演讲稿(succe stories)_关于success的演讲稿

2020-02-28 演讲稿 下载本文

演讲稿(succe stories)由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“关于success的演讲稿”。


有的,这个人便是伟大的海伦凯勒女士。她在一岁多的时候,因为生病,从此眼睛看不 见,并且又聋又哑了。由于这个原因,海伦的脾气变得非常暴躁,动不动就发脾气摔东西。她家里人看这样下去不是办法,便替她请来一位很有耐心的家庭教师苏丽文小姐。海伦在她 的薰陶和教育下,逐渐改变了。她了解每个人都很爱她,所以她不能辜负他们对她的期望。她利用仅有的触觉、味觉和嗅觉来体认四周的环境,努力充实自己,后来更进一步学习写 作。几年以来,当她的第一本著作“我的一生”出版时,立即轰动了全美国。

海伦凯勒虽然五官残缺,但是她能克服不幸,完成大学教育。以后更致力于教育残缺儿 童的社会工作,这种努力上进的精神,实在值得我们效法,海伦凯勒真可算是个残而不废的 人。

Children who do you believe in miracles? Do you believe that both the blind deaf and dumb people also can become a writer ?

Yes, this man is great, Ms.Helen Keller.When she was a year old.because of illne, her eyes can not see anything, and the deaf and dumb.For this reason, Helen's temper, become very irritable and angry he threw things around.Her family is not the answer to see if this situation continues, then she was hired for a very patient tutor Mi Su Liwen.Helen in her under the influence gradually changed.She understood that everyone loved her, so she could not live up to their expectations of her.She used only touch, taste and smell come to realize that the surrounding environment, and hard to enrich herself, then further study in writing.Past few years, when her first book “My Life” publication and immediately stir in the United States.Helen Keller Although the facial defects, but she was able to overcome the misfortune to complete university education.More committed to educating handicapped children after

Children's social work, which motivated the spirit is worthy of us to imitate, Helen Keller really may be regarded as disabled people without fee.


各位评委、同学,大家下午好!我是来自保险班的刘银凤。我是一个乐观开朗的人,喜欢结交朋友,希望以后有机会 进一步认识各位优秀的学长学姐,并与与你们成为好朋友。我喜欢尝试新事......


-----------各位老师、同学们:- ------------- 大家下午好!很荣幸能站在这个讲台上发表下我的感想。大学校园生活已经走过一半,由最开始对大学充满好奇到经历迷茫期再而到现在......


演讲稿 陈超英生前是中建五局土木工程有限公司党委副书记、纪委书记、工会主席陈超英,甘于奉献,与职工同呼吸、共命运、满腔热忱,是职工眼里的“好大姐”、“好书记”、“好主......




老师、同学们: 大家好!今天我演讲的题目是”禁毒,让生活更美好!“我们熟悉这样的生活:学生背着书包上学,工人骑着摩托上班,老人扛着鱼竿钓鱼,爸爸在客厅看电视,妈妈在厨房做饭菜,老爷......

《演讲稿(succe stories).docx》
演讲稿(succe stories)
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