
-Edward: It turned out that the Savings & Loan had already been robbed...saving: 储蓄 loan: 贷款
...not by armed bandits, but by speculators in Texas real estate.armed: 武装的 bandit: 强盗,土匪 speculator: 投机者 real estate: 房地产 不是被抢匪抢的,是被德州投机的地产商掏空了。-Norther: All right, let's go!走吧!
-Edward: Norther!Norther!
-Norther: Yeah!There's gotta be close to $400 here!gotta: have got to 应该 close to: 接近于 这里差不多有400元!
And that's just from the drawers.这还只是柜台的现金。
Let's see what you got from the vault.金库里有多少?
This is it? The whole vault? 就这样?整个金库耶?-Edward: I'm afraid so.恐怕是的。
-Norther: It's got your deposit slip on it.deposit slip: 存款单 deposit: 存款 slip: 片,纸片,滑到 里面还有你的存款条。
-Edward: Well, I just didn't want you leaving empty-handed.empty-handed: 空手的 我不想让你空手而归。
There's something you should know.The reason they don't have money...银行之所以没钱…
I told Norther about the vagaries of Texas oil money...vagaries: 异常行为
我告诉Norther关于德州油价的反覆无常…...and its effect on real-estate prices...effect: 影响
...and how lax enforcement of fiduciary proce...lax: 松懈的 enforcement: 执行 fiduciary: 信托的 proce: 过程 而由于信用审核过于宽松…
...had made savings and loans particularly vulnerable.particularly: 尤其地,特别地 vulnerable: 易受伤害的,易受攻击的 让银行体制濒临崩解。
Hearing this news, Norther was left with one conclusion: conclusion: 结论
-Norther: I should go to Wall Street.That's where all the money is.Wall Street: 华尔街
-Edward: I knew then that while my days as a criminal were over...criminal: 罪犯 be over: 结束 我知道我的犯罪生涯结束了…-Norther: Thanks for the hand!谢谢你助我一臂之力!
-Edward:...Norther's were just beginning.而Norther才正要开始。
When Norther made his first million dollars...make: 赚钱 million: 百万
当Norther赚到他第一个一百万时…...he sent me a check for 10,000.check: 支票
I protested, but he said it was my fee as his career advisor.protest: 拒绝 fee: 费用 advisor: 顾问
It was enough to buy my wife a proper house...with a white picket fence.那笔钱足以买房子给我老婆…当然还有白离笆
And for that, it was all the riches a man could ever want.而那是每个人都会想要有的。-Edward: I was drying out.dry out: 干燥 我本来好干喔。-Mom: I see.是喔。
I think we ought to get you a plant mister...ought to: 应该 plant: 植物 mister: 先生 plant mister: 浇花器 我想我们该帮你买个浇花器…
...so we can just spray you like a fern.spray: 喷水 fern: 蕨类植物 时时替你浇水保湿。-Edward: Come, now.好了。
-Mom: I don't think I'll ever dry out.看来我们永远干不了了。
-Jennifer: You carry on.I'll see...carry on: 继续
-Son: Hello.Are You Jennifer Hill? 你好.你是Jennifer Hill?-Jennifer: I am.And you're Will.我是。你是Will。I've seen a picture of you.That's how I recognize you.recognize: 认出
我看过你的照片,所以我知道.Listen, Kenny, why don't we skip the leon today? skip: 跳过,遗漏
Kenny,我们今天可不可以不要上了? We can go again next week.下周再上。
-Kenny: Do I have to give it back to my mom? 我要把这交给我妈吗?
-Jennifer: Well, I won't tell her if you won't.你不说我就不说.-Son: How did you know my father? 你怎么会认识我爸?
-Jennifer: Well, this was on his sales route...route: 路线
...so he was through here all the time, and everyone in town knew him.all the time: 始终,一直
所以他常经过这里,镇上每个人都认识他。-Son: Were you having an affair? have an affair: 有外遇,婚外情 affair: 事件 你跟他有暧昧关系吗?
-Jennifer: Wow.Wow, you just said it.你真直接啊。
I was expecting to dance around this for another half-hour.我以为我们不会这么快切到正题。
-Son: I've seen him with women.He flirts.He always has.flirt: 调情
And on some level, I just presumed that he was...presume: 假定
...cheating on my mom.I just never had proof.cheat on: 背叛 proof: 证据
-Jennifer: Well, can I ask you a question? 我能问你一个问题吗?
If you found this deed, why didn't you just ask Eddie? deed: 契约
你既然找到契约,为何不问他?-Son: Because he's dying.因为他快死了。
-Jennifer: Look, I don't know how much you want to know about any of this.我不知道你想知道多少
You have one image of your father...and it'd be wrong of me to change it...especially this late in the game.image: 图像,影像 especially: 尤其,特别
你对你父亲有个想像…改变它可能是错的…特别是一切都将走入尽头了。-Son: My father talked about things he never did...我父亲说了很多他没做过的事…
...and I'm sure he did a lot of things that he never talked about.我想他做了很多他不曾提及的事。I'm just trying to reconcile the two.reconcile: 使一致,使和谐 我试图融合两者。
-Jennifer: The first thing you have to understand...首先你必须了解…
...is that your father never meant to end up here.end up: 结束
你父亲从未想在此停留。Yet he did.yet: 然而,但是 但他却停留过。Twice.两次。
The first time, he was early.第一次,他来早了。
The second time, he was late.第二次,他却来晚了。
Those days, your father was working for himself.work for: 为…效力
If there's one thing you could say about Edward Bloom...要说Edward Bloom有啥特质…
...it's that he was a social person, and people took a liking to him.take a liking to: 爱好,喜欢
One night, he was returning from three weeks on the road...有一晚,他出外推销三天后…
...when he hit a thunderstorm unlike any in his life.hit: 偶然碰上 thunderstorm: 暴风雨 遇到前所未有的暴风雨。
Fate has a way of circling back on a man...circling: 盘旋
命运残酷的折磨着人…...and taking him by surprise.总让人讶异。
《阿甘正传》讲述了先天智障的小镇男孩福瑞斯特·甘自强不息,最终“傻人有傻福”地得到上天眷顾,在多个领域创造奇迹的励志故事。为大家分享阿甘正传的台词,欢迎借鉴!1.Life was......
