《牛津高中英语》模块一 Unit 1 教案_牛津模块三unit1教案

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《牛津高中英语》模块一 Unit 1 教案由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“牛津模块三unit1教案”。

《牛津高中英语》模块一 Unit 1

一、教学课型: 阅读理解课

二、教材分析 1.教材内容

见《牛津高中英语》模块一 Unit 1(Pages 2—3)2.教材处理

该篇文章主要介绍中国学生Wei Hua在英国为期一年的留学经历。通过她对英国中学生活的描述,学生对英国中学生的日常学习情况增加一定的了解。但由于内容较多以及中英文化方面的差异,在阅读过程中,对于刚进入高中学习的学生,他们中有些在完全理解课文方面有一定的困难。


① 知识目标: 通过该文的学习,帮助学生对英国中学作息时间、班级规模、所学科目、课程内容、学习负担等学校生活有具体的了解。

②能力目标: 通过寻找文章大意及具体细节问题的答案,培养学生快速归纳文章主旨和获取文章细节的阅读能力。

③ 文化目标: 通过对课文的学习、有助于学生对英国中学生活全面而深入的理解,体会中英两国之间由于国情、历史的不同所产生的文化教育的差异。4.教学的重点和难点

① 重点:对英国中学生活的具体了解和中英两国之间的文化教育的差异。

② 难点:如何培养学生运用略读(skimming)和寻读(scanning)阅读技巧来快速获取主旨大意和细节信息的能力。

三、教学设计 1.总体思路

本课的教学设计采用:阅读前(导入)、阅读中(略读,寻读,辨别正误,比较, 分组活动, 巩固)、阅读后(运用)三部分。2.教学过程 Step 1 Lead-in T: Now, Cla, we have learned English since the primary school, and we have known some British language, culture, history and some other British lives.But do you know what the British school life is really like? If you want to know the answer, please watch the following video.(设计说明: 由学生从小学以来的英语学习,自然过度到对对英语语言、文化、历史等方面的了解,进而提及到英国中学生活,激发学生对该话题的兴趣,为下文做很好的背景铺垫。)Show the students a short video, which mainly tells us about a public British school where we may know something about the British students’ study hours at school, their school activities, their subjects and their study goals.(设计说明: 通过这段录像使学生从视觉, 听觉等方面了解到英国中学生的日常作息时间、在校活动、所学科目以及学习目标,让学生多方面直观,感性地了解英国中学生活,为后面文章的学习提供很好的背景知识。)Step 2 Presentation T: From this the video, we have already gained some brief impreion about the British school life.If you want to get something more about it, let’s come to today’s paage.T: Today we are going to read a paage by Wei Hua, who once studied in the UK.She will give us some detailed information about the school life in the UK.(设计说明: 由录像内容自然导入课文, 环环相扣, 轻松入题。同时, 对文章的内容作简要介绍, 让学生对阅读内容有所了解。)Step 3 Reading(1)Skimming T: Now please skim the paage quickly and try to find the answers to the following questions.Hand up when you get them.(Show the questions on the screen.)1.What is the main idea of this paage?(Suggested answers: 1.It mainly tells us some specific information about what school life in the UK is really like and some differences between high schools in the UK and in China.)2.What are the key points you can conclude from each paragraph?(Suggested answers: Para 1: School hours;Para 2: Attending aembly;Para 3: Teachers and clamates;Para 4-6: Homework and subjects;Para 7: British food and her activities;Para 8: feeling and hope.)(设计说明: 通过让学生对文章的中心思想和段落关键词归纳,有意识地培养学生的略读策略, 有助于学生有的放矢地快速获取主要信息的阅读能力。)(2)Scanning Ask the Ss to go through the paage as quickly as poible and try to find answers to the three following questions.1.How long did Wei Hua stay in Britain? 2.What was the name of Wei Hua’s cla teacher? 3.What did Wei Hua make in her woodwork cla?(Answers: 1.For one year.2.Mr Heywood.3.A small table.)(设计说明: 该步骤旨在让学生带着问题通过快速寻读文章相关信息, 以此形成对Wei Hua留学英论的经历有一个初步了解。)(3)Detailed information T: Now please scan the paage to find some detailed information from each paragraph and then fill in the following form:

Para Main idea Detailed information 1

School hours a)Was she happy with the school life?(Yes.)b)School in Britain _____ around 9 am and _____ about 3:30 pm.(starts;ends)2

Attending aembly a)Who was the girl sitting next to her on the first day?(Diane.)b)The headmaster told them about _____ during aembly.(Rules, the best way to earn respect from the school.)3

Teachers and clamates a)Who was her favorite teacher?(Mi Burke.)b)Was it easy for her to remember all the students’ faces and names? Why?(No.Because they had to move to different clarooms for different claes.)4

Homework and subjects a)The homework was not heavy, but why was it a bit challenging for her at first?(Because all the homework was in English.)5 a)Why did her English improve a lot?(Because she used English every day and spent an hour each day reading English books in the library.)b)Did she enjoy cooking? How do you know?(Yes.She thought it was really fun as she learned how to buy, prepare and cook food.)6 a)Do students have to learn all the subjects even if they don’t like them?(No.)7

British food and her activities a)Why did she mi Chinese food a lot at lunchtime?(Because British food is very different, and British people eat lots of deerts after their main meal.)b)She usually played on the school field.Sometimes she played _____.Sometimes she _____.(football with the boys;relaxed under a tree or sat on the gra)8 Feeling and hope a)She felt _____ and hopes _____.(lucky, to be back and study there again.)

(设计说明: 通过用表格的形式对文章中重要信息加以呈现, 将略读和寻读、获取细节信息和深层理解相结合,并将读与写自然衔接起来,让学生系统,直观地掌握阅读材料中重点内容, 这要求学生认真分析课文,积极思考, 从而使他们对英国中学生活有进一步的理性认识。)(4)True or false T: Please read the paage again, and then decide the following sentences true or false according to the article.If it is false, please try to correct it.1.Wei Hua likes the school hours in the UK.2.Chinese schools encourage students to work hard.3.Wei Hua’s favorite teacher was Mi Burke.4.The average number of the students in each cla in Britain is over 30.5.British students have fixed claroom and clamates.6.British students can only study two languages: English and French.7.Wei Hua enjoyed British food.8.Wei Hua enjoyed playing football.9.Wei Hua is now back in Manchester again.(Suggested answers: 1.T 2.T 3.T 4.F The average number of the students in each cla in Britain is 29.5.F They move to different clarooms for different claes.6.F They have to study English, but they can drop French if they don’t like.They can choose Spanish or German.7.F She mied Chinese food a lot.8.T 9.F She hopes that someday she can go back and study in Manchester again.)(设计说明: 在学生基本理解文章的内容后, 通过对文章细节以正误选择题的形式加以呈现, 引导学生分析比较文章具体细节, 培养学生辨别是非正误细节的阅读理解能力。)(5)Consolidation Ask the students to read the paage carefully one more again to find the answers to the following questions.Through careful reading, students can get the further understanding about the text and consolidate what they have learned from skimming and scanning.1.Which of the following statements is Not Wrong according to the paage? A.She used to get up at 8 a.m.in China.B.What the headmaster told them sounded like what she used to hear in her school in China.C.She was such a good cook that she liked cooking British food.D.She didn’t like History or Art, so she chose Woodwork.2.What is the main idea of the paage? A.Her English improved a lot as she used English every day.B.School life in the UK is busy and bitter.C.She had a wonderful experience in a British school.D.She wanted to go back to China and enjoy Chinese food.3.Which of the following has the closest meaning to “I could e-mail my family and friends back home for free” ? A.I could e-mail my family and friends back home without paying money.B.I could e-mail my family and friends back home freely.C.I could e-mail my family and friends in my free time.D.I could be free to e-mail my family and friends back home.4.The writer’s purpose of writing the paage is to __________.A.tell us that she doesn’t like school life in Britain B.excite more students to study abroad C.improve her English D.introduce her exciting and happy life in Britain 5.She felt lucky because __________.A.she could get up an hour later than usual B.the headmaster told them to earn respect by working hard and achieving high grades C.she had been given a golden opportunity to study in Britain and met helpful and friendly teachers and students D.she improved her English(Suggested answers: 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C)(设计说明: 该环节问题的设置遵循了文章阅读的整体性和连贯性原则,要求学生不仅要读懂设置的题干问题,还要能够理解文章中有关内容及其内在联系,即不仅考查学生对阅读中语言形式的掌握,而且考查他们对语言知识的灵活运用。)Step 4 Group work Ask the students to hold a discuion about the following topic: What’s the similarity and difference between the schools in China and the UK?

Aspects In the UK In China similarity


After the discuion the teacher may ask two or three students from different groups to present their group’s opinions about the topic.The teacher should give them some help if neceary.(设计说明: 通过组织学生对中国和英国中学的异同进行比较讨论,从而进一步加深对英国中学生活差异的体会和感悟。这样,有助于提高学生对知识的理解水平和运用所学的内容解决问题的能力,既可以为教师教学提供反馈信息,又可以让学生之间的相互启迪,使他们在学习过程中学会学习。)Step 5 Reading strategy At first the teacher may ask the cla how they can get the main idea and detailed information from the paage.If neceary, the teacher may give the students some minutes to think about it or work together with their partner.After several minutes, the teacher may ask some of them to deliver their approaches to finding the main idea and detailed information from the paage.Then the teacher may draw a conclusion about the reading strategies of skimming and scanning by showing the following contents on the screen.Skimming: We skim a paage when we want to get a general idea of what it is about.We look at the titles and headings, the first and last sentences of paragraphs and the first and last paragraphs as well as pictures and charts to gue what the paage is about.Scanning: When we want to find certain information in a paage quickly, we scan the paage for key words and phrases, dates, numbers, etc.We do not need to read the whole paage word by word.(设计说明: 该步骤通过让学生对学习过程中所采用的无意识阅读策略加以思索、讨论和分析,然后,在老师的启发引导下,对阅读策略进行总结归纳,使学生对学习方法的掌握由无意学习发展到有意学习,从而使得学生进一步有效掌握阅读技巧和方法,不断提高阅读能力。Step 6 Discuion T: Nowadays, more and more young students are going abroad to study.What effects(影响)will the new school life have on them? Then the teacher may ask students to work in groups of four and have a discuion about what opinions they can offer.Each group should choose a representative to summarize the opinions of the group and then report them to the cla.When the representative exprees their views, they should give a clear and detailed description about what are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.If neceary, the teacher may show the cla the following points to help the students who are poor in English know how to do it.Advantages: 1.Widen their view;2.Improve their English;3.Learn to be independent and cooperate with others;4.Learn about foreign customs and culture;5.Let the foreigners learn about China and attract them to invest in China;6.Learn advanced technology;7.…

Disadvantages: 1.Cost a lot of money and become a heavy burden on their parents;2.Feel homesick;3.Form some bad habits;4.Stay in a foreign country and refuse to come back;5.…

(设计说明: 该步骤设计根据教学目标和学生的认知水平,通过比较留学国外的优缺点,使阅读学习通过讨论活动成为学生交流的动力,把知识的获取、规律的探索、分析解决问题的方法寓于讨论之中,真正把阅读学习作为自我探究、自我发现、主动实践和合作交流的载体,从而使得学生有效掌握阅读内容和阅读技巧。)Step 7 Summary and Aignment T: Today we’ve learned a text about Wei Hua’s experience in the UK.Meanwhile, we have learned the reading strategies: skimming and scanning.Master these and put them into use in future while reading.Through reading we know there are many differences both in the timetable and in the curriculum.Read the paage after cla and get familiar with these language points.After cla, please finish Parts D and E and have a further discuion with your partners about the topic in Part F.(设计说明: 通过课堂教学,教师完成了对学生阅读内容的输入过程,该环节设计旨在进一步巩固所学知识,促进学生形成有效的学习策略,提高自主学习能力,让学生学会思考问题、面对陌生的问题和领域寻找解决问题的答案和方法,把学生的目光引向广阔的知识海洋,最后能够对知识进行高效输出。)

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