Dream and Reality
-------Cao shenbin Good afternoon everyone:
I am very happy here, Today my topic is Dream and Reality, It’s true that everyone has his dreams, but surely not everyone can realize his dreams.Everyone faces the same reality, but the results are totally different.Why? Why can some dreams come out to be reality while others can just be dreams or even become jokes? In my opinion, to realize our dream, to make our dreams become reality, we should experience a series of procedures.First of all, we should recognize the reality.As we know, the ideal stems from the reality.Without knowing the reality, how can we have correct and reasonable dreams, to say nothing of realizing those dreams? So , we must recognize the reality before we start our work.Then, we need to think about our dreams.Many aspects decide what our dreams are, like hobby, belief, the influence of our parents, and so on.We are human beings, we choose what we are.Anyway, whatever our dreams are, they should never be against our conscience, moral and law.Finally, keep working on our dreams, which is the most important and difficult thing to realize dreams.If you do nothing, then you gain nothing.Reality is fair to everyone.Many people complaint that reality is so cruel that they can nearly do nothing about it.But how many people have ever thought what they have done for their dreams?
So, everyone in here, it’s up to us to realize our wonderful dreams instead of the reality.Our dreams can come out if we are determined enough and follow correct ways.Wherever you go and whatever you do, don’t forget your dreams , just try your best to achieve it!It’s we who change the world!
各位评委、同学,大家下午好!我是来自保险班的刘银凤。我是一个乐观开朗的人,喜欢结交朋友,希望以后有机会 进一步认识各位优秀的学长学姐,并与与你们成为好朋友。我喜欢尝试新事......
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