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I, ?/??, the undersigned, hereby declare that this eay does not contain any material which has been accepted for the award of any other higher degree or graduate diploma in any tertiary institution and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this eay does not contain any material previously published or written by another person, except when due reference is made in the text of the eay.Signed:
Abstract in English….....................……………………………………………….........................1 Abstract in Chinese....................................................................................................2Ⅰ.Introduction…...................................................................................................................3 1.1 Research Background………………………………………………………………..…....3 1.2 Research Purpose………………………………………………………………..…….…..3 1.3 Research Significance………………………………...…………………………………...3 Ⅱ.Theoretical Frameworks……………………………………………………………………...4
2.1 The Definition of Phatic Communion…………………………………………………….4
2.2 The Origin of Phatic Communion…………………………………………………..…… 4 Ⅲ.Differences between Chinese and English Phatic Communion……………………….………5 3.1 Different Backgrounds of Different Phatic Communion between Chinese and Western Cultures…………..………………………………………………………………..………5 3.2 Chinese and Western Thinking in Different Ways on the Different Causes by the Traditional Greetings……….…………………………………………………………..…7 3.3 Different Communicative Habits due to Differences in Greetings between China and America……………………………………………………………………….……..…....8 Ⅳ.Conclusion......………………......…………………..........……………..………….....…..…10 Bibliography...................................................................................................................................11 Acknowledgements……………………………………………………………………….….......12
I 贵州师范学院毕业论文(设计)
In the 21st century, with the advance of human society and the progre of technology, the international communication between China and other countries has become more frequent than before.Owing to rapid development of information technology and globalization, people are not merely satisfied with knowing what happened in their own national political circle.Political speeches, especially English political speeches, as the major media to spread political thoughts and report political events, are capable of making people know more about international politics.Due to linguistic and cultural limitations, however, Chinese audiences or readers cannot understand political speeches in foreign language very well.Thus, the Chinese translation of English political speech is attached great significance.Under the current background of fast-paced lifestyle, the concisene and the generality of English political speeches allow readers to acquire more political information within the precious time.The appropriate translated version of English political speech will determine whether the original political speeches can draw readers’ attention or not.Therefore, the translation of English political speeches is becoming especially important..Keywords: English political speech;linguistic features;comparison between English political speeches and Chinese political speeches;translation strategies 贵州师范学院毕业论文(设计)
摘 要
Ⅰ.Introduction 1.1 Definitions of Political Speech Political speech is a crucial type of public speaking.It is specific for the manifestation of the standpoint and proposition in the field of domestic political affairs and diplomatic relationships.Namely, the speeches are made by politicians or delegates of some organizations or authorities who intend to convey some political propositions and viewpoints.The remarkable political speech like I have a dream, made by Martin Luther King.1.2 Characteristics of English Political Speech Generally speaking, there are totally three characteristics of political speech.It will be beneficial for us to comprehend political speech by mastering their characteristics.1.2.1 Political Topics
This type of speech refers to some vital politic iues which relate to nation, party, reform, peace and progre.Speakers should clearly expre their political inclination, declare their political opinions, and try every effort to control the general direction of historical development.1.2.2 Motivational Contents
This type of speech has certain politic purpose that makes audience acquaint with the administrative program or politic standpoints.Then, the speaker could gain the understanding and support of audiences, which is the most basic purpose of speech.Therefore, this type of speech has the feature of motivational contents and emotional persuasion.1.2.3 Precise Logics The inspiring political speech needs to demonstrate the unimpeachable logicality in the proce of raising, analyzing and solving the political problem.Only in the logical way can make the political speech more reasonable and acceptable to audiences.1.3 Functions and Use of Political Speech Firstly, politicians make a political speech to clarify their political ideas, policies as well as targets of their administration.Accordingly, they may gain the understanding and support of the voters and the populace.This kind of speech is usually conveyed to the public by media in political rallies, campaign sites on some special memorial days.Secondly, political speech must expre certain standpoints so that it could catch people’s attention and increase the relevant party’s support rate.Finally, delivering political speech can make politicians’ views come true, increase their political awarene as well.贵州师范学院毕业论文(设计)
Ⅱ.The linguistic Features of English Political Speech
2.1 Rhetoric Features of English Political Speech Rhetoric is originated from the fourth century B.C, and it just referred to oral presentation skills at that time, which people used to say ―argumentation‖.In Rhetoric, Aristotle ever defined rhetoric as a function of persuasion that could be found in any question(Roberts,1924:281-286).At the end of 17th century, Jone Locke, an English philosopher called rhetoric as ―oratory‖, which is a kind of art that can expre decency, grace and power(Huang, 1996:2).2.1.1 The Usage of Parallelism Parallelism is one rhetoric method that is the most useful linguistic form to achieve the purpose of emphasis.In other words, it is the most suitable rhetoric method for English political speech.This form may gather sentences or parts of speech such as nouns, adjectives and verbs.The usage of parallelism makes people feel more exciting through the strong sense of linguistic rhythm.What’s more, it also could make speech more concise and make sentence structures more balanced.For example, Marin Luther King used ―Now is the time to… ”four times in his speech to emphasize that it’s time for black people to wake up and conduct revolution, it’s time for American government to fulfill its promise, to abolish race segregation as well as to require equality and freedom.The paralleled sentences succefully enhance the momentum of language, stre things and create a strong sense of pictures.2.1.2 The Usage of Repetition Speakers use repetition with the purpose of emphasizing a certain meaning or highlighting a certain emotion, which could draw the readers’ or listeners’ attention by repeating key words and key concepts so that they could have a profound impreion.For example, you could see the repetition of the topic sentence in Hillary Clinton’s campaign speech.The usage of repetition could make the whole speech more cohesive and coherent.What’s more, it is useful for listeners to remember the aim of the rally, speak out our common people’s desires: everyone has the right of democracy, freedom and equality.2.1.3 The Usage of Alliteration The major rhetoric in phonological speech is alliteration and sound symbolism.Alliteration is the repetition of the same letter at the beginning of two or more words immediately succeeding each other, or at short intervals in order to strengthen the rhythm of 贵州师范学院毕业论文(设计)
speech.In fact, delivering a speech is equal to saying something, thus it’s neceary to place emphasis on rhyme so that the speech could be catchy.It is rhyme that endows the whole speech with strong tempos, sonorous tones and inspirations.For example, ―we should not demean our democracy with the politics of distraction, denial and despair.‖ This sentence is addreed by AL Gore, the vice president of the US, there are five words with the same letter ―d‖.These alliterated words strengthen the rhyme, mood as well as connotation of the sentence, which form phonetical alignment.2.1.4 The Application of Simile In order to achieve common sense, English political speeches have to pay attention to the structure of sentences.There are a variety of sentence structures and figures of speech.Among them, simile and metaphor are often used in English political speeches, politicians often use them to make the speech more lively and understandable.Therefore, the speech will be accepted more easily.For example, in order to show his negative judgments toward racial segregation and discrimination, Martin Luther King use ―a bad check‖ and ―insufficient funds‖ to symbolize the delay of keeping a promise, ― a lonely island‖ and ―dark and desolate valley‖ to symbolize racial segregation and discrimination, ―sweltering summer‖ to symbolize the speaker’s diatisfaction and negative judgement of racial segregation and racial discrimination.On the other hand, the speaker compared racial justice to ―the sunlit path‖.He also compared equality to ―an invigorating autumn,‖ thus to show his strong longing for democracy, freedom and equality.To sum up, application of simile can connect abstract theories with concrete things that people are familiar with, and make common things become vivid and impreive to receivers.2.2 Religious Elements
There are many religious factors in English political speeches, which are foreign culture’s reflection in communication.Religion is an inseparable part of western culture.In their inauguration speeches, presidents often hope to make their speeches more attractive and persuasive with the help of God’s power.That is the reason why there are lots of religious elements in English political speeches.Barack Obama quoted directly from Bible many times in his inaugural speech to make his words more convincible.By arousing people’s sympathy with some religious beliefs, Obama’s speech may encourage people to gain confidence about the new government in the matter of tackling the crisis and reconstructing a bright future.For example, he says: ― We remain a young nation, but in the words of Scripture, the time has come 贵州师范学院毕业论文(设计)
to set aside childish things.The God-given promise that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happine.‖ 2.3 Sentence Structures
Different from dialogues, advertisements and news reports, the English political speeches have special requirements on the sentence structures.Rather than interrogative sentences, declarative sentences are often used in a political speech.Because a question will weaken the speech’s seriousne and firmne, thus making the whole speech le persuading.There are seldom interrogative sentences in Obama’s speech.Apart from declarative sentences, imperative sentences are also found in an English political speech.This kind of sentence structure is usually started by ― let us‖ whose function is to activate the listeners and to call on their actions according to the speaker’s will.For instance, ― Let us remember these timele words.With hope and virtue, let us brave once more the icy currents, and endure what storms may come,‖ which is selected from Clinton’s inaugural speech.Ⅲ.The comparison between English political speeches and Chinese political speeches
The claic examples of western governments’ political speeches are Lincoln’s Gettysburg Addre, Churchill’s Impromptu Speech in the United States for Christmas, Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream, Barack Obama’s Inaugural Addre and so on.Chinese political speeches’ models are Premier Chou Enlai’s Toast at the Banquet in Honor President Nixon, Deng Xiaoping’s Policy Speech, Premier Wen Jiabao’s Speech at Copenhagen Climate Conference and so on.Chinese and Western rational political speeches have some specific differences in context.At the same time, each of them strees on different aspects, which reflect on following two facets: On one hand, the first aspect is embodied in the speech content.Chinese speeches give priority to the ―meaning‖, while western speeches are accustomed to emphasizing on the ―scene‖.For instance, Chinese President Hu Jintao attended the 2008 Opening Ceremony of Boao Forum for Asia(BFA)Annual Conference and delivered a speech Adhere to Reform and Opening-up and Promote Win-win Cooperation.He first pointed out that ―Since the establishment of Boao Forum, it has played a significant part in promoting mutual 贵州师范学院毕业论文(设计)
understanding and friendship among the people of the world in Asia and advancing the communication and cooperation between Asian countries and busine community‖.(Hu, 2008)President Hu started his speech from the existing meaning of FBA, poeing the typical Chinese speech style.However, US President Barack Obama started his speech from the second sentence of the Inaugural Addre with the real scene ―It is the answer that told by the voters who stretches around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen, by people who waited three hours and four hours.This is the first time in life in vote for many of them, because they believed that time must be different, that their voices could make this time different as well‖.The inaugural addre has a typical western speech style.These two distinctive speech styles are characterized by national history, traditional government speech and other factors.―Meaning first‖ manifests the dignity of our Chinese nation, and ―scene(case)first‖ shows the charm of speech.Each has its own merits.On the other hand, the second aspect occurs in the orator’s personal style.Chinese political speeches are specialized in ―teaching within words, while western speeches lie in ―lively and realistic expreion‖.Chinese political speeches place value upon ―selflene‖,while western celebration speeches attach importance to ―individualism‖.Chinese political speeches tend to have the profound implication of summary, with a little government officials’ individual language.It’s hard to find the shadow of ―me‖.However, western politicians deliver a speech with the thought of ―I ‖ everytime and everywhere.‖
Affected by the deep–rooted traditional thoughts, Chinese politicians highlight the overall achievement and developing direction when they deliver speeches, rarely mention individuality.On the
with citizens’ individual scenes, life, opinion, attitudes, etc, striving to make the serious speech full of emotional or perceptual color.Ⅳ.Translation Methods of English Political Speech 4.1 Translation Introduction of English Political Speech English political speech translation is not only a conversation between two languages, but also a communication between cultures.4.2 Translation Standard of English Political Speech 贵州师范学院毕业论文(设计)
At first, there are great differences between Chinese and English.English emphases on hypotaxis and pays more attention to the completene of grammatical form, logical form and rigorous sentence structures.Chinese lays emphasis on parataxis and hightlights the symmetry of vocabulary and sentence pattern.Consequently, appropriate translation of English political speeches should cater to the expreion of target language as conveying information.At the same time, English political speeches should convey speaker’s paion and wisdom to infect the target readers and listeners and make them accept contents easily.Sometimes, it is difficult for target readers to understand when original speech contents are directly translated into target language.Under such circumstances, communicative translation method is recommended, which can be easier to accept for readers and increase the readability of target text through adding notes or paraphrases to original language.4.3 Translation Methods and Application of English Political Speech 4.3.1 Paraphrase
Paraphrase is one of the proper translation methods that could make target readers comprehend an English political speech more directly and explicitly, namely, translators could use target language to explain the meaning of original text.Paraphrase is a kind of explanation translation method.It needs to precisely translate the original words with cultural background information and reflect its connotative significance in the target language, so that target readers may understand the target text better.(1)Americans who sent a meage to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of red states and blue states.(Obama,2008)这些美国人像世界表明,我们从来都不仅仅是个体的集合,或是共和党与民主党的集合。
The ―red states‖ and ―blue States‖ refer to the number of vote distribution tendency of elections in the United States.The blue states represent the voters who tend to support the Democratic Party.While the red states represent the voters who support the Republican Party.Translating ―red‖ and ―blue‖ into the red color and the blue color directly is not easy for target readers to understand.Therefore, we translate then into the Republican Party and the Democratic Party by paraphrase method.(2)Let US remember that,if this financial crisis taught US anything,it’s that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers.(Obama,2008)贵州师范学院毕业论文(设计)
Here the original meaning of ―Main Street‖ refers to the avenue of American town, while it actually means the common people who believe in traditional American values.This example fully shows the usage of paraphrase in English political speech.4.3.2 Borrowing Borrowing is a translation method that the translated version should be in accordance with the foreign words’ morphological structure and word formation principle, namely, borrowing Chinese to elaborate words or expreions in original English text.For example, the translator may use Chinese four-character idioms and common sayings to translate original English language.You feel invisible when your medical insurance disappears and college is out of reach.
Translating ―disappear‖ and ―out of reach‖ into ―人间蒸发‖ and ―望而却步‖ can not only expre the original meaning, but also meet the expreion habit of target language.Borrowing four-character makes speech content clear and straightforward.(2)Yes,we must provide more ladders to succe for young men who fall into lives of crime and despair.(Obama, 2008:3)的确,对于那些误入歧途、陷于绝望的失足青年,我们必须提供更多的帮助使他们走向成功。
The ―fall into lives of crime‖ and ―despair‖ are translated into “误入歧途” and “陷入绝望” in this sentence.Since Chinese expreion and English statement are very similar in meaning, such translation method of borrowing makes the translation more authentic and achieves the effect of conveying information.4.3.3 Omiion Omiion refers to omit some conjunctions and prepositions to make translated versions sound smooth and succinct.First of all, English sentences connected by using conjunctions to expre the logical relationship between sentences, while Chinese can show connections between sentences without using conjunctions.Therefore, parataxis-prominent Chinese may 贵州师范学院毕业论文(设计)
omit the conjunctions as long as the meaning can be maintained obviously.Secondly, Chinese rarely use prepositions.Thus omiion of the prepositions can make the target text meet the expreion habit of Chinese.(1)This has always been your campaign and this is your victory,because your support has meant the difference between winning and losing.
―And‖ ―because‖ and ―between‖ can be omitted in this sentence, which makes the target text become natural rather than stiff and accord with the expreion habit of target language.(2)But I can aure you,as I have said on many occasions that no matter what happens,I will work for the nominee of the Democratic Party,because we must win in November.
Omitting the ―but‖, ―as‖ and ―because‖ is more suitable for the Chinese expreion.The sentence can also be more reasonable and coherent.4.3.4 Amplification Amplification means supplying relevant information in our translation on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original text.There can be further supplements of the hidden information so that the translation text could elaborate the original meaning.And it is that promise that forty five years ago today,brought Americans from every corner of this land to stand together on a Mall in Washington,before Lincoln’s Memorial,and hear a young preacher from Georgla speak of his dream.(Martin Luther King ,2007:5)
Here, ―a young preacher from Georgia‖ refers to Martin Luther King.He delivered the speech ―I Have a Dream” on the steps of the Lincon Memorial 45 years ago.Adding comments makes the translated text more complete and understandable.1)Tomorrow,I will attend a gathering of the United Nations Development Fund for Women.(Liu Zhirong, 2010:12)贵州师范学院毕业论文(设计)
Here, the United Nations Development Fund for Women should add ―妇女问题会议‖in translation, which could let the meaning of sentence more intact.Only in this way can fully expre the text’s original meaning.V.Conclusion After above analysis, the author will make a brief conclusion.Firstly, the thesis proposes a rough idea of linguistic features of English political speech.There are rhetoric features, religious features and sentence features in English political speech.Furthermore, by the differences and similarities of English political speeches and Chinese political speeches, we could use some translation methods such as interpretation, borrowing, omiion and amplification in order to convey and understand the English political speech better.The discuion about the E-C translation of English political speech is not complete.It is only my own stance and there are still some points in this thesis that need to be further proved.At the very start, the materials collected in this thesis are far from abundant.Besides, because of the limitation of energy and time, this thesis only gives a general view on English political speech translation and has not specific explanation for each translation method.In brief, since great efforts have been contributed to this thesis, the author expect that this diertation can catch more attention of researches and translators in this area.贵州师范学院毕业论文(设计)
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The completion of this eay would not have been poible without the encouragement, the guidance, and the support of many other people.First of all, I would extend my sincere and heartfelt thanks to my supervisor Profeor Yang Dingting who has given me valuable suggestions and insightful comments in the eay writing.She has also spent much time going through brainstorming with me, put my work on the right track, read in great details every draft of every section of this eay, and helped improve the appropriatene of English used.My gratitude to Mi Yang knows no bound.Special thanks also go to my family for their unfailing support and love throughout my university study.贵州师范学院毕业论文(设计)
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