成功的因素What Makes People Succeful
Hello,everyone!Today is the second time that I can stand here and give you a speech.And this time my topic is ‘What Makes People Succeful’.There are many characteristic exist in the world, and characteristic is very important to people.For example, active, persistence, optimistic makes people succeful;lazy, paive makes people fail.Having a good characteristic means you have the key to the succeful door, but you have to find the way of succe.This is what I am going to talk about, the key to succe: persistence.世界上有许多种性格,性格对人们来说是很重要的。比如,积极,有毅力,乐观能让人成功;懒惰,消极让人失败。有个好的个性意味着你有了通向成功之门的钥匙,但你需要寻找成功之路。这就是我要说的,成功的钥匙:毅力。
Persistence is a key to succe, whether for a single person or an organization.People who lack of it would mean failure in reaching a certain goal.People need to know that succe seldom comes easily on the first try;they should have the patient to insist trying until they get the goal.Unsucceful people try something just a few times, and when it fails, they give up;they usually pa the blame onto someone or something, and learn nothing from their experience.Succeful people are different, even they fail, and they won’t lose their paion.毅力是成功的关键,无论是对个人还是群体来说。缺少这个的人意味着没有特定的目标。人们要知道成功在一开始不是那么容易的,他们应该耐心地坚持尝试直到成功为止。失败的人只会尝试几次,然后一失败,他们就会放弃,他们通常都会把这个归根于其他人或其他事。成功人士就不会这样,就算他们失败了,也不会失去热情。
Let me take a famous person to example.His name is Da Vinci, he is known as a great painter, artist.Everyone knows him, but I think there are not much people known that how much effort did he made before he became a famous artist.Da Vinci draw eggs everyday when he was young, hundreds and thousands times a day.It is definite a boring work, many people could not bear to face an egg and draw it in different angle thousands times.But Da Vinci did it, and he made it.We could say it is not for his persistence that he would not get the great aptitude for painting.我用个名人来打比方。他的名字叫达芬奇,是位伟大的画家,艺术家。每个人都知道他,但是我想不是很多人知道他在成名之前付出过多大的努力。达芬奇小时候每天都画鸡蛋,一天成百上千地画。这无疑是非常无聊的,许多人都无法忍受一天要对着一个鸡蛋画不同的角度上千次。但是达芬奇做到了,也成功了。我们可以说要不是他持之以恒,他就没有那么厉害的绘画天资。
Talent is a gift from god, persistence is a key you’ve got, and effort makes those working which bring you to open the door of succe.天赋是上帝赐予的礼物,毅力是你已得到的钥匙,只要努力,你就会开启成功之门。That's all.Thank you.
成功演讲 篇1:成功学 演讲稿成功学 演讲稿亲爱的葛老师、各位同学:大家好!我今天演讲的主题是成功。我想说,世界上没有天才,所谓的天才其实是天生的蠢材,所谓的天才也许只有百分之......
成功演讲=10%演讲词+20%语音语调+70%心理: 演讲目的:信息传递,情绪转移 行动号召 写演讲稿:1, 题目:怪(新奇,反思维)2, 内容:主题,观点,三个案例,总结3,设计:掌声和互动,高潮,深层次的内容要慢......