
2020-02-25 演讲稿 下载本文


English Learning Experience

Hello,everyone!I’m happy to be here, sharing my English experience with you.Before my speech I’d like to say: Around one-third of people speak English in this world.More than there-quarters of the E-mails and television programs are designed by English.And we, Chinese, may be forced to learn English in our childhood.We got much preure.Most of us have been frustrated about this annoying language for many years.When we get low grades, we are upset.But can we change the truth that English is the global language and 45 countries use it as their official language in the world? No, we can’t.We’ve got no choice but to accept it.If you ask me what’s the key to learn English well? Just practice, practice and practice.And the New Concept English books are good.Have you heard the story that: there’s a Chinese man who is in the Duke University in America.The first week, the profeor suspected him of plagiarism because his paage was the best.Then the man said:“ I can recite 108 articles in the New Concept English books.If you don’t believe me, just test me!” And he has not finished reciting two articles, the profeor began to cry.He has been teaching for 20 years, but he has never met so fantastic articles before and was defeated by a Chinese student.No matter it’s true or not, if you choose the books above, you’re absolutely right.Learning a language is just about imitation.We say the way they say, we think the way they think, and we do the way they do.Now we are always using our own styles to judge English.My cousin told me that: in his school, a boy patted the other on his back, then he turned round and yelled out loudly:“Animal, don’t touch my body!”That’s really the Chinese style.And the most importantly, I’d like to talk about interest.If you are interest in English, nothing will be the problem.You can use some small things to cultivate an interest, a hobby or a habit.For example, 2011, jobs died of cancer.With financial crisis, people use the saying“Today, we lose jobs and we lose Jobs.”to remember him and the financial disaster.Do you like Adam Lambert? He sang the OST for the movie 《2012》.And there are other singers, actors or actrees you may be interested in and want to learn more about them.At last, vocabulary is also important.Just memorize them that you’re interested in.then the paages will help you to memorize the other words too.In your leisure time, listen or watch something, whatever you like in English.Then if you have the courage to speak out, just do it, do not mind what others will think.That’s all I want to tell.Thanks very much!






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