U1L2 Reading (I) 教案_jigsawreading教案

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U1L2 Reading (I) 教案由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“jigsawreading教案”。

英语(九年级上册)Unit 1 Know yourself


通州金郊初中 曹群

I.Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the leon, students should be able to: 1.read the article about jobs and personalities;2.gue the meanings of the new words from the context;3.identify the main idea of each paragraph in the paage by skimming;4.describe the four people’s jobs and personalities by detailed reading;

II.Teaching contents 1.New words and phrases: born, impre, sculpture, praise, sales department, general, race, either

or, lead, take the lead, fall behind, challenge, chief, high-speed, connect, connect to/with, mi, as good as, attention, pay attention to, standard, pioneer, surgeon, carelene, extra, devote, respect, suitable, partner

2.New structures: Life is like a race.You either take the lead or fall behind.A mi is as good as a mile.As a doctor, you can’t be too careful.III.Focus of the leon and predicted area of difficulty 1.Read the paage in different ways;2.Describe four people’s jobs and personalities by detailed reading.IV.Teaching procedures Step 1 Warming-up Free talk

T: Today, we’ll meet some outstanding people.They like their jobs very much.Now show me your ideas, what kind of person are they?

【设计意图:引入名人图片,在自然交流中,激活学生头脑中关于人的个性的词汇,并由此渗透personalities 和jobs之间的关系,有效激发学生参与课堂的兴趣。】

Step 2 Pre-reading

1.Watch a video

T: Who is this man? Let’s watch a video first.T: You know him very well.He is the pioneer of Alibaba.He is devoting most of his time to it.He says, “If not now, when? If not me, who?” Any time he is ready to take on new challenges.He always works to high standards.Now he is one of the richest in China.So people often say he is a born busineman.【设计意图:马云对学生来说可谓非常熟悉,他也是很多学生的偶像,通过播放他的视频激活学生思维及认知,快速切入主题。在此基础上借助图片创设微型语境,以词块的形式呈现部分生词pioneer, challenges, devote … to, standard, born …,帮助学生扫除一定的阅读障碍。】 2.Prediction T: Look at these pictures from Sunshine Town.They are also outstanding in their fields.Would you please gue what their jobs are? 【设计意图:根据人物图片预测他们的职业,使学生产生阅读期待,激发学生了解文本内容的欲望。】

Step 3 While-reading 1.Skimming

T: Now please look through the text quickly and check if you have made the right prediction, also try to find what they think of their jobs.T: Yes, Wu Wei is an artist, Su Ning is a manager, Liu Tao is an engineer, and Fang Yuan is a doctor.What do they think of their jobs? T: Yeah, they are happy with their jobs.How can you get the information quickly? T: Great!Pay attention to the title and the pictures while reading.【设计意图:根据人物介绍类的文本特点让学生通过快读,验证自己的猜测,获取文章主要信息。让学生自我感悟并浏览标题和插图是获取文章主要信息的捷径。】 2.Scanning Paage 1:

(1)Read and answer T: Now let’s read Paage 1 more carefully and answer two questions:  What does Wu Wei’s best friend think of him?  What has won Wu Wei high praise from the art community? T: Yes, his best friend said, “He is a born artist.He’s quiet and doesn’t like to talk much, but his work shouts.” And his sculptures for Sunshine Town Square have won high praise from the art community.【设计意图:通过两个“wh-questions”来引导学生对第一段文本展开细读,培养学生获取细节信息的能力。】(2)Read and gue

T: Good job!Let’s do some gueing work.What does “his work shouts” mean here? T: Yes, that is to say his work is wonderful.Then what about “praise”? What does it mean? T: Excellent!How can we gue the meaning of new words? T: I agree.Circle some key words before and after the new word or the sentence.It’s poible to find its meaning.【设计意图:猜测文本中典型句子和生词的意思,师生共同总结解决方法,可以有效地培养学生猜词悟义的能力。】(3)Read and think

T: Wu Wei said, “I want to share the best art with people, so I’m always searching for something better or different.This in itself is great fun.” What can you infer from it? T: I love all your ideas.He is so creative and of course he is happy with his job.【设计意图:利用文本中的原话来解读人物,加深学生对人物的理解,同时半开放式的提问可以逐步提升学生的思考以及推理判断能力。】 Paage 2: Read and finish T: Find out some information about Su Ning’s past and present.five years ago

• was an __________ • only worked with ______ • made me _______

(accountant, numbers, unhappy)now • is a general manager • is active and _________ • love working with ________ • is ready to take on ________ any time

(energetic, people, challenges)【设计意图:让学生对比苏宁过去与现在的工作,使其对“要找适合自己性格的工作”有更深的理解。】 Paage 3: Read and practice T: Next let’s come close to Liu Hao.A question for you, in what aspects can we introduce A person? T: Yes, job and personality.Please read through paage 3 carefully and find out some specific information about Liu Hao.T: Now let’s finish the flow chart together.He is the chief engineer of the high-speed railway.He pays attention to every detail.He is serious, well organized and modest.He always works to

high standards.What’s more, he is easy to work with.In a word, he is happy with his job.【设计意图:通过引导学生说出介绍人物可以从哪几个方面入手并让学生阅读后填写流程图的方式,使学生掌握此类文本的结构。此环节同时也训练了学生利用指示词去寻找特定信息的扫读能力。】 Paage 4:

An interview between groups T: Read through Paage 4 and do an interview with Fang Yuan in pairs.Try to ask more questions and give detailed answers.The team which gets the most stars will be the winner.【设计意图:通过前面对三个人物的分析理解,学生已经储备了一定的提问能力,通过组际之间采访的方式加深学生对人物细节的理解。竞争性的活动能够提高学生的参与率。】 3.Further reading(1)Thinking T: What do the sentences mean? Choose the right Chinese meaning, and try to find out some supporting sentences. Life is like a race.You either take the lead or fall behind. A mi is as good as a mile. As a doctor, you can’t be too careful.【设计意图: 通过品读谚语帮助学生加深对人物个性特征的理解,仿写活动可开发学生的想象力,同时引导学生明白“不进则退”、“细节决定成败”等道理,达到既育智又育人的目的。】(2)Listen and circle T: Now I’ve collected many words about their personalities.Please circle them in your books and try to match the words with the four persons.T: OK, Wu Wei is quiet and creative.Su Ning is active and energetic.Liu Tao is serious, organized and modest.Fang Yuan is kind, patient and careful.Different people have different personalities, and they also have different jobs.Are the jobs suitable for them? Why? You may use the sentences in the text to support your ideas.【设计意图:抓住人物个性特征这条线索让学生再次回归全文,通过寻找对应人物个性的词来判断个性与职业之间的关系,为下面的活动环节作铺垫。】

Step 4 Post-reading 1.Listen and advise T: The four persons here are all happy with their present jobs, and the jobs are suitable for them.Now let’s listen to a short conversation from Cindy, Stone and Tiantian.Write down their future jobs.T: Stone would like to be an engineer, Cindy hopes to be an artist, and Tiantian prefers to be a manager.Would you please give them some advice so that their personalities can match the job requirements.【设计意图:选择综艺节目《爸爸去哪儿》中的三个人物,借用文本中的语言创设对话情境,让学生记录下三人的职业理想,并提出完善性格的建议,引导学生灵活运用所学语言并融入自己的思维,进行整体输出。进一步明确个性特征和工作之间的关系,从而学会选择自己的未来。】

2.Share and report T: It’s your turn to talk about yourselves.Think about what job you want to do in the future and if your personality matches the job requirements.You can share your ideas in groups, and then speak in front of the cla.T: I hope you all can have a bright future.In your daily life, you should form good personalities to get ready for the future job.I believe finally you can be the one that you want to be.【设计意图:由学习他人回归到学生自身信息,拓展性运用要求学生运用所学描述自己的性格与未来工作的设想。通过分享及展示,充分体现了英语的语用价值。最终教师寄语学生,升华文本主题。】

V.Homework 1.Search more articles about people who are outstanding in their fields and try to make notes.2.Finish your own article about jobs and personalities and read it to your friend.




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U1L2 Reading (I) 教案
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