
2020-02-28 演讲稿 下载本文


3_01 Calling a Taxi



Over here!这里!

How’re you doings? 你好吗?

Thanks for stopping.谢谢你停下来.Downtown , please.请到市中心.I just arrived..我刚到.I want to go downtown.我要到市中心.I want to see the sights.我要看看值得看的东西.3_02 I’m looking for fun

I’m looking for fun.我在找好玩的地方.Where is the action? 哪里最好玩?

Where is a happening place? 哪里最热闹?

I want some excitement.我要找一些好玩的事.Where should I go? 我该去哪里?

Where do people go? 人们都去哪里啊?

Please fill me in.请告诉我详情.Please give me the lowdown.请告诉我实际情况.Can you introduce a good place?你能不能介绍一个好地方?3_03 Where’s a good place to eat?

I need some help.我需要帮忙.I’d like your advice.请给我一些建议.Where’s a good place to eat?想吃东西,去哪里比较好?I want good food.我想吃好的东西.I want a great meal.我想好好吃一顿.I want the best food around.我想要吃附近最好的食物.Where do the locals go? 本地人都去哪里吃东西.Where’s a popular place? 大家喜欢去哪里?

I want to eat where the locals eat.我要去本地人吃东西的地方.3_04 What’s the fare?

What’s the fare? 车费是多少钱?

How much do I owe you? 我该给你多少钱?

How much should I pay? 我该付多少钱?

Here you go.拿去吧.Here is one hundred.这里是一百元.Just give me twenty back.只要找我二十无就好.Keep the rest.其余是你留着.That’s your tip.算是你的小费.Have a good one.再见.3_05 we are

Here we are.我们到了.We are here.我们到了.We made it.我们到了.This is it.就是这里.This is the place.就是这个地方.It looks good.看起来不错.Let’s go in.我们进去吧.Let’s check it out.我们进去看看.Let’s give it a try.我们试一试吧.3_06 Table for two.Table for two.我们要两个位子的桌子.Nonsmoking section.我们要非吸烟区的座位.Can we sit by a window? 我们可不可以坐靠窗的位子?Two menus, please.请拿两份菜单.We’re in a hurry.我们赶时间.We’re preed for time.我们时间紧迫.What’s today’s special?今日特餐是什么?

What’s your best dish? 你们最好的菜是什么?What are you famous for? 你们以什么菜出名?

3_07 We’re ready to order

We’re ready to order.我们要点菜了.We know what we want.我们决定好了.Can you take our order now? 你现在可以帮我们点菜吗?I’ll have the special.我要点特餐.She’ll try the combo.她要总汇.We both want salads with that.我们俩都要附沙拉.Ice water for her.她要冰开水.Hot water for me.我要热开水.That’s it for now.现在先点这些.3_08 Eat up!

Eat up!吃啊!

Eat some more.再多吃一点!

Eat as much ad you can.尽量吃.Fill up!尽量吃!

Keep eating.多吃一点.You can eat more than that.你可以再多吃一点.Don’t be polite.不要客气.You can’t be full!你不可能吃饱了!

You can do better than that!你可以再多吃一点.3_09 I like this place.I like this place.我喜欢这个地方.It’s my kind of place.我喜欢这个地方.It’s just perfect for me.这里非常舒服.It’s comfortable.这里很舒服.I feel so relaxed.我觉得非常轻松.I feel right at home.我觉得非常舒适.What a nice place!这地方真好!

I can be myself here.我在这里很自在.I could stay here all day.但愿我能整天都待在这里.3_10 Check, please

We’re ready.我们准备要结帐了.We’re done.我们吃完了.Check, please.请给我们帐单.We’re finished.我们要走了.We’re set to go.请拿我们的帐单来.Please bring our bill.我们一起结帐.We’re all together.你们接不接受这张信用.Do you take this card? 我付给你,还是付给柜台.Do I pay you or the cashier?

3_11 need to wash up

Excuse me a moment.对不起,我离开一下.I’ll be right back.我很快就回来.Please wait for me.请等我.Nature’s calling.我内急.I need to wash up.我需要洗个手.I need to use the facilities.我需要上洗手间.Where’s the bathroom? 厕所在哪里?

Which way should I go? 我该往哪里走?

Where can I find a restroom? 哪里有洗手间?3_12 It’s about that time

It’s about that time.时间差不多了.It’s time to get good –bye.是该说再见的时候了.I have to get going.我必须走了.I hate to leave.我真不愿意离开.I don’t want to go.我不想走.It’s been a lot of fun.和你在一起都很快乐.You take care.你保重.You take it easy.你好好保重.Let’s get together again real soon.我们快再聚一下吧.


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