
2020-02-28 演讲稿 下载本文






Paage 1:Lewis Pugh 转变心态的珠峰游

This video is about Lewis Pugh acro Lake Imja of the Himalayas, a lake formed by the melting of the glaciers because of climate change.First he prepared himself the same way as he have always done, making himself as aggreive as poible, then he began his swimming.However, he failed.At last, Lewis Pugh’s team asked him that he needed to have a radical tactical shift.There is nothing more powerful than the made-up mind, then he swam acro the lake.From this video I learned two important leons.Something has worked in the past so well, doesn’t mean it’s going to work in the future.And similarly, before you do anything, you ask yourself what type of mindset do you require to succefully complete a task.Only in the right mindset to perfect to complete the task.What radical tactical shift can you take in your relationship to the environment, which will ensure that our children and our grandchildren live in a safe world and a secure world, and most importantly, in a suatainable world.This need our radical, tactical shift, and commit a hundred percent to doing it.Because very few things are impoible to achieve if we really put our whole minds to it.Paage 2:重释机器:机器人将全面进入我们的生活

This video Rodney Brooks was talking about robots being everywhere within the coming decades.And he looked out in the future, expreed how he saw robots invading our lives at multiple levels, over multiple timescales.However, as robots become more and more intelligent, at the same time, a lot of various problems followed.If we make these robots more and more human-like, will we accept them and will they need rights eventually? Will they want to take over the world? I think it doesn’t need to worry about.If you teach the robot emotions, they will end up seeming more lifelike.And no way are we going to face the “robots are people too” thing because they will be made in order to serve humans and not to live a human life.In addition, we manufacture intelligent robots in the future will be in accordance with our established friendly bots and exist in the world, as a result, he won't have the ambition and bad nature of human.Therefore, robots of the future is not going to take over our world, also won't affect our survival and the safety of life.


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ted 演讲

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