Join hands to build our Olympics演讲稿_toyouth英语演讲稿
Join hands to build our Olympics演讲稿由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“toyouth英语演讲稿”。
Join hands to build our Olympics
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.The topic of my speech is “Join hands to build our Olympics”.I have a dream that one day the Olympic torch is lit up at the foot of the Great Wall.Then we can enjoy the Olympic sports as well as the exciting moments when our five-star national flag rises again and again in the Olympic stadiums in Beijing.I also have a dream that one day all our friends, regardle of the colors of their skins and their nationalities, will meet in Beijing to compete in the great sports event — the 29th Olympic Games.These are not only my Olympic dreams, but also the dreams of almost all Chinese.As Mr Sameranch announced “the conduct right of the Summer Olympic Games of 2008 belongs to Beijing, China”, we are happy that the dreams will come true soon in Beijing.Do you feel proud of being a citizen of Beijing? Yes, we are.Of course, we are.It will show to the world that we Chinese are great, and we can and must take this big chance, this great challenge to hold the best ever Olympic Games.As the political and cultural center of China, as well as the international communication center, Beijing is an ancient city renowned for its long history and rich culture.During the Olympic Games, the eye of the world will be on Beijing, and the city will display its new image to the world.Being part of New Beijing Urban Districts, the location of Tongzhou District has its unique advantages.So we will benefit a lot from it.On the other hand, our district is playing an extraordinary role in preparing for the games and will take important part in holding the games.I’m a high school teacher, and always ready to contribute my efforts to the push of this great sports movement.First of all, I will help people around me as well as my students speak better English.I used to be a volunteer in the Pre Center for the 21st Universiade, and I know how important the English language is if we want to do something for the big sports meeting.My students now in high school will be volunteers in 2008 and I should try my best to help them with their English.Besides, I will try to introduce to them the history and spirits of the Olympics so that they can be well prepared for the coming Olympics.Last semester, we organized our students to Yunqiao community to teach daily English for Olympics.The residents there were more active than what we could expect.With our efforts, they know what the five rings stand for;the slogan of our Beijing Olympics “New Beijing, Great Olympics”.They also master some daily English, such as “Hello!How are you?”“Fine, thank you.” “Hello!welcome to China.Welcome to Beijing.” This activity shows that Olympic is a bridging the distance between all the Chinese people, Beijing citizens, including you and me.Furthermore, I will take every opportunity to arouse my students their consciousne to protect the environment.You know the sky is not blue as before;the air is not fresh as usual, we must take actions to stop students will form the habit of reusing the homework paper, picking up rubbish they meet, planting trees and telling their relatives to protect environment and so on and so forth.Actually, most of us are doing the same.I am only one of those who are showing their efforts to the Olympic Games.Imagine that one day we can enjoy the blue sky, the green gra, the beautiful flowers, the singing birds at any time in every corner of our district.Who should we thank to then? — You and me, and also the Olympic Games.So let’s join hands, my dear friends, to contribute our efforts to the construction
of our district for the year 2008;and build our Olympics.That’s all.Thank you.
各位评委、同学,大家下午好!我是来自保险班的刘银凤。我是一个乐观开朗的人,喜欢结交朋友,希望以后有机会 进一步认识各位优秀的学长学姐,并与与你们成为好朋友。我喜欢尝试新事......
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