Strengthen Cooperation and Facilitate Enterprise Innovation and
—Aistant Minister Chong Quan’s Speech at China-EU High Level
Forum on IPR Protection
女士们、先生们: Ladies and gentlemen, 大家好!很高兴今天在布鲁塞尔与欧方共同举办中欧知识产权高层论坛。此前,我已与欧委会代表Ewa Synowiec司长在德国汉诺威共同见证了中欧合作的首个“中国参展企业知识产权服务站”在CeBIT上设立,并高兴地看到服务站在中欧知识产权合作方面发挥了积极作用。服务站向中国参展企业提供咨询和调解服务,一方面有利于参展企业了解当地法律,更好地保护知识产权,另一方面也有利于加强国外知识产权权利人与中国参展企业间的沟通和交流,尽量妥善解决知识产权纠纷。以服务站为代表的一系列知识产权合作项目,为中欧加强合作、共同促进企业创新发展发挥了重要作用。在此,我对欧委会、欧专局和中欧知识产权二期合作办公室的大力支持表示感谢!
It is my great pleasure to attend the China-EU High Level Forum on IPR Protection co-sponsored with the European Commiion here in Bruels.Earlier at CeBIT in Hanover, Germany, I had witneed with Director General Ewa Synowiec of the European Commiion the launch of “China IPR Desk”, a joint project by China and EU, together.I’m pleased to see that this project has played an active role in China-EU cooperation on IPR protection.The “China IPR Desk” provides consultation and mediation services to Chinese exhibitors, which on the one hand enable the Chinese exhibitors to know local laws and improve the IPR protection, and on the other hand enhance the communication and exchanges between foreign IPR owners and Chinese exhibitors and properly solve IPR disputes.Represented by the “China IPR Desk”, a series of IPR cooperation projects have played an important role in strengthening China-EU cooperation and facilitating enterprise innovation and development.Here, I shall expre my appreciation to the European Commiion, the European Property Rights Bureau and the Phrase Ⅱ China-EU IPR Cooperation office for the great support.今天,我们在这里举办中欧知识产权高层论坛,体现了中欧双方对知识产权问题的高度重视。保护知识产权,符合中欧双方共同利益。
Today, we are holding the China-EU High Level Forum on IPR protection, which indicates the great importance attached by both China and the EU to the iue of IPR protection.Protecting IPR meets the mutual interests of both sides.首先,双方政治上往来密切。围绕着全面战略伙伴关系,中欧已建立了多层次、宽领域的政治对话机制。2008年4月,中欧经贸高层对话在北京正式启动。今年新春伊始,温家宝总理就对欧盟总部和德国、瑞士、西班牙、英国欧洲四国进行了正式访问,并与欧委会主席巴罗佐发表了关于进一步推进中欧全面战略伙伴关系的《联合声明》。在温总理结束欧洲“信心之旅”之后二十天,陈德铭部长又率采购团赴欧履行“承诺之旅”。这凸显了中方面对金融危机、主张通过国际合作共克时艰的立场,也是用实际行动反对贸易保护主义的一项切实举措。
Firstly, the two sides have maintained close political exchanges.Surrounding the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and EU, a multi-layered and wide-ranging mechanism for political dialogue has been established.In April, 2008, China-EU High-Level Economic and Trade Dialogue was launched in Beijing.And at the beginning of the Spring Festival this year, Premier Wen Jiabao made an official visit to the headquarters of EU, Germany, Switzerland, Spain and UK.He and President of European Commiion Barroso iued the Joint Statement aimed at promoting the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership.Twenty days after Premier Wen finished his “Trip of Confidence” to Europe, Minister Chen Deming led a buying miion back to Europe as a “Trip of Commitment”, which indicates China's position of tackling the difficulties through international cooperation in face of the financial crisis, which was also a practical measure to fight trade protectionism.其次,双方在经济上互利共赢。自1984年以来,中欧双方每年举行一次正部级经贸混委会。目前,欧盟是中国第一大贸易伙伴、最大的出口市场和进口来源地、第一大技术引进来源地和第四大实际投资来源地。中国则是欧盟第一大进口来源国、第二大贸易伙伴和第四大出口市场。据中方统计,2008年中欧贸易额为4255.8亿美元,较2007年增长19.5%,占中国外贸总额的16.6%。截至2008年底,欧盟对华直接投资项目30253个,实际投入 625.7亿美元;中国自欧引进技术共29525项,累计合同金额1206.1亿美元。中欧对欧工程承包合同额达102.8亿美元,完成营业额92.4 亿美元。中欧双方在经济上具有很强的互补性,发展双边经贸合作,符合双方的根本利益。
Secondly, the two sides share an economic relationship featuring mutual benefit and win-win.Since 1984, China and EU has been holding ministerial-level Joint Economic and Trade Committee Meeting every year.At present, EU is China's largest trading partner, largest export market and import source, largest source of technology import and fourth largest source of actual investment, while China is EU's largest source of import, second largest trading partner and fourth largest export market.According to China’s statistics trade volume between China and EU in 2008 was USD 425.58 billion, up 19.5% from 2007, accounting for 16.6% of China’s total foreign trade.By the end of 2008, EU companies have invested in 30,253 projects in China with an actual input of USD 62.57 billion, China has imported 29,525 technologies from EU with a total contractual value of USD 120.61 billion, and Chinese companies have undertaken engineering contracting projects in Europe with a total contractual value of USD 10.28 billion and realized a total busine turnover of USD 9.24 billion.The two economies are strongly complementary with each other and hence to develop the bilateral economic and trade cooperation is in the fundamental interests of both sides.第三,保护知识产权是双方共同的目标。中欧人民都极具创造力,都曾创造了辉煌的历史。知识产权对科技进步和经济发展的促进作用,毋庸置疑。当今世界,科技发展日新月异,知识经济方兴未艾,知识产权日益成为国家发展的战略性资源和国际竞争力的核心要素。保护知识产权符合中欧双方共同的利益。
Thirdly, Protecting IPR is the common objective of the two sides.Chinese and European people are both highly creative and have created glorious history.There is no doubt about the role of IPR in advancing scientific and technological progre as well as economic development.Today, as science and technology leaps forward and the knowledge-based economy is on the upswing, intellectual property is becoming a strategic resource for national development and a core element for international competitivene.Protecting IPR meets the common interests of China and EU.女士们、先生们: Ladies and gentlemen, 中国政府一直高度重视知识产权保护。伴随着改革开放,中国在知识产权领域的工作取得了长足进展。2008年,中国共受理专利申请量 828,328件,同比增长19.4%,国内发明申请增幅达到27.1%;授权专利411,982件,专利申请授权两同比增长17.1%。2008年,中国的全球《专利合作条约》(PCT)申请量达6089件,同比增幅为11.9%,跃居世界第六位。其中,仅华为技术公司就递交了1737件申请,成为全球递交专利申请最多的公司。
The Chinese government has always attached great importance to IPR protection.Along with the reform and opening up, China has made remarkable progre in the field of intellectual property.In 2008, China received a total of 828,328 patent applications, up 19.4% year on year, and domestic invention application increased 27.1%;411,982 patents were authorized, and authorized patent applications increased 17.1% year on year.In 2008, China’s application of “Patent Cooperation Treaty”(PCT)reached 6,089, up 11.9% year on year, ranking No.6 in the world.Among all the PTC applications, 1,737 applications were submitted by Huawei Technologies alone, which make it the biggest patent applicant in the world.现在,我向大家介绍一下近年中国知识产权保护的主要工作。
Now, I would like to brief you on the main work that China has done to protect IPR in recent years.一、扎实推进知识产权国家战略的实施
I.The national strategy on IPR protection is being implemented effectively.中国政府始终认为,保护知识产权首先是中国自身发展的迫切需要。中国已将建设创新型国家作为国家发展战略。为建设创新型国家,全力提升知识产权创造、运用、管理和保护能力,中国政府于2008年公布了《国家知识产权战略纲要》。《纲要》明确了到2020年的中国知识产权保护的中远期规划,规定了近 5年的战略重点、专项任务和战略措施。《纲要》的颁布是中国知识产权发展史上里程碑式的事件,这必将揭开中国知识产权保护的新的篇章。
The Chinese government has always maintained that IPR protection is, first and for most, an urgent need for its own development.China has identified building an innovative country as a national development strategy.To this end, the Chinese government iued the Outline of National Intellectual Property Strategy in 2008 with the view of enhancing the capability of creating, utilizing, managing and protecting intellectual property.The Outline specifies the long-term plan for IPR protection till 2020, and stipulates the key strategy, special tasks and strategic measures for the next 5 years.The Outline is a landmark in China’s history of IPR development and opens a new chapter in its IPR protection.为扎实推进《纲要》的实施,2008年10月,国务院批准建立了由商务部等28个部委组成的国家知识产权战略实施工作部际联席会议,统筹协调国家知识产权战略实施工作。
To effectively implement The Outline, the State Council approved in October 2008 the establishment of an inter-ministerial meeting mechanism that involves 28 ministries, including MOFCOM, and takes charge of coordinating the implementation of national IPR strategy.二、知识产权法律体系日臻完善
II.The legal system of IPR is being improved.自上个世纪70年代以来,中国先后颁布实施了《商标法》、《专利法》、《著作权法》和针对计算机软件保护、音像制品管理、植物新品种保护、知识产权海关保护等方面的法律法规,并根据实际需要,不断进行修订和完善。2004年制定的《著作权集体管理条例》和2006年制定的《信息网络传播权保护条例》,扩大了著作权的保护范围;2004年、2007年出台的两个《关于办理侵犯知识产权刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》,加大了对知识产权侵权案件的打击力度。2008年12月,完成了对《专利法》的第三次修改。当前,根据实施《国家知识产权战略纲要》的要求和国内经济社会发展的需要,《商标法》、《著作权法》和《反不正当竞争法》等法律的修改工作也将逐步提上议事日程。
Since 1970s China has promulgated and implemented the Trademark Law, the Patent Law, the Copyright Law and laws and regulations concerning the protection of computer software, management of audio and video products, protection of new species of plants, customs protection of intellectual property, etc.In addition, these laws and regulations have been revised and improved in accordance with actual needs.The Regulations of the Copyright Collective Administration formulated in 2004 and the Regulations on the Protection of the Right of Communication through Information Network formulated in 2006 expanded the scope of copyright protection;The two Interpretations on Several Iues of Specific Application of Law in Handling Criminal Cases of Infringement of Intellectual Rights formulated in 2004 and 2007 strengthened crackdown of IPR infringement cases.In December 2008, the third revision to the Patent Law was completed.Required by the Outline of the National IPR Strategy and the needs of domestic economic and social development, to revise the Trademark Law, the Copyright Law and the Law against Competition through Inappropriate Means will also be put on the work agenda.在不断完善国内立法的同时,中国还积极加入了一系列保护知识产权的国际条约,主要包括《伯尔尼公约》、《巴黎公约》、《专利合作条约》、《世界版权公约》、《世界知识产权组织版权条约》、《世界知识产权组织表演和录音制品条约》和《修改〈与贸易有关的知识产权协定〉议定书》等。
While improving domestic legislations, China also actively joined a series of international treaties concerning IPR protection, including the Berne Convention, the Paris convention, the Patent Cooperation Treaty, the Universal Copyright Convention, the WIPO Copyright Treaty, the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty, and the Protocol on Revising the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights , etc.当前,一个适合中国国情、符合国际通行规则的、比较系统完备的知识产权法律体系已基本形成。
At present, a full-fledged legal system for IPR protection that suits the Chinese reality and conforms to international rules has taken shape.三、知识产权执法力度不断加大
III.Enforcement of IPR protection is being intensified.在不断完善立法的同时,中国不断强化执法力度,形成了行政执法与司法双轨并行,权利人维权、行业自律、中介服务和社会监督融为一体的知识产权管理和执法体系。While improving legislation, China has continuously intensified the enforcement and built a double-track system of administrative and judicial enforcement.An IPR management and enforcement regime is set up that integrates the safeguarding the rights of IPR holders, self-discipline of industries, intermediary services and social supervision.就行政执法而言,中国政府采取“日常执法”与“专项行动”相结合的方法。一方面,行政执法部门依法进行日常监管,另一方面,针对知识产权的重点领域、重要环节等,不断开展各类专项行动。
On administrative enforcement, the Chinese government adopted a method that combines day-to-day enforcement and special operations.On the one hand, the administrative enforcement authorities carry out day-to-day supervision in accordance with law.On the other hand, special operations are conducted targeting on the key areas of IPR protection.在知识产权司法方面,2007年1月,最高人民法院下发了《关于全面加强知识产权审判工作,为建设创新型国家提供司法保障的意见》,就全面加强知识产权审判工作进行了全面部署。1987年至2007年,全国法院受理和审结的一审知识产权行政案件,分别为4675件和4613件。2003年至2007年间,全国各地方知识产权局共受理各类专利纠纷案件6427件,查处假冒他人专利案件919件,查处冒充专利案件8152件。刑事方面,2008年,检查机关共受理提请批准逮捕涉及侵犯知识产权犯罪案件1407件2565人,共受理移送审查起诉涉及侵犯知识产权犯罪案件1770件3482人。
On judicial enforcement, the Supreme People's Court(SPC)iued in January 2007 the Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening the Trials of IPR Cases and Provide Judicial Guarantee for the Construction of An Innovative Country which provides a comprehensive plan for strengthening trials of IPR cases.Between 1987 and 2007, 4675 IPR-related administrative cases were accepted by courts throughout the country and 4613 cases were brought to trial and concluded.Between 2003 and 2007, local IPR offices accepted and heard 6427 patent disputes, and 919 cases of patent counterfeiting and 8152 cases of bogus patents were investigated.With regard to criminal cases, 1407 criminal cases of IPR infringement that involve 2565 persons were submitted for approval of arrest, and 1770 criminal cases of IPR infringement that involve 3482 persons were accepted and transferred for trials by procuratorial offices in 2008.值得注意的是,在知识产权行政执法和司法并行运作中,执法部门非常注重行政执法与刑事司法的相互衔接。最高人民检察院推动建立了“网上衔接、信息共享”机制,督促涉嫌侵犯知识产权犯罪案件及时移送;公安部还分别与海关总署、工商总局、版权局等签订了执法合作协议。在执法体系方面,海关设立了专门的知识产权保护机构,初步形成了海关总署-直属海关-隶属海关三级知识产权执法体系;人民法院建立健全了知识产权审判组织,各高级法院、中级法院以及具有知识产权民事案件管辖权的基层法院都设立了专门的知识产权审判庭,目前已达172个。
It is worth noting that law enforcement departments pay extra attention to the coordination between administrative enforcement and criminal justice in dealing with IPR cases.The Supreme People's Procuratorate has led in the introduction of the mechanism for “online coordination and information sharing” to urge the timely transfer of criminal IPR cases;the Ministry of Public Security has signed joint enforcement protocols with the General Administration of Customs(GAC), State Administration for Industry and Commerce, National Copyright Administration and other departments.Institution-wise, the GAC has set up specialized IPR protection agencies and put in place a three-layer IPR enforcement system, consisting of the GAC, its direct subsidiaries and affiliates;the SPC has designed and perfected the framework for IPR trials, and all higher courts, intermediate court, and gra-roots courts that have jurisdiction over civil IPR cases have created up to 172 ad hoc tribunals for IPR cases.四、知识产权统筹监督能力日益增强
IV.Supervision and coordination around IPR protection is being enhanced.从2006年开始,中国连续三年颁布了《保护知识产权行动计划》,其中共涉及到717项具体措施,内容涵盖了立法、执法、审判、机制建设、宣传、培训教育、国际交流与合作、企业知识产权保护、为权利人提供服务、专题研究等10个领域。上述700多项措施已全部得到落实。当前,为贯彻实施《国家知识产权战略纲要》,国家知识产权局正在牵头制定《2009年国家知识产权战略实施计划》。
Starting in 2006, China has iued three annual Action Plans on IPR Protection, detailing 717 measures in such areas as legislation, enforcement, institutional building, publicity, training & education, international exchanges and cooperation, corporate IPR protection, services to right-holders and thematic study.All the 700-plus measures have been put into practice.In order to implement the Outline of the National IPR Strategy, the State Intellectual Property Office is now leading the effort to formulate the 2009 Implementation Plan for the National IPR Strategy.为方便社会监督,我们在全国50个大中城市建立综合性的保护知识产权举报投诉服务中心,开通“12312”举报投诉电话和互联网在线举报投诉窗口,形成了便捷、快速、有效的知识产权保护网。
In order to facilitate public oversight, we have set up comprehensive IPR reporting and complaint centers in 50 large and medium-sized cities acro China, and opened a tip-line “12312” as well as an online IPR reporting and complaint window, forming an acceible, expeditious and effective IPR protection network.五、全社会知识产权意识不断提高
V.Public awarene about IPR is growing.培养和提高知识产权保护意识是我们工作的基础,也是工作的重点。
Building and raising IPR awarene is the basis and focus of our efforts.中国政府高度重视知识产权的宣传普及工作,中央和地方每年都组织大量活动。从2004年开始,在 “世界知识产权日”(4月26日)前后,在全国范围内开展“保护知识产权宣传周”活动。有关部门举办了“骨干企业负责人员保护知识产权专题研讨班”,启动了“百千万知识产权人才工程"等一系列宣传教育和普法教育活动,通过“中国保护知识产权成果展览会”、等形式多样的活动,以及创办中国保护知识产权网等方式,在全社会大力倡导以“尊重知识,崇尚创新,诚信守法”为核心的知识产权文化理念。
The Chinese government attaches great importance to IPR outreach and publicity.The central and local governments would organize a lot of such activities around the year.Since 2004, an IPR Protection Week has been staged around the World Intellectual Property Day(April 26)throughout the country.Relevant departments have hosted a series of outreach and educational events, such as the “Corporate Chiefs’ Seminar on IPR Protection” and the “Hundred, Thousand, and Ten Thousand IPR Talents Program”.Through a diverse range of activities such as the China IPR Achievements Show, and by means of launching the China IPR protection website, the government has been spreading the key IPR meage of “respecting knowledge, encouraging innovation, honoring credit-worthine and abiding by law”.改革开放30年来,通过不断的努力,知识产权保护在中国正得到全社会越来越广泛的认同。由于时间所限,就中国知识产权保护的现状,我就介绍以上内容。当然,这远远不能囊括中国知识产权工作的全部。下个月中欧还将举行第5次知识产权对话,双方政府部门的代表可以继续就知识产权保护的经验进行深入的交流与探讨。After three decades of reform and opening-up and through unremitting efforts, IPR protection is now gaining broader public support in China.Due to time constraints, I have to finish that overview on the current status of IPR protection in China.That being said, my summary is only part of the whole story.Next month, the 5th China-EU IPR Dialogue will take place, which is another forum for both governments to continue to in-depth experience-sharing and discuion on IPR protection.女士们,先生们,Ladies and Gentlemen, 知识产权一直是中欧经贸关系中的重要话题之一,我们充分理解双方对此的关注。中方非常重视与欧方开展知识产权交流、对话与合作,如何能够做得更好,借此机会,我愿谈点看法,与大家探讨。
IPR protection has always been one of the most important topics in China-Europe trade and economic relations, and we fully understand the concerns the two sides draw to this iue.China highly values IPR exchange, dialogue and cooperation with the EU.And to make this partnership more productive, I would like to make a few extra points.第一,中国保护知识产权的决心是坚定的。First, China is determined to protect IPR.中国经济社会持续快速发展,知识产权在经济社会发展中的作用越来越突出。保护知识产权不仅是改善投资环境、提高开放水平的需要,更是增强自主创新能力、建设创新型国家的需要。加强知识产权保护,符合中国自身发展的长远利益,也是保护创新与研发的迫切要求,中国政府的决心是坚定不移的。
IPR is playing a more salient role in promoting sustained and rapid socioeconomic development in China.IPR protection not only shows a drive to improve the investment climate and increase openne, but also caters to the need of enhancing indigenous innovation and building an innovative nation.Strengthening IPR protection serves China’s long-term interest and the strong urge for protecting innovation and R&D.In this regard, the Chinese government has unwavering determination.第二,中国保护知识产权所取得的成绩是巨大的。
Second, China has come a long way in IPR protection.知识产权保护离不开中国的国情。中国还是一个发展中国家,面临着很多发展中问题。尽管如此,中国在知识产权保护方面依然投入了大量人力、物力,取得了显著成效。IPR protection cannot depart from China’s national conditions.Still a developing country, China faces many developmental problems.Notwithstanding that, China has committed tremendous manpower and resources to IPR protection, and has made remarkable achievements.第三,中欧双方应加强知识产权交流、对话与合作。
Third, China and the EU should strengthen IPR exchange, dialogue and cooperation.作为一个发展中国家,中国在知识产权领域还有大量的工作要做,《国家知识产权战略纲要》也明确了战略任务、重点和相应的措施。对知识产权领域出现的问题,中国是以高度负责的态度来处理的。知识产权是一个国际性问题,相互指责并不能解决问题,合作与对话应成为解决问题的最佳途径。
As a developing country, China still has a lot more work to do in the IPR field.The Outline of the National IPR Strategy further defines the strategic objectives, priorities and corresponding measures in this regard.China has reacted responsibly to every iue arising on IPR.However, IPR protection is a global task.Pointing fingers at each other will not solve the problem.Cooperation and dialogue is the best solution.女士们,先生们,Ladies and gentlemen, 面对不断蔓延的金融危机,加强合作,共同抵制贸易保护主义,正成为国际社会的共同心声。知识产权是中欧双方共同关注的重要问题,我相信,随着对话与交流的不断深入,知识产权将会成为双方合作的一个亮点。我希望欧方能够继续对中国给予理解、支持和帮助,与中方携手同前,共克时艰,不断深化知识产权合作,共同提高知识产权保护水平,推动中欧经贸关系健康稳步发展。
In the face of the escalating financial crisis, there is an increasing international consensus on strengthening cooperation and resisting trade protectionism.IPR is a key topic of mutual interest to both Europe and China.I believe, as dialogue and communication goes deeper, IPR will become a highlight of our cooperation.I hope the EU could continue to understand, support and aist China, work with China to overcome the current difficulties, deepen IPR cooperation, and enable greater IPR protection, so as to promote the healthy and steady development of China-Europe trade and economic relations.谢谢!Thank you!
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