
2020-02-27 主持词 下载本文



D: Good afternoon everyone, welcome to our English Garden.My name is Erick.Y:大家下午好,欢迎来到第七期英语花园,我是主持人媛媛。

D: First, let me introduce our foreign teacher coming today.They are````````

Y: 以及来自····的····,大家欢迎!

D: Now, here comes a question, have you found a girl for a life-long time, I mean have you found a girl to be your future wife?

Ok, if not, you can think about it and dream about how your wife looks like.Or how will your wedding ceremony be.Y: 相信在座的每一位男生都希望能娶到一位称心如意的妻子,而每位女生也都幻想着能够嫁给心目中的白马王子。今天,我们就来想象一下你们心目中的人生伴侣和你们的婚礼。D: So, our topic is going to be wedding ceremony in wonderland.Before our talk, I’ve heard a excited news·····OK, now I’d like to declare a very important event.That our charming teacher ````````have received a proposal!Congratulations to you!Let’s wish her a wonderful wedding ceremony and a happy life.Y:最近···老师接受了她男朋友的求婚,让我们向····老师致以衷心的祝福!


D: Congratulations!

Next, we’ll have a free talk.During our free talk, you may make a simple self-introduction to others and then share your opinion about what is love? And how do you think of naked marriage.Y: 同学们可以在这个自由交流环节中做个简单的自我介绍,然后,讨论一下什么是爱,你怎么看待时下流行的裸婚,或者和老师交流下中外婚姻上的差别。

D: Excuse me, I’m afraid we have to stop and step to next part.While before our next part, I’d like to ask someone to come to this stage and share something you talked with us.Anyone who want to come?

Y: 你们可以上来表达一下自己的爱,对象可以是自己的亲人、朋友或爱人。

D: Now, let’s have a short break and enjoy a National standard performance and a beautiful song.So, welcome!

Y: 谢谢你们精彩的表演,谢谢。下面的时间,同学们可以和外教一起大胆的想象一下自己心目中的婚礼是怎样的。

D: May it be a bright blue wedding in the Mediterranean.地中海的湛蓝色婚礼

Let’s begin!

D: Sorry to interrupt you.But it’s almost getting dark now , so we have to say goodbye to you.I really had a great joy with you all this afternoon.Y: 又和大家一起度过了一个愉快的下午。请同学们到工作人员那取一张VIP卡。下周三是我们本学期英语花园的闭幕式,希望大家到时能来参加,我们下周再见!

D: See you next week!


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