圣诞 英语短剧比赛 主持稿_圣诞晚会英语主持稿

2020-02-25 主持词 下载本文

圣诞 英语短剧比赛 主持稿由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“圣诞晚会英语主持稿”。


E2:Warmly welcome to the short English drama contest held by our 2011 experimental cla of excellent engineer education.中一:欢迎大家来到 “2011 级卓越工程师教育试点班举办的英语短剧比赛。我是来自。的。中二:我是来自。的。E1:我是来自。的。E2:我是来自。的。


(中间 中一中二穿插地介绍)(请把具体的嘉宾姓名职务(要注意循序,先介绍校级、然后是计算机、机电、电子、外国语。补充出来并分好工,如果到时候没来再做调整。

E1:Let’s give our warmest welcome again(顿)to the presence of the honorable leaders and the distinguished teachers!中一:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位领导老师们的到来。E2:How time flies!Do you still remember the past scorching and sweaty September? Maybe all of us haven’t been aware of the fact that the first term nearly comes to the end and left us a chain of beautiful memories.And our new clamates now became our good friends, our dear teacher became our dear mentors.Here please allow me to give our gratitude and best wishes to our respectable teachers on behalf of all the students.中二:还记得九月的烈日当空,九月的汗如雨下吗?不知不觉地,我们来到二工大的第一个学期已接近尾声了。在这一天天我们共同度过的美丽的日子里,我们彼此熟悉着、快乐地成长着。在此我谨代表全体试点班的同学们向关心我们的学校的各级领导,老师表示由衷的感谢。

E1: Although it is freezing cold outside, we feel so warm to get together inside to join in our first whole cla activity----our English drama contest.Today it is time for our dear teacher Ms.Yang who have been working so hard for all of us to check how much we have improved in English.Today it is also time for us students to show our confidence, talent and enthusiasm.中一:此时室外寒气袭人,室内却是暖意融融,因为我们欢聚一堂,迎来了我们11级工程试点班首次大型活动----英语短剧比赛。接下来将是默默为我们辛苦付出的杨老师检验她的英语教学成果的时刻;将是我们施展才华、释放个性的时刻;将是我们绽放自信秀我青春的时刻。E2:Ladies and gentlemen ,it’s our show time now.Let’s give a big hand to the first group’s performance, “The Phantom of the Opera”!

中二:让我们尽情期待同学们的表演吧。让我们掌声响起,请出我们第一组参赛同学表演《 剧院魅影》。1 一接二

E2:《Flirting Scholar》 is familiar to us.Yeah, next warmly welecome the second group and their exciting show.中二:周星驰的《唐伯虎点秋香》,相信大家再熟悉不过了。接下来粉墨登场的是第四小组,请欣赏他们别出心裁的演绎。二接三

E1:Our dear friends, what’s your impreion? Wonderful, isn’t it? Let’s thank them for their wonderful performance.中一:怎么样,精彩吧,那让我们再次感谢上一组同学带来的精彩表演。

E2: Chinese love stories are not always with a sad ending.Now let the third group to show us a different one,“Peacock Flies Southeast”.Let’s welcome them to the stage.中二:中国式爱情不只有梁山伯与祝英台,焦仲卿与刘兰芝的故事也被世人口口相传。接下来有请第二组同学带来的《孔雀东南飞》。三接四

E1:Generation gap is an ever-lasting iue.Next let’s welecome the fourth group’s drama “Jack and his grandpa” 中一:代沟是个永恒的话题。接下来就让第三小组的同学给我们诠释他们的答案,有请jack和他的爷爷 四接五

E1:Since we have enjoyed so much dramas, would you like to have a change and relax a bit? Ok, now, please clap your hands and welcome a talent, YuanJin to show us his B-box.中一:欣赏了这么多经典的剧目,大家是不是也想换换口味呢?那就用你们最热烈的掌声欢迎袁静 同学带来的 B-box 劲爆表演。E1: 五接六

E2: How amazing it is!Give him your applause again please.I think all of us need some soft music to calm down.let’s welecome GaoYiAng’ s to sing a song《 》


想必大家需要些轻柔的音乐才能平静下来。接下来有请 高易昂同学带来一首()六接七

E1: So beautiful voice, isn’t it? What do you expect next? All right,Let’s move back to our drama contest.please enjoy 《Offer a humble apology》, performed by the seventh group.中一: 人美歌甜,不是吗?接下来让我们继续回到我们的英语短剧比赛吧。欢迎第五组同学带来现在版的:《负荆请罪》


E2:”Maggie's gift” is a very touching story written by American writer O.Henry.let’s welcome the sixth group to perform.中二:《麦琪的礼物》是美国作家欧·亨利所写的一篇非常感人的小说。下面欢迎第六小组为我们再现那动人的一幕幕。


E1:You may know the story ,《three visits to the cottage》but you probably haven’t witneed the funny version.Next,let’ s welcome the seventh group to show us.中一:三顾茅庐的故事家喻户晓。搞笑版的大家就不一定见过了。下面就欢迎第七小组带来的现代版的《三顾茅庐》


E2:The story《Pilgrimage To the West》is our favourite.I have no idea how the eighth group will present it to us.Hope the last will be the best.let’s warmly welecome them.中二:《大话西游》是经典中的经典。不知道第八组同学压轴上演,会有什么精彩表现。让我们热烈欢迎他们。

十接十一 E1:While we wait for the final result.Let’s enjoy another program.Since Christmas Day is around the corner.Let’s enjoy the song 《Jingle Bell.中一:在我们等待最终的比赛结果时,不妨让我们轻松一下,再欣赏一个节目,好吗?既然圣诞节就要到了,接下来,让我们一起听听由三个班级的代表合唱的《Jingle Bell》,希望大家可以一起跟着唱起来。


E2: How can we celebate the Christmas Day without presents?

Let’s exchange our presents and bleings for the coming new year.中二: 圣诞节怎么能没有礼物呢?让我们一起来交换礼物,也交换我们彼此对来年的祝福吧~ 结束语

E1: Happy time is just like fireworks!I do believe the sparkle of the enjoyment today will be kept in our memory beautifully forever.中一:欢乐的时刻如绚丽的烟火,转眼即逝,但今日共度的时光将美好我们一生的记忆,永不褪色。

E2: Tonight is the end of the past, what we need to remember is the happine that we share together.E1: Tonight is the beginning of a new day, what we need to prepare is to embrace the new day with our paion.中二:让我们将欢声笑语珍藏,让我们将昨日和今天在回忆中分享。结束意味着新的开始,让我们用青春的臂弯拥抱更美好的明天。中一:中二:愿学校的领导们老师们在新的一年里身体健康,万事如意。愿同学们在新的一年里学业有成。

E1:E2: I wish all of you happy during the winter and throughout the coming New Year.中一:让我们再次用最热烈的掌声感谢所有表演的同学。

Let’s clap our hands again for those students who have offer us the feast of drama performance.中二:让我们真心地祝愿大家:圣诞快乐!

E1: Let’s give our best wishes.Marry Christmas!中一,中二::朋友们,今天的比赛到此结束,再次感谢各位老师和领导的光临。再见。

E1:E2: Dear teachers and friends , our contest succefully comes to the end.Thanks again for your coming.齐:Good bye!




英语短剧主持稿英语短剧主持稿,由管理资料网整理如下,为大家整理英语短剧活动的主持词,希望可以帮助大家。 英语短剧主持稿 女:尊敬的各位评委老师,男:亲爱的同学们,大家(合)晚上好!女......


Distinguished leaders,Respected teachersDear studentsGood eveningWelcome to our …….I’m WilliamI’m DeboraWith the holding of tonight’s party, please allow m......





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圣诞 英语短剧比赛 主持稿
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