Jointly Build the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road by Deepening Mutual Trust and
Enhancing Connectivity
– Speech by State Councilor Yang Jiechi at the Seion of “Jointly Building the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road” and Launching of the Year of China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation
2014年3月28日 28 March 2015
General Tanasak Patimapragorn, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Thailand, Mr.Fidel V.Ramos, Former President of the Philippines, Mr.Kevin Rudd, Former Prime Minister of Australia, Minister Tram Lv Tek of Cambodia, Minister Qiu Yuanping, Governor Liu Cigui,Secretary General Zhou Wenzhong, Minister Wang Hong, Distinguished Guests, Dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,很高兴参加本场分论坛。去年我就在这个会场出席丝绸之路分论坛,宾朋满座,气氛热烈。今天,我感到本场博鳌亚洲论坛2015年年会“共建21世纪海上丝绸之路分论坛”人气更旺,气氛更加热烈。这充分反映了“一带一路”倡议的感染力和影响力。我想,在大海环抱、风景优美的中国海南省进行这样的讨论,分外有意义。我谨代表中国政府,热烈祝贺本次分论坛的召开和中国—东盟海洋合作年的启动,诚挚欢迎各国贵宾和各界朋友!
It is my pleasure to join you at this seion.This auditorium reminds me of last year’s seion on the Silk Road, which sparked lively discuions among so many attendants.This year, the seion on the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road has touched off more extensive discuions by even more participants, which fully testifies to the appeal and influence of China’s “Belt and Road” initiative.I believe the fact that we are having the discuion in the beautiful province of Hainan, a place surrounded by the sea, gives our meeting exceptional significance.On behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to extend my warmest congratulations on the opening of this seion and the launching of the Year of China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation and my heartfelt welcome to all the distinguished guests from other countries and friends of various sectors.丝绸之路自古就有陆、海两个方向。陆、海丝路相辅相成,交相辉映,共同谱写了人类文明的华彩乐章。
The Silk Road has long been known for its overland and maritime routes since the ancient times.The two routes complemented each other with flying colors, adding a brilliant chapter to the annals of human civilization.古代海上丝路是亚洲、欧洲、非洲各国人民共同开辟和经营的。千百年来,西太平洋、南海、印度洋沿岸形成了不少繁荣的大港。进出港的各国帆船满载的不仅有丝绸,还有瓷器、铁器、香料、宝石、书籍。驾船和乘船的既有中国人和欧洲人,也有东南亚人、南亚人、阿拉伯人和非洲人,大家同舟共济,守望相助。
The ancient maritime Silk Road was opened and operated by the people of Asia, Europe and Africa.For hundreds of years, a large number of ports thrived along the coastlines on the West Pacific, the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean.Calling on these ports were not only ships carrying silk, but also those loaded with porcelain, ironware, spices, precious stones and books.Crew and paengers included Chinese, Europeans, people from Southeast and South Asia, Arabs and Africans, who came to each other’s aid readily as travellers in the same boat.公元15世纪初,中国航海家郑和率领当时世界上最大的船队七次远航,最远到达东非、红海和波斯湾,不侵略、不殖民、不欺诈,只做通有无、传友谊、打海盗的好事,受到沿岸各国的欢迎和帮助,有关郑和的佳话传颂至今。
In the early 15th century, the great Chinese navigator Zheng He who led the world’s biggest fleet at the time on a total of seven expeditions, reaching as far as East Africa, the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf.They did not invade, colonize or swindle, but went for trade along with spreading amity and cracking down on piracy.Zheng He’s fleet received welcome and aistance from the countries along the route and touching stories about Zheng He are still being told to this day.2013年,习近平主席提出“一带一路”重大倡议,得到了沿线国家和人民的积极支持,大家都赞同将合作共赢的命运共同体作为奋斗目标,都主张并行推进陆、海丝路建设。
In 2013, President Xi Jinping put forward the major “Belt and Road” initiative.Countries and people along the route have applauded it.We all agree to make the building of a community of common destiny for win-win cooperation the goal of our endeavor.And we all agree to move forward the building of overland and maritime silk roads in tandem.21世纪海上丝路建设是对古代海上丝路的传承和发展。传承的,是和平友好、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢的丝路精神。发展的,是在经济全球化和世界多极化的时代,规划海上合作支点与海上经济走廊,推动全方位海上合作;中国在维护自身固有海洋权益的同时,愿同各国共同努力构建合作共赢的海洋伙伴关系。
Building the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road is the continuation and development of the ancient maritime Silk Road.What we want to continue pushing forward is the Silk Road spirit featuring peace, friendship, openne, inclusivene, mutual learning and mutual benefit.What we want is to properly design cooperation pivots and economic corridors on the sea for all-round maritime cooperation in this age of economic globalization and multipolarity.While upholding its own maritime rights and interests, China stands ready to work together with other countries to build maritime partnerships of win-win cooperation.一年多来,在中国同有关国家共同努力下,21世纪海上丝路建设顺利推进,步入务实合作的新阶段。中国成功举办亚太经合组织海洋部长会议,中老、中越跨境经济合作区、中老铁路、泰国铁路、澜沧江—湄公河国际航道二期整治等项目取得积极进展。与哈萨克斯坦共同启动连云港物流中转基地,与印尼、柬埔寨、缅甸、斯里兰卡、巴基斯坦、希腊等国就港口建设与运营深化合作,与东盟、海合会、斯里兰卡等积极商谈自贸区或自贸区升级版,与印尼等国签署了产业园区合作协议,中马“两国双园”具有示范意义。中国与印尼、泰国、马来西亚、印度、斯里兰卡等开展形式多样的海洋合作,中国—东盟海上合作基金和中国-印尼海上合作基金支持的项目稳步推进。
Thanks to the joint efforts of China and some other countries in the past year and more, the building of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road has made steady headway and entered a new stage of practical cooperation.China held a succeful APEC Ocean-Related Ministerial Meeting.Good progre has been made in the development of China-Laos and China-Vietnam cro-border economic cooperation zones, the China-Laos railway project, the railway project in Thailand, and the stage II dredging of international waterways of the Lancang-Mekong River.China and Kazakhstan have jointly launched the logistics terminal at Lianyungang.China has worked with Indonesia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Greece respectively in deepening cooperation on port construction and operation.China has engaged in active discuions with ASEAN, the Gulf Cooperation Council and Sri Lanka on establishing or upgrading FTA, and signed agreements with Indonesia and others on industrial park cooperation.The Qinzhou Industrial Park and the Kuantan Industrial Park jointly created by China and Malaysia are good examples for such cooperation.China has also carried out a variety of ocean-related cooperation with Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, India and Sri Lanka while steadily pushing multiple projects supported by the China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation Fund and the China-Indonesia Maritime Cooperation Fund.21世纪海上丝路涵盖面广,开放性强。这条路连接四大洋,贯通欧洲和亚太经济圈,重点面向东南亚国家,联通南亚、西亚和部分非洲、欧洲国家,自然延伸至南太平洋。世界各国、国际组织、跨国公司、非政府组织,以及热爱海洋的各界人士,都可以建设性参与其中。
The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road foresees an extensive and open-ended coverage.Linking European and Asia-Pacific economic rims acro four oceans, the Road focuses on the Southeast Asian countries, connects South Asia, West Asia and some African and European countries and naturally extends to the South Pacific.All countries around the world, international organizations, multinational corporations, NGOs and all ocean-loving people from various sectors can join and play a constructive part in its development.21世纪海上丝路的合作领域丰富多彩。除了海上运输、海洋资源开发,还涉及海洋科研、海洋环保、海上旅游、海上减防灾、海上执法合作以及海上人文交流等领域。不仅要下海发展蓝色经济、建设海洋经济示范区,还要上岸建设临港产业园区、海洋科技合作园与海洋人才培训基地。不仅要利用海洋资源,还要保护海洋环境。不仅要让沿海民众富裕起来,还要让内陆和沿海实现联动发展,大家一道富裕起来。
The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road will present a rich and colorful program of cooperation.In addition to maritime transport and resource development, it will involve research, environmental protection, tourism, disaster reduction and prevention, law enforcement cooperation and people-to-people exchanges on the sea.Not only will it look at the development of the blue economy and building of oceanic economic demonstration zones offshore, it will also build onshore industrial parks, marine science and technology parks and training bases for ocean-related personnel.Not only will we go utilizing the oceanic resources, we will also protect well our oceanic environment.Not only should we deliver a good life to our people along the coast, we should also bring about an interconnected development of the hinterland and coastal regions to achieve common prosperity.如何推进21世纪海上丝路建设,中国将认真倾听包括东盟国家在内世界各国的意见建议。我建议,为做好这件大事,有必要牢牢把握三个关键词:
As for how to advance the development of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, China is ready to listen to suggestions and proposals from other countries, ASEAN countries included.As I see it, a good job in this regard requires that we bear in our mind three key words.第一是互信。当前亚洲总体形势是稳定的,国家间关系也持续发展,当然有的邻居之间还要进一步增信释疑。亚洲国家有着合作共赢的光明前景,让我们用信心和诚意推进海上合作,进而通过建设海上丝路深化互信,有力促进地区和平与发展。
The first word is mutual trust.Asia on the whole enjoys stability with relations between countries growing steadily.Of course, there is the need for some neighbors to further enhance trust and dispel misgivings.Asian countries enjoy bright prospects for win-win cooperation.Let us take forward our maritime cooperation with confidence and sincerity.And through building the Maritime Silk Road, we can deepen our mutual trust and work together to maintain peace and development in the region.我愿在此重申,21世纪海上丝绸之路侧重经济与人文合作,原则上不涉及争议问题。“一带一路”与中国“亲、诚、惠、容”的周边外交理念是一致的。21世纪海上丝路不是任何国家的地缘政治工具,而是所有国家的公共产品,不搞任何形式的垄断和强制,而是大家平等相待,商量着办事。
Let me reiterate here that as the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road focuses mainly on economic and people-to-people cooperation, it will not, in principle, involve iues of controversy.The “Belt and Road” initiative is consistent with the principles of China’s neighborhood diplomacy, namely, affinity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusivene.The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road is by no means a tool for any country to seek geopolitical advantages.Rather, it is a public good for all countries.It will tolerate no monopoly or coercion of whatever form.Rather, everyone is equally treated while busine is conducted through consultation.第二是对接。“一带一路”沿线国家国情各异,对海洋的开发保护水平也很不一样,套用一种理念、规划或合作模式不现实、不可取。21世纪海上丝路的创新点之一是强调对接。对接不是你接受我的规划,也不是我接受你的规则,而是在相互尊重的基础上,找出共同点与合作点,进而制订共同规划。
The second word is connectivity.Countries along the Belt and Road differ in national conditions and vary greatly in level of maritime development and protection.It is neither realistic nor advisable to measure them against the same set of ideas, plans and model of cooperation.One of the original features of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road is its much streed connectivity.It is not about one party accepting the plan made by another or one party following the rules set by another.It is instead an exercise of looking for common ground and areas of cooperation on the basis of mutual respect, leading to the formulation of a joint plan.对接包括多方面的内容。先说发展战略对接。例如,印尼佐科总统提出建设海洋强国和“海上高速公路”,这与21世纪海上丝绸之路倡议不谋而合,海洋合作正成为中国与印尼双边合作的新引擎。21世纪海上丝绸之路可以与东盟共同体发展蓝图对接。
Connectivity is needed in many areas.Take connectivity of development strategies for example.President Joko Widodo of Indonesia has talked about building a maritime power with a maritime highway.This is very much in line with the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiative.Maritime cooperation, therefore, is becoming a new engine for the bilateral cooperation between China and Indonesia.The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road can also be aligned with the blueprints for the ASEAN Community.再说项目和企业对接。不少亚欧国家正大力建设港口基础设施,发展航运业、渔业和渔产品加工业,规划临港产业园区、特区、保税区、自贸区,这方面的项目很多,也颇具市场前景。中国企业在这些领域既有经验也有实力,我们主张政府为企业牵线搭桥、保驾护航,帮助企业开展项目对接,优势互补,风险共担,收益共享。
Next, with respect to project and enterprise matching.Quite a few Asian and European countries are stepping up port and infrastructure development, expanding shipping, fishing and fish proceing industries and planning industrial parks, special zones, bonded areas and free trade zones near their ports.There are many such projects in the pipeline and with good market prospects.Chinese companies have both experience and capability in these fields.We suggest that our governments facilitate busine partnerships by helping our enterprises to match up their projects so that they can complement each other while sharing risks and gains.此外还有机制对接。本地区有不少关注海上合作的双、多边机制和平台,除了博鳌亚洲论坛外,还有例如中国—东盟“10+1”、亚太经合组织、联合国亚太经社会等机制。有必要加强各机制的沟通协调,促进资源整合和分工协作。
There is also a need for institutional connectivity.The region already abounds with bilateral and multilateral mechanisms and platforms on maritime cooperation.In addition to Boao Forum for Asia, we have ASEAN Plus China, APEC, ESCAP and so on.It is neceary to enhance communication and coordination among these mechanisms so as to improve integration of resources and collaboration on the basis of proper division of labor.第三是早期收获。沿线各国只有尽早分享到建设海上丝路的好处,才会更加积极地参与和投入。中国希望与沿线国家一道,尽快确定示范性项目,条件成熟一项就推进一项,争取早日开花结果。中国愿与有关国家相向而行,尽快签署共建海上丝路的政府间合作文件,启动编制合作规划,确定重点合作项目。
The third word is early harvest.Only when countries along the route reap the benefit from the development of the Maritime Silk Road at an early date will they become more enthusiastically involved.China hopes to work with countries along the route in identifying some demonstration projects, getting them started once conditions are ripe so that results can be gained at an early date.China is ready to work with ASEAN countries to conclude without delay an inter-governmental cooperation document on jointly building the Maritime Silk Road, and start to draw up cooperation plans and identify key cooperation projects.今年是中国—东盟海洋合作年。中国与东盟国家将在海洋经济、海上联通、科研环保、海上安全、海洋人文等领域开展务实合作,包括成立中国—东盟海洋合作中心,建设中国—东盟海上紧急救助热线,设立中国—东盟海洋学院等。今天,我们将在此举办海洋合作年启动仪式,为全年活动拉开序幕。我们希望,海上合作成为中国—东盟关系发展的新亮点、新动力,中国—东盟全方位海洋合作成为共建21世纪海上丝路的样板。
This year is the Year of China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation.China and ASEAN countries will carry out practical cooperation on marine economy, maritime connectivity, marine science research and environmental protection, safety and security, and cultural and people-to-people exchanges on the sea.We will open a China-ASEAN maritime cooperation center, set up a China-ASEAN maritime emergency helpline, and launch the China-ASEAN Ocean College.Today, we are gathered here to launch the Year of Maritime Cooperation and kick off the year’s events.We hope that maritime cooperation will become yet another new highlight and a new engine for the growing China-ASEAN relations and the all-dimensional maritime cooperation between China and ASEAN will become a model for the development of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.今天,习近平主席在博鳌亚洲论坛2015年年会上表示,“一带一路”建设秉持共商、共建、共享原则,是沿线国家的合唱,是看得见摸得着的实际举措,“一带一路”建设正在并将继续给地区国家带来实实在在的利益。我们期待更多朋友以各种方式参与21世纪海上丝路的建设。我衷心希望并坚信大家会抓住机遇,心往一处想,力往一处用,铸就21世纪海上丝绸之路的辉煌。
This morning, President Xi pointed out in his speech at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual conference 2015 that the “Belt and Road” initiative follows the principles of wide consultations, joint contribution and shared benefits.It will be a real chorus comprising all countries along the routes and represents real work that can be seen and felt.It is bringing and will continue to bring tangible benefits to countries in the region.We look forward to seeing more friends join in the building of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road in various ways.I sincerely hope and truly believe that all of us will seize this opportunity and work in concert towards the promising prospects of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.谢谢大家!
Thank you.
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