
2020-02-28 演讲稿 下载本文





1.date日期----220 years ago, the first American President Washington inaugurated举行就职典礼 on April 30 in New York City.However, from 1937 when President Roosevelt first re-election, the inauguration date was changed to January 20, the date has been used since then.220多年前,美国首任总统华盛顿于4月30日在纽约市就职。然而,从1937年罗斯福总统首次连任时起,就职日期改为1月20日,此后一直沿用。

2.Bible圣经---It was a tradition in American culture to swear oaths誓言 on a Bible.George Washington was the first president to place his hand on a Christian Bible when taking the oath of office.Bibles have been used since then.3.名言So help me God请上帝助我一臂之力------It is know to all that The words of the oath are in the Constitution--all except “so help me God.”That was added by tradition.Who began the tradition? It was said that Washington added it himself, and the next Presidents used it until today.在宪法规定的誓词之外,一些当选总统还各有创意。据说华盛顿自行加上了这句经典的请上帝助我一臂之力,并为接下来总统沿用至今。

4.Re-elected----So far,there are 37 President gave totally 54 inauguration addrees in American history。Some of them got re-elected for more than one times.For example, George Washington and George Bush they all got 2 re-elections.And Roosevelt got 4 re-elections because of the WWII.迄今,共有37位美国总统发表了54篇就职演说.其中有些人连任了多次。乔治华盛顿和乔治布什都连任了两次,而罗斯福由于二战的原因则连任了四次,长达十二年。

5.The shortest and the longest inaugural addre


George Washington gave the shortest inauguration addrees in American history--just one 135 words--during his second inauguration in1793.The longest inaugural addre on record was given by William Henry Harrison哈里森 in1841.He spoke for almost two hours on a cold and rainy day, without a hat or overcoat.He caught a cold, which became pneumonia.He died a month later.美国总统的演讲有长有短,最短的是华盛顿连任演说,仅135字。而最长的出自哈里森总统,历时一小时四十五分钟。不过他也为这个纪录付出极为高昂的代价。当日哈里森在暴风雪中滔滔不绝,不幸染上肺炎,上任仅一个月便与世长辞。此后,美国总统的就职演说开始避

免长篇大论,较重视词句是否精警动人。最后一部分是关于美国总统就职演讲中的金句。就是经典名言。经典名言----Some of the best-remembered words of presidents came from their inaugural addrees.美国总统演讲中产生了不少传世名言。公认的总统就职演说佳作,不出杰弗逊、林肯,威尔逊,罗斯福和肯尼迪(1961)的几篇讲稿。


Abraham Lincoln was always considered as one of the best inaugural speeches of all.林肯的就职演说一直被认为是最经典的。


林肯: It is true that you may fool all the people some of the time;

You can even fool some of the people all the time;but you can't fool all of the people all the time.林肯:你可以一时骗过所有的人,也可以在所有时间里骗过一些人,但不能在所有时间里骗过所有的人。


I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards.(America)



He said: ”Let me aert my firm belief that the only thing to fear is fear itself." 让我们牢牢记住,“我们唯一要害怕的东西就是害怕本身。” 不过美国总统就职演说公认的第一金句,应该是肯尼迪在1961年与苏联冷战之际所说的那句:

JOHN KENNEDY: “my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.“不要问国家可以为你们做什么,问问自己可以为国家做什么”。肯尼迪的这句惊世之言,堪称经典,因为当时是冷战时代,美国的民族信心处于低潮,许多史学家们都认为这是美国总统就职演说第一金句.他的另一句经典名言应该更符合当下人们的心理

------Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind.人类不结束战争,战争就会结束人类。


Nations do not mistrust each other because they are armed;they are armed because they mistrust each other.吉米?卡特:美国没有发明人权,其实,人权造就了美国。

America did not invent human rights.In a very real sense...human rights invented America.伍德罗?威尔逊:我宁愿在终将成功的事业中遭受失败,也不愿在必定失败的事业里享受成功!

I would rather lose in a cause that will some day win, than win in a cause

that will some day lose!




The most memorable speeches in America are all come from the mose unforgettable historic moment.It is not an accident.the civil warAbraham Lincoln has been murd......




美国总统奥巴马连任就职演讲2013.1.21Vice President Biden, Mr.Chief Justice, Members of the United States Congre, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens:拜登副......


历届美国总统就职演讲译文 乔治·华盛顿第一次就职演讲 纽约星期四,1789年4月30日 美国人民的实验参议院和众议院的同胞们: 在人生沉浮中,没有一件事能比本月14日收到根据你们......

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