the united nation’s framework convention on climate change 京都议定书
kyoto protocol 化学需氧量
COD 节能减排
saving energy, reducing pollution 碳吸附
carbon capture 热电厂 power plant 高耗能工业 energy intensive industries 不良贷款率NPL(non performance Loan)ratio
Q: I thank you have sent me a revelation for everybody, particularly for your comprehensive, holistic approach.I also would say it couldn’t be a better meage as a beginning of our deliberations, send you a meage of confidence, cooperation and hope.I hope this meage will penetrate our discuions over the next days.We have time for one or two questions before pm leaves us.Pm, you have certainly shown us how confident we can be about the methods taken by your country to renounce the economy.You have presented the figure of 9% growth for last year, and of course you know there are quite some speculations about the growth rate in 2009 and there are different forecasts.Could you share with us what your opinion is and what the minimal growth rate would be in order to maintain social coherence in your country? A: 众所周知,这场金融危机给中国实体经济造成了冲击,去年经济增长9%,但是第四季度经济增长只有8%,经济增长下行的压力在增大。在种情况下,我们提出今年经济增长要保证在8%左右,这是必要的,也是通过努力可以完成的。
As we all know the INF has inflicted a rather big impact on the Chinese real economy.Last year our growth rate was 9%, but in the forth quarter of 2008, the growth rate was only 8%.The Chinese economy now is under mountain down-ward preure.Under such circumstance, we have set the target of about 8%t for the year of 2009.We think it is a neceary target and also an attainable target through hard work.坦率的说,今年经济要实现8%的目标是异常困难的。但是,我们经过努力还是可以达到的,其理由是我们有比较稳健的金融体系。我常喜欢用数字说话,中国的金融体系在这次的危机中直接受到的损害比较小。由于我们推进金融体制改革,特别是建立现代银行体制,几家大的银行不良贷款率大约只占2.5%,而资本充足率都已超过巴塞尔规定的8%。我还想举一个例子,就是,从12月下旬中国经济可以看到一些复苏的迹象。虽然是很小的,但是它带来了希望。比如,11月份,我们新增贷款是4千亿人民币,12月份是7千亿元,今年前20天达到9千亿元。
To be honest, it will be a tall order to achieve a growth rate of 8% in Chinese economy in the year of 2009, but I still hold the conviction that through hard work we will be able to attain this goal.The reasons of my confidence are the following: we have a fairly stable and steady financial system in china.I like using figures to strengthen my argument.In the proce of international financial crisis, the direct impact of the financial crisis on Chinese financial system is a limited one.Thanks to the reform of the financial system in China, in particular our reform in the banking sector, the NPL ratios of all big banks in China were just 2.5%, and the capital adequacy ratio in major Chinese banks was more than 8% as required by the Basel agreement.I can give you another example.From late last December, we have seen signs of recovery in Chinese economy.These signs are small ones, but they give me hope.For example, in last November the increase in Chinese loans were 400 billion Yuan, the figure for last December was 700 billion, and for the first 20 days of the new year 2009, the figure stood at 900 billion.一些工业品的价格开始回升。企业库存和港口积压的货物开始减少。12月份的规模以上的工业增加值比11月份增长了0.3%。
Prices of major industrial products have started to pick up.The inventories of businees as well as commodities held up at various ports have been reducing.The added value of major industries of large scales in China increased by 0.3% in last December against the previous month.消费在物价不断下降的情况下还保持着的20%到21%的增长。就那春节这一天,我们比去年同比增长了21%。
In spite of falling commodity prices in China, the consumption has maintained a growth of 20-21%.Take the first day of the Chinese lunar New Year as an example;consumption grew by 21% verses the same time of previous year.中国有巨大的储蓄。大约有46万亿,其中居民储蓄就在以上。
China has maive savings, we have a savings of about 46 trillion RMB Yuan, among which 20 trillion Yuan belong to household or individual savings.中国正处在工业化和城镇化的进程当中,特别是存在着地区差别和城乡差别。如果你到农村去看,可以用一句通俗的话,就是多少东西也填不满。
China is in a proce of rapid industrialization and urbanization;there is still gap between the countryside and the urban areas as well as different regions in China.If you pay a visit to the rural area in China, one can see things, if put in a plain way, that no matter how many resources you have, you can never meet the needs and demands there.为了实现经济增长的目标,我们必须出手要快,出拳要重,措施要准,工作要实,也就是把问题抑制在萌芽状态。
To achieve the target of economic growth, we have said for ourselves as I said, we must take prompt, forceful, targeted and effective measures, in order to nip all the problems at its bud.Q: Pm, one last question.You have included into your areas which require international cooperation climate change.Now climate change will be a major iue during this meeting here.Can you enlighten us how china internationally not concerning its own internal policy will contribute to solve or to alleviate the global challenge of climate change?
A: 中国是国际气候变化公约和京都议定书的参加者。我们将高度重视并且为气候变化贡献自己的力量。大家知道在制定十一五规划的时候,我们已经把节能减排作为约束性指标。
China is a party to the united nation’s framework convention on climate change and the kyoto protocol.We take the iue of climate change very seriously and will continue to contribute our share in meeting the challenge of climate change.As you know, in formulating our eleventh five year program for economic and social development, we have already set 93 targets for ourselves in terms of saving energy, and reducing pollution.要求单位GDP能耗每年降低4%,5年降低20%。同时,化学需氧量要减少2%。可以告诉大家,经过3年的努力,今年我们已经实现了这个目标。
In the eleventh five year plan, we have set the target of reducing the per unit GDP consumption by 4% every year, that is a total 20% in 5 years.We already set the target of reducing COD by 2% and I can tell you that with 3 years’ hard work, we have already met the targets.我们还要实现碳吸附的技术,特别是对于热电厂以及高耗能的一些工业要严格限制二氧化碳的排放。
We will continue to use technologies of carbon capture, in particular we will continue to force strict restrictions on the discharge of CO2 from Co fired power plants and
energy intensive industries.中国政府知道自己的责任,就是一方面要保持经济的平稳较快发展,另一方面要保护好环境实现节能减排的目标。我们必须这样做,不仅对自己的国家负责,而且对全球负责。
The Chinese government knows its responsibilities full well.We know that we need to on the one hand maintain steady and fairly fast economic growth and on the other hand protect the environment and meet the targets of energy conservation and reducing pollution.That’s what we must do as we are being responsible not only to our country but to people around the world.Q: Pm, you have here many American friends, what will be your meage to the new American administration?
温总理,今天在座的聆听您演讲的有很多美国的朋友,您对美国新政府有什么信息要传递? A:我方才已经讲了,在奥巴马当选总统以后,胡锦涛主席和我随即向他发了贺电表示祝贺并且希望两国政府尽快加以接触。
Shortly after Obama was elected as the new president of the United States, President Hu Jintao and I sent him meages of congratulations and expreed our interests in having early contacts with the new American administration.中美建交30年来,实践证明,合则两利,斗则具伤,我们已经确立了要建立建设性的合作(伙伴)关系。
What happened in the past three decades of mutual diplomatic recognition between china and United States has shown that a peaceful and harmonious bilateral relationship between these two countries will make both winners;well, a confrontational one will make both losers.And we have reached the agreement of building and developing a constructive and cooperative(partnership)relationship.继续保持中美两国关系的平稳健康发展不仅有利于两国和两国人民,也有利于整个世界,因为两国的关系已经超过了两国的范畴。
To maintain continued, steady and healthy growth of china and U.S.relations is not only in the interests of both countries and two peoples but also in the interest of the world, as the bilateral relationship between china and U.S.has already gone beyond a bilateral scope.在当前应对金融危机的时候,我们需要加强合作。
In meeting the challenge of the international financial crisis, it is imperative for the two countries to enhance cooperation.这就是我向美国政府发出的声音。
That is my meage to the U.S.administration.(完)巴塞尔协议(Basel agreement):是国际清算银行成员国的中央银行在瑞士的巴塞尔达成的若干重要协议的统称。其实质是为了完善与补充单个国家对商业银行监管体制的不足,减轻银行倒闭的风险与代价,是对国际商业银行联合监管的最主要形式,并且具有很强的约束力。
《京都议定书》(英文:Kyoto Protocol,又译《京都协议书》、《京都条约》;全称《联合国气候变化框架的京都议定书》)是《联合国气候变化框架公约》(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,UNFCCC)的补充条款。是1997年12月在日本京都由联合国气候变化框架公约参加国三次会议制定的,为各国的二氧化碳排放量规定了标准,即:在2008年至2012年间,全球主要工业国家的工业二氧化碳排放量比1990年的排放量平均要低5.2%。其目标是“将大气中的温室气体含量稳定在一个适当的水平,进而防止剧烈的气候改变对人类造成伤害”。
化学需氧量(chemical oxygen demand COD): 废水、废水处理厂出水和受污染的水中,能被强氧化剂氧化的物质(一般为有机物)的氧当量。在河流污染和工业废水性质的研究以及废水处理厂的运行管理中,它是一个重要的而且能较快测定的有机物污染参数,常以符号COD表示。
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