
2020-02-29 演讲稿 下载本文


Andrea Jung:My Succe Benefits From Chinese

Tradition and Culture …

As I reflect on my rapid rise to the top as one of the few women running a major global corporation, I have found myself thinking a great deal about my Chinese heritage and how enormously fortunate I am to have been given this very precious gift.I was raised in a traditional Chinese family where achievement was not demanded, but expected.My father, born in Hong Kong, was a succeful architect.My mother, born in Shanghai, was the first female chemical engineer in her graduating cla at the University of Toronto in Canada.They arrived in America not speaking a word of English but through hard work, both were able to fulfill their full potential, and their succe has set a wonderful example for me.My parents were always, and continue to be today, the single biggest influence in my life.They raised my brother and I with a respect for the values and traditions of our Chinese heritage, yet also with an unwavering commitment to bring us up with all the opportunities for higher education and a desire to prepare us to adapt to American society and to succeed in this world of great change.My brother and I were given all the opportunities of our American friendsmy brother and I smile today when we reminisce on growing up in our house.We grew up believing that being Chinese was the greatest advantage in life;in our house, everything important in life came from China, was invented in China, owed all to the Chinese.We went on elementary school field trips to pulp plants, where they taught us how paper was made.Paper was invented in China, Mom said, after we relayed the proce in awe.Our favorite neighbors were Italian and invited us over for spaghetti.When we came home and raved, Dad would remind us that Marco Polo brought pasta home from China.Not Italian...Chinese...and so it went.And how wonderful they were to instill in us the sense of pride in our heritage that we have never forgotten.When I first became CEO, a famous American television journalist interviewed my dad and asked him if he always knew I would be succeful in busine.No, he said, quite to the contrary, he worried for years that raising me to be a respectful Chinese daughter would hinder my ability to compete in a world with what he considered the aggreive, cut throat traits of typical America CEO's.In fact, he paed on a letter to me that I keep, translated from Chinese to English, in my desk drawer.The letter reads: “Remember, there are distinctive qualities that set apart the succeful Chinese...strive to excel in all you do;be a superb parent willing to curtail your own pleasure for the sake of better nurturing your children;be generous, fair, tolerant, eager to learn from other cultures while sharing your own.But beyond these attributes, remember to have an absence of arrogance and boastfulne;have unfailing courtesy, forbearance, sensitivity of others' feelings and above all, the ability to diffuse your anger and grievance, not by suppreing them but by transforming them into helpful, positive emotions.In an age and environment of pretension, you have a precious Chinese cultural heritage which we are proud to pa down to you...” …

There are two final qualities of distinguished leadership that I want to share with you today.These may be the most important qualities of all and how lucky we are that both are a fundamental part of our Chinese culture-something we all learn from our parents virtually from the day we are born.First is Perseverance.…

it's so important to have a dream …

In many ways the dream of China is really the biggest dream of all--and it's a dream we all share.And we're not alone.The dream of China has captured the world's imagination since the beginning of history.From Columbus to Marco Polo, explorers have traveled long and far to unlock China's mystery and discover its riches.The dream of China is a gift given to each of us as part of our cultural heritage.As China emerges as one of the world's leading powers, this dream grows stronger and brighter every day.The world is looking on in awe.And nothing makes me prouder than to watch this growth and succe.Nothing makes me prouder than to know that this is my culture.Like all of you, I am very proud to be Chinese, and very grateful that I have been given the gift of this wonderful heritage.It is a gift that serves as a source of strength and as a guiding compa every single day in my life and in my career.…








“记住,成功的中国人具有和其他人不同的特质……所有事情都要努力做得最好;做一个愿意为培育子女放弃自己的快乐的杰出母亲;慷慨、公正、宽容、和人分享你的文化还要热情学习别人的文化。但除此之外,记住远离傲慢和自吹自擂;保持礼节、容忍、理解对别人的同情心,还有最重要的,要化解你的怒气和悲痛,不是压抑它们,而是把它们转变成有帮助的、正面的情感。在虚伪的年代和环境中,你有一个珍贵的中国文化传统,我们为能把它传递给你而骄傲……” ……













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