人教新课标必修1 unit 1 and unit 2 教参(新课标版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)

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Unit 1 Friendship

 教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands)

 教学建议(Suggested teaching notes)

 补充参考资料(Supplementary reference materials)

 Teaching guide for the Student's Book(学生用书教学指导)

 Teaching guide for the Workbook (练习册教学指导)

Unit 2 English around the world

 教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands)

 教学建议(Suggested teaching notes)

 补充参考资料(Supplementary reference materials)

 Teaching guide for the Student's Book(学生用书教学指导)

 Teaching guide for the Workbook(练习册教学指导)

Unit 3 Travel journal

 教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands)

 教学建议(Suggested teaching notes)

 补充参考资料(Supplementary reference materials)

 Teaching guide for the Student's Book(学生用书教学指导)

 Teaching guide for the Workbook (练习册教学指导)

Unit 4 Earthquakes

 教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands)

 教学建议(Suggested teaching notes)

 补充参考资料(Supplementary reference materials)

 Teaching guide for the Student's Book(学生用书教学指导)

 Teaching guide for the Workbook (练习册教学指导)

Unit 5 Nelson Mandela - a modern hero

 教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands)

 教学建议(Suggested teaching notes)

 补充参考资料(Supplementary reference materials)

 Teaching guide for the Student's Book(学生用书教学指导)

 Teaching guide for the Workbook(练习册教学指导)

Unit 1 Friendship


(Teaching aims and demands)

类别 课程标准要求掌握的项目

题 Friends and friendship; interpersonal relationships

汇 add point upset ignore calm concern loose cheat reason list share feeling Netherlands German series outdoors crazy nature purpose dare thunder entirely power according trust indoors suffer teenager advice questionnaire quiz situation editor communicate habit

add up calm down have got to be concerned about walk the dog go through hide away

set down a series of on purpose in order to face to face according to get along with

fall in love join in

能 1.态度(Attitudes)

Are you afraid that ...?

I've grown so crazy about ....

I didn't dare ....

2.同意和不同意(Agreement & disagreement)

I agree.I think so.Exactly.

 I don't agree.I don't think so.I'm afraid not.


That's correct.Of course not.

法 直接引语和间接引语(I):陈述句和疑问句


“I don't want to set down a series of facts in a diary,” said Anne.

→ Anne said that she didn't want to set down a series of facts in a diary.


He asked, “Are you leaving tonight?”

→ He asked us whether we were leaving that night.


“When did you go to bed last night?” Father said to Anne.

→ Father asked Anne when she went to bed the night before.


(Suggested teaching notes)



“热身”(Warming Up)部分以调查问卷的形式引导学生了解日常生活中朋友之间发生的真实问题以及解决这些问题的方法。


“阅读”(Reading)部分 ANNE'S BEST FRIEND以日记形式讲述了犹太女孩儿安妮的故事。二战中为躲避纳粹的迫害,她和家人不得不藏身于荷兰阿姆斯特丹的一个小阁楼里,不能与外界接触,周围又没有可以推心置腹、与之深谈的朋友。孤独之中她将日记作为朋友倾诉衷肠,在写日记的过程中寻求解决问题的办法。


“语言学习”(Learning about Language)部分教学本课重点词汇和重点语法项目。

“语言运用”(Using Language)部分的读两封信、听一段话、设计调查问卷、写信以及趣味写作,给学生提供了广阔空间去探讨友谊、友情,尤其是涉及到现实生活中被朋友误解、曲解,没有朋友的孤独寂寞等问题,既锻炼了学生的语言运用能力,又培养了学生发现问题、思考问题、解决问题的能力。

“小结”(Summing Up)部分引导学生从本单元的话题、词汇和语法等方面对所学内容进行总结 (参考教学目的和要求栏目)。

“学习建议”(Learning Tip)部分鼓励学生养成写日记的习惯。这样,一方面可以习得语言,另一方面还可以将日记作为自己的朋友表达感情与思想。







(一)关于友谊与朋友的讨论 一般人认为只有与人交朋友才算真正交朋友,本单元在读前阶段就提出问题,让学生思考是不是只有人与人之间才可以交朋友,然后在阅读中通过安妮的日记向学生说明我们也可以与动物及无生命的日记交朋友。在深刻理解、充分训练的基础上,可以再引导学生深入讨论几个与本单元话题有关的问题。例如:


示例:The teacher can ask students to describe one of their friends - their appearance, personality, hobbies, etc.

Sample description: I have a few good friends, but I think Miki is my best friend.We both read a lot and we're very interested in films.We spend a lot of time watching videos and talking about films and books.She works hard.She is very helpful.Whenever I am in trouble, she will help me out ....


Sample questions: Have you made any friends over the Internet? / Do you have any epals? Do you think it's a good idea? / Do you agree that we should make friends over the Internet? Give your reasons.

Sample answers with reasons: Yes, I think so. / No, I don't think so.I agree ... because we can meet all kinds of people over the Internet. / I don't agree ... because you never know what kind of people you may meet over the Internet.


示例:We all agree that to have a good friend, you need to be a good friend.

The teacher can write the statement on the blackboard and ask the students to have a group discussion.Ask them,”What do you think of this statement and how can you be a good friend?”

Students may have the following ideas and say,”That's right.(I agree.)If you want others to be kind to you, you should first be kind to them ....”OR“I don't think it is right.(I don't agree.)Sometimes if you are too kind to others, they may take advantage of you.


示例:The teacher may ask students to work in pairs or groups and list some qualities of a person they would like as a friend.

Students may list: honest, friendly, open-minded, generous, helpful, patient, good-tempered, trustworthy, careful, full of love, caring, responsible, interesting, brave, easygoing, outgoing, warm-hearted, kind, selfless, tolerant, intelligent ...


示例:The teacher can then ask the students to list some qualities of a person who would not make a good friend.

Students may list: selfish, tricky, dishonest, bad-tempered, mean, impatient, narrow-minded, noisy, lazy, gossipy ...


示例:The teacher can ask the students to work in pairs and discuss with each other,”What is / are the most important quality / qualities that a friend needs to have?”

Students may have a dialogue like this:

S1: I think what is important for me is that a friend is always around when I need him / her.If I feel sad or upset, he / she will comfort me.He / She won't leave me alone when I'm in trouble.He / She will help me.

S2: I agree, but I think a real friend should also tell you the truth.He / She should tell you what she really thinks about things.

S1: That's right.He / She should also be able to share with me what he / she has.For example, when I need some books or something like that, he / she lends them to me.


例如:1.S1: I don't agree with you.

S2: Wang Ping said he didn't agree with you.

2.S1: Is money very important between friends?

S2: Li Kai asked if (whether)money was very important between friends.

(二)口语训练 开展本单元“语言运用”中的 Speaking 这项活动时,教师可根据实际情况组织学生按要求进行小组讨论。下面提供的例子,仅供参考。

A: Now let us design a questionnaire to find out what kind of friend one is.

B: OK.First we must think of four questions and three possible answers to each question.

A: What about the first question? Have you got one in mind?

B: Suppose your friend has taken away your book by mistake.What would you do or say to him / her?

A: That's a good question.Let me put it down.“Your friend has ....”

B: Then how about the three possible answers?

A: Well, the answer I think shoule be“You will ask your friend to be more careful next time.”

B: I agree.The worst choice would be”You will get upset and won't talk to him / her any more.”

A: All right.One more choice.Listen, I've got one.“You will ask your friend to return it to you.”

B: That's quite natural.How many points shall we give each choice?

A: The total score is two.The best should score two and the worst zero.

B: The third will score one.Shall we go on to the next question?


(三)阅读训练 阅读课文摘自《安妮日记》,讲述了安妮把日记作为朋友倾诉自己内心感受的一段故事。二十世纪四十年代纳粹德国统治欧洲大部分地区,德国纳粹政策之一是对犹太人残酷迫害,包括杀害、送到集中营强迫劳动、驱逐出欧洲等。教师应该让学生了解这段德国法西斯残害犹太人的历史,使学生在感受外国历史文化的同时自然而然地习得语言。只有了解当时的历史背景,才能理解她当时的心境和为什么将日记视为自己的朋友,才能深刻理解安妮日记的内涵。在此基础上,教师可引导学生对该文章进行全面整体理解,也可以给学生设置情景,引发他们的思考。例如:“如果你是安妮,你会怎么做?”“如果你三天不许出门,呆在一个小阁楼上,你会做什么?” 这样可以使学生通过体验学习,感悟语境、实践语言,以达到强化学生语言意识,积累语言经验的目的。

在此基础上请学生做“理解” (Comprehending)练习,效果会更好。在进行了较全面、深入的探究之后,学生已经将课文里的大部分内容融会贯通,消化理解。这阶段要尽量挖掘学生的学习潜能。让学生做学习的主人,学会自己解决问题。在交互学习、合作学习中,解决他们在理解课文的过程中产生的问题。通过讨论,发现和猜测文中生词、短语的意思。一些词、短语、难句、语法问题可以通过讨论得到解决。剩余的难点或学生讨论时忽略的重点,教师要及时补充。教师不要急于讲解课文、单词、短语、难句、语法等,要注意给学生提供充分的思维时间和空间,使学生的学习潜能得以最大限度的挖掘。

(四)词汇教学 本单元的一些单词和短语要针对学生的不同需要、不同层次、不同情况给予不同的指导和训练。教师可适当培养学生根据语篇、语境猜词的能力。比如:I don't want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but ... 先问学生他们一般写日记写什么,多数情况下如何写?学生会提出许多种日记的写法,其中可能有“流水账”写法。学生自然会猜到set down a series of facts应该是“记流水账”的意思。再如cheat一词的学习,引导学生读原句 You are taking your end-of-term exam.Your friend, who doesn't work hard, asks you to help him / her cheat in the exam by looking at your paper.让学生考虑不用功的学生在考试中请别人“帮忙”,看别人的试卷是什么行为,那一定是“欺骗、作弊”。所以,使用新教材教学生单词,一定要改变过去那种教师照字典讲讲讲,学生在课堂上记记记的做法。因为语言学习不只是传授性的,而且具有体验实践性,要引导学生自学、自做、自助、自悟,即指导学生形成自主学习意识,掌握合适的学习策略;激发学生的学习热情,让学生学会自己动手,收集信息、处理信息,用所学语言去实践。通过自学、自做解决问题,同时帮助其他同学解决问题,使学生在运用语言的过程中感悟体验所学语言的规律,培养语言意识,积累语言经验,形成语言感觉,达到语言运用的目的。


(五)写的训练 本单元写作训练的设计十分有利于“任务型”教学。如:一位学生写给编辑的信,谈了自己没有朋友的烦恼,请编辑帮忙。这一训练要求学生以编辑的身份给这位学生写一封回信,并给出了一些写作指导和建议。我们可以看到,这个任务的设置既有真实语境支持,又有双向和交互特征。教师可以鼓励学生使用交际策略先用口语交谈,再写成文章。此处教师可根据学生情况安排一个任务。

例如:The teacher can ask students to work in pairs,”Imagine you are the student Xiaodong and your partner is the editor.Now you have a chance to talk to the‘editor'instead of writing to him.Make a dialogue with your partner.”

(六)语法教学 本单元的主要语法项目是陈述句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的直接引语和间接引语。学生用书和练习册中已有比较充分的练习。教师在教学中注意提醒学生不要死记硬背直接引语转换为间接引语的一些简单规则,而是要启发学生从实际出发,灵活掌握、运用规律。

例如:My friend says,”I will come here tomorrow.”如果用间接引语表示,有许多不同的表达方式。


My friend says she(he) will come here tomorrow.


My friend said she (he)would come here the next day.


My friend said she (he)will go there tomorrow.


My friend said she (he)would go there the next day.


He (She)said he (she)would go there the next day.




学生学完本单元后,通过练习册中的Checking yourself 进行自我评价,主要评价一下自己在本单元中的学习情况。对书中的内容是否感兴趣,有哪些收获,解决了什么问题,学习策略有什么改进,还有什么地方需要加强。同时,使学生加深对友谊、友情、朋友的理解,以及如何正确交友处友,对待友谊友情,处理朋友间发生的问题等。


自我评价 (1)最好用于期末:

Level - Senior 1 or 2

Time - 15-20 minutes

Materials - One copy of the questionnaire for each student



Number the following activities according to how much they helped you to learn English.(1 = most useful to you, 2 = useful to you, 3 = not useful to you)

Learning vocabulary lists by heart

Doing grammar exercises


Listening to people talking

Listening to tapes and answering questions

Listening to the radio or watching TV

Writing compositions or letters

Practising speaking with other people

Going to the language lab

Reading books or stories for pleasure □

Compare your answers with your partner and explain to each other why some activities are more useful to you.

自我评价 (2)主要用于本单元:

Read the following statements and then tick Yes or No to show your opinions upon friendship.

Yes No

1.Friendship is very important to me.□ □

2.I have a lot of friends.□ □

3.There can be true friendship between a schoolboy and a schoolgirl.□ □

4.I am very kind to my friends.□ □

5.I think everyone should have friends.□ □

6.Friends must have the same character.□ □

7.I keep a diary and think it is my close friend.□ □

8.When my friend is in trouble, I am always ready to help.□ □

9.I don't like to talk to others very much.I like to be alone.□ □

10.I keep a pet animal and treat it like a friend.□ □


1.Complete the sentences using the words below in their proper forms.

add point ignore reason dare

suffer advice communicate power

1)Can you explain the ________ behind the decision?

2)Jane, who grows up in a circus, is able to ________ with all the animals.

3)After the earthquake, people hardly ________ hope that their families were still alive.

4)I ________ from a bad headache after the operation.

5)I followed my teacher's ________ and bought an English-English dictionary.

6)Parts of the city had ________ cuts yesterday because of the big fire from the restaurant.

7)Please ________ your daughter's name to this list.

8)Air pollution is one of the problems that we can't afford to ________.

9)There are five important ________ in her speech.


1)reasons 2)communicate 3)dared(to)

4)suffered / was suffering 5)advice

6)power 7)add 8)ignore 9)points

2.Complete the short passage using suitable phrases you learned from this unit.When you finish, try working out a surprising ending of the story with a partner.

Paul and I are good friends.We always ________ each other.He can ________ in his head quite easily, but I have to ________ all the numbers on paper for calculations.Last week Paul took me to a newly opened small pub.I ________ it as soon as I stepped in.It was such a nice place with all kinds of lovely candles.While we were chatting happily together, someone came near at our table.He asked politely,”Can I ________ ?“...


get along (well)with; add up; set down; fell in love with; join in


(Supplementary reference materials)




1)to put together with something else so as to increase the number, size, importance, etc 增加,添加。

Please add something to what I've said, John.约翰,请对我说的话做点补充吧。

2)to join numbers, amount, etc so as to find the total 相加。

Add up these figures for me, please.请帮我把这些数字加起来。

add to something:to increase 增加。

What he did has added to our difficulties.他的所作所为增加了我们的困难。

add up to:to amount to 加起来等于;总计(达)。

The cost added up to 100 million yuan.费用总计达一亿元。



1)to act in a dishonest way in order to win 欺骗;作弊。

Any student caught cheating will have to leave the classroom.任何被发现作弊的学生将被赶出教室。

2)to take from (someone)in a dishonest way 骗;骗取。

They cheated the old woman (out)of her money by making her sign a document she didn't understand.他们让那老妇人在她不懂的文件上签字,骗了她的钱。


1)an act of cheating 作弊行为。

2)one who cheats 骗子。

3.go through

1)to examine carefully 仔细阅读或研究。

I went through the students?papers last night.昨晚我仔细阅读了学生的作业。

2)to experience 经历;遭受或忍受。

You really don't know what we went through while working on this project.你的确不知道我们搞这个项目吃了多少苦。

4.crazy (adj.)

1)mad, foolish 疯狂的,愚蠢的。

It's crazy to go out in such hot weather.在这么热的天出门,真是愚蠢。

2)wildly excited; very interested 狂热的,着迷的。

She is crazy about dancing.她对跳舞十分着迷。

5.lonely (v.): unhappy because of being alone or without friends 孤独的,寂寞的。

He has been very lonely since his wife left him.妻子走后,他十分孤独。

lonely 与alone 的区别

alone (adj.)

1)without any friends or separated from others 单独的。

She lives alone.她独自一人生活。


The gloves alone cost $ 80.光是手套就花了80美元。

3)leave / let sb or sth alone:not take, touch or interfere with sb or sth 不带走;不触摸;不干涉某人或某事。

Leave that alone.It's mine.不要动,那是我的东西。

She has asked to be left alone.她要求不要打扰她。

6.be concerned about / for:be worried about 担心。

We're all concerned about her safety.我们都为她的安全担忧。


1.Your friend comes to school very upset.你的朋友来上学,心情非常不好。

1)upset (adj.): worried; annoyed 不安的;心烦意乱的。

2)upset (vt.): cause to worry, to be sad, to be angry, not to be calm, etc 使不安;使心烦意乱。

His cheating in the exam upset his teacher.他在考试中作弊,这使他的老师很生气。

2.Your friend, who doesn't work hard, asks you to help him / her cheat in the exam by looking at your paper.

这里的who doesn't work hard 是非限制性定语从句。整个句子可译成“你的朋友不用功。他要在考试中(偷)看你的试卷,(要你)帮他作弊。”

3.Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? 你是不是想有一位无话不谈能推心置腹的朋友呢?

whom you could tell everything to 是定语从句,修饰friend。

此处的 like 相当于such as。

He has learned some foreign languages, like (such as)French and German.他已学会了几门外语,如法语和德语。

4.I can well remember that ... 我记得非常清楚……

well n.井 adj.身体好 adv.好;非常 int.喔,噢,这个……

本课这句话中的well 是副词,意思是“非常、彻底、完全”(quite, much, thoroughly)。

George was well and truly drunk.乔治喝得烂醉。

I couldn't very well say no when there was no one else she could ask.她没有别人可以求助,我实在是无法拒绝她。

He finished the exam well within the time allowed.他在规定时间之前很早就做完了试卷。

5.... flowers could never have kept me spellbound.……鲜花从未令我心迷神往过。

spellbind (v.): to hold the complete attention of 吸引人,迷人;使入迷。

The children watched spellbound as the magician took rabbits from his hat.当魔术师从他的帽子里变出兔子时,孩子们都看得入了迷。

Teaching guide for the Student's Book(学生用书教学指导)


This unit looks at different kinds of friendship.Of course, the unit explores friendship between people but it gives particular attention to the friendship one can develop with oneself.In other words, it shows how a person can find comfort and support with an imaginary friend.In these readings from The Diary of Anne Frank, students will see how a lonely and frightened teenager copes with a very unusually stressful situation.She does this by confiding in Kitty, the name for her diary.She examines her problems and tries to find a way to deal with them.


Mr Frank Anne's father who once worked in a trade office

Mrs Frank Anne's mother who stayed at home to look after the family

Margot Anne's older sister who was very intelligent, studious, and quiet

Peter Son of another family who lived with the Franks in the attic


This is a true story.It took place in Amsterdam, Holland in the early 1940s after the German Nazis had occupied most of Europe.The Nazi Party ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945.One of their key policies was to kill all the Jews in Europe.If any persons known to be Jews were found, they would be sent to concentration camps farther east, mostly in Poland.Families were separated and transported in trains.For many days, they went without food, water, sanitation or fresh air.To avoid this terrible fate, some Jewish families went into hiding, often with the help of non-Jewish friends.This is what Anne's family did when Margot was told she must go to the railway station to be taken to a camp.Another Jewish family joined them in their hiding place in the attic of a house.It was very crowded there.Only three young people were there: Margot, Peter and, of course, Anne.Her diary shows that Anne felt she was the naughty one of the group since she was always being scolded.She felt she could not confide in Margot because her sister was always good.And she felt she could not confide in Peter because he was a boy.So she made a friend of her diary.Later, however, she did become closer to Peter and they took a liking to one another.Anne talks about their growing friendship in her diary.


SPECIAL NOTE: Many older houses in Amsterdam have more than one floor.The topmost floor is called an”attic? which is usually a place to store seldom-used things.Amsterdam is the capital of Holland, now more commonly called the Netherlands.The city lies near the sea and has many narrow man-made canals.The house where Anne's family hid was by a canal and bridge.Like most old houses in the city, it had two apartments on each floor: one set facing the canal and the other looking onto a garden.Anne's apartment faced the garden.Anne and her family hid there for over two years before they were discovered.They were taken to concentration camps in Poland where all of them died except Mr Frank.The house is now a museum for Anne.The primary school she attended in Amsterdam is now named after her.Every year she is remembered in a travelling exhibition that explains her life.



The purpose of this part of the unit is to introduce the topic to the students in an interesting way.To ”Warm up“ means to do a bit of preparation for a large learning task.In particular, the students should begin to think about the topic.

This section of this unit begins with a survey.A survey is a way of finding out what people think and feel about a particular subject.This survey examines whether the students are good friends.In doing so, it should make them consider what qualities and behaviour make a good friend.This survey only considers a view of friendship common to people of the same age.It should be noted that this is the first of many activities designed for self-reflection in this textbook.

The following are suggestions for introducing the topic of this unit:

1 Get the students to make a list of three qualities a good friend should have.

2 Have students get into groups of four to find out what qualities each has listed.

3 Have a member of each group report on what their lists have in common and list them on the board.

4 Ask the class whether or not they agree with all the qualities listed.

5 Now have students do the survey in the textbook.

6 Have students look again at the list to see whether it should be revised.

Explanation of each item:

Question 1

This question deals with how thoughtful you are towards others.How much do you value your friend? Is it enough to help him / her? Would you change the time of the day you go to the cinema to fit in with him / her? The scoring reflects your concern for others.So one point for A gets the lowest score because it is the most selfish response.B gets the highest score because it shows a concern for your friend as well as your wish to go to see a film.C gets a slightly lower score because although it shows you want to go with your friend (because you change the plan), you do not help your friend.

Question 2

This question is concerned with fairness.Is it fair for your friend to borrow something, break it and return it broken? A gets the lowest score because you are not giving your friend another chance to behave better this time.B gets a higher score because you let your friend borrow the camera again.This shows kindness and forgiveness for the trouble you had when it was returned broken.But you are not balancing his needs against your own.That is why C gets the highest score.You are showing your friend that you will trust him / her with the camera again but this time you are giving him / her rules in case it gets broken.

Question 3

This question deals with your concern for others.Should you make the troubles of your friend more important than your own responsibilities? A gets the lowest score because you would put anything else that needed to be done aside and concentrate only on your friend.This is not responsible.You have things that you need to do.Of course your friend is important but not more important than your responsibilities.B gets a higher score because it shows some concern for your friend and some understanding that you have important things to do too.But it does not show any real interest in his / her problem.C gets the highest score because it not only shows concern for your friend but a recognition that you have responsibilities too.

Question 4

This question is concerned with responsibilities to a friend.If you are asked to look after something and it is broken or harmed, what should you do? A provides the correct amount of responsibility to your friend.You recognize that it was your fault and will put it right and pay for the damage.So it gets the highest score.B provides some understanding that you are responsible.You put the situation right but you do not pay for the damage yourself.So it does not get the highest score.C gets the lowest score because you expect your friend to pay for your mistakes even though you were doing your friend a favour.

Question 5

This question is concerned with honesty.If you let your friend look at your paper or somebody else's paper, you are helping them to cheat.That is not honest, so answers A and C get no marks.But it takes courage to tell your friend that they should have studied and that they cannot look at your paper.That is also the honest answer.So you get 6 points for B, which is more than any

other in the quiz.


4-7 points: You are not a good friend.You either neglect your friend's needs or just do what he / she wants you to do.You should think about what a good friend needs to do.Think more about this.

8-12 points: You are a good friend but you sometimes let your friendship become too important, or you fail to show enough concern for your friend's needs and feelings.Try to strike a balance between your friend's needs and your own responsibilities.

13+ points: You are an excellent friend who recognizes that to be a good friend you need to balance your needs and your friend's needs.Well done!


The purpose of the pre-reading activity is to begin to focus students?attention on the main topic of the reading passage.It should not be regarded as an optional activity or as an activity to do after the reading.In other words, the pre-reading activity serves its own useful purpose.It prepares students to think critically about the topic and provides them with the opportunity to connect some aspect of the topic to their own lives.


The reading introduces the students to Anne Frank after she had been in her hiding place for over a year.The part of the diary entry presented here reveals Anne's longing for a normal life.She especially missed going outside and enjoying nature.

1 Teaching new words and structures

The purpose of this step for teaching reading is to find the words and phrases that students find most difficult and help them to understand.Some of the more difficult words and phrases you will be able to pick out yourself, but some which seem easy to you may cause problems for your students.One way of helping them learn new words is to ask them to study the text before the lesson and find out the meaning of any word they are unsure of.The advantage of this is that the students will come prepared with any problems they have.You can then deal with these problems in the lesson and this is a very efficient way of identifying any student's misunderstandings.A second way of helping them is to choose the words you think they will find difficult and pre-teach them before you begin the reading.This approach is very effective for helping students to concentrate on the ideas of a reading passage and not worry about the meaning of unfamiliar words.

2 Understanding ideas

This is the purpose of the reading and so it is important that the students learn to use all the clues in the text to help them understand the gist of what they are reading.So encourage them to look at the pictures and the heading and guess what the text might be about.Then ask the class to read the passage silently.Sometimes you can ask them a question to focus their reading.It depends on the passage.When dealing with the story of Anne and her diary:

1 Help students imagine what it might be like if they had to stay in their bedroom for a whole year.They could not leave it even to go to the WC or get a cup of tea.How would they feel?

2 Ask students if they are only allowed to have five things with you in the hiding place because there is very little room, what would they choose?

3 Ask students to guess why the windows had to stay closed.

4 Consider what Anne means by the word ”crazy.“ In this context, ”crazy“ has the informal meaning of ”enthusiastic“ but its formal meaning is ”mad.“ However, be sure to give the students the chance to explore the possible meanings for this word before explaining it to them (if necessary).

5 In the same way, ask the students to consider what ”spellbound“ means.In this context it means ”to concentrate with delight for some time.“

Alternatively, you could ask students to tell you what is the main idea for each paragraph.Make sure that they do it in one sentence.This is very useful because it is making them analyze what is important and what is not.It also makes them produce a concise answer.

3 Discussion of ideas

This is where the students should discuss the ideas put forward in the reading passage.They should think whether they agree or disagree with the writer.It does not matter whether they agree or disagree.What is important is that they have a reason for what they say.So encourage them to put forward their own ideas, either criticizing the text or using it as a support.Think about:

1 What you would do if your family were going to be killed just because they did something the Emperor did not like?

2 Where would you plan to hide?

3 How would you arrange to get food given to you every day?

4 What would you do to pass the time?

4 Discussion of style

This is where the students begin to use the text to help their own writing.So it is important to ask the students:

1 What do you think is the purpose of this passage? Why did Anne write it?

2 Do you think it is successful? Do you understand Anne's feelings?

3 What is Anne's tone? In other words, is the author angry, sad, happy or thrilled?

4 What is Anne's point of view? Do you agree with it? If so, why? If not, why not?

The last question you should ask is about the quality of the language.So ask students if there are any phrases or sentences that they feel explain a situation or problem, or describe a person or place particularly well.This is a part of the lesson that you can share with your students.There are no right or wrong answers.It is a time to enjoy the reading together.


These exercises are intended to encourage students to be active readers.In other words, they should read and work out the answers.Not all the information can be found in the reading but there are certain clues that students can use to provide an appropriate answer.In fact, the questions go beyond literal understanding to give students practice in making inferences.

Answer key for Exercise 1:

1 C 2 A 3 B 4 E 5 D

Answer key for Exercise 2:

1 B 2 C 3 D 4 A 5 C

Suggested answers to Exercise 3:

1 Students answers may vary but must include a reason.

2 You could describe Anne's feelings as sad and lonely.She realized what she was missing by going into hiding.


Discovering useful words and expressions

Answer key for Exercise 1:

1 trust 2 upset 3 loose

4 calm down 5 crazy 6 set down

7 go through 8 on purpose 9 face to face

10 according to

Answer key for Exercise 2:

1 upset 2 calm down 3 concerned about 4 trust

5 according to 6 crazy 7 go through

Answer key for Exercise 3:

1 concerned 2 purpose 3 entirely

4 outdoors 5 nature 6 thought

Answer key for Exercise 4:

1 ... you had to pay to get it repaired.

2 ... he / she will have to pay to get it repaired.

3 You will tell your friend that you've got to go to class.

4 ... but you have to go to class.

5 ... they had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis.

Discovering useful structures

Answer key for Exercise 2:

1 Anne said that she was going to hide from the Germans.

2 Anne said that she didn't know the address of her new home.

3 She said that she could not ask her father because it was not safe to know.

4 The girl said that she had to pack up her things very quickly.

5 Dad asked her why she chose her diary and old letters.

6 “Are you very hot with so many clothes on?”Mum asked her.

7 “What else have you got?”Margot asked her.

8 “When shall we go back home?”Anne asked her father.

9 “How can I see my friends?”Anne asked her sister.

10 “Why did you go to bed so late last night?”Mother asked Anne.


Reading, listening and writing

The purpose of this part of the unit is to provide the students with opportunities to practise the language in a variety of realistic communicative activities.Most of the activities in this section integrate (ie combine)at least two of the four skills - reading, listening, writing and speaking.Such activities encourage the students to use higher-order critical thinking skills (see Supplementary Teaching Resources).Furthermore, the students are challenged not only in the cognitive but also in the affective and psychomotor domains of learning (see A Glossary of Selected Teaching Terms).In the activity presented here, the students are given practice in writing a letter to the editor of a popular radio show.It helps the students to express feelings in a logical way.Just as importantly, it demonstrates how they can make a positive response to pressure from their classmates.



Dear Lisa,

There is nothing wrong with you and this boy being friends and studying together.And no matter what other students say, it is possible for a boy and a girl to be just good friends.Ending your friendship with this boy would be a stupid thing to do.Not only would you lose a good friend, but you would also lose someone who is helping you with your studies.

Teenagers like to gossip, and they often see something that doesn't exist.Perhaps they can't understand your friendship with this boy.But that's no reason to throw it away.You should feel sorry for those students who have never enjoyed such a friendship.My advice is to ignore your gossiping classmates.That way you will show them that you are more grown up than they are.


Wang Fei


Suggested answers to Exercise 2:

1 She says that there is nothing wrong in Lisa making friends with a boy and that it is possible for a boy and a girl to be just good friends.

2 She thinks that Lisa would lose a good friend who can help her with her studies.

3 She says that teenagers like to gossip and that perhaps they can't understand Lisa's friendship with the boy.

4 She asks Lisa to ignore her gossiping classmates.

Answer key for Exercise 3:

1 stupid 2 reason 3 grown


The purpose of this activity is to encourage independent thought and action in matters of immediate concern and interest to students.Writing their own survey gives them this chance.So it is important for each group to design its own questions.They may use the questionnaire in Warming Up as an example.

Sample dialogue:

A: Now let us design a questionnaire to find out what kind of friend one is.

B: OK.First we must think of four questions and three possible answers to each question.

C: What about the first question? Have you got one in mind?

D: Suppose your friend has taken away your book by mistake.What will you do or say to him / her?

C: That's a good question.Let me put it down.”Your friend has ... “

B: Then how about the three possible answers?

A: Well, the answer I think should be ”You will ask your friend to be more careful next time.“

D: I agree.The worst choice may be ”You will get upset and won't talk to him / her any more.“

A: All right.One more choice.Listen, I've got one.”You will ask your friend to return it to you.“

B: That's quite natural.How many points shall we give each possible answer?

D: The highest score is two.The best should score two and the worst zero.

B: The third will score one.Shall we go on to the next question?


Reading and writing

This activity enables students to express their feelings and to help others.In other words, it gives students a better understanding of how to deal with this common situation.This is as much a role play as a writing activity, so it is important for students to discuss their ideas first.In this way they can collect their ideas, sort them out and prepare to write.

Sample writing:

Dear Xiaodong,

Some people like talking with others, but some people are shy.If you fall into the second group, it can be hard to make friends.But you can change the situation.

What are you interested in? If you like basketball, for example, you could talk with some of your classmates who like basketball.The easiest way to start talking to people is to find something you have in common.

If you are standing beside a group of your classmates, join in their discussion if you know something about the subject they are discussing.But if you don't, you shouldn't feel afraid to say, for example,”That sounds interesting, what is it about??Once you start talking to one person, it will get easier to talk to others.

Find one person you have something in common with, and once you become friends with him, his friends will start talking to you too.

Good luck!



To ”Sum up“ is to let students think about what they believe they have and have not learned.It should encourage self-reflection and taking responsibility for one's own learning.Of course, it also serves as a self-review.

When you check to see if your students have made a good summary, see the Teaching aims and demands in this unit.


This section is intended to give students suggestions for further study on their own.It is hoped it will help students develop their learning strategies.

Teaching guide for the Workbook (练习册教学指导)


1 Read the incomplete passage to get prepared for the listening.

2 Listen to the passage and get the main idea.

3 Listen for the second time and fill in the gaps.

4 Check the answers in pairs.

5 Listen once again if necessary and check the answers with the whole class.



Do you keep a diary? Is there anybody or anything so special to you that you would like to write it down? You may say to yourself,”I will put this away for now, but later in my life I will read it again and think about what happened to me when I was young.?Why do you wish to do this? Because you don't want to forget it, whether it is good or bad.You are afraid that you will not be able to remember what really happened or how you felt about it at the time.Most important, perhaps, you hope to keep your memories of the person, place or thing, especially if it changed your life.

That is why some of us put our thoughts into a diary.A diary is very personal.It is usually filled with writing that you want to keep only for yourself.In other words, you don't wish to share what you have written with anyone else.So, in a diary the writer and the reader are the same person - you.Sure, you might decide to share your secret thoughts and feelings with your best friend, but you will not read everything to her or him.A diary is often only interesting to the person who keeps it.Now you may have a better understanding of why Anne thought her diary a good friend to her.


Answer key:

special; happened; were young; personal; feelings; why; thought


1 Listen to what Leslie Clark, the Canadian, has to say about her experiences with friendship in China.

2 Ask the students in small groups to discuss whether they agree or disagree with her.

3 Then have the students take sides: at least one of them will support Leslie's viewpoint, and the rest will not support it.Tell the students to think about why they agree or disagree with Leslie.



Leslie Clark, a Canadian from Vancouver, arrives in China to do some business in Luoyang, Henan Province.Her company sells buses.During her one-month stay she meets many Chinese people: officials, engineers, businessmen, store-owners, shop assistants, students, teachers, road workers and bus drivers.Most of these people try to make friends with her.A few of them invite her to dinners with delicious food and drink.They take her to visit interesting places and to a mountain in the countryside.She is given a comfortable room in the best hotel in town.Some people invite her to be their guest in their homes.Leslie is asked whether she thinks Chinese people are friendly.”Yes,“ she says without a moment's thought,”I think Chinese are very friendly.?Everyone who asks her says that they are glad to hear it.However, when she got on the plane to fly home, another Canadian asks her,”S o, did you make any friends in China??Leslie replies, ”Yes, I made some very good friends.But I'm really not sure about a few of the others, I think some of them just tried to be my friends for their own reasons.“


Sample dialogue:

A: I agree with Leslie.What she said is true.In China, people are very friendly.

B: I'm afraid I can't agree with you.Some people are, but sometimes they make friends to get a job or to get to know important people.I want to have friends to share my thoughts and feelings with.I want us to care for each other.Whenever you are in trouble, you don't feel worried if you have your friends.And your friends can get help from you too if they need it.Isn't that being a good friend?

C: Exactly.A friend in need is a friend indeed.You can not just think of yourself, you must think about your friend's needs, interests and feelings.

A: That's correct.But some people do try to use a friend- ship to help them make a lot of money.You need friends in business and Leslie is in business.So she has to expect that some people are being nice to her to get some advantage for themselves.

B: Yes, of course.But a true friend will last and stay friends for many years.Leslie will just have to see if the Chinese friends she made will stay friends for a long time.Then she will know true Chinese friendship.


Answer key for Exercise 1:

1 trust; concerned; calm down; in order to

2 share; thoughts; upsets; feelings

3 on purpose

4 crazy; share; cheats

5 has gone through

Answer key for Exercise 2:

1 They hid there for almost two years and never dared go out.

2 We tried to calm him down, but he kept shouting.

3 Don't laugh at him.Sometimes you are not able to do as well as he (does).

4 In the early 20th century, China went through too many wars.

5 The children haven't been outdoors (have been indoors)all day.Let them play outdoors for a while.

6 Please use the word to make a sentence according to the situation given.

7 This series of readers is very interesting.

8 The man saved the girl from the river and her mother was very grateful.

9 Mr Jones lives alone and often feels lonely.

10 We communicate with each other by Internet / through the Internet.


Suggested answers to Exercise 1:

Anne said that they went quickly upstairs and into the hiding place when they arrived at Prinsengracht.She said that they closed the door behind them and they were alone.She said (that)Margot had come faster on her bicycle and was already waiting for them.She said (that)all the rooms were full of boxes and they lay on the floor and the beds.She said (that)the little room was filled with bedclothes and they had to start clearing up at once, if they wished to sleep in comfortable beds that night.Anne said (that)her mother and Margot were not able to help.She said (that)they were tired and lay down on their beds, but her daddy and she, the two ”Helpers“ of the family, started at once.

Anne said (that)they unpacked the boxes, filled the cupboards and tidied the whole day, until they were extremely tired.She said they did sleep in clean beds that night.She said they hadn't had any warm food to eat all day, but they didn't care.Anne said (that)her mother and Margot were too tired and worried to eat, and her daddy and she were too busy.


As we all know, students sometimes have difficult relationships with their parents.Anne was no different.She loved her father but she did not always follow his advice.She felt that he did not always understand her and was trying to protect her too much.She also wondered whether he worried too much about what other people thought.Anne felt she should be able to make her own friends and take responsibility for her choices.This was the problem she had with Peter.Her father felt she was too young to have a boy for a close friend.Anne felt Peter was the only person in the attic that she could talk to about her feelings.This listening passage describes how Anne tries to deal with this issue and the result of this conflict.

Teaching Suggestions:

1 Before listening to the tape, discuss with the students whether they always do what their parents tell them.Are there situations where they disagree with their parents? For example, a student may prefer to relax after dinner before doing his homework.However, his parents want him to do it right away.Or, a student may have a friend whom his / her parents do not like.He / She may not want to end the friendship but the parents may insist on it.If time permits, discuss further with students the consequences of disobeying their parents.In particular, ask them what their parents would do and what attitude they would have towards their parents.

2 Now have students listen to the passage.

3 After listening, have students discuss in small groups what they think Anne's father will do.



On Saturday evening I asked Peter whether he thought I ought to tell Daddy about our friendship.When we'd discussed it a little, he decided that I should.I was glad, because it showed he was a good person.As soon as I got downstairs I went off with Daddy to get some water.While we were on the stairs I told him about Peter and my friendship.Daddy didn't reply right away and then he said,”I think you must be careful, Anne.We live so close together here.”On Sunday morning he called me and we talked about it again.“Anne, I have thought about what you said.I think you must not talk to him alone so often.This is a special situation.If you were outside like everyone else, you would see other boys and girls and you could do all kinds of other things.But here, you are a lot together and if you want to get away you can't.You see each other 24 hours a day - in fact all the time.? Then on Friday he showed he was not pleased with me.He had thought that after our talk on Sunday I would not go upstairs every evening.But I did not agree, so I continued to talk to Peter every evening.



SPECIAL NOTE: Anne, in fact, continued to see Peter but her father was quite upset.She wrote her father a letter to explain how she felt about Peter.Anne said that Peter was the only person she felt comfortable talking to about her feelings.In the letter, she also told her father that she felt her parents didn't show enough love for her and didn't trust her enough.Her father told her that it was the worst letter he had ever received in his life.She had been loved and cared for, Mr Frank insisted.Furthermore, he told Anne that they were only thinking of what was best for her.Anne felt ashamed and cried.Yet, Anne's father allowed her to continue to talk to Peter.In return, Anne assured her father that Peter and her would remain just good friends.


2 Answers will vary.This could be developed into a class discussion.

Suggested answers to Exercise 1:

What Anne's father thought What Anne thought

about being friends with Peter She should be careful to make friends with Peter. She wanted her father to be happy for her to have a friend.

about talking to him every night He was unhappy. She wanted to continue.

about following her father's ideas He thought Anne would agree to stop seeing Peter so often. She thought her father was wrong.

Suggested answers to Exercise 2:

1 Everyone needs a friend.Anne needs a good friend.

2 They can talk together happily and they are not doing anything wrong.

3 They are always with the family, so her father can watch over her.


Although, friendship is valued in all cultures, it is often expressed in different ways.This is especially true in Hawaii, which prides itself on making friends with strangers.The word for friendship is ”aloha,“ but the word carries many meanings, depending on the situation in which it is used.For example, it can also mean ”Goodbye.“ The idea is to let others know that whether they are coming or going, they are always welcome.So the word”a loha?has as much to do with ”friendliness“as friendship.

Hawaii is a unique place in many ways.The eight larger islands are farther away from the continents than any other islands in the Pacific Ocean.Yet they are home to rich cultural diversity.The first inhabitants were the Hawaiians, a people who sailed to these islands in wooden canoes centuries ago from another part of Polynesia.In the past 150 years, other peoples have come to live here from every East and Southeast Asian nation and most of the other islands in the Pacific Ocean.They have also come from North America and Western Europe.More importantly, Hawaii is a place where the East truly meets the West.The living and learning environment of these beautiful islands mixes the best of both worlds.This coming together of cultures happens in the schools, in business and in government.It also happens in families: most of the people are multi-racial, that is, from many races.No racial or ethnic group is a majority, either, which makes Hawaii the only state in the US with this special situation.To be Hawaiian nowadays is to be part of a new culture that is open to change.

Teaching Suggestions:

1 Before they read the passage, ask students if they can think of any place in the world where Chinese and Western cultures live side by side.Places they might mention include Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, the Philippines, San Francisco and Vancouver.Ask them to describe what they imagine life to be like in such a place.

2 Now have students read the passage.

3 After they read it, have students talk with a partner and consider how the Hawaiian idea of friendship could help different peoples to get along with one another.Besides friendship, you may want to have students think of another way to communicate better with people from other cultures.

Suggested answers to Exercise 1:

aloha to be with happiness / goodbye / our hearts singing together lokahi oneness with all people

kokua help ohana family

lei a circle of flowers worn around the neck

Suggested answers to Exercise 2:

1 Hawaiians say ”aloha“ to each other to show friend-ship.

2 They welcome people of all races, languages and cultures with ”lokahi“ which means ”oneness with all people“.

3 They give visitors a ”lei“ to make them feel at home.

4 It's because Hawaii is a place where many cultures live together peacefully and co-operate with each other.

5 They try to help each other so that all feel stronger.People are told that their actions should be as gentle as the wind blowing from the sea.

6 They solve the problems with understanding and treat all people as if they are part of the same family.

7 Students'answers will vary.


The purpose of this task is to provide students with communicative practice.The students are put into situations that involve moral choices and could happen to anyone.These situations do not have a clearly right or wrong choice.Rather, their importance lies in the ideas produced during the discussion.

Teaching Suggestions:

1 In pairs, have the students read the situations and choose one to discuss.

2 After each pair comes to an agreement, have them record their solution to the problem on a piece of paper and give it to you.

3 Put pairs that have different solutions to the same situation in groups of four.

4 Let them present their reasons to each other about what to do and try to come to an agreement about the best course of action.

5 Have a student from each group report their new solution to the class.

6 If time permits, ask the students to work in pairs and make a dialogue like the following.

Sample dialogue:

S1: Hello, Liu Ming.How are you? I have something to discuss with you.I feel very uncomfortable about this but I think we must talk about it.I have been offered a ticket to a concert of the”Backstreet Boys?

S2: Wow! That's wonderful! I know how much you like them and how much you have always wanted to go to one of their concerts.Is there any chance I might get a ticket too?

S1: I am so sorry.They are only staying here for one night and Shen Ming offered me one.There was only one, or of course I would have thought of you.

S2: When are they coming? Perhaps I can queue up with you to get their autographs?

S1: That's just what I wanted to say.The concert is on Saturday.

S2: Oh I see.You want to change our arrangement for the picnic.Well, as a matter of fact I cannot go either on Saturday.My cousin is coming over and we shall have to visit my aunt.

S1: So it all turned out for the best.Thank goodness!


The purpose of this task is to involve the students in a critical thinking process.The students are provided with a list of proverbs about friends and friendship.These may help them to better understand how differently people see friends.It also gives them a chance to express their own views on friends and friendship.Make sure the students understand the meaning of the proverbs before they start to write.

Sample writing:

I don't agree with all the proverbs about friends or friendship.I agree with the following ones:

1 The same man cannot be both friend and flatterer.

2 Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.

3 Friendship cannot stand always on one side.

I think a person can praise, blame, scold but shouldn't flatter his / her friend(s).A friend is a treasure to his / her friend(s).Friends should help each other and share their joys and sorrows-true friendship isn't one-sided.

I disagree with the following ones:

1 A friend in need is a friend indeed.

2 Friends are like wine; the older, the better.

3 With clothes the new are the best; with friends the old are the best.

In my opinion, a friend is a friend.There should be no such terms as true friend or false friend.I think a false friend cannot be a friend at all.I also think that a new friend is as good as an old one.A friend, new or old, is a friend.He / She is always devoted and helpful to his / her friend.


Friendship is such a popular topic that there are lots of stories, songs, poems and plays about it.After learning this unit, the students should be encouraged to collect as much material on this subject as they can from the library, media and the Internet.They may hold an English party, where they can put on performances, eg reciting poems, singing songs, telling stories, etc.This is a good way to increase the students?interest in learning English as well as enhance their understanding of friendship.


This part aims at encouraging students to make a self-assessment after they finish learning each unit.The questions in the Workbook may help them.They should check to see:

● what experience, skill and knowledge they have obtained;

● if their interest has increased or decreased;

● if they are using effective ways of learning;

● what problems they have and what solutions they have found, etc.

First get the students to think about these questions individually.Then they can discuss in groups sharing their experience.You can join in and give them advice and suggestions where necessary.




Anne Frank was born on June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany.At that time the Jewish community was a key part of the city's economic and cultural success.Her father, Otto Frank, was a respected businessman whose ancestors first came to the city centuries before.His family lived in a comfortable five-room flat and Anne was raised with loving concern and great care.In the spring of 1934, a year after Hitler rose to power, the family moved to Holland, whose people welcomed them.

After the German invasion of 1940, Anne was forced to leave her school, as were all known Jews.Almost right away, the Gestapo began to send thousands of Dutch resisters to slave labour camps in Germany.Then in February 1941 the Gestapo began to arrest Jews.It was at this moment that Otto Frank made plans to hide his family.

For the next 25 months the Franks and another family, the Van Daans, stayed on the top floor, curtains drawn so as not to attract unwanted attention.Sadly, a Dutch employee in the office told the Gestapo of the whereabouts of the families.Finally, they were arrested.They were in one of the last groups of Jews to be taken to the camps.Anne's mother got very ill at Auschwitz in Poland and stayed behind when Anne, her sister, and Mrs Van Daan were moved to Belsen, a smaller camp in Germany.Peter, who was in better health than the others, was forced into a long march from the camp where he disappeared.When Margot died in March, 1945, Anne probably lost her desire to live.She died just before her 16th birthday and less than a month before the surviving Jews were liberated by American, British, Canadian and Russian soldiers.


The building in Amsterdam where Anne Frank's family hid was not a set of apartments but a small business office with storage rooms.Therefore, people were not expected to come and go from it except during regular business hours.This expectation made it all the more difficult for the Franks to receive visitors.Thus it was that during the day the lower floors continued to serve as a place of business.After working hours, the Frank's Dutch friends brought them food, clothing, news from the outside world, and a bit of comfort.When the German Army conquered Holland in the spring of 1940, it soon sent its secret police, the Gestapo, into the peace-loving nation to search for Dutch Jews.Over the next four and a half years more than 100, 000 Dutch Jews were sent to concentration camps in eastern Germany and western Poland.The Frank family was among them.


The following passage is an excerpt, or part, of one of the longest and last entries in Anne Frank's diary.It can be used with both whole classes and individual students who show a keen interest in the unit topic.It is not necessary to provide additional background information to students before using this reading passage.


Saturday, 15 July, 1944

”For in its innermost depths youth is lonelier than old age." I read this saying in some book and I've always remembered it, and found it to be true.Is it true then that grownups have a more difficult time here than we do? No.I know it isn't.Older people have formed their opinions about everything, and don't waver before they act.It's twice as hard for us young ones to hold our ground, and maintain our opinions ...

Anyone who claims that the older ones have a more difficult time here certainly doesn't realize to what extent our problems weigh down on us, problems for which we are probably much too young, but which [are continuous], until, after a long time, we think we've found a solution, but the solution doesn't seem able to resist the facts which [put] it to nothing again.That's the difficulty in these times: ideals, dreams, and cher

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