演讲稿what we cannot afford to lose_yeswecan演讲稿

2020-02-28 演讲稿 下载本文

演讲稿what we cannot afford to lose由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“yeswecan演讲稿”。

What We cannot Afford to Lose

— Live in hope

Good afternoon, honorable judges and dear audience, it's my great honor to stand here and deliver you a speech.I'm contestant XXX, a sophomore in the School of Busine.Today I’m standing here to call your attention to one of the most valuable elements that we cannot afford to lose in our life------Hope.Indisputably, in our entire life, money, family, time, youth, etc, are all indispensable ingredients which mean a great deal to every one of us.However, ladies and gentlemen, to my mind, hope surpaes all the others.For if we lose hope, life will become a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.If hope dies, life will become a pointle existence.Hope is a powerful engine to propel our life in a positive direction.Hope is a stimulant to vitalize us even if we lose heart in frustration.Hope is a mystery that enables us to endure all the sufferings along our path to succe.Countle times, Helen Keller repreed her cry towards the unfairne of life and managed to overcome all the reversals just because she always held a strong hope to see, to hear, and to speak.Steve Jobs bore the harshne of sleeping on the floor in his friend's dorm after he quit Reed College only because the hope that he would succeed one day always sustained him.It is hope that builds up strong determination and confidence to reach self-actualization in the end.Hope seems to be the most powerful magic in this world which makes the impoible poible.Suppose there is only a vague hope in Stephen Hawing's heart, how could he have accomplished his great work, the Brief History of Time, making himself one of the most distinguished multi-disciplinary scientists and profeors? Without hope, we will indulge ourselves in the endle desperation and wait to die when we encounter some difficulties.Can you imagine how we will suffer from such a empty and meaningle life? No doubt, hope is definitely what we cannot and should not afford to lose for a better tomorrow.My dear friends, please cherish and bury hope deep in our heart.Let’s fly to wherever we can strive with a wing of hope.Thanks for your attention!


各位评委、同学,大家下午好!我是来自保险班的刘银凤。我是一个乐观开朗的人,喜欢结交朋友,希望以后有机会 进一步认识各位优秀的学长学姐,并与与你们成为好朋友。我喜欢尝试新事......


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演讲稿 陈超英生前是中建五局土木工程有限公司党委副书记、纪委书记、工会主席陈超英,甘于奉献,与职工同呼吸、共命运、满腔热忱,是职工眼里的“好大姐”、“好书记”、“好主......




老师、同学们: 大家好!今天我演讲的题目是”禁毒,让生活更美好!“我们熟悉这样的生活:学生背着书包上学,工人骑着摩托上班,老人扛着鱼竿钓鱼,爸爸在客厅看电视,妈妈在厨房做饭菜,老爷......

《演讲稿what we cannot afford to lose.docx》
演讲稿what we cannot afford to lose
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