
2020-02-27 教案模板 下载本文


Unit 1 What Is Electronic Commerce?

Teaching Objectives

---To know the ABC of EC

---To understand the definition of EC & EB

---To describe the framework of EC clearly

---To remember the claification of EC

---To predict the future of EC Time Allotment---1 hour Teaching Contents I.The definition of EC II.The definition of EB III.Framework of EC IV.Claification of EC V.The Future of EC Detailed Explanation What Is Electronic Commerce? EC is the proce of buying, selling, transferring, or exchanging products, services, and information via computer networks, including the Internet.EC can be defined from the following perspectives: 1.Communications.3.Busine proce.5.Learning.7.Community.What is Electronic Busine? A broader definition of EC, not just the buying and selling of goods and services, but also servicing customers, collaborating with busine partners, conducting e-learning, and conducting electronic transactions within an organization.A Framework for EC

2.Commercial(Trading).4.Service.6.Collaborative.Claification of EC Busine-to-Busine(B2B)All of the participants in busine-to-busine e-commerce are either busine or other organizations.Dell and Marks & Spencer’s.Busine-to-Consumer(B2C)Busine-to-consumer EC includes retail transactions of products or services to individual shoppers.Dell online or Amazon.com.Busine-to-Busine-Consumer(B2B2C)A busine provides some product or service to a client busine.The client busine maintains its own customers, who may be its own employees, to whom the product or service is provided without adding any value to it.For example: A company that pays AOL to provide its employees with Internet acce rather than having each employ pay an acce fee directly to AOL(American Online).Another example is wholesaler-to-retailer-to-consumer merchandising, such as airlines and travel units that provide travel services.Godiva sells chocolates directly to busine customers.Consumer-to-Busine(C2B)The consumer-to-busine category includes individuals who use the Internet to sell products or services to organizations and individuals who seek sellers to bid on products or services.Priceline.com.Consumer-to-Consumer(C2C)Consumers transact directly with other consumers.Examples include individuals selling residential property, cars, and so on in online claified ads.Peer-to-Peer Applications It can be used in C2C, B2B, and B2C.For example, in a C2C peer application, people can exchange music, videos, software, and other digitized good electronically.Mobile Commerce EC transactions and activities conducted in full or in part in a wirele environment are referred to as mobile commerce, or m-commerce.For example, Internet-enabled cell phones.Intra-Busine EC It includes all internal organizational activities that involve the exchange of goods, services, or information among various units and individuals in that organization.It is usually performed by intranets or corporate portals.Busine-to-Employees(B2E)It is a subset of the intra-busine category in which the organization delivers services, information, or products to individual employees, as Maybelline is doing.Collaborative Commerce When individuals or groups communicate or collaborate online, they may be engaged in collaborative commerce, or c-commerce.Nonbusine EC An increased number of nonbusine institutions such as academic institutions, nonprofit organizations, religious organizations, social organizations, and government agencies are using EC to reduce their expenses or to improve their general operations and customer service.E-Learning Training or formal education is provided online.Exchange-to-Exchange(E2E)An exchange describes a public electronic market with many buyers and sellers.E-Government

A government entity buys or provides goods, services, or information from or to busine(G2B)or from or to individual citizens(G2C).The Future of EC

Unit 2 How E-Commerce Works Commerce •Commerce is, quite simply, the exchange of goods and services, usually for money.The Elements of Commerce •a product or service •a place •a way to get people to come to ur place(marketing)•a way to accept orders •a way to accept money •a way to deliver teh product or service(fulfillment)•a way to accept returns •a way to honor warranty claims •customer service and support departments The Elements of EC •A product.•A place to sell the product---a Web Site.•A way to get people to come to ur Web Site.•A way to accept orders---online form.•A way to accept money---merchant account/traditional billing online or through the mail.•A fulfillment facility to ship products to customers.•A way to accept returns.•A way to handle warranty claims if neceary.•A way to provide customer service.A Good Example---Dell •one of the most succeful e-commerce companies •a straightforward company •started as a mail-order company •sell much merchandise over the Web The Lure of E-Commerce •Lower transaction costs.•Larger purchase per transaction.•Intergration into the busine cycle.•People can shop in different ways.•Larger catalogs.•Improved customer interations.Building an E-Commerce Site •Suppliers •Your price point •Customer relations •The back end: fulfillment, returns, customer service •Other desirable capabilities: gift-sending, affiliate programs, special discounts, repeat buyer programs and seasonal pr peridic sales.Implementing an E-Commerce Site •Enterprise computing

immensely high traffic

a large database that holds ur catalog of products

a complicated sales cycle

other busine procees •Virtual hosting services •Simplified e-commerce Thank you!


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