
2020-02-29 演讲稿 下载本文



Full text: Li Keqiang's speech at the FAO headquarters


Chinese Premier Li Keqiang delivers a speech at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Rome on Oct.15, 2014.2014年10月15日,国务院总理李克强在位于罗马的联合国粮农组织总部发表题为《依托家庭经营推进农业现代化》的演讲。演讲全文如下:

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang delivered a speech at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Rome on Oct 15, 2014.Following is the full text of Li's speech:



中华人民共和国国务院总理 李克强


Promote Agricultural Modernization Through Family Farming Remarks by H.E.Li Keqiang Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China At the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Rome, 15 October 2014 尊敬的格拉齐亚诺总干事,女士们,先生们,朋友们:

Director-General José Graziano da Silva, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,很高兴在金秋时节来到联合国粮农组织总部,参加第34个世界粮食日系列活动。刚才,一进粮农组织大楼,我就看到一层大厅墙壁上多种语言镌刻的“Food for All”——人皆有食。这是粮农组织的神圣使命,也是世界各国的共同目标。长期以来,联合国粮农组织与世界


It gives me great pleasure to be here at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO)in this golden autumn season to attend the event for the 34th World Food Day.Upon arriving at the FAO building minutes ago, I saw the multi-lingual inscription – Food for All – in the hall of the first floor.Food for all represents the noble miion of the FAO as well as the common goal of all countries.Over the years, the FAO, the World Food Program(WFP)and the International Fund for Agricultural Development(IFAD), with a strong commitment to this goal, have helped the member states to develop agriculture in multiple forms, thus making outstanding contribution to feeding the billions of people in our world.Hereby, I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, great appreciation to the FAO and other institutions, and to all of you present and your colleagues for your unremitting efforts, and sincere respect for the remarkable achievements you have made.今年世界粮食日的主题是“家庭农业:供养世界,关爱地球”。我认为这个主题既立足现实,又着眼长远,勾画出了全球农业发展的美好愿景。依靠家庭农业解决吃饭问题,也符合中国的实际。2000多年前中国的先哲说过,“民以食为天”,这也是长久以来中国人所奉行的理念。大家都知道,中国人口多、人均耕地少,让十几亿人民吃饱饭,是我们最大的事情,也曾经是最大的难题。我年轻时在中国农村生活多年,亲身经历过吃不饱饭的艰难岁月。吃一顿饱饭可能很快就会忘记,但饥饿留下的印象永生难忘。30多年前中国实行改革开放,就是从农村改革开始的。我们通过改革实现了农业大发展,粮食产量由3亿多吨增加到6亿多吨,成功解决了人民的温饱问题。这里有一条最基本的经验,就是发展家庭农业。

The theme of this year's World Food Day is Family Farming: “Feeding the world, caring for the earth”.I think this theme is based on realities and focuses on the future as well, and it charts a bright future of global agricultural development.Ensuring adequate food supply for the people through family farming also suits China's realities.Over 2,000 years ago, China's philosophers said, food is the first neceity of the people, and this is also what the Chinese have always believed in.As is known to all, China has a huge population but low per-capita arable land availability.To feed the over one billion Chinese people is our top priority and was once the biggest challenge we had to face.When I was young, I lived in China's rural areas for some years, and personally experienced the hard time of not having enough food.A big meal that I had might be easily forgotten, but the feeling of hunger left me a lifelong impreion.In fact, China's reform and opening-up that began over 30 years ago was launched from rural areas.Since then, we have been able to achieve great agricultural development through reform and China's grain output has increased from over 300 million tons to over 600 million tons, succefully resolving the subsistence iue of the people.And a piece of most fundamental experience we got was to develop family farming.上世纪80年代初的农村改革,最主要的就是推行家庭承包经营制度。这项改革,把农户确立为农业经营的主体,赋予农民长期而有保障的土地使用权和经营自主权,几亿农民的生


In rural reforms that started in the early 1980s, the most important part was to promote the household contract system.Through this reform, rural households became the mainstay of farming and farmers were given long-term and guaranteed land use right and operational independence, thus rapidly unleashing the enthusiasm of hundreds of millions of farmers for production and giving scope to the capabilities of individual farmers.As a result, agricultural production made huge headway in just a few years.Building on that, hundreds of millions of people have been lifted out of poverty and the UN Millennium Development Goals have been reached ahead of schedule.In the recent decade, China has enjoyed continuous increase in grain output, with yet another bumper harvest to be expected this year.Without family farming, these achievements would not have been poible.30多年来,中国家庭农业能够不断焕发出新的活力,也与科技、政策等创新密不可分。我们建立了一整套农业科技推广体系,大面积推广优良品种、农业机械,推广设施农业。仅杂交水稻一项,每年就带来数千万吨的增产。我们大力鼓励农民合作社、专业农户、企业公司以及政府服务组织等,为农民提供农业机械作业、农产品加工流通等服务。每年都有数十万台农业机械像候鸟一样,在中国大地上往返迁徙。当小麦成熟的时候,大批联合收割机一路由南往北,追赶着季节,为农民提供小麦收割服务,既解决了农民家庭机械作业的难题,也提高了农业机械的使用效率。中国政府还不断增加农业投入,支持建设农业基础设施、改善生产条件,农田有效灌溉率已提高到50%以上,农业抗灾能力不断增强。

We also owe the constant new vigor in China's family farming over the past 30-plus years to innovation in science, technology and relevant policies.We have established a whole system for dieminating agricultural science and technology and extensively promoted quality varieties, agricultural machinery as well as controlled-environment agriculture.Hybrid rice alone has increased annual output by tens of millions of tons in China.We greatly encourage farmers' cooperatives, specialized farming households, businees and government service organizations to provide farmers with services in terms of agricultural machinery and the proceing and distribution of agricultural produce.Every year, hundreds of thousands of agricultural machines are taken to different parts of China to serve agricultural seasons, like birds that migrate back and forth with the seasons.When wheat ripens, an army of combined harvesters would advance from the south to the north of China, helping farmers with wheat harvesting.This not only provides much-needed agricultural machinery to rural households, but also helps raise efficiency in the use of farming machines.The Chinese government is still increasing input in agriculture to support agricultural infrastructure and improve production conditions.For instance, the effective irrigation rate of farmland in China has been raised to over 50% and China's agriculture is now more resilient to disasters.我们也清醒认识到,中国家庭农业的进一步发展,面临着规模过小的制约,平均每户只有半公顷的耕作面积。在解决温饱问题的时候,农民在自己承包的小块土地上精耕细作,但要更大规模提高农产品产量和质量,小规模经营就显示出其局限性。中国农业生产要再上


At the same time, however, we must be fully aware that the further development of China's family farming is still constrained by its small scale, as each household only has an arable land of about half a hectare.Farmers work on their contracted patches intensively so that they can feed themselves, but to further improve the output and quality of agricultural products, small-scale farming is inadequate.To take China's agricultural production to a new level, we must appropriately expand operational scale, enhance labor productivity and land output and follow the path of agricultural modernization.China is at the stage of accelerated urbanization.The forecast is that by 2020, about 200 million people will migrate from rural to urban areas in China's eastern, central and western regions, and this will create conditions for farmers to expand the scale of farming and will in turn bring them more real benefits and greater development space for agricultural modernization.中国是一个人口大国,国情复杂,在推进农业现代化的进程中,我们将坚持家庭经营在农业中的基础性地位,推进多种形式的农业经营方式创新。在严格保护农民土地权益、尊重农民意愿的基础上,鼓励有条件的农户流转土地经营权,鼓励农民联合与合作。这几年,中国家庭农场已增加到87万家,平均规模达到13公顷(200亩),农民专业合作社数量超过110万家,成为农业现代化的重要力量和发展方向。以家庭经营为基础,推进适度规模经营,发展现代农业,有利于更好地“供养中国”,也会对世界粮食安全作出贡献。

China is a big populous country with complex national conditions.In the proce of agricultural modernization, we will stick to the fundamental role of family farming in agriculture and continue to promote multi-form innovative ways of agricultural operation.On the basis of effectively protecting farmers' land rights and interests and respecting their will, we encourage farmers, as their conditions are ready, to transfer their land management right to others;we also encourage farmers' union and cooperation.In recent years, the number of Chinese household farms has increased to 870,000, with an average scale of 13 hectares(or 200 mu), and farmers' cooperatives, exceeding 1.1 million in number, have become an important force and development direction in agricultural modernization.To promote farm operation with an appropriate scale and develop modern agriculture on the basis of family farming will help better feed China, thus contributing to world food security.中国政府高度重视农业,始终坚持立足国内实现粮食基本自给。同时,也高度重视农业可持续发展。我们用低于世界平均水平的耕地和淡水资源,解决了世界近20%人口的吃饭问题,这本身体现了一种集约。但我们不满足于此,还要进一步促进农业高效集约发展。与此同时,加强生态保护与建设,实施好退耕还林、天然林保护、防沙治沙、水土保持、草原治理等工程,支持农民改良土壤、减少污染、大规模建设高标准农田。通过努力,促进农业资源的永续利用,既满足当代人需要,也为子孙后代留下良田沃土、碧水蓝天。保护中国生态,也是关爱地球、保护地球。

ensure basic self-supply of food by relying on domestic production.At the same time, the Chinese government also gives priority to sustainable agricultural development.We have managed to feed nearly 20% of the world's population with a share of arable land and fresh water resources lower than world average.That in itself is intensive operation.But that's not enough.We still need to further promote efficient and intensive agricultural development.At the same time, we will further enhance ecological protection and improvement and effectively implement such projects as returning farmland to forests, protecting natural forests, desertification prevention and control, water and land conservation and graland management.We will support farmers in their efforts to improve the soil, reduce pollution and develop high-standard farmland on a large scale.Such efforts will promote the sustainable use of agricultural resources, thus not only serving the need of the people in our time but also paing on fertile land, green water and blue sky to our future generations.In that sense, protecting China's ecology is also one way of caring for the earth and protecting our planet.女士们,先生们!


Ladies and Gentlemen,Food for all is, for mankind, the most fundamental right of survival, which serves as the basis for all other human rights.Great progre has been made in the global agricultural development.Yet hunger and poverty have remained a “silent crisis”.They are like the “Achilles heel”, deeply troubling all human beings.Over 800 million poor people in the world still face the threat of food shortages and malnutrition.To promote agricultural development and eradicate hunger and poverty remains a major challenge of the world and a common responsibility of mankind.The international community may join hands to enhance agricultural cooperation and pay greater attention to the calls of developing countries, in particular certain least developed countries(LDCs).Efforts should be made to curb trade protectionism and increase the technical and financial aistance to the agricultural sector of the LDCs so as to raise the global agricultural productivity and increase food security.中国与世界各国特别是发展中国家的农业合作发展很快。近些年,我们在亚洲、非洲、拉美、太平洋等地区近100个国家,建立了农业技术示范中心、农业技术实验站和推广站,先后派遣农业专家和技术人员3万余人次,同时帮助这些国家培养了一大批农业技术人员。我们这一代中国人经历过饥饿的痛苦,我们与仍处在饥饿状态的人们感同身受,我们希望看到饥饿和贫困在全球被消灭,我们愿意与各国分享农业技术、经验和农业发展模式。中国的杂交水稻良种已经使很多国家受益。这里我宣布,未来5年,中国政府将向联合国粮


China's agricultural cooperation with other countries, in particular developing countries, has been on the fast track.In recent years, we have set up agricultural technology demonstration centers, experimental stations and promotion stations in nearly 100 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Pacific.We have sent over 30,000 agricultural experts and technicians to these countries and helped them to train a large number of technicians of their own.The Chinese of my generation had suffered from hunger, so we share the feelings with people who are still suffering from hunger.We hope to see hunger and poverty eliminated in the whole world and we are willing to share with other countries agricultural technologies, experience and development models.In fact, China's improved hybrid rice strains have already benefited many countries.Here I wish to announce that the Chinese government will donate US$50 million to the FAO in the next five years for carrying out South-South cooperation on agriculture and will increase support to the WFP and the IFAD.女士们,先生们!


Ladies and Gentlemen, As the largest developing country, China will always be an active force for safeguarding world food security.Although China faces quite a few difficulties ahead in its agricultural development, we will continue to work tirelely to deliver on our commitment through actions.We will ensure adequate food supply mainly on our own.We are ready to work with countries around the world to create a world of sustainable development that is free from hunger and poverty.刚才总干事先生赠送我一本书,介绍他的国家提高粮食产量、减少饥饿的经验。我赠送给他一本反映大自然美好风光的画册。人们只有吃饱了饭,才有欣赏自然风光的心境,才有更高的精神追求。打牢粮食这个人类发展最重要的基础,人们的物质和精神生活才会更加美好,世界才会更加美好。谢谢各位!

The Director-General just now gave me a book about his country's experience in raising grain output and reducing hunger, and I returned him with an album of beautiful natural sceneries.I believe that only when people have had enough food in their stomach, will they be in the mood to enjoy the beauty of nature and pursue a life of higher cultural attainment.Only when we could ensure the production and supply of food as the most important foundation for human development, will the people enjoy better material and cultural life and the world become a better place for us to live in.Thank you.






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