周江龙 2011级2班 2011444182 英文演讲初稿
原著:尼克胡哲 i have no arms and no legs, but i’m very thankful that i have my little chicken drumstick.there were times when i sort of looked at my life, and thinking “i can’t do this?” or “i can’t do that?”, and you keep on concentrating on the things that you wish you had or the things you wish you didn’t have.and you sort of forget what you do have.there’s no point, i believe in my life where i wish i had arms and legs, i wish i had arms and legs„ because wishing wouldn’t help.what i’ve seen in life are just a couple key principles.and the first thing i’ve seem is to be thankful.it’s hard to be thankful when i was 8 years old, i sort of summed up my life and thought: i’m never going to get married.i’m not going to have a job.i’m not going to have a life of purpose.what kind of husband am i going to be if i can’t even hold my wife’s hands? life is life.life is an interesting journey of ups and downs.but how that journey ends, is up to you today.you see when you fall down, you feel like giving up.when times get tough, it’s not the end.the question is “are you going to finish strong?” the definition of a disability is something that will hinder you from being able to do something.i think, though, the greatest disability is not having no arms and no legs.the greatest disability is your mind, the choices that you make.the question is: are you going to make the right choices? are you going to make the choice, to have your life in its right perspective? are you going to make the choice, to get up instead of give up? are you going to make the choice, to dream big? there is no greater disability that we have in our life than to make the decision to give up.because once you give up, then there is no hope.but until you give up, there is that hope.my paion is to encourage people, to inspire people to be all that they can be.i found my purpose, i found my strength, and i want you to find yours.don’t be afraid of failing, every time you fall down, every time you fail, you learn something new.you’re ready for the next one, you’ve learned how not to do something, well then, learn from it and move on!leave what’s behind and pre forward.you can only win, if you don’t give up.go for it.don’t let anything hold you back!if nothing is holding me back, what’s holding you back? dvd介绍
i wasn?t ready.第一部分
“see the body”
一段小孩的尖叫声,好受欢迎啊!thank you, thank you very much.good morning every body.students: morning!morning, how are you doing? students: good.you are fine? students: yeah.people see me for the first time.it?s so cool you?re kids freaked out you know how to say? i tell you this little boy came up to me and he goes “what happened?”(呵呵 语调很搞怪 真的很开朗)and i went up to him, and i goes:” cigarettes!”(在逗小孩玩的时候还不忘进行?吸烟有害健康的教育?)and there was one girl who saw me and she goes “mummy!look, it?s an alien!”(学惊慌失措的女生学的很像,呵呵,很有表演天赋)so i went up to her and i went:” ah~~” she is like ah~~.i ran after her and said:” i am going to eat 心。呵呵)and she was like,she was like “you freak me out man!” it?s very cool.anyway, i have a couple of things to show you.i play drums.do you believe me? students: yeah!(看来经过之前的搞怪,底下的小学生都肯定认为他是无所不能的人了!)i actually play drums;i get the drumstick in my teeth.i am just joking.look i have drum machine up here and we just going to.so what it is? basically it?s a pad right? in this like 16 buttons and so each button represents a sound right? so i am not preing player or anything like that.you see my foot? all right, it?s like serious.(强悍,solo时间)do you like that? students: yeah!(大家长时间的鼓掌)so that?s sort of more like your rocking, you know, sort of pop.whatever, but then you got ah ah.can i have some more volume? please give me some.***(难道是juice?)right here we go.so it?s like.do you like that? that would be very cool if i can get this on my wheel chair and play while i am driving? and i get some “tech”” online here we go„.1, 2, 3, 4(又是一段强悍的solo)hey guys, do you like that? is that cool? beautiful.so i have a tennis ball here.i just want to show you how far i can kick this thing.and a lot of people are like freaked out, you know, how you can do that!and i just want to show you.it?s very cool.can i have a volunteer please to catch the ball for me? ah let?s see, let?s see, let?s see, sure, i will get you.how are you doing? yes, you, my finger point at you.stand up.how are you doing? beautiful.what?s your name? student: jack.was it? jack: jack.周江龙 2011级2班 2011444182 英文演讲初稿
原著:尼克胡哲 i have no arms and no legs, but i’m very thankful that i have my little chicken drumstick.there were times when i sort of looked at my life, and thinking “i can’t do this?” or “i can’t do that?”, and you keep on concentrating on the things that you wish you had or the things you wish you didn’t have.and you sort of forget what you do have.there’s no point, i believe in my life where i wish i had arms and legs, i wish i had arms and legs„ because wishing wouldn’t help.what i’ve seen in life are just a couple key principles.and the first thing i’ve seem is to be thankful.it’s hard to be thankful when i was 8 years old, i sort of summed up my life and thought: i’m never going to get married.i’m not going to have a job.i’m not going to have a life of purpose.what kind of husband am i going to be if i can’t even hold my wife’s hands? life is life.life is an interesting journey of ups and downs.but how that journey ends, is up to you today.you see when you fall down, you feel like giving up.when times get tough, it’s not the end.the question is “are you going to finish strong?” the definition of a disability is something that will hinder you from being able to do something.i think, though, the greatest disability is not having no arms and no legs.the greatest disability is your mind, the choices that you make.the question is: are you going to make the right choices? are you going to make the choice, to have your life in its right perspective? are you going to make the choice, to get up instead of give up? are you going to make the choice, to dream big? there is no greater disability that we have in our life than to make the decision to give up.because once you give up, then there is no hope.but until you give up, there is that hope.my paion is to encourage people, to inspire people to be all that they can be.i found my purpose, i found my strength, and i want you to find yours.don’t be afraid of failing, every time you fall down, every time you fail, you learn something new.you’re ready for the next one, you’ve learned how not to do something, well then, learn from it and move on!leave what’s behind and pre forward.you can only win, if you don’t give up.go for it.don’t let anything hold you back!if nothing is holding me back, what’s holding you back? nick vijicic said: i love living life.i am happy.life without limits...how could you keep smilling.? youre the hero.amazing man.hope that his story s more people who are disappointed by life.including me.my name is nick vujicic and i give god the glory for how he has used my to touch thousands of hearts around the world!i was born without limbs and doctors have no for this birth defect.as you can imagine, i was faced with many s and obstacles.我的名字叫 nick,我要归荣耀给上帝,因祂使用我的见证触动了世界上千万颗心。我生来没手没脚,医生对此与生俱来的瑕疵,没给任何的医学解释!你可以想象---我面对了许多的挑战和障碍。
consider it pure joy, my brothers, you face trials of many kinds.我的弟兄们,你们落在百般试炼中,都要以为大喜乐!(雅各书1:2)....to count our hurt, pain and struggle as nothing but pure joy? as my parents were christians, and my dad even a pastor of our church, they knew that verse very well.however, on the morning of the 4th of december 1982 in melbourne(australia), the last two words on the minds of my parents was praise god!.their son had been born without limbs!there were no warnings or time to prepare themselves for it.the doctors we shocked and had no answers at all!there is still no reason why this had happened and nick now has a brother and sister who were born just like any other baby.....将所有的伤痛与挣扎都视若无睹,而单单的喜乐吗?我的父母都是基督徒,甚至我父亲是一位牧师,他们深知这段圣经的经文。然而,在1982年12月4日澳洲墨尔本的一个早晨,从我父母亲心底流出的最后字眼竟是赞美上帝,他们的长子没手没脚地诞生在这个家庭!他们没有任何预警也没有时间来应对,医生们除了震惊外,也没有给任何解释,直到如今仍旧没有任何医学解释,而现在nick已有一对如同一般正常孩子的弟弟和妹妹。the whole church mourned over my birth and my parents were devastated.everyone asked, if god is a god of love, then why would god let something this bad happen to not just anyone, but dedicated christians? my dad thought i wouldnt for very long, but tests proved that i was a baby boy just with a few limbs miing.当时全教会为我的出生和我父母的遭遇而伤痛的景况可以用举世震惊来形容,每个人都在问:「假如上帝真是一位爱人的神,为何让这样糟糕的事情发生呢?若发生在其他人就也算了,却竟然让它发生在一个为神摆上的基督徒家庭之中」?我父亲起初以为我可能活不了多久,但经过检查发现---我是个健康的男婴,只是有些肢体不见了!understandably, my parents had strong concern and evident fears of what kind of life id be able to lead.god provided them strength, and courage through those early years and soon after that i was old enough to go to school.可想而知的,我的父母对我将来所要面对的生活有着沉重且明显的忧虑与恐惧。上帝给他们力量、智慧和勇气度过了我的幼年岁月,日子渐渐过去,我也长大到了上学的年龄。the law in australia didnt allow me to be integrated into a main-stream school because of my disability.god did miracles and gave my mom the strength to fight for the law to be changed.i was one of the first disabled students to be integrated into a main-stream school.因我的肢体残障,澳洲法律无法让我进入主流的教育体系,而上帝行了神迹,给我妈妈力量去争取现行法律的改变。使我成了澳洲第一批能进入主流教育体系的残障学生之一。i liked going to school, and just try to live life like else, but it was in my early years of school where i encountered times of feeling rejected, weird and bullied because of my difference.it was very hard for me to get used to, but with the support of my parents, i started to develop attitudes and values which helped me these challenging times.i knew that i was different but on the inside i was just like else.there were many times when i felt so low that i wouldnt go to school just so i didnt have to face all the attention.i was d by my parents to them and to try start making friends by just talking with some kids.soon the students realized that i was just like them, and starting there god kept on me with new friends.因我的肢体残障,澳洲法律无法让我进入主流的教育体系,而上帝行了神迹,给我妈妈力量去争取现行法律的改变。使我成了澳洲第一批能进入主流教育体系的残障学生之一。我喜爱上学,并且尽力想过得像别人一样,但在我早期就学的时光中,我遭受到很不舒服的对待,像是被弃绝、作弄、欺凌,其原因仅仅是我生理上的差异!这对我来说是很难接受的,但在父母的支持下,我找到了可以助我胜过那些挑战的态度与价值观。我确信外在虽然不同,但里面的我是不输给任何其它人的。许多次当我心情低落到不想上学,想藉此可以逃避那些负面的关注,爸妈就鼓励我不要去理会那些负面的东西,试着去与一些同学说话、结交朋友,很快的,同学们认知到我并非异类,从此上帝就不断地赐福加添给我新的朋友。there were times when i felt and angry because i couldnt change the way i was, or blame anyone for that matter.i went to sunday school and that god loves us all and that he cares for you.i understood that love to a point as a child, but i didnt understand that if god loved me why did he make me like this? is it because i did something wrong? 很多时候,我会因着无法改变我的样子或罪疚那些与此事有关的人,而感到沮丧和愤怒。我在主日学学到上帝爱我们所有的人,并眷顾你我。以一个正常小孩来讲,我了解这份爱,但我不了解既然上帝爱我,为什么又要如此造我?是因为我做错了什么事吗?我想是的,因为我是学校所有孩子中唯一的怪物!我觉得对于周遭的人而言,我是一个包袱,越快离开对他们越好。我想要结束这痛苦及年少的生命,但每当想到父母及家人总在需要的时候安慰我、给我力量,我就再次感恩不已!
无论你有多少对生活的抱怨, 无论你有多少对自己的不满,无论你有多少自以为的伤痛,只要站在他的面前,你就无法再抱怨、不满和伤心;
十三岁那年,妈妈把一份刊登了一个残障人士故事的剪报给他看,这改变了力克对自己和别人生命的看法“原来我不是这个世界上唯一一个拥有无法解释及医疗的残障受害人??”十五岁那年,力克读到圣经中一个天生瞎眼的人,耶稣说:“发生在他身上的事,是要显出神的作为来”当他读到那一章时,感到有信心的热浪扑向他,心境变得平静。他相信发生在他身上的事,神必有他的安排。今天,力克则坚定地说:“现在就算你用百万元来引诱我,叫我长出手脚,我也不会考虑。” 讲演中的一些语句:
Nick Vijicic 永不放弃看看Nick Vijicic我还有什么要抱怨的?我还有什么不能做到?力克·胡哲无论你有多少对生活的抱怨,无论你有多少对自己的不满,无论你有多少自以为的伤痛,只要......
Where do we go when hope runs out?When we are emptyWhen there's nothing left当希望无影无踪,我们将何去何从?那时,我们感到空虚;那时,我们一无所有。 Sometimes I get so t......
nick vijivic尼克·武伊契奇(英语:Nick Vujicic,1982年12月4日生于澳大利亚墨尔本),塞尔维亚裔澳大利亚籍基督教布道家,“没有四肢的生命”(Life Without Limbs)组织创办人。他天生......
NickVijicic永不放弃看看NickVijicic我还有什么要抱怨的?我还有什么不能做到?力克·胡哲无论你有多少对生活的抱怨, 无论你有多少对自己的不满, 无论你有多少自以为的伤痛,只要......
