[闻香识女人]Scent of a Woman英文台词
[闻香识女人]Scent of a Woman英文台词由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便”。
I wish you wouldn't do that around me.It's so filthy!It's such a filthy habit.Oh, my God!Look at this.Oh, Jesus!This is so appalling!I can't believe it!I can't believe they gave it to him.Ah, this is pathetic!Now he's a loser with a Jaguar.Seriously, who did he have to blow to get that thing ?Mr.Willis.Mr.Trask!quite a piece of machinery.Morning to you, sir.Bene ?What's fabulous ? That fine piece of steel you have back there.Ah, you don't think I deserve it.No, sir.On the contrary.I think it's great.Should the headmaster of Baird be seen putt-putting around in some junker ? In fact, I think the board of trustees have had...their first, true stroke of inspiration in some time.Thank you, Havemeyer.I'll take that at face value.I'd expect nothing le, sir.Have a good day.Good morning.What have we here, Murderer's Row ?Nothing.Just saying hello.I like to say hello to Headmaster Trask.Sugarbush.Lift tickets and condo vouchers.Sugarbush is Stowe, Jimmy.We're doing it right.Thanksgiving in Vermont, Christmas in Switzerland---Christmas in Gstaad is gonna cost us---'Staad.The “G” is silent.'Staad.George ?Trent ?So what about 'Staad ? Fine.The “G” may be silent, but it's gonna take at least three grand to get there.Better yet, have my father talk to your father.Or my father talk to your father.You goin' home this weekend, Chas ? Uh, I don't know.You goin' home to fuckin' Idaho for Thanksgiving ? I'm from Oregon.I meant fuckin' Oregon.-Charlie, how do you feel about skiing ?-[ Laughing ] You in the mood for the white-bosomed slopes of Vermont ?
Got a deal going.% off for my friends.My father set it up.Christmas in Switzerland.Gstaad.Dropping the “G” is phony.Not if you've been there.Easter in Bermuda, then Kentucky Derby weekend.We could fit you in, kid.Well, how much are these white-bosomed slopes of Vermont ? Twelve hundred!Includes a nine-course, champagne thanksgiving dinner.$ is a little rich for my blood, Harry.Well, how short are you ? How short, Harry ? So short it wouldn't be worth the trouble of you and George to measure.Mm-hmm.What'd you do that for ? You know he's on aid.On major holidays, Willis, it's customary for the lord of the manor...You're so full of shit!Yes ? I'm here about the weekend job.Come on in.[ Children Chattering ] Does he got pimples ? He hates pimples.Francine, be quiet.Pimples.Pimples.Yeah.Shush!
I'm sorry.It's Charlie Simms.Fine, thanks.Right this way.Uh, yeah.No.[ Mrs.Roi ] Good.They put him in a veteran's home, but he hated it, so I told my dad that we'd take him.Before you go in, do you mind my telling you a few things ? Don't “sir” him and don't ask him too many questions.And if he staggers a little when he gets up, don't pay any attention.[ Sigh ] Charlie, I can tell you're the right person for the job.and Uncle Frank's gonna like you a lot too.Uh, where you gonna be this weekend ? We're driving to Albany.Donny, my husband, has family there.[ Man ] Leave him out!He's chasin' that Calico ginch from the track houses again!Down deep, the man is a lump of sugar.Don't call me sir!I-I'm sorry.I mean mister, sir.Uh-oh, we got a moron here, is that it ?
No, mister--Uh, that is--Uh, Lieutenant.Yes, sir, Lieu--Lieutenant Colonel.years on the line, nobody ever busted me four grades before.Get in here, you idiot!Come a little closer.I wanna get a better look at ya.How's your skin, son ? My skin, sir ?I'm sorry, I don--Just call me Frank.Call me Mr.Slade.Call me Colonel, if you must.Just don't call me sir.All right, Colonel.Simms, Charles.A senior.Uh, yes, I am.For “student aid” read “crook.” Your father peddles car telephones at a % markup.Your mother works on heavy commiion in a camera store.Graduated to it from espreo machines.Hah-hah!What are you, dying of some wasting disease ? No, I'm right--I'm right here.I know exactly where your body is.What I'm lookin' for is some indication of a brain.Too much football without a helmet ? Hah!Lyndon's line
on Gerry Ford.Deputy Debriefer, Paris Peace Talks, '.Snagged the Silver Star and a silver bar.Threw me into G-.G-? Intelligence, of which you have none.[ Yelling ] Where you from ? Um, Gresham, Oregon, s--Colonel.What does your daddy do in Gresham, Oregon ? Hmm ? Count wood chips ? Uh, my stepfather and my mom run a convenience store.: A.M.: A.M.Hard workers.You got me all misty-eyed!So, what are you doin' here in this sparrow-fart town ? I, l--I attend Baird.Attend Baird!I know you go to the Baird school.Point is, how do you afford it, even with the student aid and the folks back home hustlin' corn nuts ? [ Sigh ] I won a, uh, Young America merit scholarship.Whoo-ah!?Glory, glory Hallelujah ? ?Glory, glory Hallelujah ?Who's there ?
-[ Knocking ]What do you want ?[ Children Chattering ]Hey, Charlie.Hi.Uh, Mrs.Roi, I got the feelin' I screwed up.It was a bad interview.That was no interview, Charlie.You're it.You're the only one that showed up.You have to take the job.He sleeps a lot.You can watch television, call your girlfriend.I promise you, an easy bucks.[ Sigh ] I don't get an easy feeling.[ Sigh ] His bark is worse than his bite.He was a great soldier, a real hero.The man grows on you!By Sunday night, you'll be best friends.[ Sigh ] Charlie, please.I want to get away for a few days, and Uncle Frank won't come with us.Six months ago, he could sometimes tell light from dark, but now there's nothing.I feel better having someone else around just in case.Please ? Okay, Mrs.Roi.Sure.Come here, you.There you go.[ George ] Chas!Chas, hold up!I'm good.That's great.This can't go out.This is on reserve.Here's the thing.I need the book tonight...Yeah, I know.That's why he put it on reserve.This is our only copy.Chas, I'm pullin' an all-nighter.Without that book I'm dead, okay ? If it's not back by :, it's gonna be my a.Oh, I promise.I promise.Yeah.Just a second.I gotta lock up.Okay.God, can you wait to get out of this dump or what ? Where you guys going skiing again ?It's bush, Chas, Sugarbush.That's my boys.[ Whistles ] What are you doin' ? Keep your voice down!I'll tell you about it in the morning.Wha--George, why all the noise ? [ Whispering ] It's hunsaker!Go!Go!I was just mein' around with Chas.Hi, Mrs.Hunsaker.-What was that ?Who were those boys ? What were they doing ?Charles ?Did you make this scarf yourself ?'Cause it's a beauty.It really is.why don't you give me one of your big hugs ?Please ? Come on.and kied their a!What's your position, Mr.Simms ?I-I'm for Baird.Yes, sir.No, sir.Nothin'.Yeah, a little.You're on scholarship, right ?It's a long ride, honey![ Clearing Throat ]Now, get my gear out.Here comes Mrs.Roi now.Drive carefully now.I, I made Tenderfoot.Are these--Where's that ?Should we call her, 'cause I--Colonel, I can't go to New York City.New York's too much responsibility.-Ah, responsibility!I had a lot of year olds my first platoon.I took care of them.All set!How do I look ? Tickets.Money.Speech.Old Washington joke...from my days with Lyndon.-[ Honking ]-I knew I could count on transportation.Are you ready ? This is not Panmunjom.A simple yes will do.Good!Here you go.Come on!Hup to it, son!You're in front of me.Let's go.[ Frank ] Tomster, come here, boy.Pt, pt.Come on.Here, tomster, come on.Tomster, tomster.Yeah.Remember, when in doubt...fuck.Good afternoon, sir.Where's our destination ? Our destination...New York City, home of the brave!I'm not shuttling anywhere.Yes, sir, first cla.You bought me a ticket ? I never said I'd go to New York.What are you, some kind of chicken-shit, sticks to job description only ? Gate , sir.Thank you, sir.Which way's the door ?
-Are you blind ? Are you blind ?I'm sorry.Jack Daniels...And Diet Slice.And a water.I'll get you to New York, all right ?Where are we ?Spread the word.The intelligence will be forthcoming ?And welcome to the Waldorf.[ Clanking ]Manny, sir.I wouldn't know, sir.About what ?With me ?Spit it out!I'm just in a little trouble.How'd you know that ?George is a friend of yours.You trust him ?He's on scholarship too ?Am I right ?Are you a rich miser or something ?All part of a plan, Charlie.It leaves at : ?I need a guide dog to help me execute my plan.May I tell you our specials ?I'm leaning towards the spaetzle.Colonel Slade--Water's too alkaline.[ Sigh ] Good morning.Uh, I don't need any clothes, Colonel.-Standard iue...for an upscale urban aignment.You don't like the clothes, Charlie, on completion of duty, you can give 'em away.Juice, coffee, and other aorted goodies on the trolley over there.Get yourself up, get yourself together!?It's a great day for singin' a song ? ?And it's a great day for movin' along ? ?And it's a great day from morning to night ? ?And it's a great day ? for everybody's plight.[ Frank Chuckling ] How are you feeling today, Colonel ? Super!Superior!Superfluous!Young Sofie here is working Thanksgiving...because she's trying to put herself through college.I told her, “My young friend Charlie's headed for college.”Where you goin' ?What's wrong with the phones in here ? I don't want to disturb you.You're not disturbing me.Make your call.I'd kinda like to be private.Stay outta my room!This is as private as you're gonna get.?But if you've got somethin' that must be done ? ?And it can only be done by one ? Sofia...what are the chances of suitin' you up sometime ?George Willis, please.George!Hey, it's Charlie.Hey, Chas.Next year you gotta come up with us.White powder on a base of snow bunnies.Chas, are you there ? Yeah, I'm here.Um--All right.For now, the move's no move: status quo.Everything's the way we left it.How did we leave it ? See no evil, hear no evil.You know what I mean, Chas ? Yeah.See no evil, hear no evil.All right, good-bye.Yeah.George Willis.That makes his father probably George Willis, Senior.Charlie, I ask ya, what do you think Big George is gonna feel about Little George...seeing no evil, hearing no evil ?
Well, we're not gonna tell our parents.We're just gonna keep it between ourselves.Oh, George isn't gonna tell his father about this thing!Damn decent of him.Ooh!Aw!Hah!Prego.I love it when you hurt me.Uh, tell me now, Charlie.This, uh, George Willis, Junior, what's his father do ? I don't really know.Well, I'm gonna tell ya.When George Willis, Sr., isn't busy as a million-dollar man for Aetna Casualty--or is it New England Distributor for the Chrysler Corporation ? He concerns himself with his young son, George Willis, Junior.George isn't going to say anything to his father.Oh, Charlie.Big George is gonna wind up Little George, and Little George is gonna sing like a canary.And if you're hip, kid, you're gonna hop to, too.You've got this all figured out, don't you ? It don't take no Young America merit scholarship to figure this one out.Charlie, you had a little life, so you decided to go to Baird...to put yourself in the market for a big one.Now, in order to stay in the running, you're gonna have to tell these people
what they want to know.You think so ?Yes.Grazie.Grazie.Charlie, if you don't sing now, you're gonna end up, not only shelving biscuits...in some convenience store in the Oregon burbs, probably the last word you'll ever hear yourself say just before you croak...gonna be, “Have a nice day and come back soon.” Sofia!Measure up Charlie, pronto.We got a date for Thanksgiving.We got a date ? My brother's place.W.R.Slade, White Plains, New York.Colonel, I can't go with you to your brother's place.I mean, I should be getting back to school.Uh, well you gotta have Thanksgiving somewhere.I mean, eats and treats.I could use the company.All right.D-Does he know I'm comin' ? He doesn't know I'm comin'.But wait till you see the look on his face...when I walk through the door.Oh, he loves me!Oh, uh, Charlie, about your little problem, there are two kinds of people in this world: those who stand up and face the music, and those who
run for cover.Cover's better.Okay, Sofia, suit 'im up!Make him pretty!Careful.Yeah.Yes ? Yes!Who is this ?Randy ? You new ? I'm your nephew.Hah!Here I am!Your sister's been hoarding me long enough.Uncle Frank!Gail.Of course.Say hello to the potluck party from New York City.Good old Uncle Frank and this here with him is Charlie Simms, star halfback of the Baird football team.They not only beat Exeter and Groton, but Aquinas High School too.Where's your miserable father ? Wait!No, no.Let's surprise him.Give that fat heart of his an attack.Willie!Oh, Willie!Hello, Frank.Okay.Here's my hand.Charlie, meet W.R.Slade.Nice to meet you, sir.The original bulging briefcase man.Gretchen, I smell those prunes!We talkin' Turkey Marbella ?Whoo!Let's have a whiff.Come on.You know, I always had a sneaker for you.Come here.[ Sniffing ] Mmm.Hah!Who are you again ? I'm just here at the Waldorf-Astoria with--Is it your brother ? W.R.'s final iue.How ya doin' ?I'm kinda takin' care of him for the weekend.Charlie!Jesus!Sorry.Where's the booze ? Flowin' like mud here.To tell the truth, the colonel's not well, I don't think.I think he's a little lonely.Why didn't you take him to your family's for dinner ? I heard that!I heard that.Pay no attention to him.That's his big-brother talk.He's been watching out for me since day one.Bailed me out of more trouble...than he'd like to remember.[ Gretchen ] Let me take your coat.I meant to pick up some vino
on my way, but I blew it.I'll send you the Rothschild again for Christmas,I'll set two more places.Thank you, Randy.Still with Snow Queen sugar ? Snow Flake.Why do you always get that wrong ? Because it's not important for me to get it right.What are you doing there ? I'm Vice President for Marketing.Whoo-ah!Congratulations!Sugar is shit, though.I told General Abrams to install honey in the commiaries.If the K-s didn't blow your brains out, sugar, sure as shit, was gonna.Ooh!Mitsouki.Rhymes with nookie.Be careful.Let's go and eat.By all means.Thank you, Charlie.Where you wanna sit, Frank, or you gonna arrange yourself at the head again ? Any old card table will do.This is fine.[ Frank ] Where was I ? Oh!I wake up.It's four in the morning.I don't know who I'm with, why I'm there and where I am.What am I gonna do ? I got this Asian flower, all giggly and dewy-like;and this hard-boiled
navy nurse outta Omaha, on the other.We're three acro the bed, not a stitch of clothes on.It comes to me.Let east meet west.We'll build a golden bridge.[ Frank ] Hah-hah!I felt like I'd just joined the corps of engineers!We all still here ? It's a beautiful story.[ Cough ]Honey.I didn't know you were so easily shocked.I admire your sensibilities.I'm touched.Dad, remember the time you persuaded Frank...What about it ?Cool it, Randy.Indeed it is, Garry.Indeed it is.So is dinner.Charlie, what time do you have ? I think we better be gettin' back.Randy.Honey, please.It's all right, Gloria.I enjoy Randy's observations.My wife's name is Gail, Frank.Can you hear that ? Gail.Excuse me.Gail.Gail strikes me as a very beautiful woman, but there's a little tension in her voice.It could be one of two things: either Gail is nervous or unsatisfied.What's your point, Uncle Frank ? You oughta go down on her.Cut it out, Frank, will ya ? You're so wrapped up in sugar, you've forgotten the taste of real honey!Frank, for God's sake!Hear that voice ? There's fire under that dre.Just get the fuck outta here.Get in your limousine.Go down to the bowery, get with the other fucking drunks where you belong!What ?What for ? You want me to lay off him, Chuckie, 'cause he's blind ?My friend's name is Charles.He doesn't like to be called Chuckie.A warning.Jesus Christ.Another sucker who thinks this shitheel's a war hero.Whoo-ah.Well, once...maybe.I suppose he told you about his days on Lyndon Johnson's staff ? I was gonna go.Now I'm not leaving.Earmarked, good word.Randy, that's enough.So--What do they call it when they give you the shaft in the military ?Frank was paed over for promotion...Couple times.Will you shut your mouth ?Stop it, Randy.Our colonel, here, had a grenade juggling act at Fort Bragg or wherever.He was teaching hand-to-hand combat--Randy, look at me when you're talking to me, son.I'm lookin', Frank.His partner in the act was some captain.Yeah, whoever he was.Before going on, they'd have themselves a lo-cal breakfast: a Screwdriver for Frank, Bloody Mary for his partner.No, Vincent drank Sea Breezes.Judge Advocate at Benning said Col.Slade had four to his partner's one.Judge Advocate at Benning said Col.Slade had four to his partner's one.He's flying in cla.He gets all excited.He starts pulling the pins out.[ Randy ] One grenade got away from him.Boom.The one that got away.Oh, the pin was in...Frank claims.In or out, what difference does it make ? What kind of fucking lunatic juggles grenades ? Vinnie came out okay.And all Frank lost was his eyesight.You got a handle on that, do you, Randy ?Whoo-ah!Now all he is is a blind ahole.Whoo-ah.Hey, God's a funny guy.God doth have a sense of humor.Maybe God thinks some people don't deserve to see.[ Sigh ] Whoo-ah.Hah!You get the point...Chuckie ?His name is Charles.You can say that, can't you ? Charles.Know what this is, Randy ? It's a choke hold I'm teaching those lieutenants.I don't care what he said.Just let go, please![ Gasping ] Gretchen ? You outdid yourself.If you twist my arm hard enough, we're talking
Turkey Marbella next year.Who knows ? Frank ? Good-bye, Willie.I'm no fucking good...and I never have been.Come on, Charlie, get the coats.Come on.Watch your step.Hold it.Nueva York, compadre.Vamos![ Clinking ] You got a watch ? Ah, it's :.I didn't ask you the time.I asked if you had a watch.Yeah, in the other room.Get it.Colonel, there's a clock right next to your bed.Does it have a second hand ? Yeah.Time me!How long ? Um...about seconds.Where did you get a gun, Colonel ? Piece or weapon, Charlie, never a gun.Where did you get the piece ? I'm an officer in the United States Army.This is my sidearm.So I'm retired, so what ? An officer never relinquishes his.Yeah, but you better relinquish it to me or I'm gonna call Mrs.Roi.Good idea.Then I'm going back to school.Even better.Blue skies, green lights.I hope you have a wonderful trip.That felt like.You oughta be able to do a in.Did you time me ? No, I did not and I'm calling Albany.That was stupid.Was it ? You're stuck with me, Charlie.No, I'm not.Where you goin' ? New Hampshire ? You got no money.How you gonna do that ? Mmm.Karen's number tastes like Albany.Hah!Fine.Charlie ? Charlie!All I want from you...is another day.For what ? One last tour of the battlefield.I can get around a city like New York, but l...sometimes need a point in the right direction.What do you say, Charlie ? What's one day...between friends ? All right.Well, say I stay for another day.Will you give me your weapon ? Oh, Charlie!I'm a lieutenant colonel,United States Army.I'm not giving my fucking gun to anyone.Colonel, this--this is unacceptable.Unacceptable ? What are you givin' me that prep school crap for ? What have they done, taken the Oregon out of the boy ? Put in Harvard Busine School ? Then give me your bullets.You do see the sense of it, Charlie, don't you ? I can't chew the leather anymore.So, why should I share...the tribe's provisions ? I mean, there's no one...wants to tear a herring with me anymore.The bullets, Colonel.“The bullets, Colonel.” You sound like a guy in “Lives of a Bengal Lancer.” What do you give a shit for ? About what ? About what ? About whether I blow my brains out or not.You have a conscience.I forgot.The Charlie Conscience.Do we tell ? Do we not tell ? Do we follow the rich boy's code or not ? Do we let this blind ahole...die...or not ? Yeah.Conscience, Charlie.When were you born, son ? Around the time of the Round Table ? Hah.Haven't you heard ? Conscience is dead.No, I haven't heard.Well, then, take the fucking wax outta your ears!Grow up!It's fuck your buddy.Cheat on your wife.Call your mother on Mother's Day.Charlie, it's all shit.Where you goin' ? I got pi call.I know I said I need ya for just one day, but even I can't hold it that long.Oh, and, Charlie, you forgot the one in the chamber.Hah!There you go, sir.Thank you.Twenty-six years in the service, never let an aide shine my shoes.Where you gonna be in years, Charlie ? Playing golf with your friends from the Baird School, I bet.I don't even like those guys.Course you don't.They're all aholes.Be a pleasure to squeal
on 'em, wouldn't it ?“I'm not a squealer.” What is this, the Dreyfus case ? Ohh!Ooh, Mama!There you go.Thank you.Watch your step.I'm gettin' that heavy feelin' again, Charlie.There's more to this, isn't there ? Isn't there ?Oh, now we're cookin'.Mr.Trask, the headmaster, he promised to get me into Harvard.Yeah.What a dilemma.Should Charlie Simms accept a free ride into Harvard or not ? What do you think your friend George would do if he were in your shoes ?How ? I mean, it's just that Mr.Trask hasn't promised to get him into Harvard.Mr.Trask doesn't have to.George's father's gonna take care of that.Do the deal, Charlie.Take it!Go to Harvard.Why not ? It's just some things you just can't do.Explain 'em to me.I, l, I can't--
You're gonna have a tough time in this world, Charlie.To ease the blow, let me buy you a drink.Come on.[ Frank ] Double Jack Daniels on the rocks.And bring my young friend here a Shirley Temple.Hold on.Do you have beer ? Certainly.May I see some I.D.? Are you interested in walkin' the rest of your life, chappy ? Sir, but--I'm a regular here.My boy's going on.Why don't you call up front, the office ? Mr.Gilbert, he's a friend of mine.Any particular beer ? Schlitz.No Schlitz ? Blatz.No Blatz ? Improvise.[ Frank ] Thank you, sir.You're human, Charlie.Beer ? Who are we drinking with ? I'm getting a nice soap-and-water feeling from down there.Female ? You're callin' her female, must mean you like her or you wouldn't be so casual.Yeah, she's alone.Things are heatin' up.Chestnut hair ? Brown...Light brown.Twenty-two ? Wh--What am l, a guy at a carnival ? The day we stop lookin', Charlie, is the day we die.Move.You know where, son.Don't be coy, Charlie.This woman is made for you.I can feel it.Goddamn beautiful, isn't she ?Whoo-bingo!The boy's alive.Come on, son, perambulate.Perambulate.Excuse me, senorita, do you mind if we join you ? I'm feelin' you're being neglected.Well, I'm expecting somebody.Instantly ?Any minute ? Some people live a lifetime in a minute.I'm waiting for him.Would you mind if we waited with you, you know, just to keep the womanizers from bothering you ? No, I don't mind.Thank you.Charlie.You know, I detect...a fragrance in the air.Don't tell me what it is.Ogilvie Sisters soap.Ah, that's amazing.I'm in the amazing busine!It is Ogilvie Sisters soap.My grandmother gave me three bars for Christmas.I'm crazy about your grandmother.I think she'd have liked Charlie too.What's your name ? Donna.This is Charlie.Yes.She likes you.Charlie's having a difficult weekend.He's going through a crisis.How does he look like he's holding up ? He looks fine to me.Oh!She does like you, Charlie.So, Donna, ah...do you tango ? No.I wanted to learn once, but--But ? But Michael didn't want to.Michael, the one you're waiting for.Michael thinks the tango's hysterical.Well, I think Michael's hysterical.Don't pay any attention to him.Did I already say that ? What a beautiful laugh.Thank you, Frank.Would you like to learn to tango, Donna ?
Right now ? I'm offering you my services...free of charge.What do you say ? Ah...I think I'd be a little afraid.Of what ? Afraid of making a mistake.No mistakes in the tango, not like life.It's simple.That's what makes the tango so great.If you make a mistake, get all tangled up, just tango on.[ Frank ] Why don't you try ? Will you try it ? All right.I'll give it a try.Hold me down, son.Your arm.Charlie, I'm gonna need some coordinates here, son.The floor's about by , And you're at the long end.There's tables on the outside.The band's on the right.Oh, Frank, you are one incredible dancer.Wait'll you see Charlie dance.Isn't he a charmer, though ? Truth is, not only can he dance, but he'll sing you a hell of a tune.He can do bird calls and imitate Bela Lugosi.Hey.Michael, this is Frank and this is Charlie.-Hi, Frank, Charlie.I'm sorry I'm late.-Oh, that's okay.These two gentlemen entertained me, and time flew.Your girl is...a hell of a tango dancer.You found someone to tango with.That's terrific!Let me shake your hand.Hell, I'll shake both your hands!Honey, this looks like the place, but we gotta go.We got a date with Darryl and Carol in the village.Do you have a check ?No, no.I got this.Michael, get your hand outta your pocket.I'll take it.Really.Allow me.Why, thank you.Bye, guys.Bye.Darryl and Carol.Yeah.[ Manny ] It's Apartment E, Colonel.She's expecting you.You don't have to worry about a thing.She's the creme de la creme.My buddy took the Vice Chancellor of Germany to her.Now he wants to immigrate to this country.[ Frank ] You did good, hombre.My hair, how is it ? It's perfect.-I got the red foulard okay, didn't I ?
但不出卖朋友But not a snitch! 原谅我没听清楚 Excuse me? 我不原谅你No, I don't think I will.- 史雷德先生This is such a crock of shit! 请小心措词 史雷德先生Pleas......
《西方电影文化——影视鉴赏》My review on Scent of a woman任课教师:刘世明序号:111学生姓名:王良全学号 :20105051联系方式 :***My review on Scent of a womanScent......
