
2020-02-28 演讲稿 下载本文


Harvard's happine leons

Good morning, every one.Today I want to tell you something about Harvard's most popular leon------Positive Psychology.Perhaps some of you have already seen it.The teacher who taught this leon is Dr.Tal Ben-Shahar.He enjoyed high reputation among his Harvard students and he was known as the “most popular lecturer” and “life coach.”In the happine leons , Ben-Shahar did not talk much about how to achieve great succe, but explained how to be happier, fuller and more enjoyable!So, why do the happine leons so popular in Harvard ? let’s learn something about it.What exactly is the most important thing for us to pursue in life? Ben-Shahar firmly believed that happine is the only standard to measure life and the final goal of all targets.He argued that happine should be the combination of joy and significance.A happy person must have a clear target which can bring about pleasure and significance, and then strive for it.A truly happy person will enjoy it bit by bit in their own way of life.Do you know our life also has profits and loes? When we look at our life, we can regard positive feelings as incomes, and negative feelings as expenses.When the positive feelings is more than the negative, it means we have been profitable in our life.In turn,we suffer a lo.So how can we achieve happine? Dr.Tal Ben-Shahar summarized 10 tips for us.1.Follow your inner enthusiasm.Choose leons which are meaningful to you and make you happy.Don't just to get an A in one leon , or choose leons which your friends take or others think you should take.2.Stay with friends.Don't be saddled with daily work.Intimate interpersonal relationship is the signal of your happine.3.Learn to fail.There is no shortcut to succe.Succeful men in history always dare to take action and of cause, they often fail, too.So don't let the fear of failure tripping your steps of try new things.4.Give yourselves the permiion to be human.Human nature consists of disappointment, upset and sadne.Accepting them and regard them as natural things, allowing yourself to feel upset and sad occasionally.Then ask yourself, what can you do to make yourself feel a little better.5.Simplified life.More things doesn't always mean better.And too many good things are not favorable, either.Have you chosen too many claes? Have you participated in too many activities? You should seek refinement!

6.Exercise regularly.Sports plays an important role in your life.As long as three times a week, and just 30 minutes each time, you can greatly improve your physical and mental health.7.Adequate sleep.Although sometimes “staying up all night” is inevitable, but guaranteeing seven to nine hours of sleep every day is a great investment.Thus, you will be more effective, creative, happy when you are awake.8.Be generous.You may not have enough money in you pocket and plenty of time in your life, but this does not mean that you can’t help others.Both giving and receiving are two sides of things.You are helping yourself while helping others.9.Be brave.Bravene means moving forward in fear rather than not felling fear at all.10.Expre gratitude.Do not take your family members, friends,education, and health for grant? They are all memorable gifts for you.Recording every joyful moment of your life, and maintaining a grateful heart.At last, I would say there is no distance between you and happine, as long as you take action.




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