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【美国总统电台演讲】2013-07-13 WEEKLY ADDRESS: Strengthening our Economy by PaingBipartisan Immigration Reform

WASHINGTON, DC— In this week’s addre, President Obama said that two weeks ago, a largebipartisan majority in the Senate voted to pa commonsense immigration reform, which wouldadd a big boost to our economy, strengthen Social Security, and modernize our legal immigrationsystem to make it more consistent with our values.The President urges Congre to quickly takeaction to fix our broken immigration system and keep America strong for years to come.Remarks of President Barack Obama

Weekly Addre The White House July 13, 2013

Hi, everybody.Two weeks ago, a large bipartisan majority of Senators voted to pacommonsense, comprehensive immigration reform – taking an important step towards fixing ourbroken immigration system once and for all.This bill was a compromise, and neither side got everything they wanted.But it was largelyconsistent with the key principles of commonsense reform that most of us in both parties haverepeatedly laid out.If paed, the Senate’s plan would build on the historic gains we’ve made inborder security over the past four years with the most aggreive border security plan in ourhistory.It would offer a pathway to earned citizenship for the 11 million people who are in thiscountry illegally – a pathway that includes paying penalties, learning English, and going to the endof the line behind everyone trying to come here legally.And it would modernize our legalimmigration system to make it more consistent with our values.The Senate’s plan would also provide a big boost to our recovery.And on Wednesday, wereleased a report detailing exactly how big a boost that would be.The report is based on the findings of independent, nonpartisan economists and experts whoconcluded that, if the Senate’s plan becomes law, our economy will be 5% larger in two decadescompared to the status quo.That’s $1.4 trillion added to our economy just by fixing ourimmigration system.Here in America, we’ve always been a nation of immigrants.That’s what’s kept our workforcedynamic, our businees on the cutting edge, and our economy the strongest in the world.Butunder the current system, too many smart, hardworking immigrants are prevented fromcontributing to that succe.Immigration reform would make it easier for highly-skilled immigrants and those who study at ourcolleges and universities to start businees and create jobs right here in America.Foreigncompanies would be more likely to invest here.The demand for goods and services would go up– creating more jobs for American workers.Every worker and busine would be required to paytheir fair share in taxes, reducing our deficit by nearly $850 billion over the next two decades.Andsince a large portion of those taxes go towards retirement programs that millions of Americansdepend on, Social Security would actually get stronger over the long-term – adding two years tothe life of the program’s trust fund.That’s what immigration reform would mean for our economy – but only if we act.If we don’t doanything to fix our broken system, our workforce will continue to shrink as baby boomers retire.We won’t benefit from highly-skilled immigrants starting businees and creating jobs here.American workers will have to make due with lower wages and fewer protections.And withoutmore immigrants and businees paying their fair share in taxes, our deficit will be higher andprograms like Social Security will be under more strain.We’ve been debating this iue for more than a decade – ever since President Bush first proposedthe broad outlines of immigration reform – and I think he gave a very good speech this past weekexpreing his hope that a bipartisan, comprehensive bill can become law.If Democrats and Republicans – including President Bush and I – can agree on something, that’s apretty good place to start.Now the House needs to act so I can sign commonsense immigrationreform into law.And if you agree, tell your Representatives that now is the time.Call or email orpost on their Facebook walls and ask them to get this done.Because together, we can grow oureconomy and keep America strong for years to come.Thanks, and have a great weekend.


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