
2020-02-27 教案模板 下载本文


PEP三年级下册Unit2 第四课时


1.能听、说、认读本课的新句子:Come on./Let’s watch TV./Who’s this„/How funny?



掌握funny的正确发音,了解Come on和Who’s this„的意思。




教师带一张照片,学生自带家庭照片若干张,磁带和投影仪,Mike, BaiLing, MiWhite, MrBlack的头饰,Come on/ Let’s watch TV/Who’s this„He’s/She’s my„/ How funny?句条和本课图片。


(一).Warm up/Revision

1.Let’s chant.(Part A)Let students stand up and chant together.2.Greetings.T:Good afternoon, boys and girls!Ss: Good afternoon, MiYan!

T: How are you today? Ss: Fine, thank you.T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.3.Daily talk.T: Boys and girls, look at the blackboard.Who’s that girl?

Ss: She’s BaiLing.T: Who’s that boy? Ss: He’s Mike.T: Who’s that woman? Ss: He’s Mi White.T: Who’s that man? Ss: He’s Mr Black.(二).Presentation

(1)教师指着一男一女学生说T: Boys and girls, look.This is my friend„.And this is my friend„(repeat)Who is your friend? Now, introduce your friend, please.(repeat)(about 5~8persons)

T: Well done!Now, show me your family photos.Introduce your family members like this(出示句条This is my„And this is my„贴到黑板上)`This is my„And this is my„’(about5~8persons)

(2)T: Great!Now, look at this photo.(教师出示自己的照片,指着自己说)This is Mi Yan.(教师指着Mi Wu)Look, who’s this woman? She’s my teacher Mi Wu.(repeat)Oh,„who’s this boy?(指着一个学生的家庭照)S⒈:He is my brother.T:Cool!T:Show me your photos.Let me see.„,who’s this girl?(教师指着另一学生的照片问)S⒉:She is my sister.T:Oh,really?T:Who’s this man?(教师指着第三个学生照片)S⒊:He’s my father/grandfather.T: Cool!T: Who’s this woman?(教师指着第四个学生)S⒋:She is my mother/grandmother.T:Cool!

(教师出示句条)Read after T: Who’s this„?He’s/She’s my„.T: Who’s this girl?She’s my friend BaiLing.(教师指着BaiLing回答,学生跟读)T: Who’s this boy?He’s my friend Mike.(教师指着Mike回答学生跟读)

Ss practice in pairs,then talk.(about 5 groups)

(3)T: Come on, boys and girls.Look, what’s this?(point the TV)Ss: TV.T:I like watching TV.(教师做按遥控器的动作,重复说一遍)Do you like watching TV?(教师做按遥控器的动作,重复说一遍)Ss: Yes.T: OK.Come on.Let’s watch TV.Now, read after me.Come, come.(教师出示句条Come on.)Ss: Come, come.T: On, on.Ss: On, on.T: Come on.Ss: Come on.(repeat)T: TV,TV, watch TV.(教师出示句条Let’s watch TV.)Ss: TV, TV, watch TV.T: Let’s watch TV.Ss: Let’s watch TV.T: Come on.Let’s watch TV.(教师做按遥控器动作)Ss: Come on.Let’s watch TV.(read after T for three times)

T: You can say‘Come on, MiYan.Let’s watch TV.Come on,„.Let’s watch TV.’Understand? Ss: Yes.T: OK.Let’s have a try.T get one S to say: Come on, MiYan.Let’s watch TV.T: Great!(T can get three persons to say ‘ Come on, MiYan.Let’s watch TV.’and T answer ‘Great!’)S⒈say ‘Come on,„.Let’s watch TV.’S⒉say‘Great!’ S⒉say Come on,„.Let’s watch TV.’then S⒊ say ‘Great!’(about a group)

T: Come on, boys and girls.Let’s watch TV.Ss: Great!

T: Come on, boys and girls.Let’s panit.Ss: Great!

(4)T: Come on, boys and girls.Let’s watch TV.Ss: Great!

T:OK.Let’s watch TV.(turn on TV)Look, who’s this boy?(教师指着小丑)He’s a clown.Look at the eyes, so small.Look at the mouth, so big.Look at the ears, so big.Wow, how funny!

T: Read after me.(出示句条Wow, how funny!)Funny, funny, how funny!Ss: Funny, funny,how funny!(three times)T:I say ‘Look at the clown’and you say ‘Wow, how funny!’OK? Ss: OK!T: Boys, look at the clown.Bs: Wow, how funny!T: Girls, look at the clown.Gs: Wow, how funny!T: Boys and girls, look at the clown.Ss: Wow ,how funny!


T: Boys and girls, open your books and turn to page 17.Look at your books and listen to the tape.(Listen to the tape for two times.)

T: Now, read after me.(Read after T for two times.)

Let’s talk: Boys to be Sarah, girls to be BaiLing.Girls to be Sarah, boys to be BaiLing.T to be BaiLing, Ss to be Sarah.(四)Practise

First,let Ss listen to the tape again.Then Ss practice in paris , finally,let Ss come to the blackboard to act.(3-5groups)


(1)Listen to the tape at home.(2)Talk with the clamate after cla.第五课时

教学内容:Part B Let’s learn and Let’s chant Part C Culture 教学目标:

知识目标:学习单词sister, brother要求学生能听、说、认读。

能力目标:复习巩固感叹词“Wow!”和学习句子“What a big fish!” 能有节奏地唱歌谣,复习巩固本课所学单词。

情感目标:对中西餐饮食习惯和chopsticks, fork, knife三个单词有初步的认识。

教学重点:能听说、认读单词sister, brother;能说感叹词“Wow!”和句子“What a big fish!”

教学难点:能听说、认读单词sister, brother;能说感叹词“Wow!”和句子“What a big fish!” 教具准备:挂图,照片 教学过程: 一.Warm-up.1.Sing the song “Father and Mother” 2.Everyday practice.3.Show a picture and ask: T: Do you know who he is ?Ask me please.Come on!Who can try? A: Who’s that man? T: Gue.A: Is he your dad/friend„? T: No, he’s my grandpa.二.Presentation 1.Listen and read: Part B Let’s talk Act it.2.Look at the photo: This is my family.Then lead out: This is my sister.This is my brother.Teaching the words:“sister” and“brother” 3.Ask and answer: T: Who’s that woman/girl/boy? A: She’s my mom/sister.He’s my brother.4.Teaching the sentence:“Wow!What a big fish!” 三.Practice 1.Read the words of family tree.2.Game: Let’s practice 3.Find out the right words and right photos 4.Let’s chant 四.Culture 五.Aement Activity book P11


教学内容:Part B Let’s say and let’s do Part C Let’s check.教学目标:

知识目标:能听、说、认读字母Hh, Ii及以该字母为首的单词。能力目标:能做TPR活动。完成Let’s check。

情感目标:了解西方人的用餐习惯,并能在情境中云吞用。教学重点:字母的教学,并在此基础上,巩固学过的单词。教学难点:字母教学,发挥想象,记住字型。教具准备:教学图片、卡片、四线格。教学过程: 一.Warm-up.1.Greeting: 2.Let’s chant: Part a 3.Game: Find the right word as quickly as you can 二.Presentation 1.Revision: review the word Aa-Gg 2.What’s the next? Oh!It’s Hh.Read the word some times..Notice: prononciation of “Hh” Teaching the “Ii” as Teaching “Hh” 3.Show the picture: T: What’s this? S: It’s a hamburger.T: Do you like it.S: Yes.(No)Leading out the word: hamburger Teaching “hot dog/ice-cream/ice”in the same way.4.Listen and read.三.Practice 1.Writing 2.Game 3.Let’s do 四.Let’s check 五.Aement Activity book P12


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